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  1. http://tor-fashion.com/synthweaver-crafted-sets/ All the crafted synthweaving sets. Take a peek.
  2. Forgive me if this is completely unrelated or has been said but.... If your matrix cube relic is "gone" and you checked your bags, also check your mission items tab as that is where my matrix cube goes when i take it off.
  3. I'm saying once you hit Rakata+ gear, you have more freedom to redistribute stats and thus not need the set bonuses. To each their own, but i think its worth looking at once you hit that level of gear.
  4. I see both sides of this argument. As i play a tankassin, I have made the jump to orange augmented gear over Rakata. Losing the 5% shield bonus is no big deal as i still sit at 49% with shield popped. As for the 2% base dmg reduction (or is it 4%?) really doesn't impact you that much. My personal opinion is (based on your gear and current mitigation) is to make the switch over because you can always re-balance your mods as you gain better gear and this way you can also make yourself look like a sith / imperial character instead of a witch of sorts (columi and rakata). Also, there are more than 4 aug slots. -helm -chest -gloves -pants -boots (2 optional for synthweavers) -belt -wrists ALSO -weapon
  5. He isn't wrong. I can tell you first hand that while my team was attacking in voidstar, as we all died, we spawned in area 2 instead of area 1 and could plant from behind the doors. Now this was no advantage to us as the defending team simply disarmed the bomb until the game ultimately ended. It is a bug and has only happened once to me. But it affected my entire team.
  6. To be fair, they did give most ranged "mana" using classes a wand, which is ultimately cost free attack.
  7. i can totally see OP's point of view. By killing your own faction, you are setting up a potential for resentment. If a player makes a bad choice and causes a team to lose, that player will be shunned (and we all know this happens, read general chat sometime) and this just hurts morale overall. makes people care less and less. Which in turn can cause guilds to hate other guilds and all that blah blah blah. In short, it could cause drama, un-needed drama. This is my opinion anyways.
  8. Anarius Anarius. First of all, i don't display my legacy name on my main, and secondly, this way people know my main while i'm on an alt
  9. so second monitor is used to show you information that you setup in advance. I suppose i could see that being useful. Perhaps i have simply grown accustomed to windowed mode.
  10. i dont think you would want to override the native windows mouse control. what i fail to see is why anyone would want to lock their mouse to 1 monitor. If you use two monitors, why wouldn't you run windowed? If you cant interact with your second monitor without alt tabbing to it, why not simply disable it while gaming? edit: before you flame me, i don't see the 15fps increase as a reason. i play windowed at 90fps. pvp 30-40fps.
  11. http://download.cnet.com/Cursor-Lock/3000-2072_4-10767852.html cursor lock. done.
  12. running fullscreen (windowed) will result in the ability to scroll across to both monitors without minimizing the game context. If you run the game in fullscreen, then clicking outside the bounds of the main screen playing the game will result in the game being minimized as the graphics context is returned to windows ( the OS ). To fix this issue, you must run fullscreen (windowed) as this allowed the context to be run simultaneously. If this is confusing ill dumb it down. fullscreen: Causes an alt tab effect when clicking outside of the game fullscreen (windowed): will keep the game running but allow you to interact with your other monitor as well without minimizing the game. in some cases, you will see an improvement in framerate in windowed mode, but 99% of the time this is not the case. fullscreen mode will typically result in a better framerate but will cause the above mentioned issue of an alt tab effect when you click the second monitor (or outside the bounds of the game).
  13. My assassin has tried this jump 3 or 4 times and i'm not saying it cant be done but i have come very close each time but still result in my falling death. I think it would be easily done with the speed burst buff on the defending side but to jump across from an attacking standpoint, i have yet to see it or acheive it myself using force speed.
  14. As it stands, you can buy champ bags in 1-49 bracket (but cannot open it til 50) AND you can only hold 1 in your inventory/bank at a time so i imagine given that you can now buy BM commendations with 1000/1000 that you could infact get enough commendations so you have the potential for BM when you hit 50 (which also requires valor 60 to use)
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