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do bioware purposly favor the sith


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I'll tell you EXACTLY what's happened here....

People played Alliance side on WoW for years, got smashed over and over again by Horde players in battlegrounds, got so frustrated with annoying trade chat and trolls that, when this game came out, they all saw Rep/Imp as Ally/Horde and all wanted to be on the perceived " winning side " creating the massive faction imbalance on many servers.


I can say with almost complete certainty that this is what happened in almost every case.


I almost did the opposite, I was horde all the way through on WoW, figured I would go Rep on this game. Got to 20 something on the sage quest, was bored with the story and went Imp instead.


Winning and losing side, I don't care about as long as the story is a good one.

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I reckon that they thought that the vast majority of players would want to be heroes and so join the republic.


Imagine the discussion.....


"Right - we're likely to have a faction imbalance"


"Yeah - everyone will want to be Han Solo or Qui-Gon-Jin"


"Agreed - so, what do we do about it?"


"Well, I guess that we need to make the Imperial side look really good - so get the best designers on their kit. We can get the Repulic designs done by the work experience guys"


"Great! But I'm not certain that'll be enough - hard core gamers probably won't be swayed by looks alone"


"OK - we'll have to buff the Imperial side, and gimp the Republic a bit"


"Right! that should do it".


Come launch day.....


"Er, boss?"




"It seems that 80% of the player base is, in fact, evil - they've all gone to the Imperial side"



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That's fine Sages. Re-roll sorc for the instant powers, that's fine. Just make sure you don't re-roll bounty hunter because our abilities have a delay the republic ones do not. For instance, carbonize has a long delay that has gotten me killed plenty of times, while the vanguard aoe stun is instant.


It's not bias, it's just different (and more noticable because there are a lot more sorcs and sages) because BW doesn't understand the definition of mirror class.

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I reckon that they thought that the vast majority of players would want to be heroes and so join the republic.


Imagine the discussion.....


"Right - we're likely to have a faction imbalance"


"Yeah - everyone will want to be Han Solo or Qui-Gon-Jin"


"Agreed - so, what do we do about it?"


"Well, I guess that we need to make the Imperial side look really good - so get the best designers on their kit. We can get the Repulic designs done by the work experience guys"


"Great! But I'm not certain that'll be enough - hard core gamers probably won't be swayed by looks alone"


"OK - we'll have to buff the Imperial side, and gimp the Republic a bit"


"Right! that should do it".


Come launch day.....


"Er, boss?"




"It seems that 80% of the player base is, in fact, evil - they've all gone to the Imperial side"




Data, or it's all just conjecture. I could just as easily say "Cone Head!", and disprove your entire post. I could also say that the Warrior end-game helms look great, until you put in on. Or say that several Warriors I know hate the talons on the boots. Or the mid-riff. The list goes on and on. It's all SUBJECTIVE.


Turn off some of the helmets, and pretty much all of the Republic armor looks amazing. Of course that is, again, a subjective opinion. There are people that are going to love the look of the helmets.


So, really, it all just comes down to people searching for anything they can to have a reason to ***** and moan that they're side isn't the hands-down best faction.

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That's fine Sages. Re-roll sorc for the instant powers, that's fine. Just make sure you don't re-roll bounty hunter because our abilities have a delay the republic ones do not. For instance, carbonize has a long delay that has gotten me killed plenty of times, while the vanguard aoe stun is instant.


It's not bias, it's just different (and more noticable because there are a lot more sorcs and sages) because BW doesn't understand the definition of mirror class.


If they were perfect mirrors, people would be crying just as hard about that.

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If they were perfect mirrors, people would be crying just as hard about that.


If they were clones people would. But if the moves simply had different animations but the same times on damage and effects I don't understand why people would complain about that.


They need hot fix the delays on these differences before rated comes out (IMO) and then come back to it later to fix the animations.


It'll look silly, but it'll be more functionally equal and you won't see so many rage posts. If I have to read one more thread about Republic complaining about some tin-foil hat conspiracy that for some stupid reason the Devs like Imps more I'm going to throw myself off a bridge.

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If they were clones people would. But if the moves simply had different animations but the same times on damage and effects I don't understand why people would complain about that.


People already are complaining about the animations. Especially around the the Sorc/Sage. I don't have a problem with them. A Sage using telekenitics is going to look a lot different then a Sorc using UNLIMITED POWAH!


They need hot fix the delays on these differences before rated comes out (IMO) and then come back to it later to fix the animations.


In certain abilities, yes. I don't think any of the animations need changing, though, as again, they're going to look different. They could add a system that unlocks different animations, depending on light/dark scores.


It'll look silly, but it'll be more functionally equal and you won't see so many rage posts. If I have to read one more thread about Republic complaining about some tin-foil hat conspiracy that for some stupid reason the Devs like Imps more I'm going to throw myself off a bridge.


Just don't do it in Arizona. Here, bridges do not mean the presence of water within a fifty mile radius. They could do everything everyone in the post said, and people would still complain because they lost a WZ, or whatever.

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People already are complaining about the animations. Especially around the the Sorc/Sage. I don't have a problem with them. A Sage using telekenitics is going to look a lot different then a Sorc using UNLIMITED POWAH!




In certain abilities, yes. I don't think any of the animations need changing, though, as again, they're going to look different. They could add a system that unlocks different animations, depending on light/dark scores.




Just don't do it in Arizona. Here, bridges do not mean the presence of water within a fifty mile radius. They could do everything everyone in the post said, and people would still complain because they lost a WZ, or whatever.


I don't mean change the animations to make them the same. I mean either make the lightning delayed with a charge up or something to make it match the rock impact, or make the rock impact faster to match the lightning's instant damage.


Stuff like that. Make the vanguard AOE stun delayed, or make the Powertech's instant. they just have to have the same impact times is all I mean.

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Data, or it's all just conjecture. I could just as easily say "Cone Head!", and disprove your entire post. I could also say that the Warrior end-game helms look great, until you put in on. Or say that several Warriors I know hate the talons on the boots. Or the mid-riff. The list goes on and on. It's all SUBJECTIVE.


Turn off some of the helmets, and pretty much all of the Republic armor looks amazing. Of course that is, again, a subjective opinion. There are people that are going to love the look of the helmets.


So, really, it all just comes down to people searching for anything they can to have a reason to ***** and moan that they're side isn't the hands-down best faction.


I didn't say that it was what happened - it's just an idea (and meant to be faintly amusing - which obviously failed - oh well).


But look at WoW - Alliance outnumbered Horde massively - were I designing a game, I'd sorta assume that the "Alliance" side would be more popular.


By the way - I'm playing Republic!

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I didn't say that it was what happened - it's just an idea (and meant to be faintly amusing - which obviously failed - oh well).


But look at WoW - Alliance outnumbered Horde massively - were I designing a game, I'd sorta assume that the "Alliance" side would be more popular.


By the way - I'm playing Republic!


Yes, it appears as though I completely missed the amusing part. Oh well.


On topic, I assumed before the game came out that the Empire would be the more popular side. Jedi are so played out.

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I've always been the good guy in games, ever since I tried being darkside in KOTOR and you basically had to kick puppies and take candy from babies, there was always a guilty feeling after any darkside gain. You start to think, hmm, maybe I'm not cut out for this darkside thing :D


I played imperial a bit, getting several character to the mid 20's. The Sith ship, imperial fleet, etc are sooo much better looking. The armor is all in the eye of the beholder, personally I prefer republic stuff more, especially trooper armor but there have been times that I've seen Sith Juggs and though, WOW that is some sweet looking armor.



The one thing I would love to see in this game is for people to STOP BRINGING UP WoW!! I get sick to my stomach whenever I hear someone call "Force", "Mana" *shudders* etc. I really wish my friends didn't convince me to play it for a month, because I would love to be able to say, "I've never played WoW."

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il tell you why the trooper end gear has a huge turbine on the back and a cannon on the wrist . its simple the bh uses it and they simply didnt put the time into making a proper trooper end game armor thats what i think but its speculation.


Funny the jedi don't seem to be to bothered though since most of them rip out the stuff in them and replace it with their stuff to wear instead of robes.

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I was personaly feelign they favored the Jedi more.



considering ive got my companion's two gathering professions to allmost 300, and out of the 10 recipe's ive got while leveling it - all of them were for jedi. And im a sith.


Go figure.

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The one thing I would love to see in this game is for people to STOP BRINGING UP WoW!! I get sick to my stomach whenever I hear someone call "Force", "Mana" *shudders* etc. I really wish my friends didn't convince me to play it for a month, because I would love to be able to say, "I've never played WoW."


That will never stop happening. A lot of people have played WoW. It's a safe bet that if you relate something in TOR to WoW, people will understand it better. I'd like to add that WoW didn't create Mana. It actually has a basis in the historical folk lore of the people of the Easter Islands.

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It is kind of tiring isn't it...


If the animation differences didn't cost me 2-3 PvP matches a day it wouldn't be as annoying, but watching the ball carrier run over the goal line with 200 health, or watching the sith finish planting a bomb on a door all while my rock floats for what seems like an eternity gets annoying after a while.


Then of course there is the fact that the trooper Rakata gear has about 60 less endurance then the BH version...


and of course just to add insult to injury we have to deal with looking like this:



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hey no one here is talking about horde or alliance neither should you.the fact of the matter is that the republic side is wastly outnumbered and dying ,if bioware dont do something well it will be a boring game with only 1 active side.


nah, BW has a solution to that. same faction pvp. O.o

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It is kind of tiring isn't it...


If the animation differences didn't cost me 2-3 PvP matches a day it wouldn't be as annoying, but watching the ball carrier run over the goal line with 200 health, or watching the sith finish planting a bomb on a door all while my rock floats for what seems like an eternity gets annoying after a while.


Then of course there is the fact that the trooper Rakata gear has about 60 less endurance then the BH version...


and of course just to add insult to injury we have to deal with looking like this:




Too be fair, the fact that they are all fat guys is kinda blowing the ridiculousness faction out of proportion.

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Wrong, there is a definite difference between an ability that does instant shock damage and an ability with an animation that yoinks a rock outta the ground to smack someone for damage a few seconds after. The difference could mean life or death in PvP, and lets say someone is capping a turret in PvP.. but the damage doesn't go through until a second after they cap. It's clearly an advantage to the empire and it's clearly not a mirrored ability.


Simple solution would be to add a bit of 'channeling lightning' animation to the front end of the imperial version so that the actual damage occurs exactly the same amount of time after pressing the button. Maybe in 1.3?

Edited by grezgorz
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No, the community does.


Correction, George Lucas does. Hence why after Hope, he created Boba Fett and gave the Empire major cool points.


So if you find that the Republic is less than lacking in awesome cred, don't blame Bioware. Blame George Lucas.


Then get over it because George Lucas has made it quite clear he he finds the entire Saga flawed.


Meanwhile, Howard the Duck has remained the same for the past 30 years. Apparently, the greatest space opera of the 70's and 80's which won several awards and has one of the largest fanbases in history is a terrible piece of cinema while the worst Marvel character to get the crappiest film before Daredevil is perfectly okay in it's orginal format. Thanks, Georgie boy.

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To be fair, that gear looks horrid no matter the model size used..


So, you wouldn't mind doing a body type 4 Rosie O' Donnel over a body type 2 Megan fox? Maybe you're into that type of thing. But i can sit here and say "Yeah that level 50 pvp for sith - talk about disgusting! Jedi stuff is way better!" And i do feel this way for my Sith Assassin. Should i put my opinion out as pure fact though?

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Correction, George Lucas does. Hence why after Hope, he created Boba Fett and gave the Empire major cool points.


So if you find that the Republic is less than lacking in awesome cred, don't blame Bioware. Blame George Lucas.


Then get over it because George Lucas has made it quite clear he he finds the entire Saga flawed.


Meanwhile, Howard the Duck has remained the same for the past 30 years. Apparently, the greatest space opera of the 70's and 80's which won several awards and has one of the largest fanbases in history is a terrible piece of cinema while the worst Marvel character to get the crappiest film before Daredevil is perfectly okay in it's orginal format. Thanks, Georgie boy.


lol you crazy.


What about Han Solo, he was already cool way before Boba was, who was it that shot first?

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