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When 1.2 hits....


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My first will be a brown skinned Zabrak Sith Assassin. To be a family member of my Zabrak Consular who was kidnapped and enslaved by the Empire during the invasion of Alderaan and who's Force Sensetivity was spotted during his enslavement (because it fits the Inquisitor starting area).


Anything else.. not entirely sure yet.

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Sith Pureblood Jedi Knight, and will run around either Force Lightning things or Force Choking. Every time I do it, I will announce it in general chat so all the lore whiners will know it is happening.


I'll also make sure I have the most face tendrils so I look the most Sith.



thats great, I feel we would be good friends if we knew each other

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The idea of grinding up another toon in a different skin merely for RP purposes is hardly interesting or desired as far as I'm concerned. I'm sure there are others that feel otherwise, but churning through such a linear game is a bit mind-numbing of a process for me to consider at the moment.


At first when I played this game, I had a great time as I thought each decision I made on the conversation wheel actually had relevance.


Short of giving me veins that pop out on my forehead and changing the color of my lightsaber I have yet to discover them.


And that's the inherent problem with most MMO's-- relevance. you see the problem with most MMO's -- and the gamers themselves to a lesser extent-- is relevance. In order to have relevance you have to have winners and losers. Since no one subscribes to a game where they might lose, developers tend to err on the easy side now.


It is an indictment of both our culture and gamers today, as much as it is of devleopers. Tick off too many people and they cancel. Gamers no longer see the value in losing, they no longer learn from their experiences and merely want to win at any and all costs.


So for me, grinding up another toon is just another trip to the hamster wheel. 1.2 legacy system held promise for me as I thought it would allow me to hybridize classes in order to reach the full potential of cusomization. Instead it offers no solace to the hardcore gamer, it is merely icing that is sugary sweet and no real meat. The powers are only PVE one shot powers during a solo boss fight.


Perhaps the legacy system will be tweaked down the road. I have yet to cap on legacy xp (somewhere in the 30''s I think I am now) so perhaps deep into the trees will be worth the effort. I like to play the long game so we will see.


But for now, more RP is not what we need. We need more G and less RP in this RPG.


I think I agree with you. When you talk about "relevence" it's a little confusing but let me see if I got it right...


We have two factions in this game that are at War. And since this is an MMO the War is enharently neutral, with no clear winner. So then what's the point of War at all when there's no means to an end? Which also means that conversation choices have to follow a very linear path to keep everything equal. And once a player realizes the neutral formula the game becomes monotonous without any real substance seen in other Bioware games.


In this game, our "open" story tree is boiled down to this: I have the truly difficult choice of either killing a person or letting them live. In either case the consequence of my actions will be a letter in the mail and some credits. This kind of story telling doesn't exactly have me wanting more.

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Rattataki Jedi Sentinel - and maybe a Mirialan Sith Warrior or Bounty Hunter


Playing on test though the best of 1.2 for me is the UI sizing. It feels like a different game, like playing a game with info at the edges instead of sitting at a HUD looking at a game.

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You are going to be dissapointed. Your Sith pure blood jedi will use Jedi powers, not Sith powers. So at most you will be able to force choke/force lightning(depending on wether you have a 50 sith warrior or inquisitor) 1 enemy once every 20 mins as that legacy ability is tied to your Heroic moment ability, 20 min cooldown.


Incorrect. They actually have a 10 minute cooldown. 20 Minutes if I use the current ability everyone has to regen HP.




Go there and check it out, it plainly says:


Icon 1: Unlocked when you complete chapter 2 of class quest, unlocks the usage of a class specific emote.


Icon 2: Unlocked when you complete chapter 2 of class quest, unlocks the usage of class buffs. Does not stack with class buffs from the mirror class. This buff will be applied to all party/operation members.


Icon 3: Unlocks the heroic ability. This ability has a 10 minute CD and is only useable when heroic moment ability is up (every 20 minutes).


Also, I have a sith pureblood warrior near 50, and an inquisitor near 50. Just gotta push them over to 50 and viola.

Edited by monkgryphon
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Incorrect. They actually have a 10 minute cooldown. 20 Minutes if I use the current ability everyone has to regen HP.




Go there and check it out, it plainly says:




Also, I have a sith pureblood warrior near 50, and an inquisitor near 50. Just gotta push them over to 50 and viola.


Doesn't matter as it will strictly be an RP thing.


You won't be able to use it in raids


You won't be able to use it in PVP


You won't be able to use it on World Bosses.


To me, that's pretty much useless.

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Doesn't matter as it will strictly be an RP thing.


You won't be able to use it in raids


You won't be able to use it in PVP


You won't be able to use it on World Bosses.


To me, that's pretty much useless.


Never said you could use it in any of those instances you listed. If you read my first post in this thread, you would see WHY I will be using it.

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Considering making a Sith Pureblood bounty hunter (I find the idea of being one of the few non-Force-using purebloods interesting to RP.). Or a Rattataki Consular.


...I need to get my Republic server going, it doesn't even have a legacy name yet. And yet, at the same time, my Empire characters are getting to rather high levels. *shrug*

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But for now, more RP is not what we need. We need more G and less RP in this RPG.


Interesting remark. I think we need at least one more M to justify MMO. Running around on planets with 6-10 players on, I wonder where the "massive" part is.


So let's agree on a wish for a MG for "massive game" :o

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