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Companion romances


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Which one are you referring to, the first one, the one where he finally caves and grabs you, or the one where you grab him by the collar?


But between the FemTrooper, FemWar and Female JC, the JC was probably the least enjoyable out of the bunch.


The first one, imo. Actually, the BH has a scene where she grabs Torian's armor and pulls him in for a kiss and that one was excellent, too. But Quinn's, where he grabs the warrior, that one is the best in the game, I think.

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What could they do better with romances in the future?


I think if they work to make some of them seem not so forced, it would be better. (I'm looking at you Lt. Iresso). I mean, I can my JC feeling sorry for him because of the holocron in his head, but that's it.

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i still don't know if i acidentally called things off with vector

after blatantly sleeping with that voss...IN FRONT OF HIM XD



I'm pretty sure you're good. Vector's not exactly the jealous type!


I like Vector a lot but I was pretty disappointed with most of the romance for him. Very forced feeling. And let's face it, the whole hive-mind thing... creepy.


I DID like the Jorgan romance though. You really peel the onion there... going from the gruff exterior to the grudgingly soft underbelly over the course of like 40 levels... rewarding.


And those are my two 50s.

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I've finished six romances, and am over halfway through a seventh. (Okay, I have no life, but I also don't do end-game stuff, just finish up the main story and start another toon). I've only played females so far.


Torian Cadera - my favorite so far. He takes FemHunter's early flirting in stride, and it's nice that he waits until he's sure that he loves FemHunter before getting into a relationship with her. (Then again I'm totally biased because I <3 Johnny Yong Bosch ever since he was on Power Rangers!)


Vector Hyllis - god awful flirt lines from the FemAgent aside, Vector's romance is sweet. When he says he distanced himself after finding out FemAgent was interested in him so that he could "relearn" human emotions, I melted into a puddle of fangirl goo. And what he tries to do for FemAgent during the FTB convo... <3.


Mavalai Quinn - Despite what happens in the SW story, I love Quinn's romance. The build-up is nice, how he goes from stuttering and dodging FemWarrior's advances to giving in and falling in love with her. For me, I did the last three of his convos after "the event" happened, and the last convo does seem like he really regrets what he did.


Doc - During the course of the romance nice to see Doc shift from being a man whore to actually falling in love with FemKnight. Most of the time I was laughing at all the insane stuff that comes out of his mouth though.


Corso Riggs - oh Corso, I love you, but you're like Anders in Space. The romance itself is very sugary sweet, but flirting with NPCs throughout your class quests puts him into full on possessive jealous boyfriend mode (which is worse if you're not romancing him). I know he's basically in love with FemSmuggler from the start, but yikes. So being faithful makes the romance sweet, being a space s**t makes it full of drama.


Lt. Iresso - Ugh, the entire romance was so bland. I don't even remember most of what happened because it was so boring.


Aric Jorgan - I just started Chapter 3, so the FemTrooper/Aric romance really just started for me. It was slow going, but it's all right. However, my FemTrooper is constantly checking her mail to see if Jonas Balkar is ever going to take her out for those drinks he promised. (I want a Jonas Balkar romance dangit! Gimme! :p )

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I really enjoyed my romance with Malavai Quinn. He started of as this anal retentive officer and lightened up, I loved the convo with him ************ about Vette annoying him. He relaxes and the final convo you have he does to regret what he did when he was being stupid and is sorry for it.
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The only romance I enjoyed was the first one I did, and that was with Quinn. It wasn't perfect, but at least I was very engaged in the story, and anxious to play it all the way through.


For my second character, I skipped the romance completely. I didn't like Andronikos, I liked whatshisface from Alderaan. I just didn't feel like my character would go for.. that type of guy. Besides, his voice hurt my ears.


My third 50 is probably going to be my bounty hunter. And I find that I'm forcing myself to click those flirts with Torian. He looks, sounds and acts like he's half my characters age. Besides, I go through 2/3 of the game like I'm some kind of asexual robot and now suddenly I turn into a cougar on crack, flirting up the guy Mako "claimed", behind her back at every opportunity? Erm. I know from spoilers that it doesn't work out for them, but it doesn't excuse my behavior.


I've dabbled with consular.. smuggler.. trooper..


Corso was about the most forced feeling romance I've personally encountered. I fed that chump so many gifts that I don't even think he knew my name, much less knew my real personality. Or cared.


Only got as far as fooling around with Theran, never met my real romance. I've heard he's dull.


I'd really like to get a romance with Aric Jorgan off the ground but it's mostly because I like his voice actor so much. I know I've said it before, but playing the trooper makes me feel like a man trapped in a woman's body. And the manlier my character acts, the more Aric seems to dig her. I get tired of playing a dude, and I get tired of hearing the actress deliver her lines as low as her voice can go.

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I'm pretty sure you're good. Vector's not exactly the jealous type!


I like Vector a lot but I was pretty disappointed with most of the romance for him. Very forced feeling. And let's face it, the whole hive-mind thing... creepy.


I DID like the Jorgan romance though. You really peel the onion there... going from the gruff exterior to the grudgingly soft underbelly over the course of like 40 levels... rewarding.


And those are my two 50s.




yeah, it does feel forced. while other arcs don't give too much detail, and i understand they cant ether because of how massively different you can play your char, vector never really does say why he was drawn to you, other than maybe you accepting him for who he is, which IS a very big component in a relationship, but it pretty much does feel like he "imprinted" on the first/only receptive female around him outside the nest. Well true he coulda stuck closer to home and hooked up with daisana, but a little diplomatic dirty play solved that competition :cool:



well him and my op do play well; she's a LS healer who would rather collect slaves/puppet rulers for the empire than kill them. Well... he does not like how my char talks to sith. they can just kiss her body type 4 blue fat darkside ;)



and yes, once legacy and races are unlocked, horgan is my next on my man-collection :D

I used to own a rough, yet gentle inside orange cat with one eye, half a tail, bb pellets all in him, and still caught rats, birds possums, ect. Yet he was the most smoochy-kissy-faced gentleman cat i ever known and jorgan kinda reminds me of that <3


and yes, it was plutonic you furreaks ;)


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So far Doc and my Jedi seem to fit well together. Especially when she says something like "in a strange twist of fate you're the one I trust the most to have my back". (I'm paraphrasing there). And it's true when I realize how much Doc has my jedi's back and how he's kept her alive through some harrowing fights. They're married at this point. My only wish is that when he sends her email for a "date night" that it was possible to actually have that option as a mini quest.


As a side, Doc is also the only one so totally not impressed by the fact she jedi. Every once else scrapes and bows and puts her on a pedastle, but doc is "hey, look at this hot woman".


Andronikus works for my SI because of the way I play her, but I can see depending on how you play that character that he wouldn't work. Oh, and I LOVE his deep gravelly voice.


Corso makes my smuggler feel like a cougar. She looks like she's in her early 30s and he's in his mid to early -twenties?

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So far Doc and my Jedi seem to fit well together. Especially when she says something like "in a strange twist of fate you're the one I trust the most to have my back". (I'm paraphrasing there). And it's true when I realize how much Doc has my jedi's back and how he's kept her alive through some harrowing fights. They're married at this point. My only wish is that when he sends her email for a "date night" that it was possible to actually have that option as a mini quest.


As a side, Doc is also the only one so totally not impressed by the fact she jedi. Every once else scrapes and bows and puts her on a pedastle, but doc is "hey, look at this hot woman".


Andronikus works for my SI because of the way I play her, but I can see depending on how you play that character that he wouldn't work. Oh, and I LOVE his deep gravelly voice.


Corso makes my smuggler feel like a cougar. She looks like she's in her early 30s and he's in his mid to early -twenties?


Speaking as a guy, a lot of guys are attracted to older ladies, so I can see where Corso is coming from there. Andronikus is voiced by Steve Blum, who has one of the coolest voices ever. He did the voice of Wolverine in the Marvel Ultimate Alliance games, Vincent Valentine in Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus, and Zegram Gart in Rogue Galaxy, just to name a few.


Also, when Legacy hits, I'm rerolling my Knight as a Pureblood so I can smack Doc upside the head for hitting on Kira. :p

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Interestingly, the voice is a pretty good predictor of whether I'll take to a romance or not.


Quinn - high pitched, soft

Torian - middle ranged, soft

Andy - low, rough

Jorgan - low, soft


Low and soft is my favorite, but softness/ roughness is more important than the pitch. I had the same reaction in the last game I played with a romance - went for the low, soft voice instead of the middle, rough voice.


I don't know what it means :D

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My only wish is that when he sends her email for a "date night" that it was possible to actually have that option as a mini quest. As a side, Doc is also the only one so totally not impressed by the fact she jedi. -Every once else scrapes and bows and puts her on a pedestal, but Doc is "hey, look at this hot woman".


Andronikos works for my SI because of the way I play her, but I can see depending on how you play that character that he wouldn't work. Oh, and I LOVE his deep gravelly voice.


This. It was totally sweet when Andronikos took my Sith out on a date, and I would love to have seen the same with Doc and my Sentinel. I really appreciated that Doc didn't have an exaggerated reverence for Jedi in general, but there was a lot of implicit respect for the female JK's capabilities in the way he treated her. Also, that after having had not a single option to flirt since the beginning of Coruscant, he didn't treat her like she was built like a barbie doll "down there." :/


Interestingly, the voice is a pretty good predictor of whether I'll take to a romance or not.


That's me, too. Andronikos, Jorgan, and to a certain extent, Doc were attractive to me largely because of their voices. That's also what tends to bias me against Quinn and Torian, regardless of how legitimately excellent the romances are from a story perspective.


Keeping my fingers crossed for a romanceable companion with Raphael Sbarge's voice in the future.

Edited by Meira_Arirai
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vector has a hypnotic voice, it gets better and less akward sounding latter on in the arc



Vector was the reason I stopped playing my IA. He just creeps me out and the romance options are a big part of the story for me.


So, sadly no IA, at least not a female. Maybe I'll make a male instead but being female I prefer to play a female.

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Hmm. I liked it, particularly the mushy romance lines, I think he could grow on me. I just have to get all the way to Balmorra, which I haven't been able to do with a Rep yet >.<


I wouldn't have been so ticked off at Doc if they'd gotten Bruce Campbell to do his voice. I'm pretty sure he would have done a better job, since Doc was pretty much Ash in Star Wars with a medical license. :p

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  • 1 year later...

I play only females and I have seen JC x2, JK, Smuggler and IA, Trooper in progress.

So far, Corso Riggs has offered the most fun. He is totally cute and scene he asked my FemSmuggler to close her eyes and... Tadah no spoilers... You cannot keep calm face.


I didnt take Jedi Knights romance, because it seemed boring and I wanted to maximize enlightenment.

My male friends say that Kiras romace is stupid, and only one of my three male friends decided to romance her.


JC is basic stuff, Tharan is fun and Felix... Just is:-P


I felt stupid with Vector, mostly because of his eyes. Is it possible to customize him to look like human?

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I think the one I enjoyed most was Risha & my smuggler. He flirted with every female npc in the game that gave him the option. But Risha resists ALL my advances at first. I especially enjoyed the scenes where

you go and rescue the undercover agent for Risha & the Jedi. Then you get to invite the Jedi to come to your ship so she & Risha can "thank you" in person. I was really hoping they'd go for it lol.


And when I convinced her to give up her "rule the planet with her prince" dream in order to live the life of excitement with a scoundrel. ;)


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Sith Warrior and Jaessa. Alot of people say she's one demensional, but, honestly, it's more or less how I imagined Sith Romance would be. Two people with alot in common that just do what they like to do. Which just happens to cutting a bloody swath through the Republic and having sex. I really enjoyed the bit about her sending marriage plans to the Jedi Council. Edited by LordGarmaZabi
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I'm playing six characters at the moment, and I'm rather enjoying four romances(especially the first two):


Malavai Quinn is my favourite for my female Sith Warrior. The character is interesting, complex, very devoted, and I'm very attuned to his voice. I very much like the range of the replies, and The Incident adds a new dimension to the relationship - it looks especially believable because I play light, with light Jaesa and everything. I'm a bit fangirlish here - I already fantasized children together and everything. It's a pity I can't replay the conversations all over again.


Vector... I didn't think I'd enjoy Vector for my female Imperial Agent. On the contrary, I was appaled. But when I walked into the cave and asked: "So, you're the bug-man?" and he calmly replied: "We see you've been briefed", I knew I wanted to stay and listen. And my character came to care for him very much. Really, the Agent has many impressive male figures around, including Darth Jadus and Watcher X, but Vector's romance is strangely lovely. Then again, you either like him or you do not. I did, very much... somewhat to my surprise.


Andronicus Revel for my female Sith Inquisitor - I youtubed him first and didn't enjoy the voice, despite the fact that the actor's famous. But he, too, grew on me. His character is adventurous, bloodthirsty and bad, bad, bad, which suits my female Sith just fine. And there are little moments that make him really alive. For example, he said: "I cried last time when I was six: my old man shot me in the foot to shut me up". Not an absolute match for me personally, but it's a lovely romance for my character, and I'm enjoying it.


Finally, Aric Jorgan for my female Shepard... sorry, female Trooper. :) I enjoyed Mass Effect series very much, Garrus romance is vivid before my eyes, and I can't help but compare. Which is not very fair to Aric - he's very solid, but he's no Garrus. Still, I'd say he is a good option. A solid, dependable guy, exotic race, same goals - it's a nice fit, the relationship is building very slowly, and the characters have time to become good friends - though I have a feeling my trooper would be flirting with that intelligence guy from Nar Shaddaa(I'm still at low levels here). It's not great love, not yet - but I started thinking they'll make a great team.


And what's important, all four seem to be grown-ups. I've youtubed Corso and Torian and I'm not very happy with what I see, because they seem like young boys and while I'm not much older, I'd still prefer, well, a grown-up guy.


(I think I'll like Doc, but I've yet to meet him with my female Jedi Knight. Liked the youtube scenes, especially the proposal rejection. Dreading Iresso romance, so not starting a female Jedi Consular yet).

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I've completed three seperate romances, all with female characters.


I tend to have a hard time playing male characters, since I'm not, and flirting, especially, as a male character seems awkward, to me. Having said that, I recently started playing a male IA and I'm having a generally enjoyable time playing his story. I'm hoping to eventually have him romance Raina but that's not something I've seen yet, so I can't say what even happens in regards their relationship. I do know I don't like Kaliyo, though, even though they've flirted back and forth a couple of times. Hey, my IA flirts with everyone, shrug.


(1) Of all the romances, the one that seemed the absolute most natural was between my female bounty hunter and Torian Cadera. It was nearly seemless, like they just flowed together. Torian is just an awesome example of a Mandalorian man, with his sense of honor and duty and protectiveness proving incredibly attractive. The romance with him came off as providing another level of acceptance into the overarching Mandalorian society my bounty hunter was becoming a part of, and I enjoyed seeing the two of them together.


(2) Corso Riggs, too, was a very good foil for my female smuggler. The two of them shared a rather quirky attitude, so that they generally met each encounter with smiles and teasing that proved intensely fun and engaging. I laughed, a lot, as I played through their romance. It was far sweeter than the BH romance, with Corso being a bit more sugary in his approach than Torian was. Corso is just a sweetheart, is all.


(3) The last romance I played through was with my female Sith Warrior, and regardless of the level of criticism he's received I still find the romance with Malavi Quinn to be one of the most interesting and fascinating to play through. It's not an easy romance, in the end. Heck, it takes a long time for Quinn to even open up and actually respond to her teasing and flirtation. But by the time it was finished I couldn't see my warrior with anyone else, even after the "incident". The two of them just FIT together, shrug. Oh, and he provides perhaps the best kiss scene in the game, hehe.


I'm waiting for Legacy to be fully implemented before trying out some other romance arcs. I'd really like to play through Aric Jorgan's romance with a female Trooper, but I've avoided it in the hopes of getting some more varied character creation options on that toon, for instance. In the meantime, I'm touching on the IA story and generally enjoying myself.


I realized how long ago I wrote this, only because I've since completed quite a few of the romances on varied characters. While my opinions of the first three I completed haven't really changed, I have new perspectives on some of the others, too. Especially since I broke past my hesitancy to play male characters, so much so my two Main characters are actually guys, hehe:


(4) Akaavi Sparr. It's unusual to see people touting this romance. Unfortunate, because Akaavi is purely fun to romance. The fact she'll continue following along with my Smuggler, rather than tying him down to any particular locale is a huge plus. He's totally unwilling to be tied down, anywhere. But she's also cute enough once she gives in to his flirtations, too. A very opposites-attract sort of relationship, actually. And in private she's comfortable playing along with his teasing.


(5) Raina Temple. Seriously, my Operative couldn't stand Kaliyo. Mostly because I couldn't, of course. He regarded Kaliyo as this mad, anarchical witch good only for stabbing people in the back so long as he could possibly direct her. Her class story, having him run around getting rid of her exes didn't help. When Temple came along, he was pleased as punch. Her cries "For the Empire" endeared her to his utterly loyal Imperial sensibilities. Plus, she was cute. And deadly with a pair of pistols. That he could rub his relationship with her right into Kaliyo's face was just icing on his dark-side cake.


(6) Aric Jorgan. Calm, direct, succinct. Making this kitty purr was fun enough. I enjoyed the little jealous fits he had at times, his hissing over the minor flirts my own Trooper would toss out at times. It made their ultimate commitment incredibly sweet.


(7) Andronikus Revel. I could easily picture him helping my Sorcerer hunt down every fool nabob who'd ever hurt her when she was still a slave, just to hold them down while she coolly destroyed them. A pure bad boy, with a gravelly voice that compelled my girl. The fact he was so far outside the acceptable norm for a member of the Council was perfection, actually. She really didn't want anyone to think she'd do anything the way they expected or required of her.


(8) Nadia Grell. I played my Sage as a very very young Miraluka. Basically a prodigy, who was tossed into the fray and rose to the occasion. That Nadia seems very much a tiny teenager just learning the ropes made their relationship more comfortable and acceptable, actually. Less like a teacher taking advantage, if that makes sense. They came off as two young people sharing exceptional abilities and enormous challenges together, more like. In the end, I liked them being together, because they fit.


Those are the romances I've completed. I could try new playthroughs, just to see some more. But for now I'm pleased enough with what I've seen.

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