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Bioware Does Not Understand MMO Players


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I have no problems with how they are handling early release. Although, I think the communication from BW has been pretty poor.


Going in to this I anticipated a very conservative Day 1 of EGA with a lot more waves in the subsequent days. A lot of my opinion was formed because of Tweets by SR. But they could have avoided a ton of these complaints by managing peoples expectations heading in to EGA.


There should have been a more detailed explanation in the forums about what to expect during EGA. Especially considering, they seem to be handling EGA much differently than they handled the Turkey Day tests.

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I love Bioware and SWTOR but their lack of MMO experience and unwillingness to look at other MMOs as examples on how to do things (like launch) will possibly ruin them.


Here's what I know from over a decade of play.


- Tons of people want to be the First to do something on their server. This is the whole game to them. So it's already ruined for many people. Luckily I'm not like that but many are.


- MMO Players are some of the meanest, whiniest most fickle customers you can ever have. Do not underestimate their negativity. A few bad decisions will destroy your game.


- Negativity breads more negativity which seriously brings down MMORPGs - all by itself. If you underestimate the negativity feedback loop then you've already lost.


- No company is too big to fail with MMOs.


- Just like in the stock market, it doesn't matter if you're a stable player who likes the stock/game, droves of pissed off negative people leaving your stock/game WILL HURT YOU. It hurts the game, which hurts you. So "Go back to WoW" is not a fix.


- Bioware has already started removing/closing posts to control the complaints. This sort of thing usually backfires.


Understanding something and caving in to something are 2 seperate things.

Maybe the MMO community should start walking upright.

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I love Bioware and SWTOR but their lack of MMO experience and unwillingness to look at other MMOs as examples on how to do things (like launch) will possibly ruin them.


Here's what I know from over a decade of play.


- Tons of people want to be the First to do something on their server. This is the whole game to them. So it's already ruined for many people. Luckily I'm not like that but many are.


- MMO Players are some of the meanest, whiniest most fickle customers you can ever have. Do not underestimate their negativity. A few bad decisions will destroy your game.


- Negativity breads more negativity which seriously brings down MMORPGs - all by itself. If you underestimate the negativity feedback loop then you've already lost.


- No company is too big to fail with MMOs.


- Just like in the stock market, it doesn't matter if you're a stable player who likes the stock/game, droves of pissed off negative people leaving your stock/game WILL HURT YOU. It hurts the game, which hurts you. So "Go back to WoW" is not a fix.


- Bioware has already started removing/closing posts to control the complaints. This sort of thing usually backfires.


Those who want to be first to do anything in the game, are probably the same people that post "first" on a thread started by the devs, even if they have nothing to say. I can do without them.


MMO players are fickle. Thats true, but do you seriously believe that they not being 'first' will mean they will not play? Read the forums. they are busy being here complaining that they aren't 'first' to cancel their preorders. They want to play, even if they aren't 'first' and never will be.


Those that will talk negativly about this game are well free to do so, but they reach what... 10-50 people at the most? At the same time, the 'offical' reviewers will reach 100k-millions and they will not be negative in their reviews. Even if they might be critical in some parts, I feel their reviews will be mostly positive, so what ever those negative 'first' people are complaining about, it wont have a impact on the sales or the game.


And those negative people that can't wait their turn, they will either bite their tongue, blame bioware/ea or anything else they can for not being first (which is based on early access code registration), so it is their own fault they aren't first, they will still stick around or return after the 20th as they can't stay away.

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It's obvious that everyone wants in the game first. If it wasn't this op then it would have been someone else. I am one that is twitching nervously to get my invite but I am waiting because being the "first" to do something is just another "LEET" stamp people want to hold over others. This game is definately worth the wait and I do not see this start hendering anything. If being first is the driving factor for you to play this game then just don't play because you will miss the true "gem" of this game. The content and work put into the overall play Edited by Dragnrdr
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This launch will be talked about for years, as an epic fail, where most people could not play. Yeah, there's a chance that some people would be stuck in queues and perhaps even some server crashes and lag if they had just let everyone in, but it would have been hugely better than the current situation.




This is early start and they said since day ONE this is how it would go. people need to get over themselves.

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I love Bioware and SWTOR but their lack of MMO experience and unwillingness to look at other MMOs as examples on how to do things (like launch) will possibly ruin them.


Here's what I know from over a decade of play.


- Tons of people want to be the First to do something on their server. This is the whole game to them. So it's already ruined for many people. Luckily I'm not like that but many are.


- MMO Players are some of the meanest, whiniest most fickle customers you can ever have. Do not underestimate their negativity. A few bad decisions will destroy your game.


- Negativity breads more negativity which seriously brings down MMORPGs - all by itself. If you underestimate the negativity feedback loop then you've already lost.


- No company is too big to fail with MMOs.


- Just like in the stock market, it doesn't matter if you're a stable player who likes the stock/game, droves of pissed off negative people leaving your stock/game WILL HURT YOU. It hurts the game, which hurts you. So "Go back to WoW" is not a fix.


- Bioware has already started removing/closing posts to control the complaints. This sort of thing usually backfires.


Too early to say that the staggered launch is a fail.


What HAS been fail so far, and isn't an encouraging sign has been the lack of communication from Bioware to properly set up this launch. Another worry that exists is what many might perceive as misleading advertising.


Right now, the pre-order advertising is still promising "up to" 5 days early access. Unless everyone can get in on the 15th, there are going to be people ticked off. Especially if someone pays for the early access and only gets one day of early access, at a point when Bioware would have to know that no one was getting the full 5 days anymore. (Which BW could handle by gating most people form the 15th onward by date of preorder confirmation, say, 75-90%, and randomly admitting in the remainder of the wave by lot).


Whatever. The one thing I am sure, is that Bioware, Lucasarts and EA are doing everything they can to build up as huge a launch as possible. Fine and dandy, but that elvel of focus on the bottom line can lead to...problems...or not. Time will tell.

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Yes its frustrating not to get in but its to create a smooth launch without the servers crashing around us which would make everyone whine twice as much. Take a look at cataclysm, couldnt get logged in the first night for about 3 hours as the log in servers were bottle necked
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What that the most vocal of you are some of the whinniest forms of life on the planet? That can't see that the way they're doing it is smart and makes it so launch is actually playable because they're so stuck up and selfish that they didn't get an inv in the first wave they're all crying?


Yea totally I don't think they want to understand them but would much rather cater to 90% of the people who pre-order who'd rather just play the *********** game(Letting 1mil+ people onto servers at the same time isn't how you do that BTW).


This being a 100 mill$ + game they should have resources for everyone who pre ordered to be on now. They have phasing or sharding whatever you call it. They had over a mil in the last beta no problem. Many of us did pre order in July just so we could be in first and still no invite. This is a sorry launch Bioware and I will not ever have the same fanboy feeling I used to have for the company. Ever since EA sucked Bioware in things have went downhill. I knew EA buying out Bioware was going to be terrible for Bioware fans and I was right.

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I love Bioware and SWTOR but their lack of MMO experience and unwillingness to look at other MMOs as examples on how to do things (like launch) will possibly ruin them.


Here's what I know from over a decade of play.


- Tons of people want to be the First to do something on their server. This is the whole game to them. So it's already ruined for many people. Luckily I'm not like that but many are.

Neither am I


- MMO Players are some of the meanest, whiniest most fickle customers you can ever have. Do not underestimate their negativity. A few bad decisions will destroy your game.

No matter what decision they make a few will always think it's bad and whine about it often making it look like the issue is more widespread than it really is, unwinnable scenario


- Negativity breads more negativity which seriously brings down MMORPGs - all by itself. If you underestimate the negativity feedback loop then you've already lost.

Same point as above, unwinnable scenario


- No company is too big to fail with MMOs.

agree, but statement has no point


- Just like in the stock market, it doesn't matter if you're a stable player who likes the stock/game, droves of pissed off negative people leaving your stock/game WILL HURT YOU. It hurts the game, which hurts you. So "Go back to WoW" is not a fix.

It kind of is when the whiners are a vocal minority that think they are a majority. The droves you are talking about is the vocal minority seeming larger than it really is


- Bioware has already started removing/closing posts to control the complaints. This sort of thing usually backfires.

They have removed/closed and redirected threads with baseless speculations, flat out lies, faulty information, threats, duplicated, reposts of the former posts, non SWTOR related etc, but whiners and trolls wan't to be special and have their very own thread and clog the forum


my responses in red.

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Imagine the negativity that would result from everyone logging in and creating new chars on the same 4 starter planets and killing the servers on launch day.


They've got sharding. They could handle thousands of people on the same starting planet simultaneously, as only a certain numner will ever be in a single shard.

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READ the system message on the client login.


"This is a big day for us, we are launching SWTOR today etc etc".


Please stop this. It's embarassing. You know full well what they mean.


It's like a restaurant's soft opening. Doors are open but the balloons don't go out in front until the Grand Opening.


BW has made it very clear from Day 1 what their plans are. To pretend otherwise now makes you look sadly ignorant.

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I can't believe I'm going to post this again, but...


I really wish people would stop getting their *** hairs up over the use of the word LAUNCH.

My god, even BW said "This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars™: The Old Republic™" - see that word in there..... launching.



Edited by Sedayeen
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Actually, no one is going to give a flying crap after the 20th.


I'm confused, do you people exist in real life? Because I've never actually met anyone as whiny as the people on these forums.


Lol... guess you don't do what I do for a living. I deal with whiny vindictive people every day. Law enforcement was established to solve everyone problems which they can't do on their own.


People are Stupid, Lazy, and Crazy. :cool:


Secret to Happy Life: Don't marry CRAZY people!! Good luck with that.

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Just an FYI but BioWare wasn't going for traditional MMO players. They said so themselves.


They were focusing on a sect of the gaming market and that sect seems to prefer stories, Star Wars, and RPG's.


Wrong. They said they wanted gamers from traditional MMOs as well. You shouldn't say things as facts when they are just your guess.

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I can't believe I'm going to post this again, but...


I really wish people would stop getting their *** hairs up over the use of the word LAUNCH.

My god, even BW said "This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars™: The Old Republic™" - see that word in there..... launching.





It's not launch.

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READ the system message on the client login.


"This is a big day for us, we are launching SWTOR today etc etc".


I read it, and no matter how many times I get told to read it it still says

that they ARE launching (future/happening tense, as in ongoing, this is where the game is now).


The launch is the 20th (specific tense, this is where they'll be at the 20th)

and by the 21st they will have launched (past tense).

Edited by WereMops
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I love Bioware and SWTOR but their lack of MMO experience and unwillingness to look at other MMOs as examples on how to do things (like launch) will possibly ruin them


Or maybe they looked at other MMO launches and decided to do it slowly so they can adjust as needed instead of having overloaded, laggy servers and tons of angry players complaining on the forums


You know, just a thought

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