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Warzone Premades Vs Pugs


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Why do people care? Even if you're absolutely useless and drool your way to 10 losses, you're rewarded with a loot box anyway.


Premades aren't guaranteed to win every time, they're still along with 4 people from the same pool as yourself to help/hinder them.


If you constantly get drawn against them, tough. Get better or get some friends to queue with.

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Am I the only one who enjoys the challenge aspect of the game?


Playing with premades is /faceroll


Playing against them while in a pug is the only fun factor left.


This is another one of those things that non-premade players say.


I enjoy playing with coordinated groups of my friends, regardless of win or lose. We joke around and have fun and try outlandish things in the WZs--that's fun for me. Why should I face criticism and derision because of it?


Coordination is big in the WZs in this game. If people are too lazy to put forth the effort required to coordinate a team, then they have to live with the consequences.


A lot of times I end up having to solo queue when I work late. Most of the time it's as simple as directing people where to go (1 left, 2 right, rest mid--all right i'll guard left door--i'll get the ball you get ahead of me, etc.). If you people can't even handle that, then you need to find a group with somebody who will tell you what to do.


Bottom line, this game was designed to cater to organized teams. MMOers these days all to often cry about game mechanics and demand that they be changed rather than just altering their playstyle to match the game they're playing. In other words, L2PSWTOR.

Edited by dougan
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It happens to everyone and you either join up or man up and take your lumps.


I've never been in a guild, invited to a premade or ANYTHING. I've gone straight up solo all the way and ya know what? I'm almost rank 60 and manage roughly a 50% win ratio every day I end up playing. I go in, do my best, and actually try to WIN the warzone and not just derp around for kills. I make a difference whether I'm forced to suck my thumb and defend all game or I'm spending the whole game knocking down pass targets. Every player makes a difference!

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It happens to everyone and you either join up or man up and take your lumps.


I've never been in a guild, invited to a premade or ANYTHING. I've gone straight up solo all the way and ya know what? I'm almost rank 60 and manage roughly a 50% win ratio every day I end up playing. I go in, do my best, and actually try to WIN the warzone and not just derp around for kills. I make a difference whether I'm forced to suck my thumb and defend all game or I'm spending the whole game knocking down pass targets. Every player makes a difference!


I like you.

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I agree with this. The OP already had 3 different things to complain about. Premade, BM gear, and them being WH and having more experience. Right it's now no more premades. Next it's grouping by gear. Then it's grouping by valor.


A lot of what he is asking for is being done in 1.2


In rated pugs vs pugs and premades vs premades.

In rated you are matched by your rating.

In 1.2 Valor means nothing for the most part.

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Lol this is the problem with you people. You think that we run premades solely to beat up on noobs.


I have no problem facing other premades. I run with a premade because I know the people I run with and how they play--it makes for easier coordination overall.


Comments about premades from people who don't run in premades are so funny.


if you dont mind facing premades why is it a problem to make premades vs premades?

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if you dont mind facing premades why is it a problem to make premades vs premades?


Because the ques would be hours long on most servers. they are already 30-45mins long on off peak times on my server. make cross-server then ill have np with that.


Edited the time for how long it took me to que tonight, sunday, after 9pm servertime


PS. Motav is awesome.

Edited by ForsakenKing
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A lot of what he is asking for is being done in 1.2


In rated pugs vs pugs and premades vs premades.

In rated you are matched by your rating.

In 1.2 Valor means nothing for the most part.


Is it true that solo que. players will only face against other solo que.? and premades vs premade?

Edited by Paralassa
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This is another one of those things that non-premade players say.


I enjoy playing with coordinated groups of my friends, regardless of win or lose. We joke around and have fun and try outlandish things in the WZs--that's fun for me. Why should I face criticism and derision because of it?

Not at all. I absolutely support premades.

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Yes. Obviously.


Any source on that? Since you say it's obviously then should back that up with some sort of information. Since you know it's that obvious, if i queue with 1 other friend, does that count as solo queue or team queue? What about two?


Since its so obvious, may I get some information?

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Most of this is being solved in 1.2, so relax. The premades will have to wait in queue for another premade to queue against them and the solos can insta-queue all day long. Rated WZs will match you up by rating. All is well in the land of PUG vs. Premade PvP.
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Typical thread for a rank 30'ish Valor, that just started PvP in the 50 bracket and cries about not getting wins while his teammates facepalm themselves when they see him with lvl 40 implants and lvl 40-49 gear.
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Typical thread for a rank 30'ish Valor, that just started PvP in the 50 bracket and cries about not getting wins while his teammates facepalm themselves when they see him with lvl 40 implants and lvl 40-49 gear.


And this info is based on?

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Any source on that? Since you say it's obviously then should back that up with some sort of information. Since you know it's that obvious, if i queue with 1 other friend, does that count as solo queue or team queue? What about two?


Since its so obvious, may I get some information?


The devs already stated that smart queuing is already happening. They mentioned it numerous times through development and also during the guild summit.


If the population does not support, it's obvious that premades will be mixed with non-premades.


Back on topic:



In my experiences, some pugs are better than premades, and the only advantage of a premade is that they get to choose their team make-up and have access to instant communication. As most premades usually form their groups like this: 'Who wants to do some warzones ?' I don't think the first issue is a problem. Our premade for example never has a healer and I'm grateful we can still run viable premades even though we win by bleeding on our opponents to death.


Voice comms on the other hand is a big advantage because it allows some fanciful tricks like pre-passing the ball before your teammate gets there. Or stating just how people you need to hold alderaan without over compensating (the biggest favor in node switches). It's lightyears ahead of basic typing communication like 'Left' or 'Right' but the draw back is only 3 people will hear it.


Lastly, gear disparity will win you more games than pug vs premade. I've seen 2 full premades in cent/champ gear teams lose to pugs in BM Gear many many times. As the end of the day, I would take 4 people that are well geared and know their class inside and out, over a premade.


Also another problem is most people that whine about pugs vs premades are themselves bad players that look for any excuse to justify their loss. It's called the Dunning-Kruger Effect and is investigated in the psychological sciences. Whiners in general bad players, by nature good players will result to developing strategies against 'OP' classes and 'OP' tactics.

Edited by Orangerascal
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The devs already stated that smart queuing is already happening. They mentioned it numerous times through development and also during the guild summit.


If the population does not support, it's obvious that premades will be mixed with non-premades.



Which is a good thing. Both parties get their rewards and don't have to wait hours in queue to be drawn against similar teams ( pre or non-pre )

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