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1.2 is just more GEAR GRINDING BS!!!


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So much for open world PvP. This game, after 50, is soooo stupid. It is nothing but gear grinding and with 1.2 they actually think more players will enjoy the game with even more countless hours playing WZ for gear.


I am out...spring is here and I refuse to pay for a game that is nothing but repetative WZs and gear grinding.


The game was fun still I reached 50...:(

Edited by MrHemlocks
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So much for open world PvP. This game, after 50, is soooo stupid. It is nothing but gear grinding and with 1.2 they actually think more players will enjoy the game with even more countless hours playing WZ for gear.


I am out...spring is here and I refuse to pay for a game that is nothing but repetative WZs and gear grinding.


The game was fun still I reached 50...:(


Well, bye. Gear based MMO's are, by their very definition, a gear grind. That is the carrot on the stick. Tiered gear progression, although crafting seems to have the upper hand after the patch. Buh-bye anyway!

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Lol, you're joking right? What do you think WoW was after Max Level?



Not a gear Grind ?


Is WoW only MMO out there ? But what can you expect from themepark MMO ? It's not sandbox. If you don't like grind but constant progression, rich and complex gameplay etc - go play EVE Online OP.

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MMO Games would fail if not for the grinds... let me as you what would happen if you got every piece of gear you wanted the min you hit 50? You got an upgrade from every boss in every FP or OPS guaranteed every single time?


Everyone would have a 50 of every toon get bored and quit in 6 months flat as there is nothing to do... they would have to push new content every single month to keep people playing.

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i second the poster

you love to grind people? that is what you call playing? because wow and other games do it so all the other games should do it? narrow minded people! there are amounts of other ways to have fun in a theme park, the gear grinding is just the easiest to code! swtor deserves better ideas!

Edited by Skyrill
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MMO Games would fail if not for the grinds... let me as you what would happen if you got every piece of gear you wanted the min you hit 50? You got an upgrade from every boss in every FP or OPS guaranteed every single time?


Everyone would have a 50 of every toon get bored and quit in 6 months flat as there is nothing to do... they would have to push new content every single month to keep people playing.


I know right. I remember when basketball and football and baseball first came out, I was all like, WOW... but then I hit max level and there was no gear or level to grind for, just a game with rules and other people to play with/against.


Total bull****.


I'm so glad those games failed.

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err you play because you have fun, the gear grind is an incentive.


If you're not having fun, unsub ... simple. If you're playing for that next piece of gear, congratulations Operant conditioning worked on you.


Here's how you know you're still having fun ... when you have full battlermaster and 13 unused BM tokens and you're still queueing for warfronts ... your're still having fun.

Edited by Orangerascal
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Well like all the people in my guild says, if the gear in this game actually looked good

and belonged in the star wars universe that would be one thing, but yes the same grind in the same wz all day long with gear that looks like garbage is just no fun.

Nothing to look forword too.


And the gear in 1.2 is a joke.


And they want us to use orange gear and remove mods from the purple gear that most players cant afford.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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Well, bye. Gear based MMO's are, by their very definition, a gear grind. That is the carrot on the stick. Tiered gear progression, although crafting seems to have the upper hand after the patch. Buh-bye anyway!


1) I do not disagree that grinding gear (to a point) is bad. In 1.2 it is not even close to bad. As a now (just joined a start-up) casual player it looks great for me getting gear in 1.2. I was against the changes before when I thought the grind was not even large enough.


2) Your definition is incorrect:


Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) is a genre of role-playing video games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual game world.


MMOs are not about grinding. They are about lots of players playing together at the same time.


Just FYI. :p

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So much for open world PvP. This game, after 50, is soooo stupid. It is nothing but gear grinding and with 1.2 they actually think more players will enjoy the game with even more countless hours playing WZ for gear.


I am out...spring is here and I refuse to pay for a game that is nothing but repetative WZs and gear grinding.


The game was fun still I reached 50...:(


What a ******** excuse to stop paying for your account. Almost all MMOs are a gear grind, the rest are some other type of grind. Guild Wars: Grind for your obsidian gear/15k. WoW: Grind for everything. Rift: Grind for everything. SWTOR: You expected something different?


And I list these because these were the MMOs I'm most experienced with.

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MMO Games would fail if not for the grinds... let me as you what would happen if you got every piece of gear you wanted the min you hit 50? You got an upgrade from every boss in every FP or OPS guaranteed every single time?


Everyone would have a 50 of every toon get bored and quit in 6 months flat as there is nothing to do... they would have to push new content every single month to keep people playing.


Not true. Dark Age of Camelot was a grind till 50 then it was fun open world PvP after that. The only thing kind of a grind after 50 was for realm points but that was nothing like the gear grind in this game.

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1) I do not disagree that grinding gear (to a point) is bad. In 1.2 it is not even close to bad. As a now (just joined a start-up) casual player it looks great for me getting gear in 1.2. I was against the changes before when I thought the grind was not even large enough.


2) Your definition is incorrect:


Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) is a genre of role-playing video games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual game world.


MMOs are not about grinding. They are about lots of players playing together at the same time.


Just FYI. :p


Ahh, but this one is gear based. Your reward for all your MMO'ing is simply the next best set of gear. Thus, it will always be a grind. That is what you are playing for if you want to progress. You don't get better stats simply endowed to your character. You get higher stats on gear alone. Thus it is always a grind if you wish to improve.

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I know right. I remember when basketball and football and baseball first came out, I was all like, WOW... but then I hit max level and there was no gear or level to grind for, just a game with rules and other people to play with/against.


Total bull****.


I'm so glad those games failed.


Good analogy. I'm still loving the Civil War and Void Star WZs, even beginning to get an appreciation for hutball.


Not saying they are perfect, but just playing with and against different people with different skills, abilities, and tactics makes for a lot of variety within the fixed structure of the game.


Just like real life football, baseball, etc., some games are more interesting than others. Some are a bore, some are classic.

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Nobody will do PvP unless there's a reward or incentive involved. In order to get the best gear you have to invest time.


The absolute biggest problem with Battlemaster Gear is once you got it all there was no reason to log on except for your daily. Warzone currency was useless until the recent change. It only took me about 1.5 months to get it all and several times I week I don't even bother logging on because there's nothing to work for.


At least with the BM gear updates next patch I can work for more BM comms to buy items to mooch the mods out of.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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People are seriously quitting because they don't get free top tier gear?


Dear dear casual players....

You want a reward without effort.

You want a (gear)mask so people can't judge you.

You don't want a combat log that is used to review your performance.



Bioware please add a title achievement for "few hours played" and name it "Casual"


With the Casual title displayed it will gray out all gear upon inspection, hide the combat log etc etc. With this nifty title it will be easy for them to find like minded, socially engaging individuals that are no doubt in stark contrast to hard core players that are of course without exception basement dwelling, virigin mouth breathers.


That will show those rascally elitists! /shakes cane

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1) I do not disagree that grinding gear (to a point) is bad. In 1.2 it is not even close to bad. As a now (just joined a start-up) casual player it looks great for me getting gear in 1.2. I was against the changes before when I thought the grind was not even large enough.


2) Your definition is incorrect:


Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) is a genre of role-playing video games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual game world.


MMOs are not about grinding. They are about lots of players playing together at the same time.


Just FYI. :p


That is the meaning of MMO, not RPG. What RPG do you know that doesnt have gear?

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Open world pvp is a laggy, disorganised mess, would take a small instanced warzone where the numbers are controlled over who ever has the more numbers wins Open world crap any day. Edited by deags
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Who said anything about getting free gear? People who come to the forums to say they are leaving because they are disappointed don't give a **** about gear. The OP just expected fun because he thought that maybe hundreds of millions of nice fresh green juicy american dollars would be enough to motivate these guys to do something original. The marketing materials even boosted the expectations with promises of epic open pvp battles. Well, we all know what we got.


PVP not entertaining if you don't have a carrot? ***** please! People still play CS 1.6 and there's no carrot there. It makes me laugh when people are saying "it was like that in wow". So ******* what? Who said it has to be like that?


People come here to share, say what they disliked in the game, what they got disappointed with. This is (or should be) valuable to the devs and all you responders just flush the guy's opinion down the toilet. This is sad. You wouldn't be so quick to say "You don't like it? Don't play" when you would be in the producers chair. They need every buck from every guy (random, carebear or whatever nickname you give them) who also acts as the background community for all them "hardcore fanbois". A bunch of fanatics isn't enough to keep such an investment alive - this was proven by many titles (some mentioned in this thread).


I'm still playing the game and some things I even like, but you know what?.. I'm sad this guy is leaving. I'm sad he was disappointed. It makes me grief because I know that if more people feel like that and and feel like sharing, then get responses like in this thread, this game might die and I wouldn't like that, because I think it has potential.

Edited by Paralassa
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lol you call this game a grind? This is the only game I know that every patch made it easier for anybody to get gear faster.


I hear in 1.2 you can actually buy your pvp gear with credits now how is that a grind, you dont even have to pvp to get battlemaster come next patch.

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lol you call this game a grind? This is the only game I know that every patch made it easier for anybody to get gear faster.


I hear in 1.2 you can actually buy your pvp gear with credits now how is that a grind, you dont even have to pvp to get battlemaster come next patch.


you are somewhat misinformed, you can buy starter blue pvp gear with credits, you will need to pvp to earn warzone commendations to get battlemaster gear.

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