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30 Days, 11 Hours, 55 Minutes wasted on a valor 80 Sage - Rated WZ


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Healing Spec - Yes godly when FREECASTING being able to hit 1 mil heals. When targeted = worst survivability ever. Whoop de doo we can sprint away from battle, how effective that is in team play! No damage mitigation skills at all with light armor means dead Sage in seconds while a Merc healer is basically more tankier than a freaking tank with instant casts. We also rely on cast time spells which get interrupted non-stop. The double dipping proc and very forgiving mana management made up for the long list of weakness compared to other healing classes SOMEWHAT.


Dps spec 1 - Yes I agree something had to be done about being able to spam two ~3k three target AoE(s) every (x) seconds and unlimited mana being able to LoS and heal yourself back to full life, but completely gutting the class was a joke. Only spec somewhat viable for Rated and even then still not good because of worst survivability. It would be way more efefctive to focus any Sage you see instead of the healer.


Dps spec 2 - Raid spec 0/12/29. This spec isn't too bad in PUGS and 1v1s because you let your DoTs do the work while you run to 30m most of the time. In rated - goodbye DoTs and hello poor energy management.


So basically Sage/Sorc is only for PUGs and not serious pvp. Atleast concealment OPs can stunlock someone and do a decent burst which can be deadly coordinated.

Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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I'm in the same boat as you bro. Had to drop my 76 valor sage as well.


Unfortunately 90% of these forums are filled with pug noobs who think sages are godmode and will always fail to recognize how terrible they are in organized play.


Even after this nerf people will still come here crying about them, because it wasn't the class that was OP, it was just them being terrible at the game.


All good though, my sent is level 48, and I'll get full BM in 2-3 days when 1.2 hits.

Edited by Ellvaan
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I'm in the same boat as you bro. Had to drop my 76 valor sage as well.


Unfortunately 90% of these forums are filled with pug noobs who think sages are godmode and will always fail to recognize how terrible they are in organized play.


Even after this nerf people will still come here crying about them, because it wasn't the class that was OP, it was just them being terrible at the game.


All good though, my sent is level 48, and I'll get full BM in 2-3 days when 1.2 hits.


Indeed, I will invite anyone who lives by me to play my full BM dps or heal spec'd sage against a team that knows what they are doing not PUGS and tell me how OP Sages are.


My marauder is only level 7 >_<

Edited by Ellvaan
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I've always said the healing nerf was too much, yet another example of bioware catering to people who whine and don't know how too interrupt a healer. This game is plagued by a community that the doesn't bother to work out how to counter something, they just head to the forums and cry until it get's nerfed. Edited by Archaar
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I've always said the healing nerf was too much, yet another example of bioware catering to people who whine and don't know how too interrupt a healer. This game is plagued by a community that the doesn't bother to work out how to counter something, they just head to the forums and cry until it get's nerfed.


And the devs make the game the crybabies want not the game they wanted or envisioned. Thats what's wrong. Being a BH i lvl's arsenal Tracer was good but not godly, was annoying to play but if anyone bothered to interupt we were pretty screwed. now spec'd heals we are good and honestly i feel bad for the heal nerf you sages, but hey there nerfing us too. Maybe a year from now they'll get it right but probably not

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Healing Spec - Yes godly when FREECASTING being able to hit 1 mil heals. When targeted = worst survivability ever. Whoop de doo we can sprint away from battle, how effective that is in team play! No damage mitigation skills at all with light armor means dead Sage in seconds while a Merc healer is basically more tankier than a freaking tank with instant casts. We also rely on cast time spells which get interrupted non-stop. The double dipping proc and very forgiving mana management made up for the long list of weakness compared to other healing classes SOMEWHAT.


Dps spec 1 - Yes I agree something had to be done about being able to spam two ~3k three target AoE(s) every (x) seconds and unlimited mana being able to LoS and heal yourself back to full life, but completely gutting the class was a joke. Only spec somewhat viable for Rated and even then still not good because of worst survivability. It would be way more efefctive to focus any Sage you see instead of the healer.


Dps spec 2 - Raid spec 0/12/29. This spec isn't too bad in PUGS and 1v1s because you let your DoTs do the work while you run to 30m most of the time. In rated - goodbye DoTs and hello poor energy management.


So basically Sage/Sorc is only for PUGs and not serious pvp. Atleast concealment OPs can stunlock someone and do a decent burst which can be deadly coordinated.


Welcome to MMOs. I've only been playing them for 2 years, but even I know things like builds/playstyles/etc change over time. Brush it off, and if it bothers you that much just roll another toon.


As long as you dont delete the toon, nothing is wasted. Eventually they'll be popular and 'easy' again. . .or you'll just get used to the changes.

Edited by FourTwent
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I actually agree with the nerf because the healing rotation for sorcs is far too simple.



resurgence then dark heal. Revivification if lots of allies.

Target another, then resurgence then dark heal.


Sorcs don't even use innervate. When I interrupt terrible healing sorcs dark heal, they just stand there for 2 seconds with no idea what else to press because they've already programmed in their minds to press resurgence next but it is still in cooldown so they don't know what else to press.

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Is the nerf really THAT bad?


No, but the whiners want you to believe that its the end of the class and they have become completely unusable. They want you to believe that the class has no redeeming qualities now and that bioware needs to buff them to stupidly powerful proportions. People who complain like this hate the fact that their class gets brought down to Earth.

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No, but the whiners want you to believe that its the end of the class and they have become completely unusable. They want you to believe that the class has no redeeming qualities now and that bioware needs to buff them to stupidly powerful proportions. People who complain like this hate the fact that their class gets brought down to Earth.


I see. 'Cause yeah I was looking at the patch notes and their doesn't seem to be anything to severe but I don't play one myself so.

Edited by Mattderp
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I agree with the OP, and I do not play the class. Sages/Sorcerors are being way overnerfed. In particular the DPS specs that are great for PuGs, but not so good against any team that has decent players.


The Healing specs are the weakest healers in most rated play, however they are so godly in Huttball that it kinda makes up for it.


The problem is they stay godly in Huttball in 1.2, and their abilities in the other WZs are nerfed.


It should have been the other way around...

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I see. 'Cause yeah I was looking at the patch notes and their doesn't seem to be anything to severe but I don't play one myself so.


The nerf to their regen mechanic was severe. But it had to be, because sages who managed their rotations correctly never went OOM.


I'm not sure how any of that really relates to the OP's post though, since he's complaining about survivability while ignoring the fact that pugs don't peel.

Edited by Dayfax
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No, but the whiners want you to believe that its the end of the class and they have become completely unusable. They want you to believe that the class has no redeeming qualities now and that bioware needs to buff them to stupidly powerful proportions. People who complain like this hate the fact that their class gets brought down to Earth.


If pyrotechs had rail shot removed, guess it wouldn't be that bad.


If ops had backstab removed, guess it wouldn't be that bad.


This isn't about being buffed to stupid proportions, this is about a mage like dps class now having the worst burst and worst aoe in the game, and the easiest heals to interrupt in pvp. CL was our biggest hitting ability, and it is now gone from every viable dps spec we had. What we want is either for that to be rethought- as already sorcs were a very weak burst class in pvp, even without the nerf. OR, for the pure trees to actually be made decent.


As is, lightning is beyond useless, immobile and lightning strike has awful damage. Madness is better but has very slow damage, which would work if not for the fact that once resolve is full- which'll be long before your dots kill anyone- you're a sitting duck. It might also work if not for the fact that both Alderaan and VS require you to NEED to be able to kill targets within a very slim window due to respawning, and slow damage doesn't help.



The final nail in the coffin is no more 1.5 second infusions- a 2.5 second infusion WILL be interrupted, or 3 second for dps since there's now no heal/dps hybrid spec worth going.


They took out any customization of specs- and there were numerous good hybrid specs focusing on everything from dps to CC to mixing healing and damage- now there's a bad dps spec, and a healing spec.

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"You just need to learn to deal."


There is no "dealing" when your class has a low limit of effectiveness compared to others. The Merc changes can be dealt with because unload does more damage then tracer and HSM which can hit for 6k fully procd got a 10% increase. We arent talking about a simple change of rotation, but a complete undercutting of effective DPS. Lol if you think sustained DPS > burst.

Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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You haven't even played 1.2 yet and you're flaking out already? It's hardly a bad thing if the people that rolled their sage/sorc just because it was OP'd decide to switch to something else (or, better yet, just stop playing if they can't handle being on more even terms with others).
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Single Socs/Sages are completely fine and should not be nerfed IMO, but when you get 2 or more that work together that IS god mode, for them and their team.


I think that the answer would have been some type of separation between self healing and group healing to lower "god mode" like a 15 sec cooldown when you heal a friendly player that you can receive no healing from yourself or another player or much reduced healing and vice versa.

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