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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Not nerfing Shadows with 1.2 is a huge mistake.


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Everyone is going to make one with Legacy, because of how OP the class is.... Then they'll have to turn around and nerf them in 1.3


Warzones will be over 50% Shadows/Assassins.


Masses of SWTOR Nerds will rage because they leveled a Shadow and then it gets nerfed.


I would be vastly better to bring their nerfs now, with all the other class changes.

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Shadows are the most OP class in game, without a doubt.


But your post is a massive hyperbole. The FOTM effect is actually much, much smaller than people make it out to be. Very few people ever re-roll a class just because it's overpowered.

Edited by Dee-Jay
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Everyone is going to make one with Legacy, because of how OP the class is.... Then they'll have to turn around and nerf them in 1.3


Warzones will be over 50% Shadows/Assassins.


Masses of SWTOR Nerds will rage because they leveled a Shadow and then it gets nerfed.


I would be vastly better to bring their nerfs now, with all the other class changes.


the only problem with shadow is the high dps tanks and the silly hybrid specs. the pure decepion/madness and the republic counterpart of them are pretty weak.

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Everyone is going to make one with Legacy, because of how OP the class is.... Then they'll have to turn around and nerf them in 1.3


Warzones will be over 50% Shadows/Assassins.


Masses of SWTOR Nerds will rage because they leveled a Shadow and then it gets nerfed.


I would be vastly better to bring their nerfs now, with all the other class changes.


Too late. 1-49 WZs are nothing but shadows, guardians and sents.

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Shadows are the most OP class in game, without a doubt.


But you're post is a massive hyperbole. The FOTM effect is actually much, much smaller than people make it out to be. Very few people ever re-roll a class just because it's overpowered.



I would normally agree with you, except...



Legacy is about to hit. Everyone and their sister that likes to dress up like Tw'lixes is going to be rocking out new character, and anyone with a clue is going to pick Shadow/Assassin, if they don't already have one.

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Hybrid specs got nerfed a couple of patches ago, virtually no shadows run hybrid spec any more and those that do probably aren't very good (or, are going hybrid purely for utility).



Infiltration shadows and balance shadows remains pretty weak in general: extremely squishy compared to all other classes, OK damage but nothing special. Its generally accepted that inf and balance need a bit of a survivability buff.



Its shadow-tanks that you have a problem with. In full DPS gear a shadow tank can put out OK AoE damage, OK single target damage whilst having tank survivability. If you actually play a shadow tank, you'll realise that their DPS isn't anything special at all, they simply post big numbers due to AoEing a lot.


There is only one area where shadow tanks *might* be considered OP: self-healing. Procs from being in combat technique heal for ~450, telekinetic throw (at 3 stacks of harnessed) heals for 3% health per tick (12% total iirc) and then we have another skill that heals for 10%. All together, that makes for an amazing 1v1 class.




However, self healing doesn't scale with group size, and we got self-healing due to lower mitigations compared to other tanks. Vanguards have ~10% more damage reduction that us for example. So, shadow tanks are actually pretty easy to beat if you know how. Simply interupt telekinetic throw and you interupt our main heal. Without that heal, we'll drop pretty quick. Either that, or focus fire us. Our defensive cooldowns (all 2 of them...) aren't great (well, 5 seconds immunity to force/tech is great, but its only 5 seconds), our damage reduction is lower than most tanks, our shield chance disappears against multiple foes....



TL;DR: inf/balance shadows need a buff, kc shadows are fine, just either interupt their heal or focus fire, they'll drop quickly

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You people have no clue, "hybrid" needs a nerf, infiltration needs a big buff.

Don't post if you don't know what you are talking about, fools.


You can't expect people to differentiate between the different specs of a class unless they actually play one themselves.


For example, I know that Shadows/Assassins are OP. I know they have Stealth, resistance on a 45 second timer, Self-healing, Speed, AoE knockback, Guard and sometimes even a Pull. And all that coupled with some insane burst damage that's quite easy to set up when coming from Stealth.


Now this is probably and issue with the tank-hybrid spec, but that's not something you can expect everyone to observe.

Edited by Dee-Jay
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You can't expect people to differentiate between the different specs of a class unless they actually play one themselves.


Server, toons, level, and valor should be attached to everyone's forum. Then there will be less of these threads.

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Hybrid specs got nerfed a couple of patches ago, virtually no shadows run hybrid spec any more and those that do probably aren't very good (or, are going hybrid purely for utility).



Infiltration shadows and balance shadows remains pretty weak in general: extremely squishy compared to all other classes, OK damage but nothing special. Its generally accepted that inf and balance need a bit of a survivability buff.



Its shadow-tanks that you have a problem with. In full DPS gear a shadow tank can put out OK AoE damage, OK single target damage whilst having tank survivability. If you actually play a shadow tank, you'll realise that their DPS isn't anything special at all, they simply post big numbers due to AoEing a lot.


There is only one area where shadow tanks *might* be considered OP: self-healing. Procs from being in combat technique heal for ~450, telekinetic throw (at 3 stacks of harnessed) heals for 3% health per tick (12% total iirc) and then we have another skill that heals for 10%. All together, that makes for an amazing 1v1 class.




However, self healing doesn't scale with group size, and we got self-healing due to lower mitigations compared to other tanks. Vanguards have ~10% more damage reduction that us for example. So, shadow tanks are actually pretty easy to beat if you know how. Simply interupt telekinetic throw and you interupt our main heal. Without that heal, we'll drop pretty quick. Either that, or focus fire us. Our defensive cooldowns (all 2 of them...) aren't great (well, 5 seconds immunity to force/tech is great, but its only 5 seconds), our damage reduction is lower than most tanks, our shield chance disappears against multiple foes....



TL;DR: inf/balance shadows need a buff, kc shadows are fine, just either interupt their heal or focus fire, they'll drop quickly



Pretty much nailed it.


Can also be summed up as "Another this class beat me, nerf it" thread.

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