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Everything posted by Herbey

  1. Just got back after quite some time off. I have a sent, a sin, a jugg, and a smuggler.....which one should I level up to 70 for pvp? My heart has always been my sent but how are the fairing these days in pvp?
  2. Anyone else having trouble? I can log into other servers, but not this one.
  3. Why is no one including force leap > force sweep(auto crt) at the beginning of their rotation? I would go: force leap > force sweep(auto crt) > zen (when up) > force exhaustion > master strike > zealous leap > focused burst(auto crt) > concentrated slice I will move concentrated slice before zealous leap > focused burst after patch. Learning as I go, could be wrong.
  4. I just came back after a 2 year break.......my sent just feels fragile. I spend more time fleeing from the fight than being in it.........Just not as fun as it used to be.......running all the time cause you are dieing so fast sucks.....
  5. If they can do quality VO and still have a robust pve and pvp system, then by all means do the VO. However, we all know the swtor has failed on pvp and perhaps pve, not to mention there is nothing much to do once you are 50, no need to farm resources, no reason to explore and revisit all the lush planets. the list goes on and on.... All the voice over in the world hasn't saved me from feeling that this game is shallow.
  6. This games biggest failure is the pvp. A pve lfg tool will not save it
  7. My top reasons I am losing interest. 1. Lack of meaningful pvp and large scale pvp. The lack of RvR or WvW is a huge short sight and I think BW underestimated the importance of great pvp. 2. All these lush and beautiful planets and no reason to EVER go back once your 50. I think the crew skill system has failed and has taken us out of this wonderful world you created. No reason to venture out and gather resources, no fighting enemies while exploring looking for resources. The lack of reasons to be on the planets and exploring has taken away some opportunities for some great small scale, real world fights. On top of that, without having to venture out into the world you lose the immersion. SWG had fantastic immersion, SWTOR has zero. SWOTOR has some immersion in the stories, but SWG immersed you with its fantastic world, it did not need a story to immerse you, you where the story. 3. It seems the game engine is incapable of large scale fighting, at least that's why I think they killed Illum. So it seems to me, large scale RvR will never be a reality in this game. 4. Taking to long for mergers/transfers. There is a terrible snowball effect occurring as I write this. The server pops reduced, more people got bored, so more quit and hence the downward spiral began. I am not sure it can be saved, I think the delay has created an environment where the damage is already done. Most of my complaints are the lack of a variety of pvp. We need RvR, war zones, and arenas/rateds
  8. I have to agree, in swg you definatley made your story. On my server I was the first to get krayte dragons on farm status solo. I killed 4-8 krayte a day making me the premier supplier. I sold countless dragon pearls to high end guilds as well as tissues. Made a fortune which propelled me and my friends into having one of the largest player built cities on the server. I became a chef half way through my first year playing and spent the countless hours required mastering gathering, sample taking, and traveling the galaxy to find the perfect materials. Also put the effort in to find the best suppliers of materials I need to enhance my food and drink products. When all is said and done. I had the highest level guilds clamoring for me to put a vendor in their player built cities as my chef products where world class. To succeed in SWG you had to have connections. This was a player built game and economy. Most people didn't "get it" at all. I have talked to many fellow gamers and the ones that say it sucked. I ask them questions based on my success in game. Their answers? "I didn't realize you could do that in swg".........Most people just didn't get it and thats why it failed. People where afraid to actually have to work for success in a game. Best mmo ever made to date despite its flaws. Most engaging game I ever played. Most depth. I will miss the early SWG game forever. It truely made me feel part of the Star Wars universe. SWTOR doesn't even come close. SWG gave a very good reason to revist all the planets through gathering. The gathering system was engaging and something you actualy had to master and it required that you revisit planets to take samples of crafting materials. How often in SWTOR do you need to revisit and explore planets that you have already moved on from? You don't you. I could actually write a book about how cool SWG was......but I will end here.
  9. SWG was the best mmo of all time. I had more fun being a Chef in SWG that I do a Sentinel in this game. The immersion and complexity of swg was phenominal. The crafting and gathering system was the best I have seen in any game. I truley miss sandbox games and swg. I want swg back in its original format. Blew every mmo of today out of the water hands down.
  10. I ruin ppl in pvp. Top the charts nearly every match and wreck any healer I decide to focus on. Watchmen spec is about as good as it gets, get rid of focus and you'll be fine. Learn the rotations, put points into the centering building talents, use zen every time its up. I thin the class rocks and is fine, get rid of the idea of pommel strike and opportune strike, they are pve only. Force sweeps aoe stun is pvp only (for a good reason).
  11. Merciless slash is our only "burst" damage in the watchmen tree, leave it as is.
  12. All these numbers make me question stacking crit and surge on my sent. I am full Battlemaster and have swapped out my accuracy/crt mods for surge crit mods. What are others doing?
  13. When the enemy side realizes they are losing, they can leave the match get it to start the count down to end the warzone due to imbalance and even if more enemy's join and the count down stops, the winning side gets ripped off of their win. Imps do it to us dailey, takes 8 hours to get the dailey done.....
  14. Im Valor rank 69 on my sent and have tried all 3 builds. I always come back to watchmen. It is very bursty and I am a royal pain in the *** to ANYONE I get on especially healers....no one is mention the snare we get on cauterize or the fact that merciless has a 100% chance to get rid of the cd on cauterize. Basicaly that means I can have cauterize on a target almost 100% of the time so they are snared 100% of the time. Combat has moments where I feel its great. 4500 dispatch crt was nice the other day. All in all, I feel I tear targets down faster as watchmen, get higher numbers in wz's with it and love the interupts, point blank force leap, heal ticks etc. Tried them all and keep coming back to watchmen. Focus was neat and all, but all I felt I got was an occasion high damage aoe. The rest was meh. And even that aoe was situational, not something I could depend on. Though I will admit, the focus tree I gave the least amount of time. Those saying watchmen is not bursty are soo wrong, I wreck healers all day long.
  15. Waste of focus got rid of it. There are other abilities I want to use instead.
  16. This is clearly an operative / scoundrel spewing dribble
  17. I am embarassed to wear my pvp gear.......
  18. Its horrible, I am embarassed to wear it.....
  19. umm, cauterize has a 15 sec cool down..........if it zeros out, use it again once the 6 seconds on the original is used up. What does this mean to you? You can keep cauterize up 100% of the time. Next question?
  20. I am valor rank 64 on my sentinel and have tried every build there is. Watchmen is king. Want to talk burst? force leap, over load saber, zealous strike, cautrerize, merciless strike, dead target. Point blank force leap for an extra interrupt (in between force kicks) when you are on a healer, focus refunds on slash, merciless slash, dispatch, focus regen from burn effects, reduced cool down on force kick, force leap, and pacify. I tried focus and although the guarenteed force sweep crt is nice, it takes too much effort to pull off. We will never be a true aoe class, we are all about single target damage. Wathcmen tree is the healer wrecker/annoyer. I have gootten up to 60k heals from the talent in the watchmen tree, have crt for nearly 5k with merciless slash. Tried them all, its watchmen for me.
  21. No, I am sorry, you should NOT be able to kill someone before they get up from your knockdown. Your class is severly OP and needs to be nerfed. /discuss
  22. Watchmen burns things down quite nicely. I say watchman till 43 as others have suggested. Combat just takes off too slow. I played combat up to lvl 30 in beta. I mostly did warfronts. My damage output is MUCH better in warfronts now that I am watchmen.
  23. I always vote for the any other Jedi Knight in the match, regardless of their damage, just for the simple fact I understand how hard it is to excel and top the charts on these classes. ALWAYS vote for your Jedi brother.
  24. August 2 and hoping.......I feel like a kid at Christmas with no present under the tree......even though im 40 LOL
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