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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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After the two classes i play were nerfed I'm really strugglin to get motivated to play any more....dont thin i will stay past the free month.



You played a OP BH that had a "I WIN BUTTON" you needed the nerf.......goodbye

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I'm staying. Fun game and well implemented. Don't pvp so do t care about that screwup. Love hanging in the sw universe and no other game has as much appeal to me. Oh, and sooner all the whiners n haters leave, the better.
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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


Expose your opinions


I plan to keep playing and here is why


I enjoy interacting with the guild I joined

I have one level 50 and I want to get more toons to max level

I love the pvp (I was never really a pvper before)


Things I would love to have in game

Everquest 2 had a very robust in game decorating system. I would love to see something similar implimented in swtor

More live events (I love the Rakghoul event)

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It turns out I did a six month subscription, not three. So I will keep my sub through summer as it is already paid for, and I will attempt to level something else.


But dev's, listen to me, please. I beg you. If I level another character to 50 and get into a good PVP groove, could you not unzip and piss all over my play-style this time? I MIGHT ACTUALLY ENJOY PLAYING AGAIN



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I'm subbed till July. When that runs out, I don't think i'll be renewing.


I got bored of doing all the same quests again, on the same planets. I can't even stomach leveling another alt.


Somehow to me, it just all feels clunky :( Something just doesn't feel right, and I can't seem put my finger on it. I'm a big SW fan, and been following TOR since its conception.

Edited by Kavy
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1. Low production value/poor design- Bad engine, poor customer support, a lot of the same bugs since beta, look at other top developer games released this year and you will understand.

2. Dead worlds- the worlds are completely dead, they feel like walking through a museum.

3. Dead Servers- so many servers are completely dead, and yet no merge or transfers anytime soon.

4. Community/Dev Denial- there seems to be a sense of denial with a lot of players, oh its a new game so it doesn't have a lot of features/end game ect. or they will fix this or that in the future. When developing an MMO you can use other MMOs almost like a beta..what works..what does not. I will not wait for a game released last year to play catch up to something brand new that comes out this year. It will take SWTOR at least 6 months of patching to catch up to something released next month.


There are so many other things i cant even begin to list them all

Edited by idoevilthings
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I know some people don't like the game but personally I love it. There are many things I want to see improved, mainly with space, but on the whole I like it. Its fun, good story, and entertaining. The game is still young and will develop over time. I will keep my sub and keep playing.
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The only reason I will keep playing is for the story on the diff classes, its like KOTOR in many ways so that keeps me entertained. However, this game falls short of being a true MMOG in many many ways. Populace for one... generally MMOS have larger populations per server, but we don't have to even go that far.


Compared to most MMO"s the end game content is severely lacking, however, its a new game it will catch up eventually (im just glad EV is fixed, mostly). But what else is there to do besides raids? LVL 50 Pvp is fun but after u do 100,000 warzones gets a little dry.


So what else would help TOR out? Just consider other games... I have a question, have any devs played SWG? In any state, when you look at that game compared to this one SWG was open persistent world, not themepark/instanced out, I felt not only truly immersed in a world but fully entertained in the mechanism of each world and the economies etc, how many people actually find items needed on the galactic trade in tor? Does it compete with the Rakata gear or Blacksun gear? ... yea i didnt think so... A game geared to make you the hero is fun, like kotor, but again once u get thru the story its very lacking, whereas i think SWG had alot to do while u werent pvping or waiting for your raid group.


Entertainer class was fun (helpful buffs and giving/receiving tips... plastic surgury..etc..), houses were fun (altho needed pruning, tattoine on starsider got nuts) shops with real valueable items/upgrades. open world pvp faction based towns.. etc... I hate to b a SWG fanboi but dang o dang i miss alot about that game. Sometimes i think a few things from SWG would be well suited in TOR. and tor's answer to housing.. starships... u can customize? no u cant... u can PAY to BUY useless items that u can find ALMOST just as quickly on fleet, no items to place... no diff colors or decorations.. trophies... hell u cant even sleep in your bed or sit in a chair (other than the bridge). So im not sure how long i will continue paying to play. but for now im entertained... Pay to play another 2-3 months. Will this game survive past the 1 year mark, yes.....2 year mark? Doubtful.

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Yes ill keep my sub.


I feel bad for everyone on a low pop server, im on a light - standard server and I started a guild and have a steady ops group and about 100 active members we are one of the biggest guilds on the server, But for all those people who cant find people to join their guild. i suggest a guild merge. im sure there is another guild on your server with the same issue.


TBH the thing that would save this game is xfers, i know they are still working out the legacy but

TBH im legacy level 21 and tbh i could care less about it. i think there are people who would agree with me that they would trade their legacy for the chance to play with an actual population. i say BW give u a choice for the time being. YES You can have a server xfer. but you need to leave your legacy. i know QQ "But i shouldnt have to remake my legacy" Yah well life is a B*****. nothing ever works as intended we as video gamers the amount of bugs we see should know that best of all.


Thats my six sense Thanks for reading if you did!

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I subbed up 3 months out of the gate and my sub ends tommorow. I would have probably kept playing the game for another month but I bought ME3 and Kingdoms of Amalur and both those games are more enjoyable than TOR imo. I played tor about 5 or 6 weeks steadily out of the 16 weeks I was able to log in.


I cancelled it tonight and most likely won't be back. Not because TOR is a bad game its just not good enough for me when Diablo 3 is coming out in a few weeks. And that is the game I have been waiting for... TOR did not quite hit my expectations.

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Yes ill keep my sub.


I feel bad for everyone on a low pop server, im on a light - standard server and I started a guild and have a steady ops group and about 100 active members we are one of the biggest guilds on the server, But for all those people who cant find people to join their guild. i suggest a guild merge. im sure there is another guild on your server with the same issue.


TBH the thing that would save this game is xfers, i know they are still working out the legacy but

TBH im legacy level 21 and tbh i could care less about it. i think there are people who would agree with me that they would trade their legacy for the chance to play with an actual population. i say BW give u a choice for the time being. YES You can have a server xfer. but you need to leave your legacy. i know QQ "But i shouldnt have to remake my legacy" Yah well life is a B*****. nothing ever works as intended we as video gamers the amount of bugs we see should know that best of all.


Thats my six sense Thanks for reading if you did!


That was well said. I to will be keeping my Sub. I look forward to growing with the game and giving BW a huge chance to sort through the crap and make this game into the awesome universe I know its going to be. Besides, I've given Blizz way to much money, it' s time I let some other game dev **** my bank. XD

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