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When can we expect to see a nerf of the Hybrid Sin/Shadow?


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If you guys spent half the time you're wasting crying for nerfs on more productive things like say feedback and testing your own class you'd get a lot further.


Are you mad because you play a guardian/jug and feel like tanksins are more well rounded? well guess what? focus that energy into organizing huge threads of feedback about what BW can do to imporve your class. This is by far longer than any thread on the other tank boards or PTS about tank changes.


If you want to promote change in an MMO you need to put the effort in.


Tanksins are better than me in PVP, ok do you lose your spot as main tank in a raid to them? Do you get glossed over in PVE for a tanksin? no? bc theyre considered the low end of the tanking spectrum?


There's about a 2k armor difference between a solidly geared tanksin and their equivalent jug or powertech. Why arent jugs crying about powertechs outdoing them?


All this amounts to is 80+ pages of crying with no real constructive debate. Of course the devs are ignoring you. Reading this drivel would be a waste of their time because there is no real value to 99% of the posts in this thread when it comes to what they can do to improve the game.


Do you know how much DPS a tanksin in actual tank gear does? It's really not great. The problem is they can wear the same gear as dps and benefit from it. They also give up 4-5k hp for about 150 max damage.


So please, stop your crying and go start threads pertaining to what can be done to bring other classes in line or exactly why somehting is out of balance. Calling for a nerf bc above average tanksins spend a ton of time optimizing their gear to do better dps is just ignorant. You can give up a ton of survivability too if you want to add more dps.

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I can't believe BW hasn't nerfed shadows yet. I think they should make the following changes.




All Techniques now cost 100 Force.


Kinetic Combat

Technique Mastery: No longer increases the duration of Force Technique's Breach effect. It now increases the damage dealt by Force Technique.


Particle Acceleration: This skill now also triggers from Spinning Strike. It now triggers from damage dealt (rather than ability use) such that each hit of Spinning Strike, Double Strike, and Whirling blow have an individual chance to yield the Particle Acceleration buff. The chance to trigger has been reduced to 30% per hit, and it now properly increases the critical damage dealt by Project when a Force Potency charge is consumed.


Harnessed Shadows: Stacks of Harnessed Shadows now last 30 seconds. Using Slow Time now yields a stack of Harnessed Shadows.




Circling Shadows: Now requires the purchase of the Shadow Technique skill. Shadow Technique must be active in order to trigger the Circling Shadows buff. This skill now also triggers from Spinning Strike.


I would have made these changes last month if I worked at BW!!

I think these changes to the class help balance it. Hybrid builds seem to strong to much dps output.



Edited by Rasheth
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balanced compared to what exactly? that's the thing about balance, it isn't one sided.


most tanksins only use a 31/0/10 which just gives them a small 340 point heal off of chain lightning or a small dmg increase depending on preference. The "hybrid" thing here is dps gear being worth the trade off for survivability.


They could nerf the ac on stalker gear, it's the same as survivor. It would serve to make them squishier. There are no shielding or absorption mods in use on it and on average we're talking about a full BM with a rakata stim and buffs beng about 22k in surv and about 17.5 in stalker. Again the dmg is not exponentionally higher, but it is worth the trade off. Survivor gear dps sucks just as bad as the other tanks and they have significantly lower ac.

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balanced compared to what exactly? that's the thing about balance, it isn't one sided.


most tanksins only use a 31/0/10 which just gives them a small 340 point heal off of chain lightning or a small dmg increase depending on preference. The "hybrid" thing here is dps gear being worth the trade off for survivability.


They could nerf the ac on stalker gear, it's the same as survivor. It would serve to make them squishier. There are no shielding or absorption mods in use on it and on average we're talking about a full BM with a rakata stim and buffs beng about 22k in surv and about 17.5 in stalker. Again the dmg is not exponentionally higher, but it is worth the trade off. Survivor gear dps sucks just as bad as the other tanks and they have significantly lower ac.


Read my post again man if thats what you are referring to. Not everyone in here is attacking you.


Look at the underlined sentence

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you would have made a change a month ago had you worked at bioware. that explains it all lol.


Im not 100% sure on the mirror version of each ability bc I play a sin, so I had to look up most of those terms. Im not sure if I have a comment or not now lol. I think I see what you did there. maybe.

Edited by yeux
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I can't believe BW hasn't nerfed shadows yet. I think they should make the following changes.




All Techniques now cost 100 Force.


Kinetic Combat

Technique Mastery: No longer increases the duration of Force Technique's Breach effect. It now increases the damage dealt by Force Technique.


Particle Acceleration: This skill now also triggers from Spinning Strike. It now triggers from damage dealt (rather than ability use) such that each hit of Spinning Strike, Double Strike, and Whirling blow have an individual chance to yield the Particle Acceleration buff. The chance to trigger has been reduced to 30% per hit, and it now properly increases the critical damage dealt by Project when a Force Potency charge is consumed.


Harnessed Shadows: Stacks of Harnessed Shadows now last 30 seconds. Using Slow Time now yields a stack of Harnessed Shadows.




Circling Shadows: Now requires the purchase of the Shadow Technique skill. Shadow Technique must be active in order to trigger the Circling Shadows buff. This skill now also triggers from Spinning Strike.


I would have made these changes last month if I worked at BW!!

I think these changes to the class help balance it. Hybrid builds seem to strong to much dps output.



if you worked at BW i would of never got this game

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if you worked at BW i would of never got this game


This is pretty funny(what's sad is that this is not the only post addressing this).


I recommend before you post any more that you look over previous patch notes.


On topic, tank assassins are for skirt-wearing girly-men.


Be a real man and play a glass cannon.

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This is pretty funny(what's sad is that this is not the only post addressing this).


I recommend before you post any more that you look over previous patch notes.


On topic, tank assassins are for skirt-wearing girly-men.


Be a real man and play a glass cannon.


what are you talking about you stupid troll plz go to sleep kid it a school day tomorrow

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what are you talking about you stupid troll plz go to sleep kid it a school day tomorrow


you're calling people trolls, yet all your responses are one line insults that add nothing to the conversation...

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Hmm, yesterday this thread had died. The whiners must have resurrected it.


Shadows are balanced. End of story. Goodbye.


so what you are saying is that the other 7 classes merely need to be buffed up to shadows "balanced" level.

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BW can nerf every class in this game BUT the one you play and you will not be any better. The amount of pure ignorance and stupidity is rampid in this game. There are so many first time players and just all around terrible gamers there is no amount of changes that will ever make them happy. I have 3 level 50's and spend equal amount of time on them and all 3 are OP when I fight most of the clowns that scream for nerfs in a game a little over 3 months old. Plz keep these posts going I like to laugh knowing the amount tears falling onto your keyboard as you type.
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It is. You guys are amazing. I am sure it is due to leet pvp skills and not class imbalance. Thanks for keeping the discussion alive.


No problem with keeping it alive.


But There has been what two new updates to the patch notes for 1.2 and still nothing has been changed for 'sins/shadows.


I know everyone says if you loose a 1v1 as a 'sin you are doing it wrong so I must be doing it wrong because a good PT/van or sent/mara can beat me. But ill keep this thread going it makes no difference to me what happens to this class I would welcome any changes they make.

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LMAO....a bunch of whiners calling for nerfs. I think some of you trolls have a rotation of classes you want to whine about. You've cried and whined about every other class in the game and now it's the Assassin/Shadows turn.


Also, coming on the forums throwing around numbers like 90% of all ppl playing this class or I dominate everyone on my server. bah....you're just trolling. You've been playing against under-geared people for so long you now think you're god-like.


Want to prove me wrong OP then post your server and character name in this thread. Once rated WZ are out for even a month, you can come back to the forums and show us how you actually do against equally geared players.

Edited by thefishdude
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Shadows are so OP that the thread to nerf them should be made a sticky.



Please Sticky this thread.


You're such a ridiculous troll a thread should be made about banning you.


And such a thread should be stickied until you're banned from posting on the forum.

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You're such a ridiculous troll a thread should be made about banning you.


And such a thread should be stickied until you're banned from posting on the forum.


+100 for that one. im all in for banning asphen for annoying the hell out of most people. atleast ban him from the forums , kids should not be allowed to post things...

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You're such a ridiculous troll a thread should be made about banning you.


And such a thread should be stickied until you're banned from posting on the forum.


or let him post , he only ruins for himself.. when people see asphen posting nerf we loose all credibility about the topic and see it as a joke=) asphen keep them coming

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