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So I keep trying to play my Jugg, but just can't bring myself to..

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So I have a little level 14 Jugg, I enjoyed what little of the story I played over a month or more ago... and I got to 14 and then, took a break.


Basically I got into trouble with figuring out what Spec I wanted to level as. I think the consensus was Vengeance til 30, then rage to 50, or something.


But now I have a new problem...


The class is said to not be very good?


And there's a patch around the corner.


So should I level now or wait til 1.2?


I also have a tank spec'd bounty hunter too...


But really when there are so many that can do so much, it feels like everything would be redundant.


3/8 are healers 3/8 are tanks 8/8 are damage, with 2/8 being super damage but not really.


I already have a 50 heal spec'd op.


So yeah. What was I saying? Oh yeah. Should I level vengeance, and should I level now or in 1.2?

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One correction: 3/8 CAN heal, 3/8 CAN tank... just because it's an option, doesn't mean it's all you can do.


Level now if you want to -- 1.2 won't really make it any easier. There are nerfs, a couple buffs, and ultimately it will level up in much the same way.


Spec all comes down to what you prefer and how you play. I leveled the entire way to 50 playing with my gf who is a dps Merc, so i spec'd Immortal and we were basically unstoppable. With two healing companions we could take any Heroic 4 while leveling and it was easy. But others prefer to level solo in dps -- it will all depend on what you like to do.


Juggernauts, regardless of spec, are slow starters. At 14, you're not even really a Juggernaut... you're a pale shadow of what you'll become. Push through it and around the time you hit 30 or so, you'll really start to come alive. By 40 you'll probably have learned to love Juggernaut... because at that point the class is really fully defined and functional in any aspect of gameplay (other than healing).


Ignore what other people tell you and play what you enjoy. But just know that Juggernauts can be hard to enjoy at first, but really come into their own in the long run.

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Every class forum has at least a few threads remarking about how gimped/underpowered/useless that class is. It's easier to say the class is broken then for a person to say they just suck at playing it.


When the game came out everyone cried about Marauders being useless and the worst pvp class in the game...a couple months later (with no changes made at all) the marauder is cried about as being OP in pvp....Moral of the story is that for the most part very few people on these forums know what they are talking about. People's views about what class is best in pve/pvp are going to be vastly different given the variables of gear, spec, and skill.


Best to just pick the class/story you like best...As 1.2 shows, none of the classes will be the same as they are now down the road. I don't know if you are more of a pvp or pve person, but I've done quite well in pve as a DPS juggy. Managed to beat both 8man nightmare and 16man HM.

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I leveled a Marauder to 50 and rolled a Jugg on another server and I'm at 24 - This class fits my play style more than the Marauder.


Playing the Marauder, I found myself wanting to try out other classes. Not the case with the Jugg.


It's just a matter of finding something that fits your style of play and like a previous post said, it gets better as you get higher.

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My experience is that until you're in your late 30's to 40, juggs are HORRIBLE. You lack the tools to put up any kind of decent fight, so you find even strongs your level can be difficult, and stay the heck away from elites your levels, don't even look at soloing h2's.


You don't have stealth, you don't have cc's, you don't have heals, so you're REALLY crippled until you can hit a ton OR lol at the damage mobs can do to you if you're tank spec'd.


My suggestion is to go tank, get quinn as fast as you possibly can, turn off every stinking offensive thing he can do (with the possible exception of carbonize), and KEEP HIS GEAR UP TO DATE. The only problem with this approach is you will CONSTANTLY have mob spawns right behind you, because your dps is so through the floor pathetic that you will be guaranteed to to fight your way to the quest item, kill the mob guarding the quest item, then kill every stinking mob back out of the area.


At the high end, veng and rage are both fun, and immortal is REALLY good at staying alive in pve.

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The class is said to not be very good?


Only by fools and self-pitying bads who want to blame the class for their failures say the class isn't good.


Let's ignore everything there is to be said about Juggernauts, though. Let's focus on something that might answer the core of your question... do you even enjoy playing Juggernaut? If not, why would 1.2 change that? We're not getting any game-changing buffs because we don't need any, we're getting mostly trade-offs and having our talents switched around. There's nothing in 1.2 for people who don't already know and love the class. If you keep forcing yourself to play it, you're not going to like it, you're going to resent it and start rubbing your bad feelings off on other Juggernauts. Let's face it, you're already starting to. The part I quoted is proof.


Stick with what you like. If you're forcing yourself to play it as it is, there isn't going to be some magical moment that makes you love it. Juggernauts really don't feel complete until 50. People stick with it that long because they love the class. They never felt weak or like they were missing something, they just wanted to reach the next milestone. If you're already going "well, this class isn't very good, right?" then you're making excuses not to play. Not every class will appeal to every person, so just don't play it. You'll have more fun with something else.




FWIW, I leveled up my first 50 Juggernaut as Immortal the whole way. My second was Vengeance with some tier 1 immortal thrown in for help doing extra DPS, and I do agree that Vengeance is probably more fun. Your core talents are Impale, Savagery, and Vengeance, though, and none of those are available until at best 30, and most likely 35. You'll want to level Vengeance now, since Vengeance is losing Decimate in 1.2, and that's a big reason of why it's so good for early on leveling. If you do, though, make sure you enjoy it.

Edited by Vid-szhite
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Easiest to level pve with immortal and quinn.


Out of the sorc, jugg, merc and assassin that I have, the rage jug spec seems to be the most fluid. I dont really pay attention to what others think as it wont matter how well the spec does if I dont like it. When you get to the 40s start playing with the diff specs to find the right one and then do it again at 50. Sometimes things dont really line up till you get 50.

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Jugg is one of the hardest classes to level hands down. You might wanna use vengence till around 40 then switch to rage. Rage dps really starts on lvl 48 tho. From 48 to 50, WZs are extremely fun as a jugg since you can see it's full power before moving on to 50 wzs with no gear. After getting full PVP gear, it starts to be fun again too ;) This is if you wanna play dps. I do not suggest leveling as tank tho.
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Jugg is one of the hardest classes to level hands down. You might wanna use vengence till around 40 then switch to rage. Rage dps really starts on lvl 48 tho. From 48 to 50, WZs are extremely fun as a jugg since you can see it's full power before moving on to 50 wzs with no gear. After getting full PVP gear, it starts to be fun again too ;) This is if you wanna play dps. I do not suggest leveling as tank tho.


I have 2 Jugs leveled one as Immortal and 1 as Veng.


Immortal was so F-ing easy after you get Quinn it's unreal.

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I have 2 Jugs leveled one as Immortal and 1 as Veng.


Immortal was so F-ing easy after you get Quinn it's unreal.


I have leveled 1 guardian and 1 jugg too, one with vengeance all the way and the other as rage all the way. Rage had really crap performance on lower levels while vengeance was way better. At higher levels tho, with %20 arp, rage just got the upper hand. I still think immortal is bad for leveling since you'll be hitting for a lot less eventho you have more survival. Also for rage, getting battle cry and enraged sunder from immortal tree is a must more or less.

Edited by Brightmist
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I've been leveling as immortal ever since I had a skill point. I have a difficult time playing ... anything other then my Juggernaut.


^^This. Rage spec is very frustrating at lower levels. Cant keep up with dps, cant survive, cant cc, etc. I was ready to quit the jugg ~25 and move on, but switched to veng as a last ditch effort. I found myself alot more competitive/fluid in WZs and pve in veng in those lower/middle levels and it was fun again. At 40 i switched back to rage, and it got even better.

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My experience is that until you're in your late 30's to 40, juggs are HORRIBLE. You lack the tools to put up any kind of decent fight, so you find even strongs your level can be difficult, and stay the heck away from elites your levels, don't even look at soloing h2's.


You don't have stealth, you don't have cc's, you don't have heals, so you're REALLY crippled until you can hit a ton OR lol at the damage mobs can do to you if you're tank spec'd.


My first jugg I leveled as vengance, got quinn and it was pretty easy after that. I could tackle elites "decently" in the 30's, good in the 40's, and at 50 their a joke.


My second Jugg I'm leveling as pur tank spec with DPS companions only. There is little to no change in leveling pace.


there are currently 3 champion mobs I've taken at level. that means I was the same level as they were. the first one was a ranged champ on Quesh. that's late 30's. i was running quinn, Vengance spec (i.e. dps), and finished the fight with 80% health.


In order to really tackle the big guys, you need to really optimize sequence and choose when to PoP CD's. CD's are a regular part of a Jugg's arsenal. it took me quite awhile to realize that. I came from an environment where CD's were "emergency" buttons. i realized that cycling in my CD's when they were available on my Jugg drastically reduced my downtime when playing.


I also noticed that "when" you pop CD's on tough mobs is just as important as popping them at all. throwing your Heroic call in too early wastes precious CD time. popping your defensive bubble just as a mob starts up a long induction wastes precious seconds of your CD. using your force push to interrupt an ability (such as the combat droids "shooting spree" can save you a ton of damage. same thing with force choke. waiting till you are in "dire straights' usually gets you dead.


Stuff like that. I Only put that stuff in to show that there are many things you have to think of when playing a jugg that all add up to a smooth fighting experience. I don't really have problems on my juggs when leveling them.


My third just is rolling rage with DPS companions only. pushing the envelope so to speak. :)


OP: If you are still wondering if you want to play your jugg...you may not. I have a lvl 14 Agent that is collecting dust. And that was my 4th attempt to play one. Yet at the same time 3 of the officers in my small guild have agent as their main. So I know it's not a class issue...it's just not "my" class :D

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Yes, Juggs do ok, and for pve, everything works. Pvp is another kind of beast though, Juggernauts are not inherently bad, its just that they fall off in comparison to the other classes. Tanksin > Immortal, Marauder in all specs > Vengeance and after 1.2 Rage Marauder > Rage Jugg.

And the future is not looking any brighter either. Rage received a slight nerf in 1.2 (Smash bonus damage went down from 30% to 20% and the cooldown from 9 up to 12 seconds at the same time) while vengeance got a very slight buff.

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Yes, Juggs do ok, and for pve, everything works. Pvp is another kind of beast though, Juggernauts are not inherently bad, its just that they fall off in comparison to the other classes. Tanksin > Immortal, Marauder in all specs > Vengeance and after 1.2 Rage Marauder > Rage Jugg.

And the future is not looking any brighter either. Rage received a slight nerf in 1.2 (Smash bonus damage went down from 30% to 20% and the cooldown from 9 up to 12 seconds at the same time) while vengeance got a very slight buff.


Really please do tell me why Veng Juggs out dps Maras in PvP get more KBs, and over all perform better? Perhaps you're just insinuating all the mara's on my server are bad? Which would insinuate the all the Mara's on my other server are bad as well. (2 Veng juggs on 2 different servers.) Also perhaps you'd like to explain why most Mara/sentinels can't take me 1 v 1?


IMO you have no idea what you're talking about. So go play a Mara while us Juggs kick your butts in PvP (mind you Mara's do have better defensive CDs but once you learn them they are easy to shut down.), in PvE yeah you guys got 5% on us if that.

Edited by WarSiren
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The best about the last two posts is that people argued about jugger dps, but nobody seems to deny the tanking fact :-)


Love it lol.


Just to add my 2 cents becuase i find this entire thread stupid!

Ive always loved tanking classes and out of the 5 characters I started and leveled to about 15-20, the jugg is the one that i enjoy most. But after reading through this entire thread I am dumb founded as to why people just pay out on the class?? when really they have no clue about the class or how to actually play it.

They are great for tanking, and easy to level up with (even as immortal) which is only what ive speced into.


Holding group aggro isnt a problem and even dealing decent damage solo isnt a problem.

Go learn to play the class before being a sheep like everyone else and just being like ohhh the class is bad etc etc

Edited by darksyf
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The best about the last two posts is that people argued about jugger dps, but nobody seems to deny the tanking fact :-)


Odd that you mention the last 2 posts before yours when no one else in the thread brought it up either...


now...do you mean the fact that juggs are currently being used in end game tanking as we speak, and have no issues clearing? Why yes, I didn't bring the fact up because I already knew that juggs could do it.


another good reason to not bring it up is because the OP asked about leveling a jugg, not end game tanking. this isn't a "Juggs suck plz buff us nao" thread. the discussion just got off in that direction.

Edited by Elyx
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Just my 2 cents, I leveled up a pure Marksman sniper as my first level 50 and a couple of alts to level 10. I find Juggernaut as a dps a lot easier to handle than my Sniper ever was now that I'm leveling him up next (lvl 24 currently). Maybe it's because I know the game dynamics better, but having Vette as the first companion and a healer companion at lvl 20 for crying out loud (had to wait till late lvl 30s on my Sniper, unless I geared out my ship droid) makes leveling a breeze. I've actually not found a good use for Quinn at the moment, I even did a Heroic 2 with Vette. She died plenty, of course, but nothing a shock collar couldn't fix. Looking forward to the level 30-40 experience, which quite frankly sucked on the Sniper, other than the story.
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So I have a little level 14 Jugg, I enjoyed what little of the story I played over a month or more ago... and I got to 14 and then, took a break.


Basically I got into trouble with figuring out what Spec I wanted to level as. I think the consensus was Vengeance til 30, then rage to 50, or something.


But now I have a new problem...


The class is said to not be very good?


And there's a patch around the corner.


So should I level now or wait til 1.2?


I also have a tank spec'd bounty hunter too...


But really when there are so many that can do so much, it feels like everything would be redundant.


3/8 are healers 3/8 are tanks 8/8 are damage, with 2/8 being super damage but not really.


I already have a 50 heal spec'd op.


So yeah. What was I saying? Oh yeah. Should I level vengeance, and should I level now or in 1.2?


I had the same problem but once he got into the 20s it really got fun. If you pvp, lvl 24 is the sweetspot with force choke. Nothing brings more joy to me than force choking someone as they cross the flame pit.

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