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So... legacy unlocks require levels AND 2 Million credits?


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If what I am seeing on this video is correct, not only will you need legacy levels to unlock stuff, but you will need to amass a huge amount of credits for each unlock...


Why is it that Bioware assumes people have millions and millions of credits? I know several endgame raiders that have enough to cover repairs, but that's about it.. not much money to be made off raiding... and if you don't spend the time flipping stuff on the market, or doing your daily quests... you quickly find yourself broke.


Like the white saber.. 2.5 M for 1? So for my marauder to look nice, I will need to drop 5 mil on a color crystal that will be gimped in 1-2 months?


Where am I suppose to get that 5M from? It's excusable because it is an "exclusive luxury item" type thing.. so that's fine...



But with the Legacy Unlocks requiring me to have spent weeks of grinding to get to the 25 legacy level, and then also costing me millions for one unlock.. that seems kind of BS to me.


I am all for money sinks in an MMO, but why have a legacy system when you need the money as well?


(For those that say you only need the legacy level OR can spend that money... re-watch the video where he is hovered over an ability... "Requires legacy level 8, 2,000,000 credits").


Is anyone else upset about this ? Can a Dev shed some light? If a dev DOES read this, since I have YET to see this other question commented on... when are you planning on correcting the valor rating of all those that abused the ilum glitch so long ago, that you guys said would be investigated and corrected? I know quite a few people that still have yet to get a warning at the very least and went from a lower Valor to BM or close enough.


Also... Can you PLEASE look into some server merges sooner rather than later? Getting to be a drag to see less and less players on my server (Naddist Rebels). The fact that I just leveled a new character to 50 and every zone was less than 20 people on ANY given day outside of the fleet is quite sad to me.


****Sry got a little off topic there*****

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Well, they could hand it to you on a silver-plate and make it easy to get, your choice. Don't take this as an insult. I'm just saying that there are those that that may end up saving the spare change or use alts or guild money to transfer the money to each other...if possible...so I can see it being just out of your reach type of thing for those that care. If you really want it you'll obtain it.


I could be wrong.....Point still stands if I'm wrong :D


Ya, that server merge also needs to happen soon.

Edited by Subtrance
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I was under the impression that it was either/or. That's what they've been advertising. Either you can get the Legacy level to unlock it, OR you could spend the credits to unlock it. Seems pretty underhanded to me, when it comes to making us shell out millions for something they were advertising for free when we hit the right level. I'd expect that in a F2P game, but I'm already shelling out 15 a month here. Seriously, BioWare. W.T.F????
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This game is all about credit sinks and needs them, for pvpers though it screws hardcore pve'ers unless they dailies every single day which I'm utterly sick of and stopped for 2 weeks now I find myself almost broke.


There are pvpers in my guild(Conquerors/War Heroes) that have 3m+ credits while having the white crystals and the mounts.

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This game is all about credit sinks and needs them, for pvpers though it screws hardcore pve'ers unless they dailies every single day which I'm utterly sick of and stopped for 2 weeks now I find myself almost broke.


There are pvpers in my guild(Conquerors/War Heroes) that have 3m+ credits while having the white crystals and the mounts.


Then those folks rode the 1st wave of 50s in crafting and probably sold a crap ton of crystals/mods/implants etc....before people learned to get em through PvP/HMs/Dailies etc...


On my Consular I make 4 million off of selling Magenta crystals, then that market dried up faster than a Kentucky County on Sunday.

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Then those folks rode the 1st wave of 50s in crafting and probably sold a crap ton of crystals/mods/implants etc....before people learned to get em through PvP/HMs/Dailies etc...


On my Consular I make 4 million off of selling Magenta crystals, then that market dried up faster than a Kentucky County on Sunday.



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I have to agree the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. lol I have a hell of a time making credits. I play late night, when no one else plays. I can never find a group, so doing dailies is just about out for me at level 48. I love to farm mobs because I don't need to rely on someone, I get some action, but they don't pay out enough to pay for repairs. So unless your a hard core player with a very dedicated group you are not going to make enough to do anything. If it were not for a couple of guild members helping me out credit/gear wise my boat would have been sunk. I would have been stuck on fleet not being able to do anything. I'm slowing sinking again and with out a way to make a good amount of credits doing something solo I'll be dead in the water soon enough.


On top of that my problem will be finding a late night group that needs my class for Hard mode and ops. For someone that does not have a established group of friends, on during prime time, I'm simply going to miss out on any high end gear and credit earning. Fine I can understand this, but what about credits to buy some of that gear I can't access. :( I play 30-40 hours a week now, but when my class/missions are done, I don't know what I can do to make money? As an Artifice, I can't make anything, and I need to be able to do HC flash points, ops or at least farm the crap out of npcs to make up the difference. :o Why can't BW give guys like me, if willing to put in the effort to be able to continue to play and make a good amount of credits? Please BW give us something for farming and reduce the repair cost? :mad: I was about to quit when I realized I could not get out of the quick sand. Thanks to a few guild guys that recognized my problem I'm in it a little longer for now. I hope you BW will recognize the situation players like me are facing. I need something as a buffer until I can group. Talk about frustrating.

Edited by Innocences
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Thanks. Ignore my previous rant. :)


It's an understandable mistake.


According to recent reports it appears things are becoming a bit more clear. Species unlocks can be bought at legacy level 5 or gained through leveling that species to 50. So even if you hit the legacy level to access them you still need to pay.


There are other situations where it is required you PAY credits as well as LEVEL your Legacy.


For example:



  • Repair droid: Purchase it for 1 million credits (req legacy level 7).
  • Ship Mailbox: Purchase it for 500 k credits (req legacy level 10).
  • Operation training dummy: Purchase it for 500k (req legacy level 10).
  • Warzone training dummy: Purchase it for 500k (req legacy level 10).
  • Galactic Market Kiosk: Purchase it for 5 million (req legacy level 25).


So you level your legacy, and also spend your cheese. :D


- DH

Edited by Diet-Hutt
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I reached 5 mil and I dont think I'll go any higher any time soon. Right now I am slowly depleting the amount of cash I have, because repairing costs me 70k.

Do you know how much I earn in raiding?

around 70-200 credits per boss! That doesn't even cover my armour polish.


If legacy is a money sink, then I wont use it. I love big amounts of money in my pockets, and I avoid spending it.

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"Where am I suppose to get that 5M from?"



please allow someone with autism and 20+million credits to answer this for you:


dailys on belsavis and ilum = 200k a day

8 space missions = 90k a day


290k x 60 days (assuming you've only been 50 for 60 days but we both know how uber you are and that you hit 50 by Christmas but for arguments sake we'll go with 60)


lets see....17,400,000 credits.



oh, you don't like grinding dailys and playing that silly rail shooter? well...you just want bioware to hand it to you?



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Any idea how much buying a race would cost? I would rather buy one than level up anything empire (I just want a chiss but hate the accents and the BH class to bring it up to 50) however... if it comes down to me buying one and its expensive- i might just level one up.
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Personally, I love doing dailies, Heroics and flashpoints, but it must be nice having a group when you play. I don't like to ask for anything, but what are players like me suppose to do? I'm willing to put in the time to farm, but I can't do that either. What do you suggest for a player like me when I run out of missions?:o


"Where am I suppose to get that 5M from?"



please allow someone with autism and 20+million credits to answer this for you:


dailys on belsavis and ilum = 200k a day

8 space missions = 90k a day


290k x 60 days (assuming you've only been 50 for 60 days but we both know how uber you are and that you hit 50 by Christmas but for arguments sake we'll go with 60)


lets see....17,400,000 credits.



oh, you don't like grinding dailys and playing that silly rail shooter? well...you just want bioware to hand it to you?



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Why do people assume that just beacuse a feature(purely cosmetic i might add) is in the game they must have it? And then they complain when they dont have the time to grind up the money?


Are you just as spoiled in real life? Get a grip swtor community! There is such a thing as having to work for your success, im SO tired of all these *censure* who is ruining the gaming experience by wanting it all for free...

Edited by Korghal
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Bottom line is that the game must have money sinks. Bioware doesn't just sit around a big table going "Hmm, how can we make life worse for our players?", they sit around the table and sweat over keeping the money situation in balance, I would wager.


That's probably why the white crystals, too... I think it's preposterous that something that potentially cool could just be sold for nothing but in-game money, which seems to me like they had to get ahead of the huge piles of money that people were beginning to amass. Same thing with the speeders that are getting taken out, no doubt, push people into gaming like loons to get the cash together in time which further sucks fake money out.

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I have to agree the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. lol I have a hell of a time making credits. I play late night, when no one else plays. I can never find a group, so doing dailies is just about out for me at level 48. I love to farm mobs because I don't need to rely on someone, I get some action, but they don't pay out enough to pay for repairs. So unless your a hard core player with a very dedicated group you are not going to make enough to do anything. If it were not for a couple of guild members helping me out credit/gear wise my boat would have been sunk. I would have been stuck on fleet not being able to do anything. I'm slowing sinking again and with out a way to make a good amount of credits doing something solo I'll be dead in the water soon enough.

I'm sorry to say it, but doing dailies should be a net gain for you if you're not doing horribly wrong. Being someone who does not like farming much, I tend to do them only once or twice a week, just often enough to cover my ops repair expenses, companion mission runs, and general overhead. If I was doing them daily (as per their name), I would probably be making about 100-125k a day with them only - and that's only counting the solo quests, not the H2 / H4.


Daily space missions (while fairly boring if you actually do them every day as well) are another way to make money fairly easily. They earn a bit less than the ground-based daily quests on the average, but are usually faster (because you jump in the action without travel time).

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I will tell you why bioware thinks everyone has millions of credits to drop on everything, it's because of that bug that was in the game for WEEKS after release that allowed people to dupe millions upon millions of credits at a vendor very easily. I know several people with untold millions that they transferred to alternate characters and it was left untouched. All this money in the game is skewing the data and thus you have crystals that cost 2.5 million a peice.


Sadly very few people seem to know about this and nothing ever came of it, bioware said they would keep us updated on what happened to the cheaters but they never did and everybody forgot about it.

Edited by SunwindIon
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If what I am seeing on this video is correct, not only will you need legacy levels to unlock stuff, but you will need to amass a huge amount of credits for each unlock...


Why is it that Bioware assumes people have millions and millions of credits? I know several endgame raiders that have enough to cover repairs, but that's about it.. not much money to be made off raiding... and if you don't spend the time flipping stuff on the market, or doing your daily quests... you quickly find yourself broke.


Like the white saber.. 2.5 M for 1? So for my marauder to look nice, I will need to drop 5 mil on a color crystal that will be gimped in 1-2 months?


Where am I suppose to get that 5M from? It's excusable because it is an "exclusive luxury item" type thing.. so that's fine...



But with the Legacy Unlocks requiring me to have spent weeks of grinding to get to the 25 legacy level, and then also costing me millions for one unlock.. that seems kind of BS to me.


I am all for money sinks in an MMO, but why have a legacy system when you need the money as well?


(For those that say you only need the legacy level OR can spend that money... re-watch the video where he is hovered over an ability... "Requires legacy level 8, 2,000,000 credits").


Is anyone else upset about this ? Can a Dev shed some light? If a dev DOES read this, since I have YET to see this other question commented on... when are you planning on correcting the valor rating of all those that abused the ilum glitch so long ago, that you guys said would be investigated and corrected? I know quite a few people that still have yet to get a warning at the very least and went from a lower Valor to BM or close enough.


Also... Can you PLEASE look into some server merges sooner rather than later? Getting to be a drag to see less and less players on my server (Naddist Rebels). The fact that I just leveled a new character to 50 and every zone was less than 20 people on ANY given day outside of the fleet is quite sad to me.


****Sry got a little off topic there*****


Making the unlocking of legacy rewards insanely expensive is just rolling out the red carpet to credit sellers. And, as the OP pointed out, who has that kind of coin in game? Plus, no one's going to happily spend hour on boring hour farming mobs for coin.


So far, I aint seen much about 1.2 to convince me that the devs have a IQ higher than their shoe size!

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Having that much extra cash usually only comes from those that really focus economy or religiously do dailies, not to mention the more alts you create the less money you will make as all your time is spent on leveling and not producing the high end goods or mats.
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looka like what happened in wow will happen here , some 1 will set up a web site an sell credits for real money lol


just did a search 100000K Credits 699.oo USD talk about a a@@ Bang


if cought wow will ban your acct, g wounder why ppl take chances and buy gold you guys created that mess, same thing will happen here they will make the price of stuff so out of control ppl will leave or just spend real money to have some 1 give them credits

Edited by jimmyjediknight
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I spent a lot of timing farming legacy experience because i was told that i would be given retroactive unlocks based on it. The only thing that is free are races that area already in the game that i couldn't care less about. 0 new content is available for legacy alone. Edited by Paralassa
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