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Your thoughts on SWTOR as a whole


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Great game, nuff said.


People posting negative have their reasons. But honestly this is the worst place to put that. If you do notice the "General Discussion" Part of our forum sections is the worst place to post anything, yet the other places are 90% positive. People prefer the whole Mid-evil crap. This game is good and not only bringing star wars to a MMO but a great pvp, story, & other stuff.

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I kinda went down the hill and up the other side... I am so glad I changed character and started embracing the game a touch more. Since then I have never looked back and now.. well.. I am really enjoying myself. It really is brilliant I have to say.
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Don't need posters actually ...the increasingly empty server populations speak for themselves.


I've been in since beta and still do like the game, but I've recently dl'd LotRO just so I can get away from the claustrophobic feel I've been having lately.


You do realize the population of Swtor is growing right? I mean people who keep saying its decreasing are really something else lol. They have to throw tantrums. Population is SHifting to other servers or simply BUSY. But of course you don't like the game because you think its single player.

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In a single word: Lazy.


Too many shortcuts that ruin the game for me. From the Balmora/Taris shared planet map to the Tier 2 space missions just reskinned Tier 1 missions, the game is lazy. The space combat itself is a travesty all on its own, but the reuse of same missions over and over is downright insulting.


The end game armors are just slightly different colored versions of the same outfits (with the same set bonuses to add insult to injury).


The 1.2 Holy Grail patch should have been the state of the game at launch so that players can take full advantage the lagacy system.


It's a shame. With a monster IP like Star Wars this game had potential to be great, but for me it's just a disappointment.

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To many loading sequenzes.


To many servers > No migration none to play with.


Can't be arsed make more characters got more then enogh


No LFG Tools to make it easier to find groups insteed of the old shouting in /1 pathetic really


Half decent graphic kinda expected more with the current technology around.


Sound i still messed up swoop/speeder sound that vanish wile mounted for exampe been in the game for ages overall the sound effects are great though.


Not being able to play around with the UI and the buff/debuff icons are horrible, not having addons is one thing but why on earth didn't they have it at release so that you could change things around why wait with 2 content pathes to actully get it done.


Why do i still play? I am not really playing at all just loging in now and then see what the population is like renewed my sub a wile ago and i regret it adding a 2month game card to spend 3-5 hours/week playing a game i don't even enjoy anymore for obvious reasons.


Starwars is epic when i heard about this game i was very excited and i followed the game trough the website for years but i think that i was to excited and it turned around and i got dissapointed for the avg crap product i am paying to play at the moment.


In a few months maybe...:)

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You do realize the population of Swtor is growing right? I mean people who keep saying its decreasing are really something else lol. They have to throw tantrums. Population is SHifting to other servers or simply BUSY. But of course you don't like the game because you think its single player.


First ..find one instance anywhere in any of my many posts in this forum where I stated I didn't like the game. I'm still subbed and playing.


Second ..if the pops are growing I'm not seeing it ;)


I suspect a lot of folks are doing much the same as me. Splitting thier time on other games, waiting for more content on this one.

Edited by Grecanis
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A whole lot of "meh" with room for improvement. The pace of said improvements will determine whether or not I continue to subscribe when some of the more full-featured MMOs start to go live. Edited by Dezzi
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I have some high hopes about the game, cause there is serious potential.


But SWTOR is an incomplete game seriously in all ways that you can imagine which needs to be there in a MMORPG.

Edited by Aethusa
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SWTOR reminds me of the bigmouth at school/work or one of a group of friends who is always saying 'I'm going to do this, i'm going to do that' because he thinks it makes him look big and cool, but when it comes down to doing anything, he'll always shy away or make excuses and change the subject quickly.
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