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Why do MMo's have dreadful combat?


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Not really... DCUO's combat is more like an arcade beat 'em up game mixed with MMO combat. It certainly is more active than traditional combat systems, but it never really gripped me with those stupid "click mouse button x-times" or "hold mouse button" combos.


DCUO combat is based on MxO's Interlock System, worse version but it is that.

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Are there any mmo that have combat lke Kingdoms of Amalur? so its exciting? maybe this game is too dated for me, i want exciting combat.


I am not against finding a fun and exciting way to have combat in a MMO, but you shouldnt look for that kind of combat in a MMO period because it doesn't exist. I suggest you play fighting games like Mortal Kombat/Street Fighter/Dead or Alive/Tekken.

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well it hard to intervate a MMO combat options while miantaining blance and fairness to others players. BW did mkae the the choice to remove autoattack ,which the norm in MMOs. if it was click and it happends, poeple be hitting bottons like mad men if there was either no cooldown. and if it was like a FPS then range classes be highly more pwoerful due to headshots and the like. meeles be a much harder class to play.
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ahhh true that, i forgot about that stuff. Leveled a guy to 30 right away and really haven't played again. lol


LOL, ya I think the game has good combat. It's not a bad game really and now that it's free to play I suggest trying it if you haven't.


That said after a few hours of pvp my hand cramps from all the mouse button clicks and hold required to fight effectively.



Makes good use of the r/p/s system for balance.

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Are there any mmo that have combat lke Kingdoms of Amalur? so its exciting? maybe this game is too dated for me, i want exciting combat.


The ones your looking at either failed, hardly anyone plays them, or they're F2P so have fun with that. There's a reason why bigger MMO's dont' use live action type combat ... its almost impossible to balance those games for multiple types of game play. DDO probably did it fairly right but expect to never enjoy any sort of player vs player combat.


I personaly enjoy the combat here. It stops being a button masher when you actually play a class that has a role other than damage. You have to properly time out when to use things and how to switch things up if things go wrong. Blindingly button mashing wont save you when the crap hits the fan.

Edited by Kindara
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What has either of your answers got to do with it, never played an mmo? whats that go to do with it? why can;t bioware innovate? instead of following the sheep. Who says an mmo has to have stand there, press 123 it boring and not engaging at all. If fact the combat is the worst thing in this game zzzzzz


Kingdoms of Amalur combat system changed the game, why cant mmo combat be 1% exciting. Its a matter of who has more health other than anything else.



The problem with twitch combat (IE: First person shooter) is lag, when you play in a MMO where the game world is full of stuff lag plays a big part and put simply technology hasn't advance far enough Internet wise to allow fluid twitch reflex gaming in a MMO universe with thousands of people playing at the same time..


Ever wonder why you fire a laser and it looks like a homing missile chasing it's target, it's because of lag.


Planetside 2 is coming out soon that will attempt it, but im sure servers will be locked in at low populations and environments will be small or if they are big the environments will be simple to keep lag low.. I used to play Planetside 1 and lag made the game unenjoyable for me personally... you would swear your shot someone but in reality you missed due to lag...

Edited by Monoth
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What has either of your answers got to do with it, never played an mmo? whats that go to do with it? why can;t bioware innovate? instead of following the sheep. Who says an mmo has to have stand there, press 123 it boring and not engaging at all. If fact the combat is the worst thing in this game zzzzzz


Kingdoms of Amalur combat system changed the game, why cant mmo combat be 1% exciting. Its a matter of who has more health other than anything else.


the sad story is the sheep is where the money is, stray to far from the path and the wolves get you, it's a proven business model that makes loads of cash, as much as I would like to see something more innovative, I am just one account in the sea of players.. other mmo companies that have tried something innovative have failed for the most part or ended up with just a enough of a niche market to stay afloat. Players yell and scream they want something new give them something new they yell and scream thats not what they wanted either.. Maybe some day..

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Not really... DCUO's combat is more like an arcade beat 'em up game mixed with MMO combat. It certainly is more active than traditional combat systems, but it never really gripped me with those stupid "click mouse button x-times" or "hold mouse button" combos.




DCUO combat is a mixture of MxO interlock and Arcade style combo system. A person who plays Tekken / Mortal Kombat / Street Fighter... will right away get the combo system and not have issue with it, while having issues with how targeting works. A traditional MMO / FPS player tends to understand the targeting system faster, but has trouble with getting the combos correct. As well, depending on if you use a joystick or a mouse, targetting works differently.



But really, with any MMO, there is a specific rotation of abilities that tend to be used more than others. And really, SWTOR is a bit different than most because you have to be actively doing something in combat rather than just standing there and auto-attacking.


The problem with trying to make something innovative is people don't like change. SWTOR tried to do some things different than the "other" game, and what are people doing? "Well that 'other' game has it!!" "We don't want people to be judged soley on numbers, so we will comprimise and give you some form of combat logging." "Well the 'other' game does it this way and I want it that way!!"


Could combat be better? Sure it could. But it really isn't that much different than your traditional MMO out there. And I've played games where you had to move around while fighting and your position mattered as far as damage... while it seems fun in theory, it honestly is more of a pain than what people think.

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Comparing an MMO to a single player RPG. First mmo huh?


It is for me and I still dislike the combat. I want to use a controller so badly. The keyboard simply was not created for the purpose of gaming. It's uncomfortable and I don't like it. Controllers are created to be fitted to a human being's hands making it much more comfortable to hold. On a PS3 controller, I could use L2 & R2 as shift and CTRL respectively to cover all my abilities. They'd also be easier to access and more fun to use.


As for the combat as a whole, I also agree that it's quite boring compared to other games. Using a "rotation" is just very boring to me. I like changing things and doing things different ways, which isn't always possible. If only this was a single-player RPG made for my PS3 :(

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What bugs me about this game is that it follows the tired cliche of revolving almost completely around hit points. You slash someone 20 times with your lightsaber until they're dead. They're freaken' lightsabers! One hit and you're supposed to be out of the fight. Obviously that would be terrible game design, but I would've have like to have seen a combat system that relies way more on defense, actually blocking and dodging attacks (and shields for characters with guns), with hit points a distant third (armor being 2nd) in terms of survivability. There is some blocking in the game, but not enough. Edited by RAVM
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Jedi Knight combat is pretty fun, active, and exciting... although it's still button-mashing. How else are you going to tell the game what your character should do? Kinect? :p


On the flip side, playing solo as a Sage is pretty inactive and dull and playing a Sniper is somewhere in the middle.


I imagine it depends on your build and preferences?

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So far I am enjoying the story and game but combat is boring, predictable button bashing, i have more health than you affair. Why cant mmo's have combat like Kingdoms of Amalur? that game is exciting and you look forward to combat.


Currently I hate the combat, its stale, boring and what ever poeple say its a dated button basher than brings nothing new to the genre. disappointed.

Personally I find the combat in SWTOR leagues above most MMOs in appearance and animation. That said at its core yes its the same as most others in the genre. I think that at least in part that is a result of recent attempts to go other routes that have failed. More "twitch" based PvP combat in MMOs appeals to a smaller crowd and tends to be heavily laden with "issues".

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I realized I want a MMORPGFPS.

SW Battlefront II style combat open world.




Battlefront series was terrible, nothing more than a attempt at copying the older battlefield series (ie BF1942,vietnam) with starwars skins. Hell even the player made starwars mod for battlefield1942 was better than the battlefront series.


sadly the odds of you seeing a decent MMOFPS anytime soon are slim, the market does not have much demand for it.

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So far I am enjoying the story and game but combat is boring, predictable button bashing, i have more health than you affair. Why cant mmo's have combat like Kingdoms of Amalur? that game is exciting and you look forward to combat.


Currently I hate the combat, its stale, boring and what ever poeple say its a dated button basher than brings nothing new to the genre. disappointed.


Check out DDO if you're interested in a good combat system MMO. I haven't played many MMO's but this one stuck out in my head and I loved that it actually had collision detection. Some of their classes are 'easier' than others. I generally played a Monk multiclass build, so combat was always very active for me.

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It is for me and I still dislike the combat. I want to use a controller so badly. The keyboard simply was not created for the purpose of gaming. It's uncomfortable and I don't like it. Controllers are created to be fitted to a human being's hands making it much more comfortable to hold. On a PS3 controller, I could use L2 & R2 as shift and CTRL respectively to cover all my abilities. They'd also be easier to access and more fun to use.


As for the combat as a whole, I also agree that it's quite boring compared to other games. Using a "rotation" is just very boring to me. I like changing things and doing things different ways, which isn't always possible. If only this was a single-player RPG made for my PS3 :(


You want a controller that has 12 buttons to cover the range of abilities that you have and need to use to be successful? Not gonna happen. Not to mention the need to occasionally run around while adjusting the camera angle and zoom, while taunting a mob back to you as a tank. Try getting a gaming keyboard if you're uncomfortable with a normal one, they tend to be a tad bigger so the hand is less cramped.

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if we can't use buttons to activated responses by our characters how are we supposed to do it? shout orders at our monitors?




"I'm too lazy to press buttons and play! I'm too lazy, i need auto attack!"


That's what I read.

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There are/were a couple of MMOs that broke the standard mode for combat. The problem was that the devs didn't put enough thought into the mmo portion of the game. The combat was much more entertaining though, but the rest of the game was essentially a single player game with other people around.
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What has either of your answers got to do with it, never played an mmo? whats that go to do with it? why can;t bioware innovate? instead of following the sheep. Who says an mmo has to have stand there, press 123 it boring and not engaging at all. If fact the combat is the worst thing in this game zzzzzz


Kingdoms of Amalur combat system changed the game, why cant mmo combat be 1% exciting. Its a matter of who has more health other than anything else.


Yeah, go next door to DCUO and ask them about their "innovative combat system" and well THAT worked for them. Don't like MMO combat? Play something else.

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Just ain't enough bandwidth, horsepower or development resources to cram FPS level combat, flight sim level air travel, racing sim level land travel, console HD graphics & animations plus fully voiced over RPG story interaction into one MMO. Which is why each is its own genre.
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