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"Resolve is broken" challenge


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Hm.. I just saw this article:



Your resolve bar (in the UI) fills when you get hit with the stun, but the points aren't actually applied until the duration of the stun passes. So don't burn your Unleash when you first get a full bar and think you're immune. The bar will show full but you won't actually be immune, you have to wait for entire stun to pass before your CC immune.



If that's true, CC breaker is useless. Waiting for stun to pass, then you're immune. But then I wouldn't need a CC breaker. Strange.


This article is a lie. CC points are applied when you are hit with CC effect. I have done extensive testing during last few days in fairly controlled enviroment of having duel between 2 characters logged on 2 computers in the same room and I am really certain about that.

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Drop to zero? LOL. I get stunned for full 4 seconds when my resolve bar drops to 99% or anything bellow 100%, really.


Ok, one more time - not having a clue about resolve system is not helping your argumentation.


Here you go, a thread about my findings about resolve system (not that I link it for the first time here, but since no one reads more than first page of this thread....)



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Ok, one more time - not having a clue about resolve system is not helping your argumentation.


Here you go, a thread about my findings about resolve system (not that I link it for the first time here, but since no one reads more than first page of this thread....)




That's all nice, but it doesn't help me when I'm getting stunned for full 4 seconds as soon as my resolve bar drops from full (to almost full). And that happens all the time.

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I know the difference between stun and root. I'm a hardcore non-elitist PVP player. Translation: Rank 14 in WoW, played about 5000 WSG and AB games in my 1st WoW year, didn't play Arena because it was not fun. Stopped playing WoW 3 years ago.


Resolve bar was full and white, I used my CC breaker, made 2 steps, got stunned again for 4 seconds.


It happened exactly this way. Usually it takes about 5 seconds for the resolve bar to drop from full, so I can get stunned again. But sometimes, like yesterday, it gets...weird.




did you look at the nameplate resolve bar or the one on your char, I have heard that the one on the nameplate sometimes is not correct while the one on your char is, the bar on the nameplate is rumored to be affected by heavy bar lag especially if you have the "only visible while resolve is active option" is enabled.

I am very interested in this since I keep hearing this a lot but never saw this myself, an answer would be appreciated.

Edited by Bazzoong
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did you look at the nameplate resolve bar or the one on your char, I have heard that the one on the nameplate sometimes is not correct while the one on your char is, the bar on the nameplate is rumored to be affected by heavy bar lag especially if you have the "only visible while resolve is active option" is enabled.

I am very interested in this since I keep hearing a lot but never saw this myself, an answer would be appreciated.


The one on my nameplate. I never look on the one on my char.

I have lag problems all the time, latency is 130ms, not too bad, but I have lots of lag problems, with characters appearing not where they seem they should be.


Ah, my resolve bar is visible all the time.

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That's all nice, but it doesn't help me when I'm getting stunned for full 4 seconds as soon as my resolve bar drops from full (to almost full). And that happens all the time.


Ah, so we have here an inability to differ between full and white. Ok, problem is that resolve before it turns white can fill all the bar, but still not turn white. I didnt check how much resolve you need to achieve such result (another thing to check, maybe today:)) but bar looks like visually full, but it is not. It have to be white, not greyish and without those separator-things (english is not my first language and I dont know how to properly call them) visible while bar is only partialy filled.


PS. While I have resolve bar turned visible all the time, for controlling my own resolve I always look at the one near character portrait and I find it always accurate. I have similar latency as you.

Edited by Kaarsa
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Ah, so we have here an inability to differ between full and white. Ok, problem is that resolve before it turns white can fill all the bar, but still not turn white. I didnt check how much resolve you need to achieve such result (another thing to check, maybe today:)) but bar looks like visually full, but it is not. It have to be white, not greyish and without those separator-things (english is not my first language and I dont know how to properly call them) visible while bar is only partialy filled.


PS. While I have resolve bar turned visible all the time, for controlling my own resolve I always look at the one near character portrait and I find it always accurate. I have similar latency as you.


When I used my CC breaker yesterday, the bar was white. Definitely.

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Well, you should fill a bug ticket then. You should not be stunned with white resolve bar.


Problem is (IMO) that a lot of people say that they were stunned with white resolve bar, but no one managed to catch this on the video (or no one who actually care about that;)). Since I cant alone watch all available SW TOR youtube videos (and I am not going to;)) I started this fairly provocative thread to encourage other people who sometimes watch SW TOR pvp videos to post a link to a film with documented bug in resolve system. 26 pages now and still nothing, so please forgive me if I dont believe in any history like this without a solid proof, especialy if poster follows his history with something like "it takes 5 seconds for my white resolve to drop to zero".

Edited by Kaarsa
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Ok, I want to throw a gauntlet to all supporters of opinion that resolve is broken.


Please post a vid or link to a vid where someone is affected by stun or mezz or knockback or pull while having white resolve bar.


By affected I mean - hit by new one, one that filled resolve bar SHOULD work.


If you will get me a vid, we can then ask BW to fix it.


If not, I am going to direct all resolve-complainers here.


One more time, get me a vid or stop QQ about resolve please.




after 22 pages of discussion about resolve, diminishing returns, roots, slows, huttball, game developing and amusing amount of posts from people who not only do not understand how resolve works now, but didnt even bother to read more than thread title and 2 first senteces of this post, no one posted a vid showing that resolve is not working as intented.


Therefore, it is working as intended. You may not like how it works, but it working fine.


Still waiting for video proof that it is otherwise.


Don't need to as you would probably throw out some excuse about altering it or w/e. My suggestion, roll an Operative and see for yourself.


The person you quoted above me is correct, this happens to me all the time as well. However, it is only with Operatives who are able to back stab.


Scenario, I am engaged with player X. Now player X hits me with a stun, 3/4 bar goes up, I wait. We keep fighting, he hits me with another CC ability, bam my resolve bar is 100% white, I hit my CC breaker. I continue to fight, while my resolve bar is going down (still white) an Op comes up from behind out of stealth and stuns me.


I have not had any other class do this outside of an Op/Scound.

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Don't need to as you would probably throw out some excuse about altering it or w/e. My suggestion, roll an Operative and see for yourself.


I am not a video graphic expert and I would not recognize altered video even if I would trip on one. You may quote me on that.


What I will certainly do will be pointing that character in question is rooted, not stunned, or that he is affected by CC that caused resolve bar to turn white. If anyone will provide a video with someone with full resolve bar hit by new CC effect that is a part of resolve system, I am going to fill bug ticket with link to that video and will encourage everyone else to do the same in hope that BW will fix the issue.


EDIT after you edited your post


Maybe today my smuggler friend will be online and I will try to duplicate this scenario. I will post results in my other thread, here it will sink in depths of whinning very fast;)


If I will find a bug, I will do everything possible to document it, duplicate it and report it.

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When I used my CC breaker yesterday, the bar was white. Definitely.


That is not supposed to happen. If you are certain then you should file a bug ticket. I have never experienced that and I do watch my resolve bar quite closely. I don't know what may have caused that, maybe synchronization issues between client and server. If that happens to you often you should file a ticket and maybe do an effort and fraps it so we can all see it. That will win you the challenge and we are going to link a video playing to your national anthem here ;).

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the only time you are supose to use CC break is when the other team is going to "score a point" or get an upper hand in a fight, other than that, just deal with it.


No, they're supposed to use it to totally negate all stuns because they think they're entitled to be stun free but other's aren't.


Did I win?

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Resolve isnt broken... the whole Resolve mechanic is


The Resolve mechanic is superior to any other anti-CC system I've ever experienced.


Unlike most systems that are automatically applied without any user input, Resolve requires a degree of knowledge and skill to use effectively.


This is one of those rare cases where, without video evidence to the contrary, the system works perfectly. If you aren't getting the results you want, L2P.

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What we need is Diminishing Returns not resolve resolve is a joke where diminishing return is not we need something the will make it so you cant spam me till i'm whitebar whit cc


Are you aware that you actually submitted that? Like, for other people to see?


DR is utter garbage. It is a lazy developer's way to remove skill from the CC meta-game and implement an automatic system that rewards CC spamming and actually prevents intelligent use of CC and CC Breakers.


Resolve is vastly superior from both an offensive and defensive perspective. If you don't see that, then I suggest you leave this thread and find the "Resolve Values" thread (by the same thread creator) and learn about how Resolve actually works.


Once you know how to use Resolve you will have absolutely no reason to ever want DR ever again (unless you are one of those "PvP" guys who prefers to have gear determine the outcome instead of skill, also known as a handicapped PvE player).

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Resolve is broken, CC's are out of control.


CC's have driven more players away from this game than Ilum did.


Resolve is broken because it doesn't do what it's EXPECTED to do. I don't give a crap about how it's programmed, it's about how it's expected to work by the masses, and THAT is where Resolve fails.


Resolve SHOULD have been a mechanic that limited CCs impact on PvP. Instead, it's as much of a frustration as the freaking CC's are.

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1.2 will bring something new, though technically does not break what Resolve is supposed to do I am amazed people have not talked about it:


Carnage x3 Root


Deadly Throw

Force Charge



All root and all are off Resolve.


How many seconds is that guys? From just one player? And after that x3 chain it can start all over again in a matter of seconds!

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Resolve is broken, CC's are out of control.

That sounds like an opinion...

CC's have driven more players away from this game than Ilum did.

That sounds like an unfounded opinion...

Resolve is broken because it doesn't do what it's EXPECTED to do. I don't give a crap about how it's programmed, it's about how it's expected to work by the masses, and THAT is where Resolve fails.

This is definitely an opinion, but a reasonable one.


Your point then is that Resolve should be explained more clearly in order to correct the misconceptions that the masses may have regarding its functionality? That is a position I can agree with. That is also the goal of the Resolve Values thread on this same board.

Resolve SHOULD have been a mechanic that limited CCs impact on PvP. Instead, it's as much of a frustration as the freaking CC's are.

Resolve IS a mechanic that limits the impact of CCs on you. It is a tool, and it does require knowledge to use correctly.

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That sounds like an opinion...


That sounds like an unfounded opinion...


This is definitely an opinion, but a reasonable one.


Your point then is that Resolve should be explained more clearly in order to correct the misconceptions that the masses may have regarding its functionality? That is a position I can agree with. That is also the goal of the Resolve Values thread on this same board.


Resolve IS a mechanic that limits the impact of CCs on you. It is a tool, and it does require knowledge to use correctly.


Yes. Those are my opinions and they are shared by more than just me.


And no. My point is that Resolve, as it is, is as much of a problem as the ungodly amount of CCs in this game.


I honestly do not care if Resolve works the way the developers intended it to. CC's are the #2 problem with PvP in SWTOR (#1 being lack of world PvP) and Resolve is what SHOULD limit it, but doesn't.


You guys can argue all day long that it works great...but that doesn't make it true and that doesn't fix the problem or frustration players have with PvP.


Maybe you haven't noticed, but fewer and fewer players are playing this game. Resolve/CCs are ONE of the reasons. Please stop trying to defend it. You do more damage than good.

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after 27 pages of discussion about resolve, diminishing returns, roots, slows, huttball, game developing and amusing amount of posts from people who not only do not understand how resolve works now, but didnt even bother to read more than thread title and 2 first senteces of this post, no one posted a vid showing that resolve is not working as intented.


Therefore, it is working as intended. You may not like how it works, but it working fine.


Was there ever a question of it not working as intended? The problem has always been that snares/roots are not a part of the system.

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Was there ever a question of it not working as intended? The problem has always been that snares/roots are not a part of the system.


This. And imho resolve should kick in as soon as the bar is filled, not the cc after the bar is filled. Ideally you should suffer no more than 2 cc abilities (stuns/root/snares/knockbacks) before you're completely immune.

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This. And imho resolve should kick in as soon as the bar is filled, not the cc after the bar is filled. Ideally you should suffer no more than 2 cc abilities (stuns/root/snares/knockbacks) before you're completely immune.




Please read this thread's OP. You will see that any combination of stun and mez will grant CC immunity on the second stun/mez. This means that if you play it smart and eat the first stun, you will gain up to 20 seconds of CC immunity.

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