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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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Still no response after all these threads with all these replies....


The Dev team are either:


1: Cowards

2: Clueless about how to make this work


I think it's a mix of 1 and 2.


Use some of that money and try to recruit some blizzard devs to this sinking ship!

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Still no response after all these threads with all these replies....


The Dev team are either:


1: Cowards

2: Clueless about how to make this work


I think it's a mix of 1 and 2.


Use some of that money and try to recruit some blizzard devs to this sinking ship!


Maybe they forget their security question answers and cannot login to the forums to answer?

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Still no response after all these threads with all these replies....


The Dev team are either:


1: Cowards

2: Clueless about how to make this work


I think it's a mix of 1 and 2.


Use some of that money and try to recruit some blizzard devs to this sinking ship!


They may be busy working on a cross server LFG tool, which if implemented would solve your issue. :cool:

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They may be busy working on a cross server LFG tool, which if implemented would solve your issue. :cool:


... which wouldn't solve the problem at all actually, unless it's functionality was extended to allow cross server H4 and H2's, and a cross server GTN to make up for lack of a crafting population, and so on and so on.......

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Yeah, if they took away my name I would of quit in World of Warcraft in a second, that especially holds true for this game. They need to bite the bullet, realize Blizzard is smarter then them and knows more about MMORPGs and release a Cross Server Dungeon finder so this game can stop hemmorhaging subs.


Your online temporary identity doesn't matter to anyone. If your that hung up on something so trivial I'd hate to see what happens when you lose something that really matters.


Blizzard didn't save anything and has been losing subs even with LFD and LFR. Fix the real problem of dead servers and those systems are pointless. People are quitting due to the lack of any interesting chat while they wait for whatever.

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People are quitting due to the lack of any interesting chat while they wait for whatever.


That is a good point..


MMORPG are not massive if the servers are dead..


But the when you travel in the remote places of the galaxy, you surely feels isolated in this game..


General chat:

Honne<: Hallo, anyone there??





You are now afk



Honne<: bah.!

Honne left the game.

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Think I can say I saw less than 20 republic players outside the fleet and war zones between lvl 35 and 50 and can count on one hand the number of imps I ran into


Hit lvl 50 and went to ilum, grand total of 5 people there :/

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I have two weeks before renewal. I'm just going to cancel until server transfer/merges happen. Not going to give EA/Bioware $15/month to wait for something that may or may not happen. If I'm going to play by myself I'll play Skyrim instead.


Sucks since I really like the game. The first month and a half was a blast then Zaalbar's population slowly died. Now it's a good weekend when there's 40 players at fleet.

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I have two weeks before renewal. I'm just going to cancel until server transfer/merges happen. Not going to give EA/Bioware $15/month to wait for something that may or may not happen. If I'm going to play by myself I'll play Skyrim instead.


Sucks since I really like the game. The first month and a half was a blast then Zaalbar's population slowly died. Now it's a good weekend when there's 40 players at fleet.


Same problem on Naddist Rebels.


Way to low a population.

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So I start another thread asking if there was a peep from BW about this issue and immediately they responded by closing my thread.

So they certainly read the boards. They just are not allowed to say anything about the most important issue facing the game.



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So I start another thread asking if there was a peep from BW about this issue and immediately they responded by closing my thread.

So they certainly read the boards. They just are not allowed to say anything about the most important issue facing the game.




Watch it. The moderators at times get big old clubs and forget whose paying there wages on these boards.


Bioware should just admit it rolled to many servers for launch to make it as seemless a launch as possible and now its time to consolidate.


It worked for Asia. it will work in north america.


Or we can go with plan B.


Planned Protests. Creating level 1's on say harbringer. everyone. The intent to crash the damn server to get our servers needs heard.


A set date and time of the protest isn't that hard to get out and coordinate through twitter. I'd highly suggest bioware doesn't go with plan b and picks a sound course of action which is to let me move my expensive paid for toons off the empty single player server I was forced to elect on my pre-order date since the others where not available to create on. Now I am stuck on a desert island.

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Watch it. The moderators at times get big old clubs and forget whose paying there wages on these boards.


Bioware should just admit it rolled to many servers for launch to make it as seemless a launch as possible and now its time to consolidate.


It worked for Asia. it will work in north america.


Or we can go with plan B.


Planned Protests. Creating level 1's on say harbringer. everyone. The intent to crash the damn server to get our servers needs heard.


A set date and time of the protest isn't that hard to get out and coordinate through twitter. I'd highly suggest bioware doesn't go with plan b and picks a sound course of action which is to let me move my expensive paid for toons off the empty single player server I was forced to elect on my pre-order date since the others where not available to create on. Now I am stuck on a desert island.


Intentionally crashing a server is a good way to lose your gaming privileges.


Unless you have a youTube channel with a few hundred thousand followers.

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My server is also dying down extremely rapidly, lately guilds are merging to keep raids going. The days of several shards on planets are long long gone and having 20 people in the Republic fleet at peak is the norm.

I dont have the time or the will to reroll on another server, probably to find that one empty soon enough.


Bioware i hope you realize you are losing quite a bit of people because of your stubberness to merge low pop. servers. I will remove myself from your income piechart maybe i return when you offer merges. The best of luck with your game.

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Guilds have been merging on my server aswell.... population at peak times : 30-40 players in the fleet.


This may seem much but its not... queues can go well over 1-2 hours and half of the players is afking.


I have moved to the only high pop EU server, tomb of freedom nadd. This server is full of server switchers but who cares, at least it FEELS like an mmorpg.


All the other servers feel like single player games, I miss my toons, I have invested months of work in them and I dont get to play them anymore because it is simply impossible.


Its like I have worked on restoring a car for a year and yesterday it got stolen from me.


I have leveled a new toon to level 12, and I have given up, I have simply given up. I don't have that happy-feeling anymore, after leveling 3 characters to 50, I am DONE. Bioware can have my subscription back when they offer server transfers and nothing else.



Merging 3 dead servers won't fix anything. They will have to merge at least 5-10 servers togheter to create a decent community.


Having many empty servers is bad. Open your eyes bioware, you are NOT world of warcraft. You do NOT need 50 servers with 50 players each. Instead, have 5 servers with 500 players each. Quality > Quantity, a thing you have yet to learn.

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It's 6AM at Ord Mantell, Bright Jewel has not yet started to show its blue light, but i have to start working, and i will until the blue star has gone again.


Life in this galaxy is not easy for an Immigrant, stablished beings have a possition their parents earned for them, they have a Legacy that helps them, we have no one to support us and need to work harder just to get a fraction of the benefits they have.


But we knew all that when we took the decission to leave our dying home worlds, looking for a better place, a place alive where we could start a new career.


We knew it, so the hard work is not something you will hear us complaining about, we have an strong back, we can handle it, but .....


Sometimes you will see us crying in a dark corner of the local cantina, lonely, with no one close enough to share our troubles. Because that's what really upsets us, thinking about what we left behid, our family, our LEGACY, left behind because GODS left our worlds die. We tried to make a life, but it was too late, every day we saw people dying or leaving, so we finally had to leave looking for a better place.



Please Bioware, start merging servers asap and allow us to migrate our chars "left behind" in dead/dying servers to the more populated ones where we are already playing.


We want to enjoy the game in its full magnificiency, and thats not possible on light and standard servers (my mains are in a standard server), 50-60 pax at fleet in peak time is not enough to experience the game. I have rerolled in a very heavy one, and the game is something totally different, im enjoyin it, but i feel its not fair to loose those hard earned Legacy levels i had, its not my fault, i wanted to keep playing in my old server, but it came to a point where it was almost impossible.



Edited by recsa
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Server merges would be great. I didn't pick my server, Bioware did when it assigned our guild to the server. We went where Bioware assigned us on launch day. Server merges can't come soon enough for me or my guildies.
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Intentionally crashing a server is a good way to lose your gaming privileges.


Unless you have a youTube channel with a few hundred thousand followers.


To be fair, when you're stuck on a dead server, losing your gaming privileges isn't that big a deterrent. Stunts like that have worked in other games (see WoW).

Edited by NDiggy
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you know what is even funnier i have asked on twitter what is being done about it. No response, it is completely utterly ignored which really pisses me off. I have game time till about may 19th, if it doesnt improve im gone from this game probably for good. I do not have time to reroll on another server. It took me 3 months to get to 50, mainly because I'm a single dad, i work and i go to school so playing this is a luxury at most i only get to play 2 maybe 4 hours if I am lucky.
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What's funny is Fatman actually had a queue this past weekend. It seems those that are abandoning their original servers are re-rolling on Fatman. So while the low pop servers are hemorrhaging players through cancelled subs and server re-rolls Fatman server is getting over-populated. Soon we'll have 4-5 servers with 20-30 minute waits and 50+ that are basically empty. Edited by Teenki
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