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1.2 War Hero Gear on PTS - Now requires BM gear :)


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I don't know why Bioware refuses to just remove the valor cap by level and to allow stacking and buying gear in advance. There would be no QQ if while leveling your Valor rises normally and you can buy and stack the BM boxes and open them. Sure you can't wear them until level 50, but you'd have them so it wouldn't be a big deal.


In the current stupid system you can't pre-plan. The bags are unique, there is a pathetic comm limit of 1k, you can't even buy the BM tokens at all, and your valor only goes up to your current level.


This is a system purposely designed to punish the player. It is one thing if players neglect PVP and just don't put in the effort at all, and then when they're at 50 they have a lot of work to do. It is another thing where people are PVPing throughout their leveling experience but the system hinders them anyway.


The solution is simple IF Bioware wanted to give players a fair chance. But they don't, they want people to waste time and think that will lead to re-subbing, when in fact it would imo encourage dropped subs.


All they have to do is what I put above. Allow stacking and buying of gear in advance, uncap the valor, and increase the com limit (in beta it was 9999 before it was gimped so you could just PVP a lot and go about your questing, and then buy an entire set of gear at one time, you could also buy as many bags as you wanted when they threw that in, except they started with the champ bag being unique, and people told them that was stupid even in beta).


I will probably unsub the second I hit 50, especially if opening 6 champ bags doesn't make me competitive at the start.

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I don't know why Bioware refuses to just remove the valor cap by level and to allow stacking and buying gear in advance. There would be no QQ if while leveling your Valor rises normally and you can buy and stack the BM boxes and open them. Sure you can't wear them until level 50, but you'd have them so it wouldn't be a big deal.


In the current stupid system you can't pre-plan. The bags are unique, there is a pathetic comm limit of 1k, you can't even buy the BM tokens at all, and your valor only goes up to your current level.


This is a system purposely designed to punish the player. It is one thing if players neglect PVP and just don't put in the effort at all, and then when they're at 50 they have a lot of work to do. It is another thing where people are PVPing throughout their leveling experience but the system hinders them anyway.


The solution is simple IF Bioware wanted to give players a fair chance. But they don't, they want people to waste time and think that will lead to re-subbing, when in fact it would imo encourage dropped subs.


All they have to do is what I put above. Allow stacking and buying of gear in advance, uncap the valor, and increase the com limit (in beta it was 9999 before it was gimped so you could just PVP a lot and go about your questing, and then buy an entire set of gear at one time, you could also buy as many bags as you wanted when they threw that in, except they started with the champ bag being unique, and people told them that was stupid even in beta).


I will probably unsub the second I hit 50, especially if opening 6 champ bags doesn't make me competitive at the start.


BM comms can be bought.

one possible reason they dont want players to gear up for 50 pvp while lower levels is to give you a chance to learn to play lvl 50 warzones once you get there.

lowbie pvp does not prepare you sufficiently to play with the big boys.


you want to be competetive the instant you hit 50, but those already there dont want to have to carry you while you learn what you now need to do and unlearn everything you've been doing wrong up till now.


trust me on this, when a fresh 50 tries to play in a warzone, its noticable, and not just from the poor gear.

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i wish gear would be same just like in GW, every player has same gear, elite/unique skins are nice but just for showoff, and games are won by players, tactic, skills, reactions, coordiantion, not here, all is about gear and grind ...


and ye i got 2 v60+ characters, and one l50 alt that waits for 1.2 to just in pvp

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It really is amazing, how Bioware keep going down and down. How can you ADD Ranked Warzones but still allow such a big difference in gear? Anyone else fail to understand why they don't want to make PvP Competative?


agreed, dunno what they're thinking.

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Yup, I want to play Ranked because it's competative PVP. If I have to spend lots of time "gear grinding" to get the stuff.... well, that isn't competative PvP and thus rather dull.


how the combat system is right now with the stupidly unbalanced and broken class's right now all you will see are the ones that are overpowerd and broken enter ranked warzones and people will be like I GOTS TEH SKILLZ I IS LEET



and ill just laugh lol


there is no competition when you can just about 2 shot your oponent :p or a scoundrel/operative which can still nearly 1 shot other BM players.

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BM comms can be bought.

one possible reason they dont want players to gear up for 50 pvp while lower levels is to give you a chance to learn to play lvl 50 warzones once you get there.

lowbie pvp does not prepare you sufficiently to play with the big boys.


you want to be competetive the instant you hit 50, but those already there dont want to have to carry you while you learn what you now need to do and unlearn everything you've been doing wrong up till now.


trust me on this, when a fresh 50 tries to play in a warzone, its noticable, and not just from the poor gear.


BM comms can't be bought before 50. It's hard to take someone seriously that starts out with incorrect information and then insists we "trust them."


You don't learn without being competitive. Of course it's noticeable when an ungeared level 50 tries to compete, you can't compete when you are at a severe disadvantage.


Your post doesn't even make any sense, I don't even know why you bothered typing it. I can't even insult you for it, I truly feel sorry for you. I seriously hope English is not your first language and you are born rich, it will be hard to make a living with your reasoning abilities.

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i thought the purpose of 1.2 was to reduce parity between noob 50s and veterans gearwise but it looks like the opposite is the case


"reduce parity" means the exact opposite of what you think it means...just saying :)

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BM comms can't be bought before 50. It's hard to take someone seriously that starts out with incorrect information and then insists we "trust them.".


Im pretty sure this is incorrect...


1000 Merc and 1000 WZ coms = 1 BM Comm from the vendor next to the dailies terminal.

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The BM commendations also require valor rank 60. You can not exceed your level in valor until you hit character level 50. In other words, it is impossible BM commendations until a substantial time investment in warzones AFTER you reach character level 50.


The new patch will remove the valor requirements.

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Im pretty sure this is incorrect...


1000 Merc and 1000 WZ coms = 1 BM Comm from the vendor next to the dailies terminal.


Not in 1.2


merc coms are depreciated and everything will be based off WZ comms.


That being said. First people complain about gear progression, then people complain about lack of gear progression.


1k wz comms is not that hard to gain, although the valor ranking will be the most tedious part of it.


EVERY game has a grind, deal with it.

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Im pretty sure this is incorrect...


1000 Merc and 1000 WZ coms = 1 BM Comm from the vendor next to the dailies terminal.


BM comm can only be bought at valor 60.

1) 1 BM comm cost 4000 WZ coms, if you average 100 WZ coms a game (Highly unlikely), it would take you 40 games.


2)Lets just say 1 game average 10min. It would take you roughly a little more than 6.5 hours of straight pvp to buy 1 com. 15min. per game will be 10 hours.


3)Full BM cost 20 BM comms and 600wz + 600merc comms. So it would take you roughly 130+ hours to get full BM gear. (by WZ alone) 200+ hours for 15min. games.


Keep in mind that you can only start BM gear at valor 60. Rank 50 to 60 take around 260k XP, more or less. (http://imgur.com/a/v6bcv)


1) 3k per wz at 10 min. a game. (highly unlikely)


2) 260,000 / 3000 = 86.6666667, so around 87 games. 10min. a game X 87 games is a little more than 14 hours of pvp.


3) 144 hours of straight PvP for full BM. If you are valor 50 by time you hit 50.


Be in mind, this was calculated on the best interest for quickest way to obtained BM gear. Does not account for queue time, that you will win every single game, every game only last for 10min, and etc. The number of hours could very likely be higher.

Edited by heikaze
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This is just LOL.


So as a champion geared player, in 1.2 this is what i will have to do, to be a tad more usefull then a wet noodle in PvP, after 1.2 patch:


1) Ditch all Champ + cent gear.

2) Buy a recruit PvP set for 500K.

3) Play some non rated warzone to get 417 warzone comms.

4) Spend saved warzone comms (max 1333 after being robbed in the merc. comms conversion) + 417 = 1750 on a BM mainhand weapon.

5) Play non rated warsones for BM gear.

6) a month later, start playing rated warzones to replace BM gear for war hero gear


Thats just great....:mad:


the gear grind in this game is ridiculously horrid. its basically telling me not to pvp and just get geared through pve content and raids. columi geared easy mode style then rakata.

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the gear grind in this game is ridiculously horrid. its basically telling me not to pvp and just get geared through pve content and raids. columi geared easy mode style then rakata.


This must be your first MMO.

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Since I don't play enough to keep up with the Joneses anyway, I'll just try to enjoy the legacy system & play my alts in the 10-49 bracket.


I'll better enjoy my main in GW2 where gear is equal & skill becomes the determining factor of wins vs losses. Also have you SEEN the WvWvW??!!

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Since I don't play enough to keep up with the Joneses anyway, I'll just try to enjoy the legacy system & play my alts in the 10-49 bracket.


I'll better enjoy my main in GW2 where gear is equal & skill becomes the determining factor of wins vs losses. Also have you SEEN the WvWvW??!!


What legacy system?


Yea GW2 gonna rock.

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BM comm can only be bought at valor 60.

1) 1 BM comm cost 4000 WZ coms, if you average 100 WZ coms a game (Highly unlikely), it would take you 40 games.


2)Lets just say 1 game average 10min. It would take you roughly a little more than 6.5 hours of straight pvp to buy 1 com. 15min. per game will be 10 hours.


3)Full BM cost 20 BM comms and 600wz + 600merc comms. So it would take you roughly 130+ hours to get full BM gear. (by WZ alone) 200+ hours for 15min. games.


Keep in mind that you can only start BM gear at valor 60. Rank 50 to 60 take around 260k XP, more or less. (http://imgur.com/a/v6bcv)


1) 3k per wz at 10 min. a game. (highly unlikely)


2) 260,000 / 3000 = 86.6666667, so around 87 games. 10min. a game X 87 games is a little more than 14 hours of pvp.


3) 144 hours of straight PvP for full BM. If you are valor 50 by time you hit 50.


Be in mind, this was calculated on the best interest for quickest way to obtained BM gear. Does not account for queue time, that you will win every single game, every game only last for 10min, and etc. The number of hours could very likely be higher.


this is kinda unreasonable. . .

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im just saying its easier and faster to get epic geared thru the easy mode pve content in this game right now than it is to grind for pvp gear
ya but try and come into a warzone in full rakata after the patch and prepare to get facerolled. Expertise will no longer have diminishing returns so those in full bm or wh gear will crush pve geared peeps.
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BM comm can only be bought at valor 60.

1) 1 BM comm cost 4000 WZ coms, if you average 100 WZ coms a game (Highly unlikely), it would take you 40 games.


2)Lets just say 1 game average 10min. It would take you roughly a little more than 6.5 hours of straight pvp to buy 1 com. 15min. per game will be 10 hours.


3)Full BM cost 20 BM comms and 600wz + 600merc comms. So it would take you roughly 130+ hours to get full BM gear. (by WZ alone) 200+ hours for 15min. games.


Keep in mind that you can only start BM gear at valor 60. Rank 50 to 60 take around 260k XP, more or less. (http://imgur.com/a/v6bcv)


1) 3k per wz at 10 min. a game. (highly unlikely)


2) 260,000 / 3000 = 86.6666667, so around 87 games. 10min. a game X 87 games is a little more than 14 hours of pvp.


3) 144 hours of straight PvP for full BM. If you are valor 50 by time you hit 50.


Be in mind, this was calculated on the best interest for quickest way to obtained BM gear. Does not account for queue time, that you will win every single game, every game only last for 10min, and etc. The number of hours could very likely be higher.


I wasnt questioning the grind or the math... I was merely stating you CAN purchase them...


Trust me I know about the grind, I am at valor 62 grinding it out now for BM gear. I know its pointless with 1.2 but I am apparently in the minority of someone who appreciates the grind for things more instad of it being handed to you on a silver platter. Honestly, I think thats what allured me about PVP as I had zero interest in it before SWTOR. I wanted to have that sense of accomplishment instead of just feeling like I ran something 5 times and gear was tossed to me.


yes I know, I am the oddball for MMO players... Grind to me gave purpose and a goal.




** Edit - Derrrrrrrrr... someone give the Sith Sorc Columi hat for I R Dunce!!! I completely missed the fact he said purchase before 50 and talking about level not Valor, which is even more funny because that is level 60... blah... I R tarded.... SORRY... yall may laugh now... LOL.... Yes I admit my mistaked...


buttttt... you CAN get a BM chest before valor 60 and hold on to it... but still not a purchase...

Edited by Blloodbane
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