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I am perplexed by the difficulty of some of the core class quests?

In beta I don't remember anything being this hard. I am currently doing attis station and am 3 levels over the quest and die 3 times per killing one group.


Did everything get boosted cause so many people where crying about everything being too easy?

Personally I play to see the story. If everything is way too hard it feels like a forced grind to slow you down.


Currently I am playing a Jedi Shadow and in Beta I only reached about level 34 as a shadow or assassin. Could the Class be just imbalanced?

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So far, all the class quests i've done seemed about average in difficulty, maybe a bit too easy.

I've got a lvl 50 Sith Warrior, 50 Sith Sorcerer, 50 Mercenary, and i'm lvl'ing a Jedi Shadow.

I haven't had problems with a single class quests, and i've done every one of them solo.

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So far, all the class quests i've done seemed about average in difficulty, maybe a bit too easy.

I've got a lvl 50 Sith Warrior, 50 Sith Sorcerer, 50 Mercenary, and i'm lvl'ing a Jedi Shadow.

I haven't had problems with a single class quests, and i've done every one of them solo.


Good for you.

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I have done everything up till now solo. Not really too much problems. I hear Shadow tanks have no problem but I dont really want to be a tank.


I like alot of my quests easy TBH, when you have a Job and work 50-60 hrs a week are married etc... You dont have several hours extra to add to things by dying repeatedly.


IMO there should be a seperate function of HARD or INSANE etc. for those that complain about quest difficulty, not impose it on people that just want to see the story.


PS: I have all decent gear atleast blue nearly my level alot of purple mods and custom stuff, so its not my gear. Possibly my build as im full balance atm.


EDIT: why the hell was this put in noob help ? I asked a question about difficulty being increased since beta? meaning several more months of playing than launch ? extra perplexing

Edited by musifuger
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I've tried four different classes but I've only had problems with one boss (as in died once), ironically enough a boss in an Inq class mission early in the game. Inq was the last class I thought I would have problems with. I solved it by healing Khem Val through most of it. Other than I'd say that it's been balanced to easy, probably in favor of easy. Edited by MidichIorian
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Generally speaking, I've had no trouble doing my class quests on the first try. My Scoundrel is my only 50. There were a couple of fights that kicked me in the head though. The final Smuggler fight took me two tries and the second try was by a tiny sliver of health left (first try I was unprepared for the knockback so I wasn't in range to heal Corso). My Sentinel, 28 has struggled on a couple of fights, but even those I was eventually able to figure out a strat that worked. My Vanguard at 42 has no trouble at all. He's about 4 levels ahead of the content, has benefited gear-wise from my Scoundrel and hardly ever takes damage lol. He's also usually teamed my wife's Commando, so with her dps and two Elaras healing we can two man the 4 man heroics with very little trouble.


With all that said though, yes, I do believe that a few fights could use some minor tweeks perhaps, or maybe they need some slightly more difficult fights to precede them since some class boss fights are infinitely more difficult (though not impossible) than the trash that precedes them. Some storylines that aren't specific to a class are also more difficult for some AC's than others (Healing a comp and watching for interrupts is far more difficult, for me anyway, than playing a tank like my Vanguard, where the target you're holding aggro on is the same one you're watching for interrupt opportunities...hope that made sense).

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The only class quest thus far I've had trouble with is that colicoid...something something. It stealths and spawns three more colicoids every time it comes back. Asinine, but doable.


edit: Should mention I was playing an Inquisitor so I had Khem Val. Rough time even with shields, a stun, interrupt, and a knock back. It grinds the border between challenging and annoying.

Edited by DelTrigger
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I think the only problems I have had with enemies is when I need to fight 3x Strongs or 1x Elite and 1x Strong at the same time.


I had a few problems with bosses but that is more so when you get interrupted (luck) than balance. I think mobs do a little more damage now than I remember.


When leveling my sorcerer to 50 I remembered a specific point where mobs started doing more damager than I could effectivly heal. It could have been right after a patch, now I wish I had paid more attention at the time.


Anyways Thanks for replies. I hate having to group to pass solo class crap but I guess that is what I need to do.

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I am perplexed by the difficulty of some of the core class quests?

In beta I don't remember anything being this hard. I am currently doing attis station and am 3 levels over the quest and die 3 times per killing one group.


Did everything get boosted cause so many people where crying about everything being too easy?

Personally I play to see the story. If everything is way too hard it feels like a forced grind to slow you down.


Currently I am playing a Jedi Shadow and in Beta I only reached about level 34 as a shadow or assassin. Could the Class be just imbalanced?


Attis station is a "hard" quest in fact there a couple of hard/tricky quests for the consular more so than any other class's I have played post Level 35/40.


You should/will also noticed a marked increase in difficulty post level 35 in general. You'll start seeing two strong mobs together once I saw 2 or 3 healer mobs together, enemies start seeing through stealth particulary on Ilum.


For example my brother has been casualy playing through commenting on how easy it is and you need to optimize yours or your companion gear while leveling up too much etc..


A couple of days ago, he hit 40 and the shouting started, hehe. I could hear him from across the hall. (Yes I do go an help him :p )


The incease is there but there are way to mitigate it. Getting help, tactics, gear etc...



Edited by Kaesoron
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The only one I've really had a problem was towards the end of the Ord Mantell trooper quests. I found I had to actually go and get my advanced class, and companion, before I could manage a phased quest that wasn't even the final one in the series on that planet.


Other than that, I've not found any of them that difficult. But I tend to play tank classes so I suppose my survivability is a bit better than most.

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Not familiar with your class q, but the rule of the thumb is to make sure you are using the right companion (maybe try a healer comp?) And using your cooldowns and interupts wisely.

Find a setup that works for you, and try to find a killing order that suits your style. in most cases youl stil want to kill weak mobs first, then strongs, then elites. Sometimes youl find youl have to adjust something, but that trail and error for most of us also :)

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Some of the Jedi Shadow class quests are crazy extra hard because for some reason they stuck a ton of droids in the solo stuff. This leaves you with no CC and some of the packs are pretty tough. If you are tanked specced and using Tharan, it can get pretty tough. I do not think they put a lot of thought into some of them.


I duo'd with a Sage, but we did our class stuff solo and it was infuriating when he would breeze through and I was struggling. Finally it ended up just being quicker for us to do it twice.

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The only one I've really had a problem was towards the end of the Ord Mantell trooper quests. I found I had to actually go and get my advanced class, and companion, before I could manage a phased quest that wasn't even the final one in the series on that planet.


Other than that, I've not found any of them that difficult. But I tend to play tank classes so I suppose my survivability is a bit better than most.


uhhhh....what? Ord mantell? as in .. the starting area?

I'm not one to pick on people and stuff, but honestly, you're really bad if you had to go pick your AC and return to complete the chain.

Unless you decided to do a heroic group quest solo, i can't see how you can possibly have problems before 20-30-ish.


So far the only issue i really had was a sith warrior quest on Voss. The packs in one of the story instances were kind of bugged. packs of 2strong 1 elite all using dots which also happened to ignore tank mitigation. If you were the tank you'd be dead in about 20-30 seconds. If you're companion was tanking, well.. i doubt he'd last 10. But that was a few months ago, don't know if they fixed it or not.


I mean i died here and there too, but mostly because of me not paying attention. On that one quest tho, i died like 6 times in 30 minutes until i asked a healer for help on it. Even then we had some issues. But that was just a case of over-tuning.


The idea behind leveling is for the player to start off extremely easy, and gradually while meeting stronger and stronger enemy packs, he learns to play his class better and use his entire skill set, instead of just a few. If anything I'd say higher levels are simply more time-consuming, rather than hard.


If you don't already have any or are new to the concept or w/e, make sure to at least hotkey some of your abilities. Like CC (stuns,mezz'es,etc) and interrupts and always pay attention to the abilities of the stronger mobs. If you see it cast, you interrupt. Also make sure to use your defensive abilities. In most cases it is also beneficial to run with a support companion.


I found it easiest to run with a tank companion if you're a DPS, healer companion if you're a tank or tank pet if you're a healer.

I wouldn't recommend leveling as a healer tho, it's very slow.

Many people will recommend to run a healer comp if you're dps, and its deffinitely wiable, but if you use a tank comp, as long as you're not getting hit, you don't even need to take a break. Just dismiss and recall companion. (or mount/dismount).

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Yes, as in Ord Mantell, the starting stuff. I can't remember the exact stage of the quest but there is an instanced area shortly before you find havoc squad that was extremely rough to get through, looking it up there was a fair number of other people struggling as well.


Playing an alt, I just found a similarly difficult area towards the end of Sith Inquisitor starting area. Fights that require resting between them as they all end on extremely low hitpoints, corridors of droids with the packs so close together it's fairly easy to pull the next group.


As you said, these areas are meant to be newbie zones, so if they ARE more difficult than intended (and that's what seems to be the case) perhaps something should be done about it.

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Thank you all for the help and suggestions.


Why I posted in general to begin with was I can use CC and am fairly comfortable with hitting 24ish buttons regularly for my classes. I am no a godly expert player (as in professional gamer i.e. starcraft athlete) but I have been gaming a long time and understand most of the concepts.


I have noticed the sharp increase of difficulty towards the end of game. It gets a bit too sharp IMO as in really really pushing you to group. I personally like solo play better and always have. There is always some waiting with any group, and people tend to be not nice using their online persona's generally (while everyone in this thread has been helpful and nice which was pleasantly surprising).


Again thanks for the help. I respeced to tank and used theran as opposed to asking for help. I will tank until the 50 then respec to whatever I actually want to play. There are also computer terminals that help with healing and I wrongly assumed you could not use them in combat like every other intractable item in game. So that helped a little bit but mostly it was having pure tank build... sigh.

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on my healer sorc ive never had any help for all the class quests. Seems like you need to figure out a better approach for the fight. Btw being a healer i rarely self heald for the fights. Just alot of stunning and kitting.



Out of all my chard on both factions ive only needed help on 1 fight. Merc class fight on voss fighting that damn beast..Hits like a ton of bricks. Im a healer and i cant heal fast enough for myself or if i let the companion fight it. Yet i was able to kill 3 champs ive come across with 77khp 118khp and 177khp solo through out my leveling..Go figure.

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Yes, as in Ord Mantell, the starting stuff. I can't remember the exact stage of the quest but there is an instanced area shortly before you find havoc squad that was extremely rough to get through, looking it up there was a fair number of other people struggling as well.


Playing an alt, I just found a similarly difficult area towards the end of Sith Inquisitor starting area. Fights that require resting between them as they all end on extremely low hitpoints, corridors of droids with the packs so close together it's fairly easy to pull the next group.


As you said, these areas are meant to be newbie zones, so if they ARE more difficult than intended (and that's what seems to be the case) perhaps something should be done about it.

Was it the bit where you're waiting for the support team to airdrop in? I seem to remember having some issues with that. I was incautious and died from pulling too much, which meant the arriving help despawned and the enemies respawned. And no more help came when I ressed...

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As always when someone has the guts to admit that the game is occasionally difficult, bozos come out unasked for and brag about how easy it all was, even though no one has asked them and they have no proof of it. Start your own threads about your achievements and see how interested everyone is. :rolleyes:


The two classes I'm levelling run into hard class quests about every 3rd or 4th level. What I mean by "hard" is that I have to go back and do some side missions to get my level up 1-2 notches in order to make them. I just finished the final fight on Nar Saadaa (Sniper class) with an equal-levelled Elite (lvl 23), and it took me many tries to beat the mob as he had so many different tricks.


There is nothing strange about the earliest levels being the hardest; since your own level is so very low, your powers are weak (old man). There is a battle with 3 droids around level 6 for Imperial Agent which is one of the hardest ones so far, because you had to do it exactly right and then the strong droid would die maybe 2 seconds before you.


Similarly, there is a harsh fight with "Grey Star" at the end of a long haul-*** mission on Balmorra circa level 19, where you have to beat 4 fairly strong droids first, and then go up against this Elite -- but by then your armor will be shot to pieces from the droid fight. I talked my way out of this battle since I didn't feel like spending another 3 hours on the planet bringing my level up.


A basic rule is to keep your personal skill level on par or preferrably 1-2 notches above the class mission level. That way you can do normals and strongs with no real effort, and elites with a bit of extra work, maybe take a death or two if it's a crew. I've run into crews of two elites but have avoided combat with them so far, my guess would be that you need to be at least 3 levels above them to make it.


Armor, weapons, abilities, stims, medpacks etc should all be in order, of course. That given, your personal level is what determines your chances... and your playing skill, of course. :)

Edited by PatrickTheLama
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Unfortunately, forums like these, even when the heading is "New Player Help" seldom offer the kind of help a new player really needs, which is how to survive a difficult fight and make it to the next level. There is an info overload of incomprehensible stuff about speccing into skill tree blablah and modding your Tionese crystal zabadak, that are really useful... in about 6 months. They are of no use when trying to get off your start planet.


Try this:

1) Always try to be over-levelled, or at worst, par with the mission. You raise your level by gaining XP, which you in turn get by doing side missions and killing enemies.

2) Before heading down to that combat where you've died 3 times already, go to a vendor and repair all your gear. There is a button that sez "Repair All". You need a little bit of credit to pay for this. When you die, your armor takes a severe beating.

3) During the fight, watch the red "health-meter" for your enemy, the horizontal red line right next to your own health meter. If your enemy's meter is almost down to zero when you die, then you will be able to make the fight next time (see #4). If you can't get his meter down below maybe 60-70%, you are truly underlevelled or under-geared, and need to analyze and correct your status. There is no way you can make the fight without improving your stats first.

4) If you get the dude almost down to zero but not quite, all you need is probably a Medpac and/or a Skill Stim, both of which you can buy from a Stim Vendor. Don't wait too long with taking the Medpac during the battle. The Skill Stim you take before entering the room.


These things are common to all classes and fights, and new players may not realize them until they reach level 10 or so (I didn't).


On top of this comes all the tricks and moves associated with your class, and your enemy's fighting style, and the layout of the place where you fight. Sometimes moving the fight to another room is all it takes. But these things can only be discussed on a specific fight-level.

Edited by PatrickTheLama
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Haha thread is still going I see.


I often will go in and kill as much as I can on the first death fighting a hard group (2 or 3 x strong with trash but killing trash first). Res get buffed back up and all then go back in and finish the strong/elites off. This is a good tactic but repairing your equipment is so excessively expensive I really try not to die in the first place.


I do kite mobs, but apparently not well since I die and almost everyone else seem to think everything is excessively easy.


(Stashes his Epeen before he attracts more people to come yelling that the game is easy and that he is a noob :sigh:)

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Only problem I had as a Sith Assassin was the Avatar on Voss.


Voss itself is a massive jump in difficulty compared to Balmorra.


The Avatar fight though was an exercise in extreme frustration. You needed to be well geared, stim'd, and burn your CD's as well as understand and interrupt the right actions. Something you never really had to do up until that point in the entire game.

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