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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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I can't really speak for anything but the male agent, but:



When Mako came onto Skathe (my male chiss IA), it was at the tail-end of a conversation where she got him to teach her seduction techniques (the agent being an expert according to certain NPCs). Now, my agent loathes seduction, he's a bit of a romantic. So her method of hitting on him didn't make him feel all that great. The let-down option at that point was actually more hinting that something was wrong with him, not her. Very quiet and subdued, and overall a very gentle rebuff. She still made me feel bad about it with the puppydog eyes, but there is no way Skathe was being mean about it.



On a related note, the male agent's VA is astoundingly good at certain points. I mean he's really good normally, but with that line his voice actually cracked just a little, which is great because it fits my characterization perfectly (I characterize my agent as not really liking either side and basically wanting to go home. I have an entire backstory and psych profile worked out too ^^; )


Edit: And of course, forgot to mention I play Skathe as bisexual (helps for an agent I'd think) with a strong lean toward men, so I whole-heartedly support SGR.


You mean

Raina? Mako is the BH healer. :)


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can we sort the game out first befor we add this in please


Here's my take your statement. :cool:


They have multiple teams working on different aspects of the game at any given time. While the story department finishes up on SGRs, there will be another team will be addressing things such as the UI Issue; another for PvP Balance, ect ect. BW has the resources to do all this at once. Most MMOs have to be able to work on multiple things at once, otherwise it can fall apart quickly. This goes for single player games as well, but whereas a single player game can be finished(except possible patches and maybe some DLC), MMOs have to keep evolving. Believe me, I want them to fix some of the bugs and the like before they put in SGRs. If more of the game is bug free, then all the story content increases in the future will go smoother.


Secondly, I can safely say that the posters in this thread(myself included) are not demanding that it be implemented now. If you check some of the older posts, we focus on what companions might be available and possible preferences of some companions(such as the guess that Kaliyo might be bisexual.) Most of us are roleplaying our toons(since this an MMORPG) and we'd all like a chance for everyone to get more content. When they put in SGRs, I suspect it'll come with a huge story update for the companion side quests. Not just for romance content either. :p


Please let me get this misconception out of the way: We all know that the game needs more work, and that there is still a lot of things that need to be fixed along the way. We aren't demanding SGR right now, but in the meantime we've developed a community where we can talk about this in a constructive and respectful fashion.


You know, since it is the topic of the thread. ;)


I know the press has been talking about same gender romances a lot in the past few days. This is nothing new for Bioware; they have had a press release every month since January speaking for SGRs and against some rather vicious letter campaigns. Thanks for the bump though. :D

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Please let me get this misconception out of the way: We all know that the game needs more work, and that there is still a lot of things that need to be fixed along the way. We aren't demanding SGR right now, but in the meantime we've developed a community where we can talk about this in a constructive and respectful fashion.


Honestly, they can put in a clown that makes love to a dancing bear as long as they get done the important stuff first.


FYI - You bought a game knowing it didn't have your preferred choice of relationships, you were not misled or deceived.


You may continue to ask for these changes and I hope everyone gets what they want out of this game but honestly, if it really takes away from the game development moving forward, I say scrap this inclusion idea and continue to support the majority investors like most big game companies do.

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Honestly, they can put in a clown that makes love to a dancing bear as long as they get done the important stuff first.


Sooo... what's the important stuff? Because really, to some of us, this is the only aspect of the game that needs any work. Story-driven people want the story worked on, people think the UI is the most important issue, some say there's performance issues, PVPers want PVP... stuff (I really don't understand the PVP complaints, so I can't comment on them).


I don't PVP or do Operations. I've never had any performance issues. Though I won't go into any other forum and say that fixes and patches for those areas should be put off until SGRAs are in place.


We're not here to talk about prioritization, but to discuss this one single thing.

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We aren't demanding SGR right now


I am! The lack of SGR is the only reason I haven't played since January. Seriously. A huge point of this game is its story, and the lack of romance is a huge chunk of story missing. It's like reading a book but where every third sentence is missing. Pointless.

End game PvE? PvP? Why should I care when I can't play past Act 1 because there's no romance in game yet?

I'd rather do dailies in WoW than play a bioware game with no romance.


FYI - You bought a game knowing it didn't have your preferred choice of relationships, you were not misled or deceived.


Funny you should say that, as that is exactly what happened to me.

SGRs were a huge selling point for me, and honestly I only play RPGs that include lesbian romance arcs (or games where I can mod them to include them.) TOR was announced, gay romances were announced, and I squeed for days and happily bought the CE and all that.

But you know the press releases that said SGRs weren't going to make it for launch? Yeah, I never saw any of those.

A month of leveling later, just starting Act 2 on my JK, playing with guildies, I casually mention to my guildies that I can't wait for Kira's romance.

Then they say "you know the gay stuff isn't in game yet?"

To which I replied "of course it is, its bioware, they always have SGRs."


A quick google search proved me wrong, and I haven't played even a single minute since.


takes away from the game development


I see this argument a lot and it is extremely stupid.

SGRs require writers and voice talent, that's it.

These are not resources that are used for, say, bug fixes or PvP balance.

Does a professional voice actress work on coding the UI? Of course not.

Does a skilled code monkey provide moving romance arcs? Of course not.

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Honestly, they can put in a clown that makes love to a dancing bear as long as they get done the important stuff first.


FYI - You bought a game knowing it didn't have your preferred choice of relationships, you were not misled or deceived.


You may continue to ask for these changes and I hope everyone gets what they want out of this game but honestly, if it really takes away from the game development moving forward, I say scrap this inclusion idea and continue to support the majority investors like most big game companies do.


actually, I'd question this statement. considering this is a bioware game I know plenty of people who did not know it was not in-game yet and didn't make the 'release day' cut.


as someone who got burnt with FFXIV I definitely no longer expect MMOs releasing with the story content I happen to know from the 'big name behind it' anymore, but come on.... don't even go there.


on top of that nobody is even claiming we were 'misled' or 'deceived'. however, the same argument goes for pretty much everything people claim needs to be 'fixed' in this game. I don't go out in the topics about fixing certain bugs that make PVPing a pain sometimes and claim I was deceived or anything like that. I've been in beta and on this forum long enough to know what to expect at release. that doesn't mean I want things different releatively soon.


and the roleplaying heart (and the .huge. bioware fan) that I am, to me (!!!!!!!!!!), same gender romance arcs are indeed more important than not getting the random speeder disappearing bug in civil war (granted that may be because it has only happened to me once to far...)



your definition of 'game developement' is obviously your own thing, and you are right in fighting for it, but this is not the topic you are looking for. I'm pretty sure whatever is bugging you about this game has its topic - most likely (unlike this one!) - in the general section.

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FYI - You bought a game knowing it didn't have your preferred choice of relationships, you were not misled or deceived.


You may continue to ask for these changes and I hope everyone gets what they want out of this game but honestly, if it really takes away from the game development moving forward, I say scrap this inclusion idea and continue to support the majority investors like most big game companies do.



FYI - We bought this game knowing that our preferred choice of relationships would be added after launch. It's now five months since launch almost and so we're asking for updates regarding the status of the content, we've received some news and there's other questions we would like to get answered, much like any other aspect of the game has people hoping to hear updates.


To the second part of the quote, adding things such as this takes nothing from the game development moving forward. There isn't just one dev team working on everything but rather many small teams working on specific things such as performance, story, PvP, PvE, customization ect.

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FYI - You bought a game knowing it didn't have your preferred choice of relationships (snip)


And I wanted to point something out here. A lot of people say this, as well as it's counter-argument (they said they were adding it after launch).


Me, I went into this game completely blind. I try to avoid reading about things before I try them so that my opinion isn't coloured by the misperceptions or biases of others. In fact, I would have never played this game at all until a free trail was passed my way, had I not gotten into the beta.


When I was playing the beta, all I knew was "Star Wars" and "everything is voice acted." I didn't know there were companion characters AT ALL until the story suddenly stuck Corso on me. That's when I realized why there was no pet class!


So when I started to see Flirt options, I wondered if there were same-sex options (because I was never seeing any), and that lead me here.


What I guess I'm trying to say is that it's not a safe assumption that everyone reads all the internet buzz before playing a game; some people just play it and THEN decide what they think should be changed with it.

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actually, I'd question this statement. considering this is a bioware game I know plenty of people who did not know it was not in-game yet and didn't make the 'release day' cut.


as someone who got burnt with FFXIV I definitely no longer expect MMOs releasing with the story content I happen to know from the 'big name behind it' anymore, but come on.... don't even go there.


on top of that nobody is even claiming we were 'misled' or 'deceived'. however, the same argument goes for pretty much everything people claim needs to be 'fixed' in this game. I don't go out in the topics about fixing certain bugs that make PVPing a pain sometimes and claim I was deceived or anything like that. I've been in beta and on this forum long enough to know what to expect at release. that doesn't mean I want things different releatively soon.


and the roleplaying heart (and the .huge. bioware fan) that I am, to me (!!!!!!!!!!), same gender romance arcs are indeed more important than not getting the random speeder disappearing bug in civil war (granted that may be because it has only happened to me once to far...)


<fist bump> :p


I didn't know there was any romance at all in the game when I bought it. Now that I know SGRs are coming, I have fun with the rest of the posters in here. Just like I"m sure those that are pushing for more open space combat are having fun in their threads. By some of the logic I've seen, should people that want more involved space combat have their ideas scrapped because it wasn't at launch? The same applies here


My favorite part of this post. :cool:


your definition of 'game developement' is obviously your own thing, and you are right in fighting for it, but this is not the topic you are looking for. I'm pretty sure whatever is bugging you about this game has its topic - most likely (unlike this one!) - in the general section.



Sooo... what's the important stuff? Because really, to some of us, this is the only aspect of the game that needs any work. Story-driven people want the story worked on, people think the UI is the most important issue, some say there's performance issues, PVPers want PVP... stuff (I really don't understand the PVP complaints, so I can't comment on them).


I don't PVP or do Operations. I've never had any performance issues. Though I won't go into any other forum and say that fixes and patches for those areas should be put off until SGRAs are in place.


We're not here to talk about prioritization, but to discuss this one single thing.

You both said what I wanted to say. :D Just like those that want fixes for Ops, we like to talk about what we'd like for future changes to the game. Apparently my comments about multiple teams got overlooked. Bioware is working on multiple things at the same time as well as the other fixes that are needed. This is the story and lore subforums, so naturally there will be people taking about story changes/expansions to come. BW doesn't need to scrap SGRs, and they aren't going to.


The last thing I can say to this is that most of us don't go into other threads and tell them to scrap content that BW has said repeatedly is going into the game. If someone has questions concerning this, and the posters aren't quite cutting it, try to contact CS at communitysupport@swtor.com.

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the funny thing is, the opposite is true... I go into a lot of other topics and complain about other stuff not being in (yet) or how things could be changed for the better. (and believe me, some topics get much more 'heated' than this one. lol)


it's been such a cluserf* that I now stay away from certain topics, even. this is one of the 'relatively save' ones, where I too 'bonk heads' with people but unlike some other things don't feel like I'm up against someone who's completely unreasonable. (give or take a few obvious bigots who use their 'morals' as an argument...)


there's a reason why I have as many posts as I have (apart from internet addiction. ;D) ... I really, really, really like this game and want it to be a great experience for a lot of people. but what point is there is repeating over and over and over again that some servers have a really low population? the amount of negativity in such topics is ruining my fun, so I stay here and fight for the actual game - in the meantime hoping bioware comes up with a way to fix the server imbalance (according to dulfy our server has the highest imp/rep imbalance of all US-PVP servers)


same gender romance arcs are part of the .actual game. though. this game has always been not just an MMO, but an RPG. so that is where I'm focusing on.




nope. they did say at the guild summit 'this year', as part of new story content.

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I didn't know there was any romance at all in the game when I bought it. Now that I know SGRs are coming, I have fun with the rest of the posters in here. Just like I"m sure those that are pushing for more open space combat are having fun in their threads. By some of the logic I've seen, should people that want more involved space combat have their ideas scrapped because it wasn't at launch? The same applies here

Well said. It amazes me how many people come to this thread and get it in their heads that we're somehow making demands and only care about getting what we want. I don't go to other areas of the boards very much, as I really don't have the time, but I hope it's not like that elsewhere. :eek: I would like to find it difficult to believe that people can get so upset about a feature that others want - not that the feature is being added, but just that someone wants a feature that they don't - that they would tell people to stop asking for it or say that it's not important or that it would take away from development time. The devs will do as they want, and it never, ever hurts to ask or make suggestions.


And besides, looking at the guild summit vid (see page 25 for links), it's clear that BW's people are set on doing SGRs right, so it's something important to them.


Just like those that want fixes for Ops, we like to talk about what we'd like for future changes to the game. Apparently my comments about multiple teams got overlooked. Bioware is working on multiple things at the same time as well as the other fixes that are needed. This is the story and lore subforums, so naturally there will be people taking about story changes/expansions to come. BW doesn't need to scrap SGRs, and they aren't going to.


The last thing I can say to this is that most of us don't go into other threads and tell them to scrap content that BW has said repeatedly is going into the game. If someone has questions concerning this, and the posters aren't quite cutting it, try to contact CS at communitysupport@swtor.com.

It also amazes me how many people seem to think that BW's resources are so limited they can only work on implementing one thing at a time. If that was at all true, we wouldn't have this game. Writers and voice actors don't handle space combat, PvP, or bug fixes. How so many people fail to realize this, I don't know.


Sorry for the grumping. :mad: I just get tired of seeing the same old crap over and over again. It always ends up feeling like people are trying to get us to stop talking about this, to stop asking for it, and that's the sort of [expletive deleted] we don't need.

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the funny thing is, the opposite is true... I go into a lot of other topics and complain about other stuff not being in (yet) or how things could be changed for the better. (and believe me, some topics get much more 'heated' than this one. lol)


I'm with you on that one. I am all about adding and improving content versus scrapping content. If it can make the game richer, all the more better for us in the TOR community as a whole. Not just for one group or the other. :D


Please give me SGRAs soon, Mass Effect 3

wouldn't give me my little blue children

, so at least give me Jaesa/FemSW.


Woohoo for Jaesa love! I still think LS Jaesa should be a choice open to all. :cool:



<An excellent post as usual >


Sorry for the grumping. :mad: I just get tired of seeing the same old crap over and over again. It always ends up feeling like people are trying to get us to stop talking about this, to stop asking for it, and that's the sort of [expletive deleted] we don't need.



I know it's frustrating sometimes. When I heard about the press release, I think many posters had a feeling that things could start getting a little heated in here again. Myself included. :jawa_biggrin:


I've been away from SWTOR for like two months now and haven't really paid attention to any news about what's going on. So this feature hasn't been released yet? Is there any info about when it's going to happen? Thanks :)


In case you were wondering, this is the Guild Summit link regarding SGRs that Moose mentioned:


You can see the last panel here -- SGR stuff starts right at 21:00.


Here's a relevant quote:


Q: Any update on same gender romance?


Daniel Erickson: "It is coming and it is coming with story updates. It is something that depends on the writers and we want to do right, and writers have a long lead time. We did not want to just change all the dialogue for the other gender. That is not writing, that is not story telling. This was cut originally because of budget and time issues. We have designs, we know what romance options we want to put in for this. It is coming when full story comes, and full story is coming this year. We are still on track."

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I have a couple of questions.


Is it true that if you are the same gender as your companion, you cannot play certain parts of their storyline? If this is true, I wish that fact had been more readily available before deciding to make a mostly female roster. And before anyone pipes up about that, the story I create for my characters sometimes only works for a particular gender. Story comes first. Gender gets picked depending on how the story turns out.


Are we sure that BioWare will even implement SGRs? I had heard George Lucas was against the idea. Personally, I do not really care what the man who gave us Jar Jar Binks and Episode I-III has to say anymore. But Star Wars is his baby. So, if Lucas says "No SGRs," I doubt BioWare would do it anyway.

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I have a couple of questions.


Is it true that if you are the same gender as your companion, you cannot play certain parts of their storyline? If this is true, I wish that fact had been more readily available before deciding to make a mostly female roster. And before anyone pipes up about that, the story I create for my characters sometimes only works for a particular gender. Story comes first. Gender gets picked depending on how the story turns out.


Currently, this is true to an extent. You cannot have a romance with the same gender companion as your toon. While the rest of the story arc continues as usual, there is a lot of story content with the romance arcs. I did feel like I missed out on story by not pursuing Quinn as a love interest. The personalities that seem to fit with my Sith Warrior were the ladies and Pierce. And Pierce has, um, commitment issues. :p When Bioware does implement SGRs, it'll give more people access to that romantic content. It'lll help free up more options for people to pursue the romance arcs that they wish. They also said that it'll come along with other story updates later in the year. As a total roleplaying nerd, I'm excited about all the new choices for everyone ahead. I hope it'll open more OGR options too(LS Jaesa, Vector, Pierce, Torian, ect ect) :cool:


Are we sure that BioWare will even implement SGRs? I had heard George Lucas was against the idea. Personally, I do not really care what the man who gave us Jar Jar Binks and Episode I-III has to say anymore. But Star Wars is his baby. So, if Lucas says "No SGRs," I doubt BioWare would do it anyway.


Please see the link and quote I posted a bit ago. This latest press release regarding Bioware's stance and intentions with SGRs was directly related to ToR. The game company has also very recently had to speak out for SGRs in ME3. If you google it, you will find an article from every month this year about Bioware reaffirming their stance about including LGBT content in their games. I was surprised when I found that out.


Also, if the original owner of the IP(in this case Lucas) says no to something, they sure wouldn't let the game company/film maker/novelist ect working on that property to say, "Yes, X will be there. No doubt, it's being worked on." This simply becomes a bad business move. It's detrimental to lie about something like that. Especially to customers and even moreso to investors. In short, if Lucas didn't approve, Bioware would have never started talking about SGRs in The Old Republic in the first place. ;)


I must say, I love your signature. My father and husband are both engineers, so I know how true that line is. :D


Edit: You do know that Lucas has professed a real dislike for Jar-Jar, and has a life-sized statue of Jar-Jar frozen in carbonite in his office, right? That pic you might have seen on the net of Jar-Jar frozen is actually in George's office. :cool:


Edit #2: I believe KoToR 2 had SGRs in it, according to some of the posters here. So from the video game Star Wars EU alone, there has been a precedent for SGRs that Lucas had to give the green light on. There is a ton of examples from the canonized novels and comics as well of SGR relationships. Since they are considered a part of the Star Wars canon, Lucas had to sign off on it. If you want specific examples, ask away and one of our lovely lore hounds shall assist you. :D


I never played the game when it was first out. Sadly, KoToR 1&2 copies available to purchase from Amazon have to be patched and edited to Hades and back in order to get it to work on Windows 7(or Vista) without a total BSOD or simply crashing windows. :( There is a legitimate method on the net to get a fix, and KoToR 1 seems to have the hardest compatibly issues. The sequel isn't as hard to fix, but I haven't been up for 4+ hrs worth of backups, patches, moving .dll files, ect. At least not yet. I still have this game, and my borrowed copy of DA:O to get through. Not to mention the 7th Guest.

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Woohoo for Jaesa love! I still think LS Jaesa should be a choice open to all. :cool:[/color]


*fistbump* :D Awwwww yeeeaaaaahhhh!!!


I agree there! She would be perfect for a femSW. For my dude though, I'll stick with Vette. Much more fitting since my Warrior is a smart*** when dealing with Sith Lords. A companion that actually enjoys trolling Baras as much as I do. Gotta love that! :D Jaesa isn't down with smart***es, though. :p


Yes, I'm even a smart*** with Vowrawn. Mostly because he's a smart*** back. That guy is Classic! :D


"Make sure you bring your holocamera and record it!" - SW


"Oh, if only we could sell tickets!" - Vowrawn.


Yep, that's homies right there. :cool:

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*fistbump* :D Awwwww yeeeaaaaahhhh!!!


I agree there! She would be perfect for a femSW. For my dude though, I'll stick with Vette. Much more fitting since my Warrior is a smart*** when dealing with Sith Lords. A companion that actually enjoys trolling Baras as much as I do. Gotta love that! :D Jaesa isn't down with smart***es, though. :p

Hmm... I haven't seen much of LS Jaesa's story; my SW is pretty much with Vette all the time, and what little I've seen of Jaesa makes her seem kinda bland. But eventually I'll hit level 50 and be making enough money to buy enough gifts to get Jaesa to open up. :D


What I'm really hoping for in regards to Jaesa is that she's available for SGR as Dark Side. My current, male SW has redeemed himself - Vette liking it when he smarted off to Darth Baras was a huge contributing factor - but I plan to play a female SW as dark, sinister, brutal, and utterly devoted to the Sith. So yes, DS Jaesa would be perfect for that.


...we really need an "evil" smiley. Just sayin'.


On a side note, I was discussing SGRs with some guildmates a few days ago, and one of them still thought that SGRs would only be with new companions. I told him (I think it's a him) all that we know, but the misconception is still out there. If I'm right about BioWare adding SGRs to current companions, that makes me wonder how many surprised people are going to be out there when the story patch hits and suddenly companions start showing different sides. :p We'll probably see a fair bit of forum ranting, hopefully accompanied by the mighty banhammer falling upon those who take things too far. But I do hope we see some people saying that they didn't expect the sudden relationship but found themselves enjoying it. :)

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Please see the link and quote I posted a bit ago. This latest press release regarding Bioware's stance and intentions with SGRs was directly related to ToR. The game company has also very recently had to speak out for SGRs in ME3. If you google it, you will find an article from every month this year about Bioware reaffirming their stance about including LGBT content in their games. I was surprised when I found that out.


All right. Fair enough. I can wait. I just wish I knew that before hand. I don't like missing out on any part of a story.


I must say, I love your signature. My father and husband are both engineers, so I know how true that line is. :D


I miss Deforest Kelley.


Edit: You do know that Lucas has professed a real dislike for Jar-Jar, and has a life-sized statue of Jar-Jar frozen in carbonite in his office, right? That pic you might have seen on the net of Jar-Jar frozen is actually in George's office. :cool:
Off topic, but Jar Jar's place in the Star Wars universe, at the end of the day, falls at the feet of Lucas. I know about his carbonite Jar Jar. Lucas still OK'ed that gungan. If he publically admitted that he doesn't like the character now, he's faaaaaaaaaaar too late.
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Hmm... I haven't seen much of LS Jaesa's story; my SW is pretty much with Vette all the time, and what little I've seen of Jaesa makes her seem kinda bland. But eventually I'll hit level 50 and be making enough money to buy enough gifts to get Jaesa to open up. :D


I haven't seen her LS story either, but I really hope she becomes bisexual as either alignment. :cool: Dark Jedis should be able to fall in love and get married since they are no longer technically apart of the Order. Plus, I would like to see the LS side of the story and be able to see if she couldn't bring out a softer side on a new SW down the road.


What I'm really hoping for in regards to Jaesa is that she's available for SGR as Dark Side. My current, male SW has redeemed himself - Vette liking it when he smarted off to Darth Baras was a huge contributing factor - but I plan to play a female SW as dark, sinister, brutal, and utterly devoted to the Sith. So yes, DS Jaesa would be perfect for that.


That's pretty much how I've played Kit. She really sees the Empire as more of a way to gain power and thus, manipulating the Force more effectively. When I met Jaesa and turned her DS, that was the first time in the game I wanted to start SGRs. Spoiler alert for the DS Jaesa story quest! :csw_redsaber:



I'll admit, the whole "let's exterminate LS Sith thing" did creep me out. So did the "I can't remember if I killed my lover or not," conversation.



DS Jaesa would work perfectly for Kit at this point. While she enjoys Vette humor and lightheartedness, she doesn't understand Vette like she used to. Unlike my JK, who evolved into a more compassion person with a penchant for snark, my SW has gotten more colder and focused. She figures she'll let Jaesa have fun with her little "hobby" and then try to see what other new experiences my SW could show her. ;)


...we really need an "evil" smiley. Just sayin'.


Well, this one looks devilish and smiling at the same time. :jawa_evil:


Here's one more that I thought worked as well. :tran_cool:

On a side note, I was discussing SGRs with some guildmates a few days ago, and one of them still thought that SGRs would only be with new companions. I told him (I think it's a him) all that we know, but the misconception is still out there. If I'm right about BioWare adding SGRs to current companions, that makes me wonder how many surprised people are going to be out there when the story patch hits and suddenly companions start showing different sides. :p We'll probably see a fair bit of forum ranting, hopefully accompanied by the mighty banhammer falling upon those who take things too far. But I do hope we see some people saying that they didn't expect the sudden relationship but found themselves enjoying it. :)


It's really going to take some players aback, that's for certain. :jawa_biggrin: It'll be intriguing to see not only how the majority of the player base takes it, but even the players that post here frequently. There will be the usual debates("I'm okay with Y, but they should have used more of X") and of course new detractors coming in. The detractors tend to have varying levels of politeness and input to the thread. There is a few of them that will be outright destructive in their remarks. Yet, I take comfort in knowing that flagging and ignoring the flames will go a long way to keep things civil and constructive. :tran_grin:


I have to say that I'm really looking forward to spoiler tags talking about the differences in conversations between the companions. For example, I'd be very curious about what is Kira's SGR dialog and how that could possibly change the love story. She's the first companion in the game(with the classes I've played) that I really felt attached to. While I certainly felt that Vette and Jaesa tied into my SW's story well, they didn't have the same level of immersion for me as the tale of Khaz and Kira. I am also looking forward to who is going to be available. I still think some are a gimmie for SGRs(such as Vette, Jaesa, Corso and Kailyo) and I think a few will really surprise us(perhaps Aric or Andronikos as an example?) I think SGRs are going to tie in nicely with the coming platonic and OGR story update.


I do wonder what they meant by "the full story" though? I don't think it's an expansion(that would fall into the "pay for gay" that I've heard some concerns about.) Thoughts?

Edited by natashina
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