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Why such a heavy hand for SIs in 1.2?


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I just got my 1st character to 50 and now I hear 1.2 is going to nerf my class/spec, nice… NOT :mad:. So what am I going to do with my healing spec SI if I can’t heal enough to be invited/wanted into raids/groups?


I think if BIO is going to put in such a heavy nerf they need to let me change my advanced class and replace my gear (healing to dps). I’m not going to have much interest in playing an unwanted healer and I’m not going to take the time to level up another class so it can be nerfed too.


So if this nerf is as bad as the test server indicates I will probably go back to WoW.

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Post 1.2 Sorc/Sage Healing will not be underpowered. It will not be EZ mode anymore, but will still be the number 1 healing class in the game, especially with the Merc/Commando nerf. Sorc/Sage Healers will just have to learn to manage force, and actually lose health with consumption/noble sacrifice, the way it was intended.
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Post 1.2 Sorc/Sage Healing will not be underpowered. It will not be EZ mode anymore, but will still be the number 1 healing class in the game, especially with the Merc/Commando nerf. Sorc/Sage Healers will just have to learn to manage force, and actually lose health with consumption/noble sacrifice, the way it was intended.


1.2 Sorc/Sage healing will not be completely dead. They will just be the worst healer in PvP outside of AoE heals. They now need to learn how to manage their force while trying not to kill themselves work with the slowest main heal in game with no way to improve the casting time to 2 second like other easy mode classes could. Oh if you think having the crappiest armor means you can do some nice burst damage in pvp like all the other major mmos out there you are SOL.




If you like to play pure Support/AoE healer, you have the best class.

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As it currently stands, I already have a hard time healing in full Champ gear vs any Marauder with decent PVP gear. They nerf my heals... Operatives are also impossible to stop unless another healer is around me... They interrupt everything.


I'm pretty sad that I spent so much time PVPing and acquiring healing PVP gear... since now I've swapped to Madness Hybrid. Ce La Vie.


Healing in PVP, without backup, is a nightmare... after 1.2 it will be the same, unless you run out of force and need to Consume yourself, or you wanted a faster heal...


IMHO Sorcs are really great at healing in PVE, but fail under pressure and are sub-par when compared to Mercs/Ops for healing. I'm sure Sorcs are fine on a well-balanced team, though. If you like to PUG, I wouldn't recommend the Sorc for healing since when you're focused, you're dead because you don't have any cool survival tools.

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All the other healers got nerfed pretty bad as well, so in relative healing power not much will change. You will still be invited for HM's/Ops/etc simply because other healers won't be much better still.


PvE is whatever... PVP on the other hand... yeh, don't press Consumption.

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If you like to PUG, I wouldn't recommend the Sorc for healing since when you're focused, you're dead because you don't have any cool survival tools.


Wow, all I do is PUG pvp. I’m not in a big guild or anything so most of the time I’m on my own. I can tell when I get marked, as I only last about 10 seconds after I get to the fight, node or what have you. Glad to hear it’s not just me.

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This will be a huge problem for SWTOR, Making healing fun is very very difficult the next big thing is making them powerful. Cut that power and your going to see a sharp decrease in healers. It's just that simple.
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All the other healers got nerfed pretty bad as well, so in relative healing power not much will change. You will still be invited for HM's/Ops/etc simply because other healers won't be much better still.


OPs got buffed. Nice try though.

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OPs got buffed. Nice try though.


If they got buffed too much then all healers will be equally useless. They would never do that because their endgame would become inaccessible. So even when they buff things they will make sure it will be doable with any healer.


Nice try though.

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Oh god the horror of being marked.


Played a game where I got marked (had my Jug buddy with me gaurding and taunt spamming).


I took 1.7 million damage that match. I think we won because all they did was attack me. There were another 2 healers focused on me and everyone else won the game I guess.


Usually however its just spawn - 5 seconds into combat - die - repeat

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PvE is whatever... PVP on the other hand... yeh, don't press Consumption.


have you not raided or done HM's???


so many bosses have random agro and random things that hurt EVERYONE that you don't want to be low on HP if you can avoid it.


let's think here:

Last boss BT randomly jumps and attacks people

Malgus randomly picks people to 1 on 1 fight with

Karaga sends the mouse driods out

Karaga has the spikes randomly pop up

First boss EV shoots rockets at everyone

Lava boss EV AoE hits randomly

BH boss on false emp randomly targets people

Multiple bosses spawns adds that r adnomly attack people and often go straight after healers

SOA lightning balls, good luck if you're at 70% use consumption then have a ball choose you, especially on HM/NM



And there's many more i can't think of right off the top of my head.....but yeah PVE is "whatever".....

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Seriously BioWare? Answer this question. You F***s Just destroyed my Rated BG ability.... NO ONE wants a f***ing Sorc after 1.2..... Really? are you f***ing kidding me. All I really do is PVP and you just F***ed me for it.... I randomly decided to do HM's and Walked in a Full Cleared HM KP & EV..... Now what.... Im a War Hero and a D*** Good Sorc.... So now i get Nerfed Out the *****.... Thanks Bioware....




....Answer Demanded.......




(Had to Edit Swear Words because Apparently 5 year old read these forums...

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Seriously BioWare? Answer this question. You F***s Just destroyed my Rated BG ability.... NO ONE wants a f***ing Sorc after 1.2..... Really? are you f***ing kidding me. All I really do is PVP and you just F***ed me for it.... I randomly decided to do HM's and Walked in a Full Cleared HM KP & EV..... Now what.... Im a War Hero and a D*** Good Sorc.... So now i get Nerfed Out the *****.... Thanks Bioware....




....Answer Demanded.......




(Had to Edit Swear Words because Apparently 5 year old read these forums...


gosh darn Stop your Whining. A Bug was Fixed and sorc was nerfed a bit, big deal.


But Before you continue to cry like a baby take a look at Operatives, 1.1 = Damage nerf. 1.2= Further Dmg nerf, a small Heal Buff.... What iam trying to say: Sorc got hit ...true true, but Operatives were ***** in their ***



But you know what? I Play this Class because i enjoy it , not because its FOTM. You are probably a Reroller thats annoyed that he Leveled a rather Powerful Class that got the needed Adjustment

Edited by Tarless
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gosh darn Stop your Whining. A Bug was Fixed and sorc was nerfed a bit, big deal.


This was my first impression and I play a healing Sorc in both PvE and PvP. However, the bug with Force bending was the reason we could heal forever and output so much. The bug allowed you to have a very high crit chance on Innervate and then have a 1.5 cast of DI. Which gave you the sustain and the high output. My favorite combination was DI/DI, giving 10-12k healing in 3 seconds.(~8k in PvP)

Fixing Force bending is a nerf to both sustain, output and PvP survivability(which we have plenty of), it probably could have been left at that.


The changes are acceptable in PvE, although giving us health as a secondary resource to manage kind of goes against what was stated in the podcast. (Quality of life)It was stated referring to OP healing having to manage tactical advantage and energy. In the context of PvP, DI will be a huge target for interrupts (long cast and high value) and since rating is going to be added any high rated player is going to know interrupt DI and someone dies. Dark Heal isn't something I use often with the double DI cast, it doesn't have a place currently. I guess the change is going to change that, though I'm not sure that even with the crit chance being so high(notable not on every cast) is it going to have an output that keeps Sorc something a high rated team will look for or more value than another dps especially if the dps Sorc beings the bubbles.


At this point a change in how Dark Heal scales with gear, would be an interesting balance to PvP and maybe having Force Surge increase Consumption's force return as either a static buff from the talent or with the proc.

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Fixing Force bending is a nerf to both sustain, output and PvP survivability(which we have plenty of), it probably could have been left at that.


But MMO devs never leave it at that, they have to put in some extra nerfs just to be sure. This is why 95% of 'adjustment patches' go overboard.


Same for DPS sorc, fixing the lightning barrage exploit would have been enough, but no, they have to nerf wrath as well..

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seriously bioware? Answer this question. You f***s just destroyed my rated bg ability.... No one wants a f***ing sorc after 1.2..... Really? Are you f***ing kidding me. All i really do is pvp and you just f***ed me for it.... I randomly decided to do hm's and walked in a full cleared hm kp & ev..... Now what.... Im a war hero and a d*** good sorc.... So now i get nerfed out the *****.... Thanks bioware....


I want to know how your going to fix your own f*** up!.....


....answer demanded.......




(had to edit swear words because apparently 5 year old read these forums...



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But MMO devs never leave it at that, they have to put in some extra nerfs just to be sure. This is why 95% of 'adjustment patches' go overboard.


Same for DPS sorc, fixing the lightning barrage exploit would have been enough, but no, they have to nerf wrath as well..


Exactly. Force Bending was a bug, it got fixed, that's not actually bad ... except that now you have a class with substantially less survivability than other healers who will not heal any better and now has greater force issues.


And, the bug-fix for Lightning Barrage is a good thing, because it was causing some Sorcerers to post crazy-high numbers creating a very warped point of view to everyone else. I saw it on lots of Consulars on our server, but it wasn't really a problem fighting Sorcerers, which is kinda odd. Regardless, the Lightning Barrage bug made people think Sorcerers were true glass cannons, when in fact Sorcerers not exploiting the Lightning Barrage bug were the squishiest of glass but certainly not cannons. We couldn't compete with the top damage classes, despite them all having far more survivability than us.


The Wrath proc was NOT a bug, it was clearly and repeatedly stated that it was intended to work that way. Bioware just didn't understand their own game well enough to realize that using Wrath to proc Chain Lightning was a no-brainer as best choice for dps. Without an insta-cast on Chain Lightning, its 3 second cast time is simply too long to make it a good spell. So, they left a long cast time with 2 ways to insta-cast it. Without Wrath proc'ing it, only people going high up the Lightning tree will proc it and even then it's very convoluted and extremely expensive to get that. Everyone was using the hybrid Madness/Lightning spec, and lots of people played the class, so Bioware intentionally broke the synergy.


Changing the Wrath proc makes Sorcerers uncompetitive as a dps class. The Lightning tree was broken before and they did not fix it. They nerfed the Corruption tree (healing) and the Madness tree. Hybrid builds were gutted.


Yes, fix the bugs/exploits. I have no problem with that. Force Bending was a bug, and the Lightning Barrage thing was either a bug or an exploit depending upon your point of view. But, those two things generated the best healing and damage. Taking away those two things seems like such a huge change that I just don't see the need to change Wrath. Essentially, this is a nerf in healing, power, damage, damage, playstyle and build. Yes, I listed damage twice, because we got our guts ripped out.


Wrath change is unneccessary, unfun, and nerfs us too much. If they're gonna do that, lower the Chain Lightning cast time down to 2 seconds and the Thundering Blast to an insta-cast. That would fix the Lightning tree, make it a viable spec, diversify builds and make the Sorcerer competitive with other dps classes.

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I always find it funny when they nerf a class players will think it becomes unplayable and overreact.


Honestly these are overall small balance tweaks.


Just continue to play as normal and learn to adapt.


that's what a skilled player would do, and that's what i have done in the past.



And i know i will get flammed or trolled for this post, but it's true.


Healing was overpowered and needed to be "slightly" readjusted.


I've finished reading the patch notes and it looks legit to me.


So please don't tell me it's game breaking, because It will not be.

Edited by Ch_Zero
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Just continue to play as normal and learn to adapt.


that's what a skilled player would do, and that's what i have done in the past.





and casuals that are finaly getting their class down a bit, but not topping charts by any means... I guess we're done??


I think it's funny the people that post this stuff... this will not make or break the game, but overall I believe the direction of this game is bad, this is only one part of it.


- valor rank is worthless in 1.2

- no cross server, but splitting the pool of players... even with some merging of ranked / non ranked as they have stated, ques go up. Cross server should have been introduced at the same time.

- The nerf's aren't just nerfs to tweak, they are nerfs that make playing suck... longer cast heals, having to move to DOT style dps, these are nerfs that screw with the mechanic, not just force an diferent ideal rotation.

- they are going to have to do something about allowing player xfrs before too long. I suppose cross server wz queing when it is intorduced could mitigate the need for some folk.

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Start saving up your credits,


you get your chance to buy champion gear with credits.




so what's the issue? you can start fresh and make your way up.


first off, it's not champs gear, second, it's only 350K ish for a full set... everyone that dings 50 should easily be able to buy a full set right off.

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After this update it will be the last I play of the SI character.


Sith inquisitors are the weakest in 1v1, they are now average at healing, weak at DPS, and any other class regardless of AC can kill us. I seriously regret not picking assassin.

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