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Poll: Which Top Priority? - Content (from 1.2 Onwards) or Server Merges/Transfers?


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Char Transfers for all / Server mergers are most relevant for me right now until I can play again with my L50 main... (then more content :))


Server population on the Aussie servers is good and from seeing how much better it is with 200 in RP alone along with the frequency of warzones etc I can see how bad it was back on the lowly populated EU server I started on. Its just unfair to those stuck and is detracting from their gaming experience.


My main L50 is still on EU servers as we are still waiting for character transfers to open up which I understand is still another month or more off. At the moment none of my friends remain on the EU server so my main has gone into hybernation.



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It's not going to be one or the other; you're talking about different teams here. One group of folks works on hardware resources, probably alongside a team that focuses on the software resources, while separate teams work on content. They're capable of working toward accomplishing distinct goals without negatively impacting the progress of each other.
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There are no polls in Star Wars.... just like there is no crying in baseball. :p


I trust Bioware to do what is best for the widest segments of their customer base.


No way to please everyone, even more so on the forums here.


Yea too bad they treat those who complain on forums as VOCAL MINORITY.

They will pull a "Mass Effect" on SW The Old Republic.

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More content and better experience brings more players, more players means server merges are not required and transfers are in less demand. Thus priority goes to content but features like character transfers are also important.

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For me personly ill choose 2 but for the future of Swtor i would choose 1.

After 1.2 they really should focus on server merging and character transfers.


There are to many servers that are light populaited and thats not ok.

Not all people want to reroll on a higher populaited server like i did.

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I vote for server transfer as a top prio. What's the point in new content if I can't play my main? (ex main now cuz it was sit on empty server or reroll). I love the idea of crosserver lfg tool/warzone, but it still won't solve ALL the problems (and it's not really announced yet anyway, not crosserver at least). I wish to be able to chose the server I want to go to. Everything else can wait.
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1 all the way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This game needs some excitement with merges !!!!!!!!!!!

This server table is the most ridiculous one i have ever seen.

943829482390 servers are light and 3 of them are heavy :S

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1. BIG TIME, if I can pay to speed up this process I would. I didn't pay a subscription to play a single player game.


I am currently the only guy in the imperial fleet. Can't ever get any Ops or even FP:HM going. If transfers don't come out within a week or two I will probably unsubscribe. Can someone give me a reason why they are needlessly stalling, or did they really think they are special and SWTOR is the only MMO that doesn't need transfers...

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I will go with 1. While my server is fine, I can understand that there is ton of players who are on servers with low population. As much as I would like to say content...that would be rather greedy of me. So server merges/transfers should take priority.
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I will go with 1. While my server is fine, I can understand that there is ton of players who are on servers with low population. As much as I would like to say content...that would be rather greedy of me. So server merges/transfers should take priority.


That's awesome, I'd like to thank you on behalf of people on servers like Master Zhar Lestin where we often cannot find a single person to play with--and our Republic guilds are dying quickly.

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That's awesome, I'd like to thank you on behalf of people on servers like Master Zhar Lestin where we often cannot find a single person to play with--and our Republic guilds are dying quickly.


Heh lets just say Ive been stuck on a low pop server before...not fun. Hopefully bioware recognizes the importance of healthy server populations and prepares for mergers/transfers. More people just need to see it this way. While on a populated server more content seems like a priority; however, the way I look at it is there is more people playing the game then just me, and there is more people playing the game then my server. Not saying all servers are low pop...but I think many servers are suffering from the same problem you have described.

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Mergers pls. I re-rolled with a group of friends on one of the higher population servers and the game is fun again, but I really want to play my lvl 50 that's on a dead server.


On the starting Jedi level planet on the my new server I had over 80 people playing, when I logged in on my lvl 50 main there was only 21 people on the Imperial Fleet during peek hours. Totally dead.

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1. Server xfers


I just rerolled a trooper on a high pop server. First thing I did was check the GTN, and to my amazement, everything was at least 30% cheaper due to supply. Empty servers have that small town feeling, and that small town everything costs more feeling too.

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