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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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looks like you didn't read the first letters of the sentences. you lose.


that aside, the point still stands, having a random/vague/arbitrary start time is silly. The only thing I can schedule right now is the official launch date.


The assumption anyone sane would make is that eventually they would solidify the early play start date for anyone. That is what is ridiculous.


Nobody intelligent cares about "may" and "up to"... the point is they suck for not saying exactly when at some point.


You have to realize that the early access isn't just LOL LET ME IN FIRST it's also the fact that the launch is christmas week. I will personally be unable to play until january starting two days from now.


They pushed forward the early access start date, so I could do nothing but move my schedule. My assumption was wrong that they'd do the intelligent thing and notify their customers when the game was soft launching.


If I would have left my schedule for the original early launch window, i'd be fine. But since this was made unclear from the outset I moved it. Shrug.


Look at their twitter posts, EVEN THOSE NOW ARE VAGUE. "One more to go today!" OOPS I MEAN MORE THAN ONE ITS A BONUS. Without any explanation.



The reality is they're doing this on purpose so the next time they have a preorder you don't hesitate so that you don't have to deal with this nonsense.


Who'd have thought that you'd be punished for buying a game before its even available because you didn't buy it early enough? That is simply ridiculous.


I don't see how your lack of reading comprehension is BW's problem.

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Soooo many crybabies. waaah not in game wahhhh. I'm not in game either, more than happy to accept i'm in when i'm in. I have a RL job and wife, not going to play this like a sad loner 20 hours a day. So why moan? Get a grip.


hey its not the ppl fault. so dont blame them for QQ. Bioware they said the fhirst ones who redeemed there code gets in. faster then the regular ones. and who cares then u got a RL and a wife, i have those to but do u see me mention them. its so ignerant to say that. it almost makes u say im better in live with u

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I be Sith.. i feel you anger, i feel your hate, you want to play grab your light saber strike this form down. Your path to the dark side of the force will be complete. And in time you will call Bio Ware your Master.. your anger only make me stronger in the end... the dark side of the force will set you free...:sy_consular::csw_jabbapet: Edited by Corzra
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It's amazing, on places like the FoH forums and here how people are just RAGING that they took the day off work (stupid) to play a game that said you may play UP TO 5 days in advance, not only is this early access, this is supreme early access. So we've got Europeans claiming issues of legality, nerdragers flipping out about having no life and being desperate to play a game so they can be the first to 50 or whatever nonsense they want to achieve by being on before everyone else.


My issues are this, pre-order people get the advantage, that's fine give em a little bit of time, sort of like the ultimate beta, but there are people who are abusing it and saving names on servers for their friends and not allowing everyone who pre-ordered an equal opportunity to get the names they want and deserve just as much as the next guy. That's the problem I'm having right now is just simply that it's not even ground.


In that way I feel like their 5 dollars is worth more than my 5 dollars, I could understand a lottery system, because then it's a fair chance to everyone, but in this way you're saying that those people who were privy to beta access and being able to get in on preorder day 1 are more important than those of us who would have liked to have done the same thing and would have helped in the beta as well.


I really don't think it's appropriate to allow people to lock up 8 character names and hold them away from everyone else who wants an equal shot. Let them keep only 1 character name until AFTER the open launch to the public on the 20th, at that point unlock more character slots, but not before then.

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I agree. Early access was part of the pre-order deal, 'Buy now, get this!' as such, I consider it part of the product. I understand first come first serve, but I don't see why they have to stop inviting people for the day. Everyone would be much happier, and it would be much better for Bioware in the long run, if they just continued sending out waves until everyone was in.


If Bioware is concerned about server stability, better the problem occur now so they can get started on fixing it. I would rather wait two days on them to repair a server than on a wait I don't understand the purpose of.


Exactly. Server instability is going to get worse over the next couple of days regardless (unless they're planning on shutting off access for those that got to play today). They should be adding wave upon wave throughout the entire day as long as it's still stable. I don't quite understand cutting them off at such an early stage of the day. Heck, it's only going on 11 am on the West Coast.

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