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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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It's a little like Joss Whedon. You can't trust Bioware not to break your heart. So best not to get too attached to any ideas regarding current characters.


Well at least with Bioware they aren't known for repeatedly and purposely doing things to the story/plot line simply to lash out and hurt the fans. So which ever way SGR's are introduce, old companions being made open to SGR or new ones, I'll believe there's a realistic reason behind Bioware's decision.


Though I will admit I do hope some of the current companions will be open to SGR's but if not I will be happy with a new companion. I'm simply looking forward to SGR's in the game... ;)

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Well at least with Bioware they aren't known for purposely doing things to the story/plot line simply to lash out and hurt the fans. So which ever way SGR's are introduce, old companions being made open to SGR or new ones, I'll believe there's a realistic reason behind Bioware's decision.


ehem.... have you played ME3 ?

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Quinn and my Sith Warrior will always be together in my Head Canon, but I'm reading my self for the sad prospect that I may not be able to actually get Quinn in the game, I may have someone else *sigh*....I just hope they have the charm that the current male companions do, and just as compelling a story.


Yeah, all my toons have head canon LIs regardless (which is somewhat preferable to in-game romance since you can imagine whatever you wish for the romance)....mainly Fem!IA/Kaliyo, Fem!JK/Kira (not sure if I'd ship my Fem!SI with Ashara).


I'll keep this just in case none of those options are available or if they are only available fresh PCs (most of my toons are lvl 30+ with the IA at lvl 50).


I'm not sure what to do in case they'll add in new future romance characters...do I drop my head canon romance for the new in-game ones? Haha, it feels like cheating on the old 'head canon' romances even though there's nothing tangible in game. I always imagine my IA is hooking up with Kaliyo but what happens when some hot new female companion comes along (a Republic defector maybe...perhaps a Sith...idk) and starts flirting with her?

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ehem.... have you played ME3 ?


LOL... Not after I heard about the ending... seriously though I should have said repeatedly known for lashing out at the fans. I changed my post for more clarity. ;)

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Am I the ONLY one who didn't have a problem with the end of ME3???? :eek:


I honestly thought the ending fit with how the story was told. And Buzz Aldrin doing the voice of the grandpa. Classic!



Probably. :p




So you're okay with how squad mates and others are just suddenly on the Normandy, and that the Normandy is for some unknown reason, near to or making a jump through the Sol system Mass Relay?


I don't like it, I'd prefer closure. I'd prefer to know what happened to my Shepard (who took a breath in the last scene we see of her). I'd like to know she hooked back up with the Normandy, and had a happy life with Liara.


(I'd go into this a bit more thoroughly, but this is wildly off topic for this thread.)


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Am I the ONLY one who didn't have a problem with the end of ME3???? :eek:


I honestly thought the ending fit with how the story was told. And Buzz Aldrin doing the voice of the grandpa. Classic!



yes only you was happy with the end of ME3

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Playing through my BH chapter 1 story the other day and I ran across Anuli. At the end-point of his involvement in the story I was really thinking I would love to swap him with Mako.



I would make a choice there that would see her die instead of him, and her unofficial younger-brother become my healer companion/slicer filling my earlier promise to her to get him off Nar Shadaar. Maybe her dying words pleading me again to save him for her sake. Imagine how teary that scene would be!



I can see that many people who adore Mako might be up in arms at the thought of swapping her, and I hope they reply with spoilers if necessary, but it could be a potential mechanism, swapping your romance companion for a specific NPC through a deliberate action.


I wonder though how many people would take the wrong option and end up with a SGR by mistake though? hehe.

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If I have to start all my characters again, and gain my legacy levels again, and all my unlocks....again.


I will do it. :D

As far as I know, Legacy is server-based - I seem to remember someone from BioWare saying that even if you delete all your characters, you'll still have that Legacy on that server. I might be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure. I know that's not exactly what you mean, but the most you might end up doing to get the SGR you want is rerolling. Hopefully even that won't be necessary.


I wonder though how many people would take the wrong option and end up with a SGR by mistake though? hehe.

I know you're talking about that specific instance, but BioWare's people have said no one would get into an SGR by accident - the choices will be clearly marked. Probably just like the [Flirt] options are now. :D Take a look at the quotes on the first page of this thread.

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As far as I know, Legacy is server-based - I seem to remember someone from BioWare saying that even if you delete all your characters, you'll still have that Legacy on that server. I might be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure. I know that's not exactly what you mean, but the most you might end up doing to get the SGR you want is rerolling. Hopefully even that won't be necessary.


I can confirm Bioware saying that and also my tests. Legacy is server based does remain when you delete. I deleted a few undesirable toons in their mid 20s the other day and my legacy didn't drop. (10-25 is 1 legacy level)

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yes only you was happy with the end of ME3


I'm ok with that. I appreciated the ending and took it for what it was. An old man telling his grandchild a story. The story of a hero who saved the galaxy. Not to mention Buzz Aldrin has been a hero of mine since I was a kid. I recognized his voice immediately, and thought back to Optimus Prime telling him "It's an honor to meet you, sir." I was thinking "Damn right you better call him sir!" :D

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That was implied, but I'm also trying to keep it PG rated without my dirty mind taking over. :D


why? obviously, when someone is already bothered by a freaking [flirt] option they would be reaaaally bothered by knowing .other. people might take this up to a black screen (omg a black screen protect our children!)


I'd say we should be just as progressive (?) in this as Bioware is and has always been. maybe I'll just put a link of sweet Zevran man-love in my signature... mh mh mh. tempting.

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I would love to have LGBT romances. I am waiting on playing any other characters till I can lol.


I would like to know if the LGBT companions would be added throughout the story line from beginning, or if they'd be new companions we get if they extend the story line and level progression past 50. Extending levels and making a new chapter for the story line would offer new content for everyone and also would be a great spot to introduce the LGBT companions. That way they aren't just thrown in as an afterthought to the rest of the story line.


Really, actually, I'd take ANY information as opposed to the NOTHING they've told us so far.

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I would love to have LGBT romances. I am waiting on playing any other characters till I can lol.


I would like to know if the LGBT companions would be added throughout the story line from beginning, or if they'd be new companions we get if they extend the story line and level progression past 50. Extending levels and making a new chapter for the story line would offer new content for everyone and also would be a great spot to introduce the LGBT companions. That way they aren't just thrown in as an afterthought to the rest of the story line.


Really, actually, I'd take ANY information as opposed to the NOTHING they've told us so far.


Hopefully they'll be just as integrated as the current OGRAs. Unfortunately, this could mean someone who already lvled to 50 and has possibly done companion quests past the romance start point could get screwed unless they give us a way to reset affection/companion quests.


I'm torn about them giving us more information sooner rather than later. On one hand it would be nice to at least know what they have planned but on the other, it would suck if they were all "Yeah, we're gonna do X! And Y! And Z!" and then closer to release time they suddenly went "Uhhh... so we're actually only going to do A, B, and C... X, Y, and Z might get added later... maybe... if we can."

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Remember, everyone: flag, don't fight. There's no need to let the closed-minded bring down our discussion. Thanks. :)


I would love to have LGBT romances. I am waiting on playing any other characters till I can lol.


I would like to know if the LGBT companions would be added throughout the story line from beginning, or if they'd be new companions we get if they extend the story line and level progression past 50. Extending levels and making a new chapter for the story line would offer new content for everyone and also would be a great spot to introduce the LGBT companions. That way they aren't just thrown in as an afterthought to the rest of the story line.


Really, actually, I'd take ANY information as opposed to the NOTHING they've told us so far.

Yeah, those are the kinds of things we've been waiting to hear about for a long time. Granted, we used to know even less - it was about six months from when BioWare first said that SGRs would be a post-launch feature to when we first got some real news and assurance they were still being worked on at the guild summit. So we know more than we used to, but of course, it's not going to be enough until they're in the game. :D


I can't blame BioWare for saying "we'll talk about it when it's done", though. After what happened with the ranked PvP, I'm guessing we won't hear about most new features until they're complete and ready to be added to the game. But there's been a tiny bit of news that suggests patch 1.4 will be companion-focused, so after patch 1.3 hits, we might get some news. Here's hoping.

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why? obviously, when someone is already bothered by a freaking [flirt] option they would be reaaaally bothered by knowing .other. people might take this up to a black screen (omg a black screen protect our children!)


I'd say we should be just as progressive (?) in this as Bioware is and has always been. maybe I'll just put a link of sweet Zevran man-love in my signature... mh mh mh. tempting.


Zevran, the elf who sounds suspiciously like Antonio Banderas? :D


I'm more into Leliana with both male and female toons. Her accent just... mmhmmmmm! :cool:

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Zevran, the elf who sounds suspiciously like Antonio Banderas? :D


I'm more into Leliana with both male and female toons. Her accent just... mmhmmmmm! :cool:


haha leliana was one heck of a women haha XD. her comments. when she hitting on the warden. trying to give the warden hints. so your writing in your journal../ why dont you write at last..leliana has try to take the warden but she does not see it. then you can say back.. what!!! lol something like that.



hm.. as someone said about will be add on to the story..maybe a mix of both.. some from the start and some with new/old after 50 lvl.

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hm.. as someone said about will be add on to the story..maybe a mix of both.. some from the start and some with new/old after 50 lvl.

That's something I've wondered about. I'm pretty sure we'll get new companions as the game goes on, though I'm guessing that won't happen until an actual expansion; new companions would require a lot of work, probably too much for a patch. But surely some of those companions will be romance options. What's that going to be like, especially for people who do a romance storyline pre-expansion?


Personally, I'm wondering if BioWare will go the really controversial route and allow relationships with more than one companion. For example, my male Smuggler wouldn't try to be with anyone but Akaavi; not only has he come to love having the warrior woman at his side, he'd rather not get anyone killed by flirting with them. :D But my future female Smuggler would love to have her own personal harem on the ship. :p As for the current companions' attitudes, I have no doubt Kaliyo would be open to such things, possibly regardless of gender...

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I've got no problems with it, who cares what choices people make? It's not for me personally but Gays are a good laugh and I have absolubtly no issues with it. Prob. because I work in an office and there's a large mix of people, ignorance breeds hate.


[Edit] I just hope I never see a sith warrior in a pink jumpsuite tho! lol

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Hi guys,


Can anyone update me on the same sex relationships issue? Sorry for the noob question, but I thought that by now the romances would have been included in the game already, but it seems like it is not there yet. I am a Jedi Sentinel, and nothing has come up at all. Thanks! :)

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Hi guys,


Can anyone update me on the same sex relationships issue? Sorry for the noob question, but I thought that by now the romances would have been included in the game already, but it seems like it is not there yet. I am a Jedi Sentinel, and nothing has come up at all. Thanks! :)


The short version: Nope, they're not in yet. They're expected to be in sometime "this year", in conjunction with a story update. Recent speculation is 1.4, but that is purely speculation. :)


The long version: If you're interested in pretty much everything we know so far, check out this FAQ:



(For reference, It's on the first page of the thread, several posts down)

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The short version: Nope, they're not in yet. They're expected to be in sometime "this year", in conjunction with a story update. Recent speculation is 1.4, but that is purely speculation. :)


The long version: If you're interested in pretty much everything we know so far, check out this FAQ:



(For reference, It's on the first page of the thread, several posts down)


I would categorize it as Educated Speculation and the use of Deductive Reasoning. Of course, it may be wrong, but it's the most plausible deduction so far. :)

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according to the devs the next patch (1.3) will not have SGRA or any other new story content



we have no confirmation that the next patch (1.3) will be released this month. 1.4 is only rumored to be the SGRA/companion content patch and would take a miracle to be released this month.

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