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What is your legacy name and why did you choose it?


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Since the Legacy thing seems to be such a big deal in the game, I figured this would be a fun thing to discuss.


For me, on the republic side, I wanted to come up with something that A) would work with all of my character's first names and B) would be something that I wouldn't regret in a day or two in case they don't let us change them anytime soon.


At first, Draxx or Dracks kept popping into my head, but I didn't like how short they were. It just looked weird to me. I then added "en" and was thinking about something more like "Draxxen or Dracksen". Well, with this name rhyming with "jackson", It still just wasn't working for me. Being a big "Song of Ice and Fire" fan, I've always loved the sur name Targaryen (spoken Tar-gare-e-en). So, I added the "e-en" to the end and my final result is "Draxenian" (spoken Drack-sin-e-en).


Over all, I like the end result and my Vanguard's full name is now Kraiden Draxenian. The name also sounds pretty good spoken with my other characters, which was another important point for me.



Anyway, how did you come up with your legacy name? And if you want, share them so everyone can see what a creative community we are! :D

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Haha, I should have titled the thread "OMG! People's legacy names are SooOOoo stupid!!" and it probably would have gotten 100 replies by now. :)


Come on people, step away from the normal general board doom and gloom and lets discuss something more fun!

Edited by Galbatorrix
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When I first started SWG in 2003 I couldn't think of a surname for my character. I looked around the room for some inspiration and saw a pile of game demo discs. My SWG surname, and now my SWTOR legacy name, became Demos :)
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I named my first character Salvor and gave him the legacy name Hardin....Salvor Hardin is the name of a main character in Isaac Asimov's Foundation series, one of my favourite science fiction stories.


Similar to this idea, except mine's a Star Wars character (albeit a more obscure one most people don't recognize)


Named my character Kir, and was able to get the legacy name of Kanos.


Kir Kanos - http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Kir_Kanos


Now I'm just waiting for some orange gear that looks like an Imperial Guard uniform, and I'll be all set :D

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Hawks. Its my usual gaming nickname to my friends, and I saw the Legacy name more as an identifier than a last name for a character. Though I rarely have it displayed in anything besides PvP, and none of my friends who know me by it play TOR.
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I wanted Denton but it was blocked :/


So then I tried Shepard because i'm a ME fanboy and that was taken... so I then went with Dovahkiin because Skyrim's awesome and I locked that up on Tarro Blood at least.


So yah no real Star Wars reference but Dovahkiin kick ***.

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Anarius Anarius.


First of all, i don't display my legacy name on my main, and secondly, this way people know my main while i'm on an alt :)


You know what.... I always see the people who have the same legacy name as their character name, and can't help but laugh a bit, as they usually tell me they just put in the name to get rid of the box, and realized later what they had done.


Your reasoning actually makes sense to me though! Good idea!

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I felt it suits the way I play out many of my avatars. I go threw many roads and twists as I go threw every character I make. I feel even better about it when the legacy system was announced.

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Most of my gals have "lark" in their names.


The scientific family name for the bird species of Lark is Alaudidae.


So, I chose that for my legacy name. It works for all of my characters, be they Republic or Empire. And, it's unique.



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Because it's awesome...


but really because I grew up with Transformers and no matter how old I get, I find myself saying "Well that's just prime" when things are odd or going downhill


Thank you Optimus for all the years...

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My main is a trueblood sith marauder and I wanted something cool. So going by Luke and Anakins last name of skywalker I though how this sounded sort of like an indian type name. SO i named my legacy Bloodless to show how bad *** a warrior I was that I don't get hurt and also how I'm so in tune to the darkside my heart bleeds for no one. :) lol
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My legacy name is Cerberus. It from Greek mythology - the mytholgical beast guarding the gates of hell to make sure no gets out. Fitting for all my dark side toons. :D


So, I chose that for my legacy name. It works for all of my characters, be they Republic or Empire. And, it's unique.


Pro Tip - All legacy names are unique. ;)

Edited by oPURT
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I am, unfortunately, not creative enough to make a legitimate legacy name that fits in enough to be considered as part of Star Wars lore. Instead, I pick legacy names that are versatile and ties nicely with my character name. Basically, my characters end up being named after adjectives and my legacy name is a noun.


If my legacy name was Phone, my characters would be: Cell, Smart, Jailbroken.


If my legacy name was Syndrome, my characters would be: Down, Asperger, Carpal-tunnel.


It doesn't always have to be full words; It could just be part of a word. For example, if my legacy name was Iate, my characters would be: Asphyx, Exfol, Init.


You can probably tell I don't participate in role-playing servers.

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Initially, my first character was a Gunslinger (no longer my main). I named him Rolând (I had to use the â due to the normal "Roland" being blocked) and was going to go with the last name Deschain after The Dark Tower character. I then found out that the legacy system makes it to where the last name is for that entire server and scrapped the idea completely.



I'm kind of glad now, because I really did enjoy the thought process behind creating a unique name.

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I wish that I had known more about what the Legacy system was before picking my Legacy name. I seriously hope they allow you to change your Legacy name at least once.



I chose "Wylock" as mine as a last name, because we didnt realize that husband and I wouldnt be able to combine ours. Since we didnt have alot of info about the legacy system.


If I could do it over. I"d have gone with "Dark Healer" since all my toons are healers. I could've used it as "The Dark Healer" Legacy

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Anarius Anarius.


First of all, i don't display my legacy name on my main, and secondly, this way people know my main while i'm on an alt :)


I did the same for my main as well and really regretted it. But reading your reasoning makes it a little better :D

Although if there was ever an option (even for $$$) to change a legacy name I still might consider doing it, just because of the 1.2 update. When I watched the interview, I got really excited and started thinking of how my alt. characters would relate to each other.

But for now....I hide my legacy name...

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I combined my last name and my wife's maiden name. It just sounded kinda "star warsy" to me.


It's Racimez. (pronounced Rah-see-mez) with the beginning part being part of my last name It's Italian - thus the pronunciation despite what it may look like, which is the only bad thing. People probably would pronounce it wrong.


So my char goes as follows:


Malidan Racimez

Rhagorn Racimez


etc... all my names seem to work with it. I'm happy with it for now.

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