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Love how people want to nerf Shadows now


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well people have been saying we are OP for a while before the 1.2 patch notes came out but after yeah it has gotten bad. Ill take whatever they throw at me. I have played this spec since early access and will not be stopping any time soon.
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I think the reason people think they are over powered is because playing a shadow takes a lot more skill then a lot of other classes. So most people who stink will not play that class. Hence they are better players. I have lvl 50 shadow infiltration, lvl 49 merc, lvl 20 Guardian and lvl 18 sage. I would say the shadow and the Guardian are the hardest to play. If I need some mindless fun I will play my BH. I am always #1 for damage with BH without breaking a sweat. I have to really concentrate to break be in the top 3 for my shadow. (and that is after downing 3 redbulls)
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I agree. Especially if you play infiltration/deception spec. If anything, those guys need a buff. Tank spec is good.. but overpowered?... I don't think so!


The bulk of the problem is the glaring difference between damage and tank spec. Infiltration Shadows melt under anything remotely resembling DPS. They do good damage, but Kinetic Shadows do plenty of damage as well. Burst isn't as high, but sustained is still more than exceptional. Kinetic Shadows live longer and have way more PvP utility. Pull + Guard = win. The Infiltration Shadow doesn't really get any added PvP utility at all, save for maybe Low Slash, which isn't exactly game changing.

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Yeah that just doesn't make sense they are the most underpowered class in the game. PVE tanks are ok... but pvp tanks and dps are really weak. I haven't played one yet but they are very easy to handle in pvp.


Darkness Sin (tank spec) is one of the most powerful, if not THE most powerful 1v1 class in the game. It's fighting for the king of the hill spot w/ Marauder.


People like to call nerfs to classes that can beat them 1v1, even though this game's PvP is about group play and objectives, not 1v1.


It probably doesn't help that a Deception Sin also brings incredible burst damage, and after getting killed by one of these guys, a player might try to fight another Sin who is Darkness and just won't die. It's easy to misconstrue them as the same spec if you don't know any better.


This happens w/ a lot of classes, though.

Edited by Varicite
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I agree. Especially if you play infiltration/deception spec. If anything, those guys need a buff. Tank spec is good.. but overpowered?... I don't think so!


Tank spec seems -almost- OP in 1v1, especially since other tanks have no chance of defeating him, but a good DPS can kill them just fine as long as they don't have a healer.


DPS spec Shadows running their DPS techniques are squishy as hell and pretty much can't 1v1 any other DPS that's also attacking them back. I have far more trouble with Conceal Operatives than I do any kind of DPS Shadows/Sins. I would never call Sins and Shadows OP, because more often than not, they're nothing but free kills. As easy to kill as Sages, only without the bubbles and the ability to kite. I've killed DPS Sages and Shadows in 3 hits before. If it's Tank spec that's the outlier, perhaps it will be nerfed just like Powertech was, but I don't think it's nerf worthy.


(My class is Sith Juggernaut, geared in Champ + Battlemaster).

Edited by Vid-szhite
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Tank assassins / shadows are extremely powerful if played correctly, and it doesn't help that all 3 warzones cater to them.


This is why they are seen as OP. Not only can they **** your **** up, they can cloak, cloak out of combat, sprint on 20 sec cooldown, pull, immune to cc / tech for 5 seconds...etc.


Voidstar and civil war have clear advantages to being stealth, and huttball w/ movement. All 3 maps cater to this class.

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Tank assassins / shadows are extremely powerful if played correctly, and it doesn't help that all 3 warzones cater to them.


This is why they are seen as OP. Not only can they **** your **** up, they can cloak, cloak out of combat, sprint on 20 sec cooldown, pull, immune to cc / tech for 5 seconds...etc.


Voidstar and civil war have clear advantages to being stealth, and huttball w/ movement. All 3 maps cater to this class.


Another reason why the sooner they add Arena/Deathmatch, the better.

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Tank spec seems -almost- OP in 1v1, especially since other tanks have no chance of defeating him, but a good DPS can kill them just fine.


DPS spec Shadows running their DPS techniques are squishy as hell and pretty much can't 1v1 any other DPS that's also attacking them back. I have far more trouble with Conceal Operatives than I do any kind of DPS Shadows/Sins. I would never call Sins and Shadows OP, because more often than not, they're nothing but free kills. As easy to kill as Sages, only without the bubbles and the ability to kite.


(My class is Sith Juggernaut).


I play infiltration spec shadow, with a few pcs of BH gear. If I go 1v1 with anyone and have all my stims, relics, etc to pop, there is no class I can't take down in 5-6 secs. (Its all about knowing when to do your burst) I see so many shadow pop everything before the fight begins and then the other class just puts up the bubble and you are done. The key is to make them think you have popped everything at first so they do through up that bubble...wait it out (by either stunning them or vanish) then open up again with everything you have. I have done that so many times it is not even funny. It is so fun to so as well. It is like faking to the body and then going for the upper cut.


Now after you 1v1 someone you are worthless for the next guy but I don't really care. Making someone look like and idiot for 5-6 seconds and not knowing what happened makes it worth being squishy. I will never play tank..... not as much fun IMO.

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Tank spec seems -almost- OP in 1v1, especially since other tanks have no chance of defeating him, but a good DPS can kill them just fine as long as they don't have a healer.


DPS spec Shadows running their DPS techniques are squishy as hell and pretty much can't 1v1 any other DPS that's also attacking them back. I have far more trouble with Conceal Operatives than I do any kind of DPS Shadows/Sins. I would never call Sins and Shadows OP, because more often than not, they're nothing but free kills. As easy to kill as Sages, only without the bubbles and the ability to kite. I've killed DPS Sages and Shadows in 3 hits before. If it's Tank spec that's the outlier, perhaps it will be nerfed just like Powertech was.


(My class is Sith Juggernaut, geared in Champ + Battlemaster).


Tank assassins provide their own healing, which is part of what makes them so powerful. Strong defenses, self heals, high utility, and combat escape, along w/ total immunity to Force/Tech attacks (stuns and knockbacks included) on a 45 sec cd.


The list goes on. There are reasons people are saying these things.

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Well here the deal and as far as quotes like "it takes more skill to play" and "if played right" all I can say is lol


The deal is simply this you have classes that are getting adjusted down. Every single person knew who the most powerful classes were before the patch notes even came out, unles they really werent paying attention. And of those 3 classes only one of them is being adjusted down, and the other 2 are either being left alone, or they get buffed


So obviously everyone is going to be gunning for tankasina and mauraders now


I think most of the people playing felt if everyone got brought down to even or up to even, but they didnt do that


Honestly though if you think it takes any kind of skill to play any class in this game, I simply feel sorry for you

and no we dont want to nerf shadows we want to nerf tank assassins

Edited by mangarrage
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Its not "people" that want to nerf shadows.


Its "terribads". Real PvPers have no problem beating any class, with any class.


^ Any great player will make any class look stupid OP, and yes beat any other class.

Edited by cycao
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Its not "people" that want to nerf shadows.


Its "terribads".

"Terribads" are "people" too.


Real PvPers have no problem beating any class, with any class.

Um, what happens when 2 or more "Real PvPers" encounter each other? Are you saying that class balance is perfect as-is (and that it doesn't follow the traditional rock-paper-scissors model)? Are you suggesting that "Real PvPers" are so rare that they never encounter each other and they just spend all their time beating up on "terribads"? I'm confused.




Relating to Shadows/Assassins, I've never personally noticed them to be particularly powerful, but I also don't have any level 50s. I know WoW used to have a lot of problems with certain classes scaling better with gear than other classes. Based on a lot of the forum complaints around here, I wouldn't be surprised if SWTOR had similar issues (where classes are well balanced at specific gear tiers, probably at fresh-50, but not across all gear levels).

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I have never seen one thread about how they are overpowered until 1.2 patch notes came out and pretty much changed every class except ours. unbelievable.




people have been complaining about assassins for months when information about ranked WZs was first released.

Edited by Ryotknife
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Um, what happens when 2 or more "Real PvPers" encounter each other?


The one that makes less mistakes wins. Regardless of class. (assuming they meet in a pure, 1v1, all CDs ready, engagement.)


Obviously, if I just finish a fight with someone, my CDs are all down, and I'm at 10%, and a full strength person jumps me, I die. Derp.


Please note that the number of times two skilled players meet each other at full strength, 1v1, with no interruptions at all, is somewhere around 0-1 times in the history of this game, with a margin of error of 1.

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They want to nerf us because we have bigger glow sticks and we are very visible on the battle field.


Just tired of seeing the shadow/sin tanks have huge burst threads.. What burst? What makes it higher than any other DPS class/spec out there? Bring on 1.2 so we can parse a tank spec to shut these people up. The players behind the characters know it is true, but until we have real numbers then the sheepeople just follow the mindless masses and once one rumor starts everyone bandwagons on.


My Sniper can burst someone from 100% to 0 in like 5-6 seconds from 30-35m away. My powertech can melt people if they stay too close fairly quickly. My marauder melts people if they let me stick to them. Mercs can tracer you to death in a short period. Operatives can stunlock you to death in a few seconds. Sorcs can melt you from range and if you get close CC the crap of you.


Notice I didn't meantion Guardians/Juggs... yea. They need some loving. If you see a class NO ONE rages about then that is the class that needs help. There are threads about every single other class/spec in the game being op in certain situations.

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