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Poll: Which Top Priority? - Content (from 1.2 Onwards) or Server Merges/Transfers?


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Quite simply put to make this as succinct as possible:


Low server populations will result in more people quitting the game than any other currently available variable. Server mergers, cross server warzones or some way of repopulating servers have to be the number 1, biggest priority for SWTOR at this time.




A personal story and one that no doubt alot of others will share:


I stand on the fleet and queue for a warzone. Warzones to me are currently my most favourite thing to do on SWTOR. I feel like I have a routine with warzones. I both enjoy it and see some benefits through better armour and ranking.


Unfortunately, I stand on the fleet and queue for a warzone for 30 minutes, so decide to browse the internet, occasionally flicking back to see if my time is ready. 40 minutes after queueing I enter a warzone. I see that our team has 5 players. The warzone starts and I realise the opposing team has 8 players. Needless to say, after some arguements from team players, with the word 'noob' occasionally being said, we lose the match and I re-queue. After the 3rd or 4th time that evening of the same senario, my browsing of the internet wins over SWTOR, I lose interest and turn the client off.


The above senario has now occured for well over a month - In those times I have started a few new characters, I have taken the odd break. I'm now getting bored of redoing quests on all the usual worlds. I would like to play warzones. Warzones are currently not working, due to the lack of population on my server.


I'm getting tired of continually losing warzones. Not due to lack of skill or team mate skill, but due to unequal starting numbers in a warzone.


How much longer will this go on for. I play online games to have fun and relax. I'm close to no longer having fun.


Something needs to change and fast.

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There is a lot of debate in the community about server population. Any insight on how you guys feel about the population distribution?


JO: We always take feedback from the community and from all kinds of different sources like our telemetry metrics, and take it very seriously. When we hear that from the community, we are listening. We have the plan to allow for character transfers in the future. The legacy system actually is another reason why character transfer is becoming more important. It is one of our biggest priorities right now; that and group finder are essentially are biggest priorities coming in the near future after Update 1.2.


Is there any discussion of merging servers or adding incentives to move players to low pop servers?

JO: No, we’re not going to. Merging servers is not something we are looking at. We have a very healthy game right now, so that is not something we are looking at in the near future. We're always going to look at ways to make sure a server is healthy. There are a whole bunch of different ways you can do that. We're discussing them. We want to make sure players feel like there are enough players on their server to play with.



Doesn't look as if merges will happen going by the comments from the Q&A session at Pax. I will update the results shortly.


JO: My server with 10 people on the fleet at 9 pm every night is not healthy you tard

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1 - Yes, Their top Priority should be on Server Merges / Transfers

2 - No, Their top Priority should be more content

3 - Don't really care about either option / I have another opinion


Lets see if we can get a Poll going. What do you think Bioware's top priority should be at the moment.. Content, Server Merges/Transfers or do you have another opinion?







Current Priority Poll Results


106 Votes - Mergers/Transfers


26 Vote - Content (from 1.2 Onwards)


25 Vote - Not Concerned / Other Suggestions / Game Polishing






(Ill try and keep it as up to date as possible)


*Edit* Re-Tabulated this from page 1 through to page 23 and read every single post. Poll is accurate as of 7th of April 12:24PM


Their top Priority should be on Server Merges / Transfers. I am on my third server, and it looks like I am about to have to move on to number four.

Edited by Tuscad
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Servers are dying and it's killing our guild. Thankfully 1.2 has renewed some people but I'm concerned with how many of them will stay. 1.2 gave us lots of quality of life fixes but really besides the new content which thankfully is difficult for us after clearing all other content on NM.


But as far as legacy goes the buffs are the best part and the only really useful part. Rocket Boots only useable wherever you could use a mount??? I mean what's the point? Except for low level chars but even then it's only marginally useful. Would have been nice to have it be out of combat and not in war zones. that way we can run through Flashpoints and areas of OPs faster.

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