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Not nerfing Shadows with 1.2 is a huge mistake.


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As a full bm shadow using tank spec and dps gear, i can usually take out 3 full bm players with normal pvp skills alone.


Now even bad players do very good with the same spec, thats why i think its overpowered and needs a nerf.

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That "massive burst damage from stealth" has been nerfed and is being nerfed further in 1.2, as people on forums were complaining about it.


Just as they complained about OP tracer spam, OP sorcs and now OP assassins.


It's your turn next.


I love that people think developers listen to forum whine. Take it from someone that's known more than a few developers, the only time they care about forum whine is when there isn't any. They only panic when the forums are quiet, people moaning about classes of forums makes them happy.

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As a full bm shadow using tank spec and dps gear, i can usually take out 3 full bm players with normal pvp skills alone.


If you really believe that you're delusional.

Can an exceptional player take out 3 bad players with the same gear? maybe if he really is exceptional and the 3 players are REALLY bad. That doesn't have anything to do with class choice though.

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As a full bm shadow using tank spec and dps gear, i can usually take out 3 full bm players with normal pvp skills alone.


Now even bad players do very good with the same spec, thats why i think its overpowered and needs a nerf.


Its ok. Don't nerf shadow I need u and prestige to be OP in rateds! I love watching u guys take on a good 5 players (4bms) with ease.

Edited by Vyndeta
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As a full bm shadow using tank spec and dps gear, i can usually take out 3 full bm players with normal pvp skills alone.


Now even bad players do very good with the same spec, thats why i think its overpowered and needs a nerf.


Oh well.

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Everyone is going to make one with Legacy, because of how OP the class is.... Then they'll have to turn around and nerf them in 1.3


Warzones will be over 50% Shadows/Assassins.


Masses of SWTOR Nerds will rage because they leveled a Shadow and then it gets nerfed.


I would be vastly better to bring their nerfs now, with all the other class changes.


You have absolutely no idea about organized pvp setups, which is all that will matter when rated bgs are being introduced. And whatever your setup will be there, there won't be space for more than 1 shadow. MAXIMUM. They are good generalists, powerful in 1v1 situations, but lose 90% of their utility in group fights to the specialists that practically all the other ACs are. Stacking shadows in a rated bg team is the biggest mistake people can make. That being said, I totally don't mind everyone fotm into them, because it will be easy wins for me.

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I have both a sentinel and a shadow and i think shadow is more OP then sent for now (especially if u play solo/pug) i dont know when 1.2 hit


but in a 1vs1 sent vs shadow i think my sent would win my shadow it's just in a PUG group shadow is king


in a premade group well balanced i think Sentinel is going to make more damage overall and resist longer


Sentinel > very OP in premade - normal in single/pug - OP in 1vs1

Shadow(tank) > OP in premade - OP in single/pug - OP in 1vs1

Edited by Pekish
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Skilled operative's dominate in 1v1's.


If redmarx was any good he could kill just about anyone except...KC shadow's.


The only reason he can't kill them is because of resilience which is why he wants it removed.


I don't want and have never wanted expertise removed.


And I play a marauder.


So that's 2/2 clueless for you.

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Talk about clueless. Resilience = republic version of Force Shroud. Which you DID want removed some posts ago.


Call it shroud then. People use resilience (the word from that other game) a lot when calling to remove expertise (which if you look at the sticky at the top, many people do).


One of the tank assassin's 2 defensive cooldowns needs to go, along with one or both of the gap closers and a high percentage of the damage.


Assassins and operatives need to be equivalent, right now there is no choice due to the 1.2 operative nerfs, assassins are better in every way.

Edited by Redmarx
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Call it shroud then. People use resilience (the word from that other game) a lot when calling to remove expertise (which if you look at the sticky at the top, many people do).


One of the tank assassin's 2 defensive cooldowns needs to go, along with one or both of the gap closers and a high percentage of the damage.


Assassins and operatives need to be equivalent, right now there is no choice due to the 1.2 operative nerfs, assassins are better in every way.


Just delete the class and be done with it then, operative or assassin at this point I dont even care.

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Call it shroud then. People use resilience (the word from that other game) a lot when calling to remove expertise (which if you look at the sticky at the top, many people do).


One of the tank assassin's 2 defensive cooldowns needs to go, along with one or both of the gap closers and a high percentage of the damage.


Assassins and operatives need to be equivalent, right now there is no choice due to the 1.2 operative nerfs, assassins are better in every way.


Assassins are in no way the same as operatives. Stop comparing apples to oranges. Tank/dps vs heal/dps class.


What's your point? Where are the video's and pictures of these insanely OP tankassins you people are talking about? I know I saw enough vids of operatives pre-nerf killing people in 1 stun. Where are the ones about assassin?


Stop whining and finally show some REAL proof of all these allegations instead of joining the bandwagon: "nerf the next class/spec, grab your pitchforks"

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Call it shroud then. People use resilience (the word from that other game) a lot when calling to remove expertise (which if you look at the sticky at the top, many people do).


One of the tank assassin's 2 defensive cooldowns needs to go, along with one or both of the gap closers and a high percentage of the damage.


Assassins and operatives need to be equivalent, right now there is no choice due to the 1.2 operative nerfs, assassins are better in every way.


So hard to tell if this guy is trolling or just that dumb. My ops in full champ and my shadow in full BM... My ops sometimes double the damage of what my infiltration shadow does in WZ's.


And why are you trying to compare tank shadow to a dps operative?


Also the op Nerf was needed I was still killing people in around 5-7 seconds without CDs.

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One of the tank assassin's 2 defensive cooldowns needs to go, along with one or both of the gap closers and a high percentage of the damage.


Assassins and operatives need to be equivalent, right now there is no choice due to the 1.2 operative nerfs, assassins are better in every way.


Equivalent? You want assassins to be able to heal? Just because both classes can stealth does not automatically mean that they are meant to be played or utilized in a group setting the same way. They will never be equivalent as one is built with the design to tank (ie defensive cooldowns) and the other to heal. I am defending neither side in this, I personally play both.

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I've said the entire time it was the Shadows / Assassins that need rebalancing. Everyone seemed to keep quiet and keep it under the radar, but the good players knew this for a long time.


+1 for a Shadow / Assassin rebalance.


You are not a good player for thinking this. It shows you have no idea what your talking about.


Anyone who goes by class X does Y DPS in my WZ is contributing to the lowering of the IQ on these forums.


I guarantee you I'll do 150k DPS and 300k Protection and be 10x more versatile or useful then a DPS shadow doing 350k DPS and 50k Protection.


For the record I've leveled with 31/0/10 and have played it since day one, never went hybrid.


1) Not every class can beat every other class. Skill will outshine but no matter how good I play against a good Powertech Pyro I will still lose majority of the time.


2) Different classes bring different strengths to the group. Infiltration is the highest capable burst class in the game. As it should be. It is the lowest armor so therefore the highest risk vs reward. Just an example.


3) Balance != nerf bat cycle - Just because X classes have been nerfed doesn't mean others now require a nerf, especially when its based off your uneducated and completely biased opinion.


4) Shadows were just buffed to bring them in line with where they should be and were the FIRST class to get hybrid nerfed. It happened right before BETA ended and then come Live release.

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If you die to a tankasin as a marauder it not spec or class it just you and yes i play marauder


Nope, so wrong. You must not read the forums because its "common" knowledge that no darkness 'sin should loose to anyone 1v1. When I say a well played marauder can give me all I can handle and can be beat by one, I am told to l2p.

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Stop whining and finally show some REAL proof of all these allegations instead of joining the bandwagon: "nerf the next class/spec, grab your pitchforks"



Check the burst at the start, higher than operatives.


All 3 specs shown.


Shadows/assassins are very overpowered.

Edited by Redmarx
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Call it shroud then. People use resilience (the word from that other game) a lot when calling to remove expertise (which if you look at the sticky at the top, many people do).


One of the tank assassin's 2 defensive cooldowns needs to go, along with one or both of the gap closers and a high percentage of the damage.


Assassins and operatives need to be equivalent, right now there is no choice due to the 1.2 operative nerfs, assassins are better in every way.


You are beyond clueless. BEYOND.


There are 3 different types of specs Assassin / Shadows can have.


You want to gimp them completely in PvE?


This post PROVES you have no concept of balance as it applies to MMOs. Please stop posting.


You want to remove a Defensive CD. YEt did you know they were for the base class so ALL Shadows get and use them.


You want to take away Force Pull and Speed? Pull was already nerfed from a general Shadow ability to tank specific tree in BETA.

Edited by Zintair
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To the OP, people choosing their class because a few others call them overpowered deserve to have it nerfed IMO. Choose a class you like, learn to play it well and forget about nerfs/buffs, you'll do well anyway.


Also, my mara eats shadows/sins for breakfast.

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4) Shadows were just buffed to bring them in line with where they should be and were the FIRST class to get hybrid nerfed. It happened right before BETA ended and then come Live release.


This is true, although I'd still argue that infiltration needs more damage mitigation. It doesn't matter if it takes the form of decreased stealth CD, higher chance to defend attacks, or better 1st tier armor skills, the spec just needs a tiny bit more resilience and it would be just fine.


Now, tank and balance specs? Those are totally fine.

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