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I'm good at PvP but I suck at Huttball


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there are no useless classes in huttball, only useless players.


Because every class has one or many of the following; knockback, pull, push, leap, sprint...


Oh wait, Operatives have none of those. Operatives might not be useless, but they're heavily gimped the moment they leave the middle of the map, due to the lack of the above. Yet another example of Bioware's EPIC FAIL in regards to balancing Operatives... just keep gimping them when they've been gimped from the get go.


It's good to see people think things through before making sweeping statements.

Edited by deltaminus
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Care to explain? or just leave it as vague nerdrage proving the entire point of this post?


Not all classes are created equal. Not all classes are equally good at Huttball.


Just because someone doesn't crit you with a wall of text, doesn't make them wrong. The fact that you can't see anything but your one side of the story shows that you very well may be wrong.


I'm great at PvP, but I play an Operative. So the moment the action moves away from the middle of the map, I'm MASSIVELY GIMPED.


Good @ PvP =/= Good @ Huttball

Edited by deltaminus
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there are no useless classes in huttball, only useless players.


I'll take a team of 8 vanguards over 8 operatives any day though.


There's no question that Huttball, as a result of DPS being a secondary concern to utility, tends to crap on classes without those utilities. Play a few matches of Huttball as an assassin vs an operative and you'll see what I mean. Assassin has a knockback, force speed to help with ground coverage, ability to tank if they get passed the ball and a pull if spec'd that way to assist with defense. An operative that gets knocked off a rampart is taken out of the game for all intents and purposes for 20+ seconds at least and has very little means to defend against that happening.

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Good PvP player can´t be bad at Huttball.


You can be good at smashing faces and suck at objective based play tho.


Many people mistake that for being good PvP player.


You sir mistake the advantages provided to you by the class you play, for player skill.

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Not all classes are created equal. Not all classes are equally good at Huttball.


Just because someone doesn't crit you with a wall of text, doesn't make them wrong. The fact that you can't see anything but your one side of the story shows that you very well may be wrong.


I'm great at PvP, but I play an Operative. So the moment the action moves away from the middle of the map, I'm MASSIVELY GIMPED.


Good @ PvP =/= Good @ Huttball


I can concede that some classes have more utility than others in Huttball, but no class is gimped to the point of uselessness. There is always effective and smart play decisions to make, it just might require unconventional thinking. If you are on the rafters with groups of enemy players as an Operative, yeah you're doing it wrong because your only line of defense is Flashbang and you will just get knocked off. If your team is fighting the enemy in mid, you should be stealthing ahead on the highest rafter, clearing enemies or waiting for a clear pass. You can sap to delay players, and from the top position, change spots quickly and open 2-3 pass options alone. If you're looking to kill every player you see or gank someone that has low health, then yes, Operative is a poor class in Huttball.


I've played my Assassin extensively in Huttball but I still enjoy it on my Mercenary and Operative. I play Huttball differently with each class and have no problems making good plays and scoring points against tough teams.

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Can't agree more with the OPs overall point- a team can easily win huttball yet be the bottom 8 on damage/heals.


I love huttball- one of the more strategic pvp ideas I've seen in a very long time. When playing a good team, you have to utilize *all* of your abilities to win.

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In my experience its the ones doing the least for the good of the team that do the most complaining.


People join matches when they clearly don't want to co-operate in the team game, the set up just encourages this behaviour, someone mentioned the scoreboard, the way objectives medals are awarded in huttball needs addressed, can spend the game doing well for the team, supporting the ball carrier with crowd control or intercepting enemy players before they can stun the carrier and get no rewards for it by the end, even scoring and get no rewards for it yet the group who decided to run around ganking single players no where thats helpful walk off with commendations yet complain that the team lost as if its those of us who have actually tried to play the game are to blame for it.


In short, these people are delusional, they behave in a selfish manner hoping other people will do the important jobs for them while they chase kills and then cry about it when it doesn't happen because only two people have been trying to play huttball.


The trouble is most of the people who read the forums aren't the ones who need to read threads, its all futile really.

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Why must people always deal in absolutes. Of course there's no useless class. But I know from experience that some classes have a noticeable advantage over other classes but that's how huttball works.


Gunslinger. A purely useless huttball class. It has zero utility in huttball. I've played it plenty to give you an honest opinion. Its not fun. In fact its a liability to other teams. I can peel, but honestly I get ignored in huttball.


I just dps in huttball on the ledges. I don't even care at this point. I look forward to no longer having to queue for it.

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You sir mistake the advantages provided to you by the class you play, for player skill.


I have several 50s -not just a Guardian as my picture implies -

e.g. a War Hero Gunslinger-so whats your point?


Even with my Gunslinger i can support the team in order to win despite the guy above me saying Gunslinger are useless in Huttball.


And Nope - its not by just killing people from ledges.

Theres a lot of tools at my disposal.


I can concede that some classes have more utility than others in Huttball, but no class is gimped to the point of uselessness. There is always effective and smart play decisions to make, it just might require unconventional thinking.


He nailed it.

Edited by Sabredance
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Because every class has one or many of the following; knockback, pull, push, leap, sprint...


Oh wait, Operatives have none of those. Operatives might not be useless, but they're heavily gimped the moment they leave the middle of the map, due to the lack of the above. Yet another example of Bioware's EPIC FAIL in regards to balancing Operatives... just keep gimping them when they've been gimped from the get go.


It's good to see people think things through before making sweeping statements.


keep whining ..... I'll continue winning on my scoundrel because I destroy classes with said abilities.

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Gunslinger. A purely useless huttball class. It has zero utility in huttball. I've played it plenty to give you an honest opinion. Its not fun. In fact its a liability to other teams. I can peel, but honestly I get ignored in huttball.


I just dps in huttball on the ledges. I don't even care at this point. I look forward to no longer having to queue for it.


Gunslinger/snipers are not useless in huttball, they are part of your middle control squad. They can sit on the ramps, and CAN NOT BE LEAPT TO. This lets them give fire support for the middle control group all day long. If they piss people off enough, they start getting people to give up going for the ball just to try to come kill you. It is wonderful what a good gunslinger can do in huttball.


Yeah, if your team has no clue how to play huttball, and just runs around as a group, then sure, I can see the frustration. Once rateds arrive, and people are making teams for matches, get in good with a group that knows what they are doing, and your gunslinger/sniper will be highly valuable.


Own the middle = win. Always.

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I love when people use the term "mid control". As a pocket healer to a power tech we walk straight into mid and take the ball from "mid control" every time.


Mid control classes are useless in huttball, unless they are actually grabbing the ball. Scoring matters DPS doesn't.


Huttball is class dependent. Juggs, Sorcs, tanky assassins. Sure you can still win if you don't have them, but its uphill.


With my normal premade we almost always win (depending on the 12k hp pugs that get lumped in with us), but even then.. it's not hard to see that huttball is poorly designed, class dependent warzone. Saying otherwise is just being a fanboi, and living in denial.

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I love when people use the term "mid control". As a pocket healer to a power tech we walk straight into mid and take the ball from "mid control" every time.


If you walk into mid controlled by the other team like that, you will be pulled away from PT and PT will go down before they reach the ball. What you're describing is not mid control, it's just some baddies roaming mindlessly in the general vicinity of ball spawn.

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If you walk into mid controlled by the other team like that, you will be pulled away from PT and PT will go down before they reach the ball. What you're describing is not mid control, it's just some baddies roaming mindlessly in the general vicinity of ball spawn.


Pulled by whom? The "mid control" classes people talk about, mercs, snipers and ops don't have pulls. 1 healer can easily heal a PT through the damage of several of them. They have no utility, which is very powerful in huttball. It's easy to LOS the or just make them useless by knocking them in the pit.


Huttball is a poorly designed warzone overall. I would have liked a assault accross on of the hutts floating barges mich more. It would have been more starwarzy and more balanced for ALL classes.

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If you walk into mid controlled by the other team like that, you will be pulled away from PT and PT will go down before they reach the ball. What you're describing is not mid control, it's just some baddies roaming mindlessly in the general vicinity of ball spawn.


Pulled by whom? The "mid control" classes people talk about, mercs, snipers and ops don't have pulls. 1 healer can easily heal a PT through the damage of several of them. They have no utility, which is very powerful in huttball. It's easy to LOS the or just make them useless by knocking them in the pit.


Huttball is a poorly designed warzone overall. I would have liked a assault accross on of the hutts floating barges mich more. It would have been more starwarzy and more balanced for ALL classes.

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I really like Huttball and I really wish some people would actually come to this forum, and read this guide or the sticky one. Sometimes It take too much time to tell people about the basics of playing huttball (like don't stand in places where enemies can leap to you, especially after some traps which they just get past thanks to you, man that sucks)
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To be completely honest, the only times I EVER care about winning a WZ are for my dailies and Voidstar/Alderaan. Other than that, I'm content with the amount of valor I get from running around and killing others even if it means losing huttball. With so many soccer fields near my home and open fields on my college campus, I get this strong feeling of "Why bother passing a ball around and gaining distance in here when I could call people up and play soccer out there...?"


I can't wait until they let us queue specific WZs. Until then, and unless my dailies depend on it, Huttball is just one big deathmatch.

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I love when people use the term "mid control". As a pocket healer to a power tech we walk straight into mid and take the ball from "mid control" every time.


You and one team mate walk into a group of 5 players, all equipped with stuns and knockbacks, and take the ball everytime?


I would love to see this. I haven't met a healer yet who can heal through a good operative deciding to ruin their day, especially not after you seperate them from their guard.


Here comes the pt and healer, mezzed, now knocked back. Healer has to choose his life or the PT, oops, the other team already picked the ball up, because you know, their entire team except their 3 runners are there, "controlling" mid.


THEN the guardian with his shadow friend and the healer run off and score again.


And lets say you DO get the ball once, and run it off and score, by the time you get back to the middle, the other team scored twice, cause you know, they own mid, where the ball respawns.


Sure, if you are playing some crap team that chses you and the ball all the way to the endzone, this isn't an issue, but why chase and slow a score (and maybe, just maybe get lucky enough to stop it), when you can let em score and answer back with 2 points?

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I love when people use the term "mid control". As a pocket healer to a power tech we walk straight into mid and take the ball from "mid control" every time.


Mid control classes are useless in huttball, unless they are actually grabbing the ball. Scoring matters DPS doesn't.


Huttball is class dependent. Juggs, Sorcs, tanky assassins. Sure you can still win if you don't have them, but its uphill.


With my normal premade we almost always win (depending on the 12k hp pugs that get lumped in with us), but even then.. it's not hard to see that huttball is poorly designed, class dependent warzone. Saying otherwise is just being a fanboi, and living in denial.


as soon as you mentioned "premade" your opinion stopped having meaning. :rolleyes:


as to the thread, a decent player can make anything useful.

Edited by teambff
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