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SWTOR: No fat chicks allowed?


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As much as this post has nothing to do with Star Wars, mine is going to be even worse. But, I have to respond to this.


First, BMI is a number, not a percent. I'm going to assume you meant 40% body fat, rather than BMI. 40% body fat is on the upper end of overweight, verging into obese, for most women. Body Type 4, by contrast, is a BMI of around 22, which is right smack dab in the middle of normal. At least, she would be if she wasn't still rather muscular, which puts her BMI at around 25 (which goes to show how useless BMI really is).


Second, obesity has nothing to do with body shape. Calling a woman with a pear shape automatically obese is calling Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez obese, and it's ignorance.


All of that said, "fat" really should have no presence in this game--we play athletes who fight wars for a living. Fat men and women running around looks silly. And that's fine, because neither gender's body type 4 is fat in any way--male body type 4 is an Olympic power lifter (well, more like your average strongman, because olympic powerlifters cannot impede their own mobility that much) and female body type 4 is just the closest thing we have to a "real woman." Hell, Christina Hendricks is bigger than body type 4, and she is probably the hottest woman on the planet, even to people in Hollywood.


Thanks Chief, and yes J-LO, Beyonce etc are Type 4 to me. Sorry, but no thanks. My post however was in reference to MALE type 4, for those who say its muscular.


But I'm not surprised to see "Ignorant" thrown around, its the default defense 2nd only to calling someone racist. That's cool.


You want the Kardashian look, have at it.

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Thanks Chief, and yes J-LO, Beyonce etc are Type 4 to me. Sorry, but no thanks. My post however was in reference to MALE type 4, for those who say its muscular.


But I'm not surprised to see "Ignorant" thrown around, its the default defense 2nd only to calling someone racist. That's cool.


You want the Kardashian look, have at it.


I see what u did there... the bullseye still remains unscratched though.


If anything this thread has atleast shown us how different views people got... not like that was a bomb but ya.

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Pear shape (Type 4) is fat. IDC how you slice it, if its thicker at the waist than the chest its OBESE.


Pretty sure body type 4 is like 40% BMI

No, it's all muscle. Check out one that has his shirt off... he's just totally ripped, rocking the 6 pack. Edited by ferroz
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No, it's all muscle. Check out one that has his shirt off... he's just totally ripped, rocking the 6 pack.


But apparently at some point in the recent past, "fat" has come to mean big and is totally independent of having noticeable amounts of actual fat. That or some people think fat = muscle.

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I could paint a Six Pack on Cee-lo Green, doesn't make him muscular.


...Wait, what? Your comparison is flawed. Regardless of what you paint on Cee-lo Greens stomach, he still looks fat because there would be no tone, no definition of muscles. Just flab with paint on it.


That being said, the male body type 4 is obviously muscular, and incredibly toned. What part of him is "fat" exactly? If you mean big then, yes, I agree. But like I said big is NOT the same thing as fat.

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It's because you're a hero. You can't go around saving the universe if you have to take a Rascal Scooter from quest to quest since you can't make it running there without having a stroke.

I can't think of a more reasonable explanation than that.


Also most people really want to play a fantasy character in games. 4 is pretty large, I am certain body type 5 (if it existed) is not what 99% of the population dream about looking like.

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You can't go around saving the universe if you have to take a Rascal Scooter from quest to quest since you can't make it running there without having a stroke.


Thankfully, all of the "fatties" get their Rascal Scooters at level 25.


Until then.... *huff puff gasp wheeze*

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I am a full-body tatooed, hirsute, vampire fanged, emo-goth-punk-greaser-new age transexual female lesbian dwarf with a vestigial structure and a glandular problem that makes me appear fatter than I actually am.


Why do they not cater to my demographic?! Don't they realise I am a paying customer!! Why can't I make my avatar like myself and have compaions who represent the common people I interact with!!!!1111


OMG Bioware has hurt me so much emotionally that I don't think I can type anymore unless I have another box of cheescake.....

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Body 4 actually is overweight and very tall. It's not obese though.

For male characters it's a bit funny as if you undress them they have too many muscles, despite the obese shape, neck and face.


Fat is a colloquial term and there are actual distictions. However who wants to be fat? Let a lone choose freely to play a fat character in a computer game? :o


The OP is right but there won't be a "fat" option added to this aestheticfest in the near or far future. Making customizable characters lived and died with Aion.


Because all those toons the size of a thumbnail were fun? People are too silly to not misuse features like that.

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The OP has a point. The men can look as ugly as possible, but for women, even the relatively unattractive ones still have to be pretty attractive. It's like how all the ugly women in movies are actually just super hot women with bad hair, makeup and glasses.


Not true. All the male heroes in movies all look great, built like a truck, etc. Same for super heroes in video games (batman will never be a fat average joe) and comic books.


The difference is we men don't complain about it. Some women for some reason instantly get depressed when they just see a superior specimen.

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Fat is a colloquial term and there are actual distictions. However who wants to be fat? Let a lone choose freely to play a fat character in a computer game? :o


Yeah... You'd be surprised... just saying...



On the other hand, I think the OP has a point though. I was disappointed to see the female body type 4 after seeing the male one, because I don't see how they correlate. Lastly to people saying male body type 4 isn't fat, and its really all muscle... that maybe true for ones eyes, but in in-game conversations, I found you can call npcs with these builds fatties, even a guy on Alderraan (repulic side) pretty much called himself unattractive. So in general consensus... they're fat.

Edited by Remiel
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