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  1. Free Transfers / Merge servers. No x WZ needed. Do it BW for realz /thread
  2. And the devs make the game the crybabies want not the game they wanted or envisioned. Thats what's wrong. Being a BH i lvl's arsenal Tracer was good but not godly, was annoying to play but if anyone bothered to interupt we were pretty screwed. now spec'd heals we are good and honestly i feel bad for the heal nerf you sages, but hey there nerfing us too. Maybe a year from now they'll get it right but probably not
  3. Nothing wrong with it because it works fairly often but when your team caps sides you guys in mid need to pull out and defend. Not try to three cap. That's the problem
  4. Why bother? For every good post we make theres 20 posts crying that i want my stuff now. It's not the players fault they rolled bad servers but instead of putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound merge servers or offer a transfer off low pop servers. Fix the problem don't cover it up. My 2cents not that its worth a damn. Another Star wars game killed by the dev's
  5. All Bioware is doing is putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound. Merge low pop servers or offer transfers. This fixes a majority of the problems. PS GregMD just because you think your Gods gift to PVP doesn't mean your are. You are the type of person everyone in this thread is talking about that is against x-server ques. 90% non social basement dwellers? Seriously? Your too good to talk to your Guildmates because they want to say hello? Do us all a favor stay on facebook.
  6. Because you can take the speeders directly to the sides. It improves gameplay. Voidstar bike ride adds nothing to the game. There were many times the que would pop late and im riding a speeder to the first point as the game is starting. There is no point to it at all
  7. OP here's Tip 102. You should be trying to play to win. I've seen Pug's beat premade's not very often but i've seen it. Better to try than to sit in the corner like you suggest or even worse yet re que. People like you are the problem
  8. This is my last hope sir, Embers of Caerus http://www.embersofcaerus.com/
  9. I'd give you terrible customer service too. All you people do is whine and complain and whine some more. **** already, noone cares your leaving
  10. Good post agree with everything you said. People complain just to complain because well thats human nature
  11. This is a hand holding theme park MMO just like wow, rift, AoC, and warhammer so yes it is like wow a theme park
  12. PvP is about teamwork not 1v1 death matches. Play with friends or dont que
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