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No Cross Realm LFG tool please!


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It almost seems like the people who are against LFG are Blizzard shills who want this game to fail. SWTOR will not survive in its current state without a cross server LFG.


This is such a load of crap. Most people are leveling (there are more people in Hutta+DK than fleet on my server, this alone should say something), the game is still young, and yes, perhaps they did make too many servers so yes the Fleet population and people who are looking to run things at max level are relatively few and spread pretty thin at the moment. It won't stay that way. As more people hit 50 more people will be sitting around in fleet looking to run things, and the community will start to solidify and take form. Sorry if you rushed to endgame and are finding nobody to play with since everyone else is taking their time enjoying the leveling game. Server merges would help out tremendously and I think should be a priority. To think that a dungeon finder is necessary is ridiculous. I think the current one should be improved, yes - make a server wide LFG channel, make it more "up front" and detailed and user friendly. WoW had a very nice system before the dungeon finder - people highly exaggerate the difficulty in finding groups pre-DF (there wasn't any).


I don't want the game to fail, the lack of a dungeon finder is what originally piqued my interest in this game that I had no intention of getting at first. I just don't want it to repeat all the mistakes that caused wow and the mmo community to decline into the sorry state its in. It can be healed, but it takes TIME and requires forcing people to be social, to play with familiar faces, to talk to each other instead of just clicking a button and teleporting instantly to your easy and dungeon grind of the day, and to roll back on mistakes the genre has made in recent times.


Dungeon groups will be easier to find with both time and other fixes. Simple as that. I'd rather stick it out early on than the game going to hell before it has a chance to roll back on some of the modern mmo mistakes.

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I am disappointed to see the cross realm LFG tool being talked about as a future addition to the game. I was really hoping to keep that out of TOR just because of it's ability to destroy community in a game. I would be all for LFG server wide but cross realm is a no go for me.


Bro, almost all the servers are dead. There's no community anyways.

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There's fewer to have to put on ignore with same server, and I won't necessarily *have* to use the LFG tool if I can just add them to a friends list and catch them when they are online next time. X-Server doesn't let that work, necessarily.


Huh? You do know if you use the ignore feature while running a LFG cross server tool in WoW you never have to worry about having to run with that player again? There are tools to deal with those you who donot wish to run with again in WoW's LFG. TOR's can work the same way.

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This is the reason why I stopped playing even if I subbed for 6 months.

I got to 50 and I was DEAD SICK of sitting in a *********** cantina spamming /1 and hoping to get one group that same evening just for some hardmode dungeon run.


Just FYI Blizzard said that both LFD and LFR have been one of the most successful features now in game for a long time.



Because people who NEVER raided before suddenly started to raid.

Yes the content is easier and yes there are loot issues with ninjaing but they are changing the loot mechanics now in LFR to solve the problems there and guess what...

I actually think I will be going back because it is a very annoying FACT that the precious "community" that people are defending almost to the point of retardation is just non-existing in this game...

Besides I prefer sitting in Stormwind/Orgrimmar in a queue knowing that I *will* be able to raid than sitting in a dead fleet knowing I can't do a **** except to roll another toon.


These are very valid points. And point out why TOR needs a cross server LFG tool. Many players are flustrated having to wait for long periods of time and if they are lucky....get a grp for running a Flashpoint. Operations? Forget those. Yet with WoW's LFR, I can run 6 chars in a week thru the last end game content which is available in the game.

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I already covered the changes in a previous post. Please go back and read that so you understand what I meant.


I went back and read your previous post about the changes and the instances you mentioned are very old ones which Blizz changed long before the LFG tool was added. Scholomance was a raid when it was first introduced and later reduced to a 5 man level 60 dungeon. What does that have anything to do with a LFG changes to dungeons? Unless I am missing a post you made about changes I missed. Please enlighten me.

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This is such a load of crap. Most people are leveling (there are more people in Hutta+DK than fleet on my server, this alone should say something), the game is still young, and yes, perhaps they did make too many servers so yes the Fleet population and people who are looking to run things at max level are relatively few and spread pretty thin at the moment. It won't stay that way. As more people hit 50 more people will be sitting around in fleet looking to run things, and the community will start to solidify and take form. Sorry if you rushed to endgame and are finding nobody to play with since everyone else is taking their time enjoying the leveling game. Server merges would help out tremendously and I think should be a priority. To think that a dungeon finder is necessary is ridiculous. I think the current one should be improved, yes - make a server wide LFG channel, make it more "up front" and detailed and user friendly. WoW had a very nice system before the dungeon finder - people highly exaggerate the difficulty in finding groups pre-DF (there wasn't any).


I don't want the game to fail, the lack of a dungeon finder is what originally piqued my interest in this game that I had no intention of getting at first. I just don't want it to repeat all the mistakes that caused wow and the mmo community to decline into the sorry state its in. It can be healed, but it takes TIME and requires forcing people to be social, to play with familiar faces, to talk to each other instead of just clicking a button and teleporting instantly to your easy and dungeon grind of the day, and to roll back on mistakes the genre has made in recent times.


Dungeon groups will be easier to find with both time and other fixes. Simple as that. I'd rather stick it out early on than the game going to hell before it has a chance to roll back on some of the modern mmo mistakes.


Good lord not this argument again. You really expect us to believe that the majority of the player base has not hit 50 yet?

No what your seeing are people that hit 50 and have nothing better to do than level alts.

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This is such a load of crap. Most people are leveling (there are more people in Hutta+DK than fleet on my server, this alone should say something), the game is still young, and yes, perhaps they did make too many servers so yes the Fleet population and people who are looking to run things at max level are relatively few and spread pretty thin at the moment. It won't stay that way. As more people hit 50 more people will be sitting around in fleet looking to run things, and the community will start to solidify and take form.

You know that many people who are leveling are actually rerolling a new toon because there is NOTHING to see at 50.

And it's been like that all the way back since december so it seems to me that the awesome community that you are refering to is indeed VERY SLOW in getting to 50.

Altogether you can summarize this game as this:

Questing is great and leveling is an awesome solo experience.

Endgame sucks balls so when you hit 50 the game is dead.


Sorry if you rushed to endgame and are finding nobody to play with since everyone else is taking their time enjoying the leveling game. Server merges would help out tremendously and I think should be a priority. To think that a dungeon finder is necessary is ridiculous. I think the current one should be improved, yes - make a server wide LFG channel, make it more "up front" and detailed and user friendly. WoW had a very nice system before the dungeon finder - people highly exaggerate the difficulty in finding groups pre-DF (there wasn't any).

You are wrong in many ways about WoW. I was there as well trying to spam /1 for a dungeon run while leveling and it sucked balls. You ended up ignoring every single instance all the way to max level and then everything boiled down to just pvp.


As I noted before Blizzard devs have said that LFD/LFR has been awesome when it comes to encouraging people to raid and now for MoP they are fixing the loot issues with ninjaing which makes it even better than it has been so far.


Besides that they are "fixing" the community by making sure that you can friend people x-realms and join up with them later and do more dungeon runs and/or raids. So they essentially EXPANDED the community instead of just thinking that one server should rule them all.


I don't want the game to fail, the lack of a dungeon finder is what originally piqued my interest in this game that I had no intention of getting at first. I just don't want it to repeat all the mistakes that caused wow and the mmo community to decline into the sorry state its in. It can be healed, but it takes TIME and requires forcing people to be social, to play with familiar faces, to talk to each other instead of just clicking a button and teleporting instantly to your easy and dungeon grind of the day, and to roll back on mistakes the genre has made in recent times.

I didn't want it to fail either but it's almost to the point where they already succeeded with that. And I think that one of the reasons is that the game is really a single player game in a MMO tapping. They did not bring a modern approach to run dungeons which essentially ended up with a toon at 50 with nothing to do except to PvP where you only could do HuttBall due to HEAVY faction imbalances on pretty much every single server. And let me ask you this....


Why can I as PvP player just queue up from ANYWHERE get zoned there and do my thing then get zoned back right where I was before I joined the PvP match?

And the last question:

Why do you think PvP is/was so IMMENSLY MUCH MORE POPULAR activity as compared to getting forced to sit in a chat finding out 2 hours later that you could not find people for a SILLY HARDMODE RUN?


So I found out after about one month at 50 that there is really nothing more I can do at 50 besides logging in on a flashy client and doing buggy Ilum quests and doing all those single-player ship quests. Those quests got me tagged for another week until even this got me bored since it's really just single player.


Dungeon groups will be easier to find with both time and other fixes. Simple as that. I'd rather stick it out early on than the game going to hell before it has a chance to roll back on some of the modern mmo mistakes.

There is not a mistake to make a LFD/LFR.

The mistake is to not provide the community so people can /friend x-realm and whisper to create a living community instead of a dead one. To satisfy the server-hoggers I would suggest to keep the very hardest content only available for people from the same server to play.

For people who never raided before the entry point would simply be the LFR community where people can do /friend and whisper to do more LFR raids or dungeons and when they "are ready" for the "real deal" (hard dungeon runs) Bioware offers the opportunity of paid server transfers and people start to gather up for the harder content which is a MODERN way of creating a community.

This is an elegant solution to the problem and I don't really understand how you can defend an old system spamming /1.

Do you expect a person who never raided or done dungeons before to think that it's SO FUN to be FORCED to sit in a fleet spamming /1 for HOURS finding out that they just FAIL to make groups for just a simple hardmode run?

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Good lord not this argument again. You really expect us to believe that the majority of the player base has not hit 50 yet?

No what your seeing are people that hit 50 and have nothing better to do than level alts.


Exactly! And my sub runs out this July...by then if I have leveled all my alts to 50....what will I do? Join a guild which tells me what times I must be on to run Flashpoints and Operations with them? With a good cross server tool I can log on and get a Flashpoint or Operations run in when a "time is best" for me. Casuals by the way are the heart of any MMO. The hardcore ones do need content and rewards to cater to them too. Thus the need for hard mode runs. But the casuals should not be left with crumbs when they pay each month the same sub price. :cool:

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Yes to LFG tool. Theres no reason not to have it. There are not enough people on the servers these days so it takes a while to form a group. Even if there already were a cross server LFG tool in game, it would still take a while to get into whatever flashpoint you que'd up for.
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Good lord not this argument again. You really expect us to believe that the majority of the player base has not hit 50 yet?

No what your seeing are people that hit 50 and have nothing better to do than level alts.


yes it's this one again. 20 pages of almost all the same posts explaining the same facts over and over again and pointing out the blatantly obvious.

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I already covered the changes in a previous post. Please go back and read that so you understand what I meant.


yeah, but you said those changes happened FOR LFG at the same time when they didn't and that these changes ever were specifically FOR lfg (never mind that zones where quest givers were aren't even there in their original form anymore), and even included things that haven't happened yet. And also, those quests weren't even THERE when LFG was in-game and cross-server (the original quests and NPC's? Some are still in-game and haven't even moved, so I don't know what you're talking about). They came in for cataclysm. And, Alliance doing Wailing Caverns? Only if you had someone to run you through and could stealth, you know, being in Ogrimmar made it kind of hard. And changing some quest-giver NPC's is NOT the same as redesigning dungeons.


You might want to research wow from a better site. And include some of what you find in a thread about wow instead of a LFG for SWTOR thread.

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There's fewer to have to put on ignore with same server, and I won't necessarily *have* to use the LFG tool if I can just add them to a friends list and catch them when they are online next time. X-Server doesn't let that work, necessarily.


In case you haven't noticed... go back and read posts about population. There are some in this very thread


And posts about people having friends in the game and having a utility that lets those friends play together.


It can be healed, but it takes TIME and requires forcing people to be social, to play with familiar faces, to talk to each other instead of just clicking a button and teleporting instantly to your easy and dungeon grind of the day, and to roll back on mistakes the genre has made in recent times.

well I guess our playing experiences are different then. I still have friends who ask to run instances etc with me.

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Just spent 2 hours unsuccessfully trying to get a group up. And my server's not even low-pop. We desperately need LFG finder in 1.2 and it needs to be x-server!


:( Please, BW. We're practically begging you. :(

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There's fewer to have to put on ignore with same server, and I won't necessarily *have* to use the LFG tool if I can just add them to a friends list and catch them when they are online next time. X-Server doesn't let that work, necessarily.
xserver doesn't stop that in any way...


the "I can't meet up with then and chat with them later" argument isn't a valid counter argument for xserver lfg... the primary game that people reference when they ask for that feature supports that, so that's part of what the people who want xserver lfg are actually asking for.


so, xserver does let that work, necessarily.

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This is such a load of crap. Most people are leveling
Do you actually have some objective evidence? because it looks like speculation to me.


Personally, I find it much more likely that most people are level 50, and the folks that you're talking about are alts... especially the ones on hutta and DK. (and yes, that's speculation; notice how I'm not insisting it's the truth, it's just what I suspect)


Even my extremely casual friend... the guy who goes a week or more between logging in ... is almost 50.

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Take a 30 second speeder ride to the shuttle.
I've actually timed these; several of them take closer to 2 minutes. Worst case time to get from a random spot to the instance zone in is probably in the 7-10 minute range.


Maybe you like wasting time... but it's kind of silly to expect everyone to be ok with that.


I play on an old Dell XPS720 Win XP SP3 pos and my loading screens aren't anywhere that - maybe 30 seconds max. But I also have a T1 so that could be offsetting my weak system?


I know people with 2 minute loading screens in some places; belsavis and alderaan, in particular. The game leaks memory like a sieve.

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Do you actually have some objective evidence? because it looks like speculation to me.


Personally, I find it much more likely that most people are level 50, and the folks that you're talking about are alts... especially the ones on hutta and DK. (and yes, that's speculation; notice how I'm not insisting it's the truth, it's just what I suspect)


Even my extremely casual friend... the guy who goes a week or more between logging in ... is almost 50.


Not sure it is speculation. The Founder title over their head and conversations tend to give it away

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I'm really over this "OMG No! The Community!" Garbage.


If you want a Community to interact with, more power to you, join a Guild.


What I want, is to be able to login and play the game and as much of the content as is reasonable. I don't want to spend my time standing around waiting to play because there is no reasonable method of finding a group.


And no, spamming chat channels is not reasonable. Especially when it takes longer to do than running the Flashpoint was.


First step, full Cross Server LFG for all instanced group content.


Second step, the ability to automatically "scale down" to the right level for the content.


Third Step, the ability to group with players of the other faction to do content.


Fourth Step, reward players for all this with extra stuff.


Priority should be to make it as easy as possible for anyone, on any server, of any faction, to do any appropriate content for them or content they bypassed or want to repeat.

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I'm really over this "OMG No! The Community!" Garbage.


If you want a Community to interact with, more power to you, join a Guild.


What I want, is to be able to login and play the game and as much of the content as is reasonable. I don't want to spend my time standing around waiting to play because there is no reasonable method of finding a group.


And no, spamming chat channels is not reasonable. Especially when it takes longer to do than running the Flashpoint was.


First step, full Cross Server LFG for all instanced group content.


Second step, the ability to automatically "scale down" to the right level for the content.


Third Step, the ability to group with players of the other faction to do content.


Fourth Step, reward players for all this with extra stuff.


Priority should be to make it as easy as possible for anyone, on any server, of any faction, to do any appropriate content for them or content they bypassed or want to repeat.


While I commend you on wanting a cross server LFG tool, which this game needs badly, there is no need for them to allow us to group up with the opposite faction to do Flashpoints. You allready have Huttball for that if you want to do it. Just a cross server looking for group tool I am sure would provide everyone a lot more chances to get group runs in.

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So, given we've got 80 pages of comments here and BW are hard at work making a single-server LFG, I wonder if they may be encouraged to tell us a little about what's currently in the works and where they stand on the issue, particularly given the population & participation issues raised with so many of these posts.


As I write this, I'm hanging about on the Fleet looking for 1 DPS for Hard Mode BT during prime time.

We have an ad-hoc /lfg channel on this server and have been spamming both for over half an hour so far, not a single answer, not even a bite.

I see other people trying fruitlessly to get a Mandolorian Raiders and a regular BT going with similar results.


Your game may be all sorts of wonderful BW but it just won't let us in.

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Single server LFG won't solve anything on the servers with lower population, which is at least half and probably most of them.


All that it does is encourage people who didn't want to waste their time spamming LFG to join in. Yes, you'll get a few more people in then you would normally, I don't disagree with that. But on the smaller servers where 50-75 people is the norm on the fleet during prime-time, its not going to make much of a difference, and its probably going to have little to no impact on lower level content. If you only manage 50-75 people on fleet during primetime, then there is just no way you have that number in any other level range before, during or after.


You are failing to take into account here that a fair portion of the people playing the game who could care less about PvE content. Your also forgetting about the population at 50 who is raiding and could care less about flashpoints. Now your back down to a group of what, 30 people? 40 out of 75?Not to mention that you still need to account for these other factors including but not limited to # of tanks, healers, people who run with their guild/friends, people who just don't want to do it that night....the list goes on.


At best, this "amazing" single server LFG tool is going to get a half dozen to a dozen runs per night during prime-time and maybe 1-2 off peak on a large number of servers, and I still feel like that is generous.



This is why it is not going to work. Cross server solves the problem of being limited to your ****** server to get basic content done. Yea, WoW sucks, I get it, but one of the great things about that game is I can log into their servers at any time in the day/night and get a BG/H Dungeon in.

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So there will always be a healer, a tank, and 2 dps on that planet to run those flashpoints (or some of the heroic 4s-which seem overtuned for what should be a quick pug mission)?

You know you can be on any planet right? None cross server doesn't mean you pool from a planet but from the whole server.


in real world long story is short


no-one leave fleet if they want ever get a fp group, so no travel time

I have used the who tab to find players for my flashpoints on other planets. I know how to use the tools available to me.



Just saying...

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You know you can be on any planet right? None cross server doesn't mean you pool from a planet but from the whole server.



I have used the who tab to find players for my flashpoints on other planets. I know how to use the tools available to me.



Just saying...


Tried it. Long before I came to a forum and found your advise. Only ever finding out why they weren't flagged and why they're not interested, though. Hasn't yet resulted in an addition to a group. And please don't insult me by saying working out the SWTOR UI is beyond me.

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Most people are leveling (there are more people in Hutta+DK than fleet on my server
and how about Hott and Voss?


I have used the who tab to find players for my flashpoints on other planets. I know how to use the tools available to me.

no-one except so-smart-you can do that…


i heard this like 100 times already


one of the reasons why "LFG flag" is s**t - it is completely passive, you flag yourself and pray that someone will invite you, but real world is cruel and almost every spot for you in fp grpups will be taken by players who stayed at fleet, react fast for spam LFM and actively search for groups, or among 10players that flagged LFG new groups will pick not you (who flagged like several hours already) but another player who joined only half a minute ago

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