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MMO vets what do you think Of Sw TOR


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Not pvp related, and I agree with you, but there is one thing even more exciting than well-done pvp and that is live invasions.


I have seen precisely two since UO came out. I am not talking the crap City of Heroes ones which aren't live but rather just temporary spawn point that las for a week or two.


I mean one, which was a dragon invasion in UO, with dragons pushing up the beach to the city.


The other was in EQ when they opened the first expansion pack (I think, was long ago also) where this dark elf army swept throuh zone after zone.


People in both cases got slaughtered left and right, awesome things dropped, but best of all, you felt something was happening, for the first time.


Imagine you were on the big space station and Darth Malik sweeps in with a dozen champ assistants. Boy that would wake people up.


The standard objection is that it upsets people, but so what? I'll join that server over a static one any freakin' day.


Towards the end of EQ's Scars of Vellious (2nd expansion), they actually created a Premium Server that cost like $30 a month. The entire server was run by GMs so every day, there was something new happening in the world.


And do any of you old school EQ players remember all of years of fun at Halloween time when the GMs would take over Mayung Mistmoore and turn it into a major server raid event?


Hell, I miss regular piddly GM events period.




PS> How is it that any of you played more than like 2 days of Anarchy Online? I remember my best friend getting the game at release and not being able to play for more than 5 min at a time due to all of the bugs.

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I think the game serves its purpose. Lets me have fun and kill time. If you worry too much about the details, it wont be the same. As long as you are having fun, leave it at that and dont worry about nerfs and patches.


One day we will all stop playing, but for now just sit back and relax and enjoy it while its still fun to you.


(Played M59, EQ, AC, AC2, SB, SWG, SWTOR)

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I've played Shadowbane, CoH, GW, EVE, and WoW. I think I'm a pretty average player, not noob but not hardcore. I PvP and PvE. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't Star Wars first off. I like the classes and the abilities, I wish there was more pvp and open world, I think the Flashpoints are cool. I wish there was more perks for being in a guild. Overall I really like it but I don't love it...yet. I'm having fun, that's what counts right?
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EQ - 3 yrs

EQ2 - 4 yrs

Aion - 4 months

SWTOR - since launch till now


I just dont feel hooked by swtor, cant put my finger on it but outside of doing WZs this game is rather dull.


I'll be trying out Aion when it goes ftp as the game was alot of fun to play from 1 > cap, they did have some massive problems in Aion but most of it was due to their choice in certain game mechanics (clerics getting ~70% MR, etc..)


I will definetly keep my eyes open to see if this game adds something to work towards or adds a reason to pvp outside of stupid gear rewards systems, give us titles that are hard to aquire or pretty much anything that creates a system where someone actually loses something so someone can actually win something. Right now if you die on Ilum or in a WZ its meaningless, no one cares that they die and no one even knows whos good since they dont even care in the first place. I'm not asking for toons to delete themselves upon dying in pvp, but something that is tied to something they care about... Actual loss upon death is very important.

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level 1 - 50 is very very good.


no open world pvp to speak of is very saddening.


there needs to be a que system for flashpoints and operations so people can easily group.


randomness in pvp bags needs to go.


i personally would like to see a pvp skill pt system and something equal on the pve side.


medals for objectives would be nice cause thats what ppl seem to fight for

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ffxi - since na release current 4 active accounts still

wow - release - cat the cat expansion just killed the game for me




So many years grinding in mmo's I love swtors class stories. I hate the constant zoneing and blocked off worlds. PVP is fun but they need more maps learn from fps different maps same games works wonders. If they focus on content and less on fluffy time and credit sinks could be a nice casual friendly game with legs.

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I've seen a huge range of mmo's, highlights being daoc, AO and eve. I also feel that daoc style pvp mechanics is the crowning achievement of pvp history and would love to see it done again (correctly).


I think swtor is a great game in it's own right. I am surprised to say that I love the pve. I don't want to see everyone copy it though. I think this gem is a bioware specialty.


The pvp sucks though. It doesn't have to suck and I think they actually did the wz's themselves in an engaging manner. The problem is the crutch mechanics. If you aren't into being chain stunned, rooted, choaked, pushed and knocked back every 5 seconds you won't find anything but frustration in swtor pvp.


Get rid of the vast majority of CC in pvp or add some serious immunity timers and you might have something to work with.


Unfortunately, once you design your classes with endless CC in mind, you are pretty much doomed to a never ending struggle to "fix" a fail mechanic that should have been used sparingly in the first place.

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I ll start

I palyed Anarchy online 5 years and Aion 3 years

I didn't like swtor

-feels single player in Pve

-lack of meaningfull gear progression in PvP

-OwPvP , lack of

-I prefer RVR based games


Aion? k i stopped there, good game for a lil thats about it...

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I played WoW for a bit in Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm. Mostly I played EVE, which managed to get the balance between soloing and forcing people to work together right. While, IMO, nothing matches the intensity of EVE, you can't really compare WoW or SWTOR to EVE anyways. EVE forces you to work together to get anything real accomplished. In traditional MMORPGs, it's an option. I know, it's "Excel in space", but EVE does have that stark necessity to it which brings a whole different flavor to gaming.


The natural expansion for SWTOR is space combat a la X-Wing Vs. Tie Fighter. You could just shoe-horn it into a quasi-warzone with a queue. I know I know, big dreams, never gonna happen but seriously, half of Star Wars is fighter combat.

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Asheron's Call-3yrs


Rift-7 monhts


I like SWTOR. I like that the classes are fairly well balanced and that PvP will be based on skill, not gear.


I don't like the targeting in this game, and Ilum was a complete joke and is actually better now than it was before.


I feel like the developers are making strides in the right direction. It's a good game.

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This game is WoW in space if WoW were completely broken.


Classes are fun. I like a lot of the people. Overall, they tried too hard to make this game just like every other MMO.


Instanced gear grinds in PvP is the worst thing to ever happen to MMOs. Yet it is now the pinnacle of MMO PvP. It's about time to retire, I guess. MMOs suck now. :(

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I am a relative newbie to MMO's. I started 4yrs ago with Age Of Conan, then to LOTRO, Then WoW (for like 4 months) Then DC Universe, Then Wonderful SWTOR.


First thing first, SWTOR was released before it was supposed to be. We are getting a full on content and game update for free, within 3 months of release. Business 101, release when your demographic is going to buy the most units (Christmas). Don't ever forget the EA logo that stares at you when you are waiting to log on everyday. They are the distributor and mostly likely a significant financial backer of our beloved game.


PvE is spectacular compared to the games listed above (my only comparison). 1.2 will have crafting updates and Legacy that will only solidify that aspect of the game for me.


PvP is not up to par with the Environmental aspect but I can tell you folks this, I have dabbled in PvP in all of the games above and enjoy it here the most. Every game is different of course but SWTOR has kept me interested and actually looking forward to queuing up every night when I get home.


I grew up in the mid seventies and love the Star Wars Genre. Am I fan Boy? possibly but also have enough years to be objective and thorough in my assessments.


Sustainability is there, cash is king in the business model that is gaming, period. Try to look past that and have patience.

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Not enough variety with just 8v8- missing any meaningful pvp with just short matches- nothing that's just pvp for fun, like old school Wintergrasp or Alterac Valley.


The game felt very, very balanced when it came out- each class felt really good to play, with a few IMPROVEMENTS needed in some specs/areas. However, BW has since proven they only know how to nerf specs rather than improve bad ones, and as such several specs that were slightly lacking are now awful- while the ones that were already a bit better are substantially overpowered. Never seen a company get it right then systematically ruin balance.


It's not ready for competitive play- especially since they're nerfing huge with 1.2.


The game also needs some good world pvp zone- with decent objectives, a mix in of pve, and rewards- AND, easy transportation to the zone- nobody wants to go through a dozen loading screens to get to a world pvp zone when it's hot.

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1 year WOW

2 year AOC

6month WAR

1 year Ryzom << (my favorite)

6month EVE

1 year DDO

4month Darkfall



I am a RP player (that love PVP but is not obssessed by it and rarely i play RAIDS or endgame PVE too much time consuming and too little RP)


I like the game i will probably check GW2 obviously but i dont have my hope high is not for RPer


I like SWTOR because of many social things the story the cutscene the quest the world is well designed... PVP unfortunately is gear based both reward and mechanic but tell me one MMO where this isnt like that.



So far my favorite game was Ryzom but graphic was hard to digest so my popular favorite is AOC before expansion before the mindless farm (or even better before 1.5 and the patch that made gear "meaningfull" what a pitty)


I will stick with SWTOR untill something better come out and i doubt will be GW2 as it's too pvp oriented and too little RP i like balance of things if i wanted an arena game i wouldn't pick a MMO

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Started in 1994 with Neverwinter Nights (aol), moved on to Ultima Online in 1997 for 5-6 years. Had a lengthy stint in DAoC, to SWG, and a bit of WoW.


That said, I find ToR very average at best.


Its another generic themepark MMO, and sadly they have gotten pretty stale for me. I enjoy the stories somewhat, but the rest i am finding is having a very difficult time "grabbing" me.


It's a filler MMO, until something else comes along, even if that MMO is sadly just another filler. I used to spend years in the same virtual world, but these days, one is so similiar to the next, if find myself getting bored rather quickly.


Theres a few games on the horizon that I have my eye on, and either one would probably take my monthly sub pretty quickly, unless theres somethin i'm missing with this games direction.

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what it does surprise me is that some people obviously come from "sandbox" game... they buy SWTOR expecting it to be what is not, and never pretended to be.


it's like i buy a coin-up driving game and expect it to be F1gp2012 simulation




does people understand that this is a themepark and it will be exactly like all other themepark with a couple of new feature

NO SWG wasnt a themepark

NO UO wasnt a themepark

NO AC wasnt a themepark

NO the first DAOC wasn't a real themepark


as themepark are more on the PVE side with some PVP add on

EQII - WOW - AION - RIFT etcetc..


As themepark SWTOR introduce many intresting things

a) companions

b) story (voice quest + 8 different story)

c) star war (few mmo themepark are really sci-fi)

d) a semi new way of crafting

e) legacy system...


it may not big for someone but it's enough to justify a new game


i see 99% of the people that doesnt like it come from totally different game as concept and expect it to be what is not.

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what it surprise me is people that obviously come from "sandbox" game that buy SWTOR expecting it to be what is not


it's like i buy a coin-up driving game and expect it to be F1gp2012 simulation




does people understand that this is a themepark and it will be exactly like all other themepark with a couple of new feature


a) companions

b) story (voice quest + 8 different story)

c) star war (few mmo themepark are really sci-fi)


i see 99% of the people that doesnt like it come from totally different game as concept and expect it to be what is not.


I am not a Sandbox fan, I am not a themepark fan.


I'm an MMO fan.


You give me a good themepark, and I'll play it, a lot if its good.. I enjoyed Warhammer quite a bit, and only left because the development team was gutted, and some really poor decisions by those few that were left. Honestly, i may still go back, as i find the highs in that game, quite a but better than ToR. Nothing really drives me to log in. I go days and days without doing so, hit a few WZs, and log out, and turn the tube on, or grab a book.


I understand this is a themepark. Yet, if all you (they) are offering me (as you put it) is companions, and (in my opinion) a pretty average story, plus a new setting which i can get in any other MMO, and that i should be satisfied....perhaps I need to rethink wether MMOs are still for me, at least the "big budget" ones



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D3 is hack and slash not really pvp. It is more pvp light. GW2? First one sucked. Why is this going to be different. Add to that? Lagswitches (software emulators) and hacks are going to be freaking out of control.


See any fps game on the pc for a preview of what guildwars will look like. People risk nothing but buying a new copy of the game = rampant cheating.


The "gw2 is gonna be awesome" people are the same people who said "swtor is gonna be awesome". Face it. It is sabers or pandas. Hopefully 1.2 is good.


You really might want to do some research about Gw2 before you even try to bash it, You might also want to save your post and reread it after your research, just so you know how stupid you sounded

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Played MUD's/MOO's then UO, WOW (vanilla, like AQ40 stuff), WoT freemium, AoC, WHO, DCUO, Rifts (even the paper and dice version), and Eve Online. May have missed some. Anyways not going for a nerd award, just front loading i have some knowledge in what did exist and whats possible. I have lvl'd a main to 50 have numerous alts and enjoy the story line. They have done excellent work on voice acting and game content as a whole. However, open world pvp is non-existent (by and large), crafting is worthless, and end game content seems very very basic. The pvp grinding is horrible, Ilum is a bad joke, and the gears stat bonus seem like they are over inflated for a non-expansion game. Expansions wil be difficult to put the kind of capital into to polish. Add a class with new story and it could cost alot in just voice acting and time. End game needed to be more epic and to not use any type of cross server for PVP is just lazy. All in all, worth a play through and a nice change of pace, but unless you add content subs will drop like flies. I think the core of your hard-core computer MMO fans need more to hold their attention. however, the SW fans will stay just like they did for SWG. Oh yeah played that one too, it was meh. Play SWG and enjoy being a worker bee no jedi or anything till they "fixed" it. It was another epic fail of a game. I'm hoping for GW2 or mechwarrior online, ill never go back to WoW... pandas??? really I'd have fired the guy who brought that turd of an idea to the table.
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Been playing MMOs since about 2000 I guess, started with EQ, then DAoC, EQ2, and WoW.


The stories are great in this game.


The planets are just rails as far as I'm concerned. Most of the time when you're trying to explore or take a shortcut over a hill that looks easily scalable you find that either your character can't get a foothold or you get the invisible wall.


I don't recall a single quest that was interesting. The story for some of the quests, sure; but the actual quests were mostly just go here and kill this.


I don't PvE much, but I am in a PvE raiding guild. Occasionally, they've asked me to fill in a slot during a normal mode raid. All of the fights I've seen have been very basic, could be described to most people in 2-3 sentences. Not sure how Nightmare modes are, don't really care.


Open world PvP is non-existent. Leveling up I ran into one Republic, I was level 46 by then. The staggered launch and the instanced planets killed PvP while leveling imo. Ilum is a joke, everyone knows it.


WZs are the only reason I even play.

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EQ>DAOC>Anarchy Online>SWG>Planetside>Asheron's Call 2>Earth and Beyond>Shadowbane>WoW>GuildWars>Star Trek Online>AoC>WAR>EQ2>Rift>Darkfall>SWTOR


Only ones I didn't have max level char pre some expansion were SWG, AC, Earth and beyond and Darkfall (that one is the toughest to max).


I'd say SWTOR is casual, lacks a bit of variety on pvp side. At least for now, hoping for much more expanded pvp system, which I think is doable given time. SWTOR fits nicely with my life right now, being much more casual than some others.


Waiting on Planetside 2, GW2 might be meh, but no reason to quit SWTOR for PS2 since they are totally different types of MMOs. Will stick with it long term most likely.

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Unsubbed, seriously thinking about never touching another mmo in general.


Personally, best game I played was the origional Everquest( Before SoE got ownership of it and ruined it).


Every game since then has been a step forwards in graphics, but a huge step backwards in actual game experience.


The new MMO model - Big flashy bright easy.


There is a pretty big community of gamers in their 30-50's, but they just keep catering to the 12year old's.


Graphics are the very last thing I care about in an MMO personally, I care how fun it is and how it plays.


The main reason I am leaving this game though, is not because it's a bad game ( even though I believe it is). Or because of the upcoming changes..... The reason I am leaving is complete lack of communication from the game devs.


You don't keep people satisfied or feeling like their opinion even matters by making vague and mysterious statements... I'm willing to bet their so vague, because even you people don't really know. Corporate America for the loss.


I do know that the product I paid for isn't the product I got in the end. I bought a finished game, not a 3 months until beta test ends game.


If anyone decides to open a lawsuit against these guys let me know, I'm in.

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Unsubbed, seriously thinking about never touching another mmo in general.


Personally, best game I played was the origional Everquest( Before SoE got ownership of it and ruined it).



SOE made EQ and always owned it :) Can't acquire what was always theirs. I started it about a month after release.

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