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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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Krayiss Obelisk -0.19 change since last week.

The Fatman haws more than 2.5 times the population.

The Fatman has a +0.21 increase!




BioWare, do you want everyone to reroll to The Fatman?! Nobody should be forced to start over to enjoy a game. For every person that rerolls, I'm sure 1 or more simply cancel their subs. Do something and quit ignoring people.


The numbers you are quoting are not populations. When you say The Fatman has 2.5 times the population (based on those numbers), that is false.


The numbers you see on that site are numerical representations of the server load described on BioWare's server status page. They do not represent population. Read the About page on that site.


If you want to see actual populations, you need to roll characters on those servers and start doing /who searches.


If you do that, you just might find that The Fatman has way more than 2.5 times the population of most Light servers...

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The numbers you are quoting are not populations. When you say The Fatman has 2.5 times the population (based on those numbers), that is false.


The numbers you see on that site are numerical representations of the server load described on BioWare's server status page. They do not represent population. Read the About page on that site.


If you want to see actual populations, you need to roll characters on those servers and start doing /who searches.


If you do that, you just might find that The Fatman has way more than 2.5 times the population of most Light servers...


I'm not about to waste my time doing all that. I know this server I started on is just about dead now. The population is dropping and TOR Status shows it as well. There's only 3 earpieces for level 49-50 on the GTN. There used to be pages of them. I used to list at least 10 myself. Myself and another guy must be the only 2 Cybertechs on the server. When I search for crafting materials, the results are just pathetic!


BioWare has a duty and obligation to fix this. This is very poor management. Very SOE like, which I consider to be a slumlord of MMOs.

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I'm not about to waste my time doing all that. I know this server I started on is just about dead now. The population is dropping and TOR Status shows it as well. There's only 3 earpieces for level 49-50 on the GTN. There used to be pages of them. I used to list at least 10 myself. Myself and another guy must be the only 2 Cybertechs on the server. When I search for crafting materials, the results are just pathetic!


BioWare has a duty and obligation to fix this. This is very poor management. Very SOE like, which I consider to be a slumlord of MMOs.


No argument there. BioWare needs to either fix it or accept the loss of subscriptions and bad publicity.

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No argument there. BioWare needs to either fix it or accept the loss of subscriptions and bad publicity.


I believe they "want" to fix it.


But I've come to the conclusion that they can't. Honestly, the client performance cannot handle more 16 people near one another. I'm afraid this is a pretty big blunder on their part. Maybe loss of subscriptions will make them wake up because while new subs are happening the cancels are at a faster rate.


The key then becomes can you win said subscribers back... My money is no, you can't. Why? Because D3 is around the corner as is GW2. Not saying they are better but starting fresh in one game vs. another is easier especially if you have a bad taste in your mouth. Furthermore, while some don't many people who play these types of games try the new games anyway.


So damned if you do, damned if you don't. Again, server merges should have been done before 1.2 patch. The game already had enough content compared to anything else in regards to "RETAIL" content.

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yep I give up. Looks like no response from the tor side, so either they dont care or dont know how to deal with it. Either way, Im unsubbed now and waiting on the time to run out... guess Ill have to go try out wow's new beta for now see how that goes.
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yep I give up. Looks like no response from the tor side, so either they dont care or dont know how to deal with it. Either way, Im unsubbed now and waiting on the time to run out... guess Ill have to go try out wow's new beta for now see how that goes.


Sadly that is about how it is for a lot of people. Stop paying and use remaining time to play on Fatman hoping something turns around.

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I believe they "want" to fix it.


But I've come to the conclusion that they can't. Honestly, the client performance cannot handle more 16 people near one another. I'm afraid this is a pretty big blunder on their part. Maybe loss of subscriptions will make them wake up because while new subs are happening the cancels are at a faster rate..


I agree, there is a reason they have the server caps set so low. They know the client is complete crap.


Last night I logged in around 11pm central time, I checked the server selection screen and had only one heavy server, the rest were standard or light.


I'm on my third sever now, I've left two because they were dead and now it looks like the one I'm on now is starting to head that way, out of a 50 person guild only 2 were on. I think there are a lot of people like me who bought 3 month subs expecting to have a long crazy trip in SWTOR who are now just riding out the sub. 16 days left on my 3 month I got at release... I wonder what sub numbers will look like after april when the 3 months run out for people who got them at release?

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*sigh* I wish the trolls sub time would run out. :/


Game is growing. Accept it. Call me out all you want.


Will call you out because many posts indicate just the opposite of what you feel or believe. Call it an opinion, call it a fact, call it whatever you want but if the people posting in the thread and say their server has X amount of people at X time, it is what it is.


Most people are not even arguing that the game is or is not growing. What they are stating again and again is that the need for server merging is higher than patch 1.2. Why? Because you can't play much of a game when no one is on. Warzones don't start or if they do it is a instant loss due to having too few people or aborting. Can't field a group for a flashpoint, heroic side quest, or even building a datacron inside the fleet. Market doesn't have materials or items on it.


People that are just starting today or yesterday can choose a higher populated server (of the two there anyway). Those of us who have 1 or more 50's can't because of the time we already have invested. It has been beat to death already. Yes, it is a choice, a subscriber choice. But it isn't our problem to fix. It is BioWare's.


Maybe you are ok with the population of the server you roll on. Maybe you are one of the few who moved to address it on your own. Maybe you already play on a higher populated server and don't have our problems. Maybe you play Imperial and don't see it because of the faction imbalance. Or, maybe you do and I'm wrong.


But let us just call a spade a spade.


Dragon Trail (West Coast PvP server):

Republic Fleet - 12

1132 AM PST / 1432 PM EST Corrected for server timezone


Fatman (East Coast PvP server):

Ord Mantell - 51

1134 AM PST / 1434 PM EST Corrected for server timezone


Not even close now is it??? Starting planet has more than a Republic Fleet :( I'm glad I can't get to Fatman's fleet - I'd probably stop playing all together. I bet that place is booming.

Edited by Incendergel
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Thank goodness there is a thread on this, was just about to start one. This is a huge issue on the servers i play on. BIOWARE PLEASE MERGE!!!!!!!! i get on and all the servers are light population and night but a few
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Please don't make me to back to WoW right when they're releasing the stupid pandas... I just want to pvp without having to wait an hour for a Q.


Theres no world pvp and both servers I have characters on have immense Q's, at prime time some nights, its not terrible... I've gotten a Q in 10-15 minutes occaisionally but only certain days and only at prime time. ANy other day, any other time I'm waiting an hour or more.


It's become so rare that I get startled by the Q thing when it pops up cause I forgot I was even in the Q. This isn't an exhageration... I leveled from 43 to 44, the entire level, while waiting on a Q one day. I'ma pvper, that's just not acceptable, I'm doing other stuff 'between' pvp, not because i want to, its jus tmore productive to go quest rather than run laps around the fleet.

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just logged into giradda the hutt. 145 people online total. That includes all levels in all zones.


It's only 3pm server time, sure, but 145? I'm sure people on lower population servers are gonna say they wish they had that much at prime time, last night at prime time we had up to 367. Assuming the empire has twice that, that's still barely 1000 people online on a server in a MMO. That's rediculous and my server isn't even one of the worst ones.


I got in 2 WZs, first one was instant when I logged in cause I got lucky but I joined one that started with 4 people and others trickled in so it was an auto loss fo rhte most part.


The second WZ Q took 15 minutes to pop and it started with the count down timer cause there weren't enough people.


I hate it, I've spent the last month grinding my tail off to get money for legacy unlocks for 1.2 leveling up my second 50, grinding my crewskills to 400 so I could support my 1.2 alts and collecting materials for them to do their crewskills as soon as they get their ships and now I'm thinkin all that stuff is gonna sit on a cancelled account before the legacy patch even happens.


I'm not every player, my leaving hte game wont tank it. I'm a pvper and a crafter, that's what I 'want' to do and I can't pvp regularly becuse of how long Q times are due to low population. Nothing is being done to rectify my issue adn I'm not starting over on another server and leaving 4mil credits, 400 armormech, 400 cybertech, 400 artifice, a lvl 50 and a lvl 45 and legacy lvl 13 behind because the company running this game doesn't want to take a potential PR hit and just merge their servers.


They brag about their metrics and statistics they pull from the servers, they know what's going on. The forums are swarming with these very same complaints and we don't even get a nod.


There are too many other options out there to be dealing with this the way they are. lightsabers are only gonna keep you afloat for so long.

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I'm on my third sever now, I've left two because they were dead and now it looks like the one I'm on now is starting to head that way, out of a 50 person guild only 2 were on.


I am on my fourth server because there were never any people on... My husband and I are already looking forward to any game other than this one and we are HUGE Star Wars fans. I am just so damn tired of having to reroll. THe dual spec will help but in my opinion it's too little to late. I am looking forward to Secret WOrld or Pandarans... or just anything else really.

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they were trying to force the players to spread themselves evenly.


It's a common tactic for new MMOs the last few years: drop your max players at launch to encourage people to redistribute at the beginning in hopes that this will make the population more evenly distributed.

That's not what they're trying to achieve. More like attract the maximum number of subs at release, because any subsequent sub is generally dependent on the actual quality of the game and not the quality of the marketing hype machine.
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I bet for every 1 person that has bothered to come here and report dead servers, there are at least 200 that simply unsub and quietly leave.


I'm sure it won't be long before server population is so critically low that when new folks sign in to play, they end up feeling like they are in a single player game, and then folks just quickly, quietly unsub.


- P

Edited by pahbi
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I bet for every 1 person that has bothered to come here and report dead servers, there at least 200 that simply unsub and quietly leave.
Wait, I thought the fanboy bullet point is that the so called forum trolls are the only people who don't like the game.
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*sigh* I wish the trolls sub time would run out. :/


Game is growing. Accept it. Call me out all you want.


The game is growing in the opposite direction of what is positive. Bioware needs to offer transfers or mergers to all people on light and many standard servers very soon.

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it's really a meaningless reference point...


last night, the # of 50s on my server didn't change by more than 5 or so in an hour, but the number of people in fleet varied considerably: ranging between 6 and 30 depending on raid wipes, and pvp queues.

Who said anything about only 50s.


By your logic, there could be thousands of 40s logged on, and you'd still be QQing about the lack of 50s.


I know that 50s are what you're specifically interested in, but I'm in no way trying to assess 50s populations based on average fleet population.


Stop trying to say the square peg is inferior when you insist on jamming it into the round hole. Fleet population is a reasonable assessment of server activity, not 50s activity.

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I'm really surprised at the seeming lack of urgency on this issue. It creates a death spiral for the game as a whole. There aren't enough people, so people quit, leaving even less, so more quit, and so on. Swift action or at least acknowledgment and incoming implementation of a solution is needed.
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I used to be one of those fanboys who defended the game against all criticism (sometimes rudely, regrettably). I got my smugs to 50 about mid-February and got a JK to 24, then just lost steam for the game. Got back on a couple weeks ago and yeah...Space Slug went from a packed server to, oh, 10-20 people on any given planet in the evenings.


Whatever your opinion of the game, and for whatever reason, I'd say the population is dropping. Not even necessarily the game's fault, as that's what players do: they come in, suck up all the available content, dink around with alts and raids for a while, then leave for another game or the next MMO.

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