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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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Im on one of the servers that was touted as "the pvp server" on release and was one of the most packed ones for sure. Use to see 100-200+ and a few shards, now I see maybe 40ish people on fleet, no shards and everyone just stands still in the same spot, RIGHT in front of the pvp terminal with a few scattered near the bank and some at the GTN.


I dont claim to know the server numbers, if the game is dying, etc But anecdotal evidence points to a substantial loss in numbers. Or hey, who knows maybe there is a display bug and its actually much more people than you think. Maybe people left the fleet and now hang out on planets, who knows. Maybe everyone is raiding. At the end of the day, we just dont know


For me, the game has ALWAYS felt like a single player experience. I was on the biggest pvp server and I encountered ONE person in my whole 1-50 leveling experience. For a while I was constantly rotating my camera while exping and then I said to myself, "why? there is no one coming!". Bioware did their best to separate the two factions and essentially make sure that they never come into contact with each other.


For flashpoints I was lucky I played with my brother and he sat next to me, otherwise flashpoints???? Good luck finding a group! They screwed the pooch by not making grouping much easier and friendlier. Lets face it, times have changed and any new game needs to have the ability to find people looking for group or group people up automatically if they want to do a flashpoint. Im not saying port people into the dungeon like WoW, but you NEED to be able to at least group and then meet somewhere.


I tried to re-reoll and gave up, what is the point? Im going to do the same planets, same quests, and due to remaking now there is even less social interaction and even less groups. It just got old, and im sad because I waited for this game since about 2007 when I first heard about it.

Edited by HHHHellraizer
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I'd settle for making Legacy cross server. I'd roll a new toon somewhere else, while waiting on merge/transfer, if I didn't loose all my levels and I could still add to them. That would be a great stopgap solution at least for me.
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I'd settle for making Legacy cross server. I'd roll a new toon somewhere else, while waiting on merge/transfer, if I didn't loose all my levels and I could still add to them. That would be a great stopgap solution at least for me.


Yeah, this would be a very smart move by Bioware.


they need to just implement cross-realm grouping/pvping. then there won't be a need for a server merge


X-PvP is on its way, hopefully Bioware will enlighten themselves till X-LFD

Edited by Touchbass
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I agree that servers need merged, or free transfers need offered.




(Both are East Coast PVP servers)


At 12 am today, there were 9 people in the starting world of Korriban on the "Veela" server, After talking to 2 of those people, I found many players left for "Fat Man" server. Lo and behold, I created a Sith on "Fat Man" and there were 87 people on Korriban!


Yep, everyone that cares is rerolling to the 1-2 heavy servers in each region. Everyone has already quit and is just waiting for game time to expire.

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Im on the server Senator Contispex, max people i see on the empire fleet is 10 people. Iv got 3 level 50 characters and im not prepared to forget them all as well as all the legacy experience iv built up with them. They seriously need to do server merges quickly, I havnt been able to use the new content from patch 1.1 yet as i havnt been able to find any groups. This new content coming out looks great as did the content from last patch.


Just make it so we can use it, before making more.

Edited by WitchKings
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Something needs to be done by the time 1.2 hits the live servers. In Europe, everyone and their dogs are moving to The Tomb of Freedon Nadd sever due to it's booming population. I feel that BioWare opened way too many servers for launch, and now we're seeing the effects. It isn't the lack of content that is causing most people to leave, it's the server population issues...
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Something needs to be done by the time 1.2 hits the live servers. In Europe, everyone and their dogs are moving to The Tomb of Freedon Nadd sever due to it's booming population. I feel that BioWare opened way too many servers for launch, and now we're seeing the effects. It isn't the lack of content that is causing most people to leave, it's the server population issues...



dont forget about the masses of people that have left due to fps issues bioware seems to love to ignore... almost my enture guild (400+ people) have left and went back to wow/rift.. only here because i have 6 level 50s i cant do any warzones or ops with and im praying they fix the fps in 1.2.. if not .. im going back to wow to play a panda i guess... and i HATE PANDAS!!!

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dont forget about the masses of people that have left due to fps issues bioware seems to love to ignore... almost my enture guild (400+ people) have left and went back to wow/rift.. only here because i have 6 level 50s i cant do any warzones or ops with and im praying they fix the fps in 1.2.. if not .. im going back to wow to play a panda i guess... and i HATE PANDAS!!!


Yeah, all my co-workers quit already. Few friends though went back to WoW, I may join them :) Pandas sound a lot better then holding a lightsaber by myself for an hour in an empty fleet

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they need to just implement cross-realm grouping/pvping. then there won't be a need for a server merge


How does that help the server economy which is non existent on low pop servers?


How does that help planets when you just need to find a group to knock out a batch of heroics?


How does that help me not feel like im playing a single player game when Im on the fleet or a planet and there are only 3 other people in the zone?


How does that help me get a 8 man group for rated pvp when there arent 7 other 50s logged on my server?


How does that help me craft items by getting the necessary materials from other crafters that I require?


The tools you mention can help some aspects, but they dont resolve the real issue at hand: The impending feeling you have all the time that you are playing single player game, and going to the auction house and finding that its EMPTY.


When you step on a fleet and there are 200+ people hustling around, and you search for earpieces and find 30 pages instead of none, then you feel like you are playing a mmo. LFG and Xserver pvp dont give you that. Only mergers/transfers can.

Edited by Ushela
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Could people maybe say what server they're on when they post in this thread, and whether its EU, US or Asia?


Would be helpful to know if this is a problem on a handful of the servers ..... a sizeable number ... or the majority ...


Majority ... especially republic


There are probably only 35 good servers in America out of over 100.

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How does that help the server economy which is non existent on low pop servers?


How does that help planets when you just need to find a group to knock out a batch of heroics?


How does that help me not feel like im playing a single player game when Im on the fleet or a planet and there are only 3 other people in the zone?


How does that help me get a 8 man group for rated pvp when there arent 7 other 50s logged on my server?


How does that help me craft items by getting the necessary materials from other crafters that I require?


The tools you mention can help some aspects, but they dont resolve the real issue at hand: The impending feeling you have all the time that you are playing single player game, and going to the auction house and finding that its EMPTY.


When you step on a fleet and there are 200+ people hustling around, and you search for earpieces and find 30 pages instead of none, then you feel like you are playing a mmo. LFG and Xserver pvp dont give you that. Only mergers/transfers can.


Good point well made

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Its funny, looking at the USA servers now, all are standard, a few are heavy and one is full. I wonder when the people who find themselves alone on fleet are playing.....


Maybe merges would help all servers be full all the time....if that is a good thing.


But in any case in the mean time, if you are on a real low population server, roll again on a heavy. Dont delay, dont moan about it, dont blame Bioware, dont say "I shouldnt have to!". Just do it, nice and easy solution. You wont regret it. Withing 30mins you will be loving your new toon more than ur old one.


Look at it the way it is. You made a game character on what turned out to be a low population server. If you want more people, make another game character on a high population server. No big deal.

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Its funny, looking at the USA servers now, all are standard, a few are heavy and one is full. I wonder when the people who find themselves alone on fleet are playing.....


Seriously, is it that you cannot read, or is it a problem with comprehension? How many times does the point have to be made that standard population servers are as likely to be ghost towns as they are to have a reasonable amount of people on them, and as a measure of population it means nothing. It's been said over and over and over again and backed up with actual population data, and still that message somehow doesn't get through to some people. It's amazing.



But in any case in the mean time, if you are on a real low population server, roll again on a heavy. Dont delay, dont moan about it, dont blame Bioware, dont say "I shouldnt have to!". Just do it, nice and easy solution. You wont regret it. Withing 30mins you will be loving your new toon more than ur old one.


Look at it the way it is. You made a game character on what turned out to be a low population server. If you want more people, make another game character on a high population server. No big deal.


Also... No; No it's not a solution at all; I won't regret it because I won't be doing it; and if I did within 30 minutes I'd be bored of Tython (etc), and regretting the time wasted on the char creation screen. I'm not going to pay for another 3 months of a subscription to play through the same content all over again just to get back to exactly where I am now by August.

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Seriously, is it that you cannot read, or is it a problem with comprehension? How many times does the point have to be made that standard population servers are as likely to be ghost towns as they are to have a reasonable amount of people on them, and as a measure of population it means nothing. It's been said over and over and over again and backed up with actual population data, and still that message somehow doesn't get through to some people. It's amazing..


No I can read, and generally have no problem with comprehension. Its just that I judge from what I actually see in game......:

When my server says heavy there are people everywhere.

When it says standard there is a good amount of people.

When it says light, there arent that many people around.


You getting all agro about it on the forums does not change that is all.


Also... No; No it's not a solution at all; I won't regret it because I won't be doing it; and if I did within 30 minutes I'd be bored of Tython (etc),.....


Thats to bad, I did it and havent looked back. Having great fun on a server full of people.

The stories are different for all classes and you will be on a server full of people. Good fun.

But it sounds unlikely that you will listen and give it a try, instead I imagine you will do nothing and expect your problems to be fixed for you.


and regretting the time wasted on the char creation screen. .


Haha....wow. And thats about 2 minutes. I think you are doomed to frustration. :(

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Its funny, looking at the USA servers now, all are standard, a few are heavy and one is full. I wonder when the people who find themselves alone on fleet are playing.....



Seriously, is it that you cannot read, or is it a problem with comprehension? How many times does the point have to be made that standard population servers are as likely to be ghost towns as they are to have a reasonable amount of people on them, and as a measure of population it means nothing. It's been said over and over and over again and backed up with actual population data, and still that message somehow doesn't get through to some people. It's amazing.


You both are adding nothing constructive to the discussion by spreading misinformation on both sides of the discussion.


All servers are NOT Standard, and never are. There are a couple dozen that are perpetually Light in NA [even during prime time]. Further, most servers go Light in the wee hours of the morning play time. Same for Europes server farm.


AND NO.... Standard servers are not ghost towns either, unless you are talking about 3:00AM when those Standard servers are actually Light [and marked Light on the sever select screen]


AND ANOTHER THING..... if you sort the server list by population status, with the highest population first.... the list actually puts all the servers in ranked order for their actual numerical popuation at the moment. Which is handy for determining how many servers are more/less populated vs one you are playing on. So when I see someone claim their Standard Server is "dead", "empty" or a "ghost town" I can check real quick and see if they are blowing smoke since I have scattered some level 1 characters through the servers such that I can bracket most servers as to where they are in population hierarchy based on sampling the nearest polling server I have to the claimed server. And the three servers I actually play on, they are all in the top 30 servers each night, with one usually at around rank 10, and the other two are somewhere between rank 20-rank 30 in the server sort. All are actively populated and have healthy GTNs, zone activity, end game encounters, etc. during the 6 hour bracket that is server prime time.


AND LASTLY, it looks like there is about 30-45 minutes in latency between when Bioware scans a server and updates status flag and population ranking.

Edited by Andryah
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