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When can we expect to see a nerf of the Hybrid Sin/Shadow?


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You need to understand that healer is EXPECTED, geesh how many times do we need to address that. If that healer is putting out massive healing, then it is bad skills or game play by the other team.


Show me a picture of a tank spec Juggernaut / Guardian or Vanguard / Powertech putting up those damage and healing. Then I'll retract my statement.


You can't, you know why? The other two tank spec does not have the resources to put out those damage numbers.


A jugg/guard cant do what? http://i.imgur.com/PfrWV.jpg Why are so many just truely clueless about the classes is beyond me....

Edited by LordbishopX
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A jugg cant do what? http://i.imgur.com/PfrWV.jpg Why are so many are truely clueless is beyond me....


Clueless about the class? I think you are sir. Only 17000 protection? And the healing he gets is from the talent in rage tree. It is obvious he is rage specced. Please don't tell me I'm clueless when you probably just googled "juggernaut 500k+ damage".


Edit" O HEY, notice that shadow underneath him? Pulling 70k protection, 300k+ damage, AND 100k HEALING???

Edited by heikaze
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I can't believe this qq thread by bads is still going.


Haven't they l2p yet?


I have no issues beating shadows/assassins, of any spec.


Only noobs cry for nerfs, and only horribad noobs use the scoreboard as justification, as if it means *anything* other than arbitrary numbers which can be manipulated by playing a certain way (aoe spamming).

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Clueless about the class? I think you are sir. Only 17000 protection? And the healing he gets is from the talent in rage tree. It is obvious he is rage specced. Please don't tell me I'm clueless when you probably just googled "juggernaut 500k+ damage".


Edit" O HEY, notice that shadow underneath him? Pulling 70k protection, 300k+ damage, AND 100k HEALING???


BUT BUT BUT... that guy a few pages back said it was IMPOSSIBLE to get 100k healing without 600k+ damage and a gimmicky premade vs. "mouth-breathers" :rolleyes:

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Clueless about the class? I think you are sir. Only 17000 protection? And the healing he gets is from the talent in rage tree. It is obvious he is rage specced. Please don't tell me I'm clueless when you probably just googled "juggernaut 500k+ damage".



Let see he did all what ur claiming with protection/healing and dmg out the *** but I just take that as a I win and you stay clueless....


Nope on the google it was in the tread qqing of how broken is tanksin well that jugg sure is pretty sweet doing everything a sin can do lol.

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No, I'm saying to get those kinds of numbers in a tank spec (anything over 300k damage really) you need a good pocket healer. I'm also saying it's impossible to get 100k healing with only 300k damage. You need over 600k damage for that, and to get that you have to be in combat, never dying, for an entire WZ, which is only possible when you have at least 400k+ healing incoming on you. Any of the three tanks can put up stupid large numbers when they have massive incoming healing and never die. That's why I laugh when I see these screenshots of the 'overpowered' assassin, because they always always have healers with huge healing numbers in them.


Once we finally get our combat logs, you'll see how much of that damage is just AoE spam on groups. 400k damage from double strike is such an absurd statement it's not even worth addressing because even if it were true (how would he even know without a combat log?) it would have to involve some kind of gimmiky pre-made vs mouth-breathing idiots.


Again the picture they posted above just proved how wrong you are.


LOL i was going to post that but then I felt like it would be to Ez


If you just took one second more and looked at the whole picture, you would have noticed that he is rage specced.

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Let see he did all what ur claiming with protection/healing and dmg out the *** but I just take that as a I win and you stay clueless....


Nope on the google it was in the tread qqing of how broken is tanksin well that jugg sure is pretty sweet doing everything a sin can do lol.


We said 100k protection and 100k healing, being in tank specced. Please stop with the selective reading.

Edited by heikaze
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lol i don't rly kno what to say to this. 400k damage w/ jsut double strike as tank spec extremely easy. My guildies have done it many times w/ just double striking the whole match (obvously bored and know how much faceroll OP Ez the class is)


I'm guessing you agree 700k damage is normal from a tank recieving pocket heals in a Rated Warzone. Your AoE as a tank is so pitiful you can ST and it won't make a difference because your ST damage as a Tank is above decent.


Prove me wrong because on my server I'm sure one of my shadow guildies would b glad to show you how much damage you can do as a shadow tank.


What part of gimmicky pre-made vs mouth-breathing idiots did you not understand? Let's see a vid of those awesome shadow guildies doing 400k damage with nothing but double strike against a real team.


And no, 700k damage isn't normal from any tank, pocket heals or not. It's why people take screenshots when it happens, because it rare and noteworthy. But you'll never, ever see anyone do that kind of damage when there isn't all that healing going on. The point, since people keep seeming to miss it, is that when you can be standing in combat for an entire WZ not dying, you can put up some crazy numbers regardless of what class you are. If that screenshot with the Jugg doesn't highlight that, I don't know what else will.

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What part of gimmicky pre-made vs mouth-breathing idiots did you not understand? Let's see a vid of those awesome shadow guildies doing 400k damage with nothing but double strike against a real team.


And no, 700k damage isn't normal from any tank, pocket heals or not. It's why people take screenshots when it happens, because it rare and noteworthy. But you'll never, ever see anyone do that kind of damage when there isn't all that healing going on. The point, since people keep seeming to miss it, is that when you can be standing in combat for an entire WZ not dying, you can put up some crazy numbers regardless of what class you are. If that screenshot with the Jugg doesn't highlight that, I don't know what else will.


Can you reply to my post? When you said it "IMPOSSIBLE" to do ONLY 300k damage and 100k healing? http://i.imgur.com/PfrWV.jpg.


I think any credibility you had just went out the window.

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What part of gimmicky pre-made vs mouth-breathing idiots did you not understand? Let's see a vid of those awesome shadow guildies doing 400k damage with nothing but double strike against a real team.


And no, 700k damage isn't normal from any tank, pocket heals or not. It's why people take screenshots when it happens, because it rare and noteworthy. But you'll never, ever see anyone do that kind of damage when there isn't all that healing going on. The point, since people keep seeming to miss it, is that when you can be standing in combat for an entire WZ not dying, you can put up some crazy numbers regardless of what class you are. If that screenshot with the Jugg doesn't highlight that, I don't know what else will.


There are always going to be the players who are just flat out better than others. I am not the best player and will never claim to I make mistakes all the time. I do not have the best gear and what I am using still have the base mods. I agree with you that it does not happen all the time. I have seen other classes put out redic numbers in warzones, and when im not blazed out of my mind I try to get a SS but usually always forget to.




The only using thrash/ds in a zone and achieving 400k is nuts and would like to see a video of it even though im sure it will be boring as hell.

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Whats the guy right below him hitting almost 400k? 76k protection dps spec as well?


That "guy" is a shadow, which is the WHOLE point about this tread, which we are debating. Tank spec, going to say it again since you have selective reading. TANK SPEC, should not have the resources to put out 700k damage WITH 100k healing WITH 100k protection. Just to cater to the guy above me, since it was "impossible to do only 300k damage with 100k healing and 100k protection."

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That "guy" is a shadow, which is the WHOLE point about this tread, which we are debating. Tank spec, going to say it again since you have selective reading. TANK SPEC, should not have the resources to put out 700k damage WITH 100k healing WITH 100k protection. Just to cater to the guy above me, since it was "impossible to do only 300k damage with 100k healing and 100k protection."


I think he was madness with dc mode on myself not tank specced at all use to do it all the time lol still never hit the juggs numbers lol

Edited by LordbishopX
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I think he was madness with dc mode on myself not tank specced at all use to do it all the time lol still never hit the juggs numbers lol


Madness runs lightening charge, which you cannot put guard on people. Dark charge, is the tank stance for Assassin. There is no way he can put 70k protection in lightening charge.


Imma leave you alone, since you are either trolling or "clueless".

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Madness runs lightening charge, which you cannot put guard on people. Dark charge, is the tank stance for Assassin. There is no way he can put 70k protection in lightening charge.


Imma leave you alone, since you are either trolling or "clueless".


No you dont have to run lighting charge full time in pvp silly u can stance dance and get ur protection numbers up silly noob......

Edited by LordbishopX
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What part of gimmicky pre-made vs mouth-breathing idiots did you not understand? Let's see a vid of those awesome shadow guildies doing 400k damage with nothing but double strike against a real team.


And no, 700k damage isn't normal from any tank, pocket heals or not. It's why people take screenshots when it happens, because it rare and noteworthy. But you'll never, ever see anyone do that kind of damage when there isn't all that healing going on. The point, since people keep seeming to miss it, is that when you can be standing in combat for an entire WZ not dying, you can put up some crazy numbers regardless of what class you are. If that screenshot with the Jugg doesn't highlight that, I don't know what else will.


Double strike is hard.

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BUT BUT BUT... that guy a few pages back said it was IMPOSSIBLE to get 100k healing without 600k+ damage and a gimmicky premade vs. "mouth-breathers" :rolleyes:


You'll note the 'mouth-breathing idiots' was reserved for doing 400k damage using nothing but double strike.


As for the 100k healing with only 300k damage, that makes me want to find out what server that took place on so I can ask him directly. The only way that's mathematically possible is if he literally did not use any AoE at all. Slow Time and Project both do roughly 1k base damage, and you need 3 stacks of Harnessed Shadows to trigger the heal off TK Throw. That's roughly 3k damage per heal he can get off if he uses the 3 stack every opportunity he can while not using any other extra attacks.


So I apologize, technically I was wrong because you can mathematically get 100k healing on just 300k damage if you only do single target damage. But on the other hand, that kind of proves my point that those 700k damage screenshots are because of a ton of AoE damage that Slow Time will get you a little bit at a time over a long, constant fight.

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here what ppl, seem to missing in a pics can you see were they spent there talent points no your calming there full tank spec is assuming and what do they say about assuming 31/0/10 does not put out that type of damage that is tank spec any thing else is a part tank part dps hybrid which is more dps then any thing.
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I lol'd.


You'll note the 'mouth-breathing idiots' was reserved for doing 400k damage using nothing but double strike.


As for the 100k healing with only 300k damage, that makes me want to find out what server that took place on so I can ask him directly. The only way that's mathematically possible is if he literally did not use any AoE at all. Slow Time and Project both do roughly 1k base damage, and you need 3 stacks of Harnessed Shadows to trigger the heal off TK Throw. That's roughly 3k damage per heal he can get off if he uses the 3 stack every opportunity he can while not using any other extra attacks.


So I apologize, technically I was wrong because you can mathematically get 100k healing on just 300k damage if you only do single target damage. But on the other hand, that kind of proves my point that those 700k damage screenshots are because of a ton of AoE damage that Slow Time will get you a little bit at a time over a long, constant fight.


Well off course you are not getting 700k without aoe damage. That was not the point in the first place. But able to put out only 300k single-target damage with that much protection and healing, don't you think it's a bit silly?

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You'll note the 'mouth-breathing idiots' was reserved for doing 400k damage using nothing but double strike.


As for the 100k healing with only 300k damage, that makes me want to find out what server that took place on so I can ask him directly. The only way that's mathematically possible is if he literally did not use any AoE at all. Slow Time and Project both do roughly 1k base damage, and you need 3 stacks of Harnessed Shadows to trigger the heal off TK Throw. That's roughly 3k damage per heal he can get off if he uses the 3 stack every opportunity he can while not using any other extra attacks.


So I apologize, technically I was wrong because you can mathematically get 100k healing on just 300k damage if you only do single target damage. But on the other hand, that kind of proves my point that those 700k damage screenshots are because of a ton of AoE damage that Slow Time will get you a little bit at a time over a long, constant fight.


The healing from hits done while in dark charge also adds to the healing count.


I've done 100k several times as well. Not common, but I've done it.


Easiest circumstances to get 100k healing as a tankasin is when you're in one of those voidstar games where both teams have several healers. No one dies, full upme, game ends 0-0 max duration. I think I've actually reached 110k in those situations.


With less than 500k damage as well. Really just depends on who is standing around and what they're doing. Obviously you'll be using wither a lot to build stacks, but they don't always hit a lot of people. If you're a regular in warzones that people like taunting a lot (or enemy team just has several tanks throwing aoe taunts regularly) that's going to lower your damage too.


Again, not common, but not really difficult to reproduce in zerg heavy situations where you manage to stay alive and have lots of uptime particularly if healers are around just getting hit and healing it back.

Edited by ShadowOfVey
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Ok. I could see that it was in Combat Technique but even in the HD resolution I couldn't see what the final damage was at the end. I assume it was well under 300k damage based on the comment made by the poster and I think it's actually somewhere in the 100k area since it doesn't look like the damage number starts with a 2. And I'll be charitable and say that the odds of going up against a good, quality team in pre-50 WZs is.. rare (you can find a lot of good individuals, though).


So what are you actually saying you proved there?

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