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Gender Equality


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IF the Legacy comics end up getting retconned, I will miss her. She's my other Dark Side fantasy girl.... right after a young Zash. <3

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I would like a male bodytype that's overweight, but not cartoonishly overweight. Something equivalent to female bodytype 4, but for males. It seems like male characters have to either be short lanky teenager, not as short lanky teenager, superhero buff, or the blob.


For female bodytypes, I wish build and height were separated or if there was more diversity. Female bodytypes 1, 2, and 4 are all the exact same bodytype except for their bust and hip sizes. Why can't I be tall and thin with small breasts?


As for the slave outfit thing, I think it would be nice if there was a male equivalent. I know a guy who's generally a fan of the shirtless barbarian types you see in a lot of settings. Maybe there should be a set for males that allows them to show off their bodies as much as the slave outfit allows females to show off their bodies.


The female slave outfit shouldn't be removed from the game though. People keep saying "Why would you fight in that!?" It's not like Leia chose to wear that in the movies. Maybe someone decides to RP they'd been captured by a Hutt, or are a dancer, or just a scantly clad Sith Lord like Talon, or something. There are a lot of possibilities.


Also, social gear generally tends to be "just for fun" aesthetic stuff, usually aimed at people who don't care about the technical real-world practicality of an outfit. They just want their Sage to heal in a slave outfit because it amuses them. Whatever. WoW has tuxedos. Not everyone is an RPer or lore-adherent.

Edited by Rojahar
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The obvious reason is large females Don't exist in the starwars

Unless there are female Hutts but I've never seen one


Also males have bare chests in game and females don't

So slave outfit for males is not needed Unless you want them in tight leather masks

Chained to something and iif that's the case this probly isn't the game you're looking for


As for what people would wear in public google "people of Walmart"

Edited by denpic
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IIRC during the guild summit one of the devs mentioned adding male slave outfits in the future.


yea, the guy that asked it was asking for apaprently a type 4 body sith pureblood in his guild that wanted one. Also, you can see the slave/dancer outfits as RP gear. Those who fight in it are a tad out of their mind.

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The obvious reason is large females Don't exist in the starwars

Unless there are female Hutts but I've never seen one


Also males have bare chests in game and females don't

So slave outfit for males is not needed Unless you want them in tight leather masks

Chained to something and iif that's the case this probly isn't the game you're looking for


As for what people would wear in public google "people of Walmart"




although quinn in a leather harness and gimp mask...

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I'm not trying to get "nitty gritty", I'm talking about our customization being limited for what feels like sexist reasons. Why do they include a "sexy outfit" for women but not for men? Why do they allow men to have overweight characters, but women can't?


If I wanted to get nitty-gritty, I'd start going into being left-handed or having body scars and tattoos.


Because real men aren't supposed to look sexy, they're supposed to work hard and solve problems. It is left to prim and pretty man-boys to doll themselves up and pose for underwear commercials.

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Some of you seem to be missing the point.


Equality is about us all having the same opportunities. And if we don't all have the same opportunities to objectify our companions, regardless of gender, then that's not equal at all.


In my opinion, male body type 4 looks incredibly stupid. Female body type 4 is, on the other hand, sexy as hell. A brick house, if you will. The disparity is a bit jarring, but I personally have no idea how one would go about fixing it without adding a Body Type 5 for both genders.


I don't know if I would say the game is overtly sexist. Did Bioware make a conscious decision to say that women will not have something that men will have? I doubt it. They probably just overlooked their female market. And sadly, that is not uncommon. It's not even unexpected or surprising. But it is frustrating.

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I do think that more outfits should have more gender options. I notice with the force users especially that some chest pieces show the belly off on the ladies. How 'bout a few that show the chest off on a male? A male's slave set would probably be the best vanity option.

As far as body types, there should be a "fatter" female body type. 1 and 2 are really close to each other. And as far as obese being unreasonable- you can totally be a smuggler who never actually does the labor or a sith who indulges a little too much and uses the force to lift the remote. If you eat more than you burn in calories, you're still gonna put on weight.

So, I vote yes on a fatty, and yes on objectifying males.

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Why is it NOT possible to have a male dancer and slave outfit or an overweight female character but it IS possible to have a female dancer and slave outfit or a male overweight character?


It seems like the star wars universe is promoting women as needing to be perfect, slim, and sexy, but males can let themselves go and have to dress modestly.


I know it seems a silly issue to bring up, but if the game is going to have gender equality, it should have it in more than just romance options.


I actually agree.


One thing that actually frustrated me was the portable holo dancer. I am a guy and I would have actually preferred a male holo dancer with skimpy cloths.


It's only one tiny little example, but I've wondered how females who are playing the game feel about the holo dancer. Even if they think it looks cool, isn't it odd that you weren't gifted with a vanity item for your "viewing pleasure" as part of pre-ordering, yet your male counterparts were?


To be honest, some of the things in this game (the slave girl costume, the holo dancer) give me the impression that some of the aesthetic differences between men and women in this game are created by guys who have never been with another girl before so they want to lust in the game.


I'm sorry, I do know my thought of that is probably offensive... but as a male I just find the portrayal of gender differences in swtor to be quite offensive, so I guess we're even.

Edited by Shlamorel
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One thing that actually frustrated me was the portable holo dancer. I am a guy and I would have actually preferred a male holo dancer with skimpy cloths.


When my husband and I were talking about whether or not we wanted to order the CE, the topic of the holodancer came up. I said, "What would I want a female holodancer for?" And he gave me this blank look and said, "Wait, wouldn't female characters get a male dancer?" He thought it would be obvious. Even better of course if you simply got to choose which one you wanted with no restrictions.


Yes, it is simply about equality. When you find out that some players get to enjoy certain aspects of the game that are not an option for you, you sometimes wonder why they bothered to leave you out. Why not just make everything open to everyone? We all get to have fun that way.

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When my husband and I were talking about whether or not we wanted to order the CE, the topic of the holodancer came up. I said, "What would I want a female holodancer for?" And he gave me this blank look and said, "Wait, wouldn't female characters get a male dancer?" He thought it would be obvious. Even better of course if you simply got to choose which one you wanted with no restrictions.


Yes, it is simply about equality. When you find out that some players get to enjoy certain aspects of the game that are not an option for you, you sometimes wonder why they bothered to leave you out. Why not just make everything open to everyone? We all get to have fun that way.


I'm really happy to read this. I don't mean I'm happy that you didn't get your male holo dancer either, I just mean that I wasn't crazy in realizing this.


It's called privilege. When people have it and aren't aware of it, it can really bias their perceptions. In the case of SWTOR, most of us men are privileged because we live in an electronic world where girls can wear skimpy clothes and we never have to worry about seeing skimpy men. Many things in the galaxy suit (heterosexual) men's tastes.


However, once you realize other people who enjoy the game are looking at from a very different perspective, a lightbulb goes off. I may not be a girl, but I don't have to be to imagine what it's like for all these little things to crop up.


So back to the topic I again ask, why don't female (or other male, for that matter) players have the luxury of seeing male characters walk around in skimpy clothing? It seems only fair.

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When my husband and I were talking about whether or not we wanted to order the CE, the topic of the holodancer came up. I said, "What would I want a female holodancer for?" And he gave me this blank look and said, "Wait, wouldn't female characters get a male dancer?" He thought it would be obvious. Even better of course if you simply got to choose which one you wanted with no restrictions.


Yes, it is simply about equality. When you find out that some players get to enjoy certain aspects of the game that are not an option for you, you sometimes wonder why they bothered to leave you out. Why not just make everything open to everyone? We all get to have fun that way.


I have another one: I like how (at least, in my female inquisitor's case), all of the questgivers call her sir... yet for the companion romance options I am stuck with only the option to romance males.


In other words, they didn't put in the effort to go back and say "ma'am" in the voice acting, but they took the time to make sure that only certain sexes were able to romance certain sexes. Why not just leave the options open in all these cases - let people choose what they want? It actually seems like it'd be less work for them to make sex restrictions - no extra coding/voice acting based on sex.

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I have another one: I like how (at least, in my female inquisitor's case), all of the questgivers call her sir... yet for the companion romance options I am stuck with only the option to romance males.


In other words, they didn't put in the effort to go back and say "ma'am" in the voice acting, but they took the time to make sure that only certain sexes were able to romance certain sexes. Why not just leave the options open in all these cases - let people choose what they want? It actually seems like it'd be less work for them to make sex restrictions - no extra coding/voice acting based on sex.


The "sir" thing is actually explained in the game's codex. "Sir" is used for anyone of higher ranking, or someone you respect.


To be technical, there is nothing wrong with addressing a female officer/higher-up with "sir". It is still quite correct. If anything, wouldn't saying women should be address via "ma'am" be against the idea of equality? That viewpoint of you should see a "soldier" and not a "man" or a "woman" when you address someone in the military.


Something like that.

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Because life is not fair, and no one wants to see a man in a skimpy outfit.


Actually modern games are becoming more fair, in terms of appealing, to a wider demographic. Also there are plenty of people, who would love to see men in more revealing clothing.


Please Bioware, bring on the male slave dancer outfits...or give us the option to hide our chest armor graphic.

Edited by JediElf
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I do!

This game badly needs more sparkly man flesh


yes, yes and YES



it is NOT fair that vector wears clothing UNDER his clothing


i know it gets cold in alderaan... but as a chiss i can show him how to keep warm on cold planets:cool:

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The "sir" thing is actually explained in the game's codex. "Sir" is used for anyone of higher ranking, or someone you respect.


To be technical, there is nothing wrong with addressing a female officer/higher-up with "sir". It is still quite correct. If anything, wouldn't saying women should be address via "ma'am" be against the idea of equality? That viewpoint of you should see a "soldier" and not a "man" or a "woman" when you address someone in the military.


Something like that.


Thanks for correcting me :) I wasn't aware.

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