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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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What I find interesting is that they are saturating the first few servers with incredibly loyal players (Preordered early) and the later servers will be filled with last second orders.


Does that mean that when people begin to lose interest in the game that the servers established later will lose their player base first?

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The preorder list so you can see where you are. we are almost to the first 13% pre-ordered in July.


So 13% through in the first day? I'm a late pre-order (Nov 30th, really late); so about 7 days from now; or on the 20th I might get "early" access.


Shoot, I was hoping for late Friday. Knew I wasn't 6today; just been watching. And with many (half) of the servers full in the middle of the day... this might not speed up all that much.

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ROFLMAO! Seriously? Playing with lives and jobs? If you can't handle life because of a video game I think you have bigger issues than having a fair shot at leveling.


U definately made a point , gosh this guy has serious issues . he needs to re-organaize his priorities

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7 days is a bonus compared to what they originally promised, everyone should be thankful, because originally the people with Collector's Edition would have waited until Thursday, December 15th, 2011.




Why did they not send out emails to people telling them all before all this balls-up started when and on what day they could log in - save all this complaining. Probably because the person in charge of the early start is lacking something - let me think what, ah yes - A BRAIN !!!!

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at this pace i will be getting my early pass by the 20th.


hang in there - with so many people cancelling cuz they didn't get in, you'll surely be in there by the end of the day tomorrow... chin up pal!:cool:

Edited by NykNayme
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Hey everyone, good morning and welcome to the first day of Early Game Access for Star Wars: The Old Republic!


We're granting access based solely on when people's pre-orders were redeemed, and we're going to be granting it in 'waves' - large batches of emails and game entitlements that will go out over the course of today (and tomorrow, and the next day, and so on).


I'll be updating this thread (and this post) as we send out more 'waves' of invites.


So far today, we have sent out two 'waves' of invites; we will be sending more later on, but I cannot be specific on timing. (Why? Because as we invite each wave, we monitor to see how servers are performing and so on. If everything is good, we'll send a 'wave' earlier; we in fact sent 'wave 2' ahead of schedule. So cross your fingers.)


Now, to the question you all have: when will you be invited? Well, I cannot be specific to individuals or even to dates, because again, we have to remain flexible. That said, I can talk a little about the pattern of pre-orders.


At the very beginning of pre-orders, which started on July 21st, we had a massive influx of pre-orders. A huge spike. After that, things settled down. As a result, today especially, you're going to see a fairly narrow band of dates from those admitted to Early Game Access. From tomorrow, it'll spread out to a wider date range.


That's about as specific as we're going to get right now. However, as we send more waves I'll update this thread/post with more information. Thanks for your patience - we know it's been a long road, but you'll be playing before too long.


Update: Wave 3 was just sent.


Update: Wave 4 was sent approximately noon CST. (Apologies for delay.)


Update: Wave 5 - the final wave for today - was sent at approx 1:30PM CST.


More invites will be sent tomorrow (Wednesday).


What time will the waves start tomorrow?!

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