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Whats wrong with Swtor? Well, not the game anyway.


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There was no Quest helper when WoW released thats the reason why players used general chat!

Now try level between 1-85 in wow. Chat is empty because you dont need help anymore.

There are many HC quests in SWTOR. So players looking for players to complete them.

There is a codex to learn your Stats/Class etc...In WoW i had to look forums to learn my stat priority or intellect/crit chance calculation( eyonix wrote :) ). You can find many many information about your game in SWTOR.

There was a Damage meter in Wow so you were chatting like " I HAVE TO KNOW WHICH SPEC IS IMBA!!! ).

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well as for me i preferring levelling or doing quests solo, i only join parties if i'm really bored, with swtor you have lots of things to do and someone mentioned that you have to start the conversation as well, i agree with that, whenever i do wz im always the one to start the conversation and then everyone will chat.


i guess it depends on the players as well, or maybe a server merge for the less populated servers? yeah that would've been nice

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except for the recent drop in population, i havnt noticed the issues you mentioned...

on all planets throughout levelling there was usually lively enough chat6 in general. people up for grouping quests or just random conversations.

since the population drop theres still some of that chat, only to a lesser extent (for obvious reasons).

the fleet's arent LFG spam only (although some people like to spam "LFG for esseles normal for social/alignment").

Edited by WobblyBits_X
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Unfortunately, I'm going to have to agree with this. I hear a lot of people, despite all the usual social avenues available in the game, going on about it being a single player game and how it's so boring. The real reason has nothing at all to do with the game itself and everything to do with the lack of people using the tools allotted to them by the game developer, or even attempting to create a sense of community.


It seems that there are too many folks who'd rather argue, or be trollish if they decide to interact with fellow players at all. The forums is a prime example of this. General chat is often another, on a busy server. One can lead the proverbial "horse to water, but you can't make it drink". ;)


I have played MMO'S for 7 years so have heard alot of stuff on chat, to the ones who say it's hard to find groups well there is a magic button and it puts a symbol next to your name saying you are looking for group that is what I use and have used that many times and had a fantastic run and on my frends list they go. Thats how to start up a group of friends and chat together. Alot of times people are picking up quests and are in the story line when others are chatting, this is totaly new to new people and when trollers get on and a new person playing mmo for first time askes a question what do they get trolled and you wonder why they dont use chat! just think everyone first started playing games and did you like being trolled ? Hmmmm the ones who do troll congratulations to you for mucking up chat hope your proud of it BTW if you use chat to LFG guess what im not comming if you use the proper tools provided with the game ill invite or Ill join no problems at all.How do you kill a troll DONT LISTERN TO THEM OR TALK TO THEM!!! thats why there is another button to stop you seeing them on chat very handy indeed.

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This game was my first MMO.... so I have no frame of reference..


Problem #1 I see with TOR isn't the game- it's the players. There is a lot of selfish behavior going around in HM's that needs to come to a stop. Because it makes the group content unenjoyable. Healers seem to be one of the most common specs- but healers for HM are a rarity- and it's because healing for the wrong group just isn't any fun.


Problem #2 people seem to be trying to pigeon hole this game into the "holy trinity" of tnaks healers and DPS's. When HM are actually possible wihtout it. Sure you need someone who can at least sort of tank. And someone that can at least sort of heal - but hybrid specs are actaully quite possible in this game. And enrage timers can easily be beaten by groups with more than 1 healer.


Problem #3 the gear gap for fresh 50's is too large, and the stat gap between your firs tset of raid gear and the BiS gear is WAY too large. This has made players too gear greedy, and too focused on getting to the endgame gear.


Problem #4 the venders in the game establish maximum prices that can be charged for crafted goods - but the cost of lowbie mats is determined soley by how many 50's are willing to spam crew missions for mats. Gathering skill level ought to unlock a different set of missions for lowbie mats that have higher costs- but yield much higher quantities of mats. So that 50's can easily market lowbie crafted goods, without having to deal with dozens of mission reports. Most 50's won't bother because of the hassle. Inflation

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we need 2 new storys 1 empire and 1 republic... Group Storylines would be a great venture... get a group ship and be able to do 1-50 in a group setting, just like single player except it would not give companions and would only be playable with the group you start it with. and for those that are already 50 it can have a HM setting too.
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this community is total garbage. most people that play swtor live to be total toolsheds. the only other game ive played that has more elitest *****s in it is league of legends.


for instance, theres this guy on my server that does nothing but talk **** and call everyone "brew"


brew? i can handle bro, brah, mang, but ****in brew?

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Ummm you realize that when in a group a lot of the quest and dialogue changes, also you can just dismiss your companion if they are bugging you. My friend and I travel around and do just about every quest together and i've meet plenty of people along the way of whom i'm doing the same with.


"The community is ****."

Your one of the many people not helping that at all.


Also just to end this whole debate, those of you who have or have used an xbox 360 will understand this. Remember when it started? Remember when online games were nothing but mad **** talk between players and a bunch of bs'ing and muting them only worked for one round of the game? Remember that? Well look now who do you talk to now, why is in-game chat so quiet? NO ONE WANTS TO TALK TO EACH OTHER IN SOCIETY BECAUSE EVERYONE IS A-HOLES! And those who do end up talking to each other usally end up being cool with each other.

Edited by Kiojin
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Ive acutally made a new tabs that have general/pvp/trade turnned off because of the crap that spews from all the trolls mouths. I have Ops/Guild/Party chat. Typing and fighting and doing stuff do not go well together so we all use Vent/TS3/mumble. Its the most efficent way of playing.
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My own perspective.


The community itself

The biggest problem isnt a lack of functions, Bioware or Kermit the Frog. It is the lack of a living, breathing community. No one is speaking in the general chat, and the game lacks those well known players that everyone knows the name of. Its a game of total anonymity and solo levelling. And if you didnt sign up with a few friends you might as well play any offline mmo. Every planet you get to feels like a huge instanced solo mission. Sure you see ppl everywhere but its like they were all mutes. They just run past you with their companions.



Whatever dude nobody speaks, because nobody plays, everyone's pissed this game is failing so hard it's kinda funny. Most review sites now call it biowares worst blunder yet, it's going to be the worst fail in MMO history.

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My own perspective.


The community itself

The biggest problem isnt a lack of functions, Bioware or Kermit the Frog. It is the lack of a living, breathing community. No one is speaking in the general chat, and the game lacks those well known players that everyone knows the name of. Its a game of total anonymity and solo levelling. And if you didnt sign up with a few friends you might as well play any offline mmo. Every planet you get to feels like a huge instanced solo mission. Sure you see ppl everywhere but its like they were all mutes. They just run past you with their companions.



Whatever dude nobody speaks, because nobody plays, everyone's pissed this game is failing so hard it's kinda funny. Most review sites now call it biowares worst blunder yet, it's going to be the worst fail in MMO history.


All they need to do is merge serveral servers into big ones. Problem solved.

If I want to talk but there's like <10 in each zone that kind of make it pointless.

The only place were I get to talk alot is in the wzs. :p

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Ummm you realize that when in a group a lot of the quest and dialogue changes, also you can just dismiss your companion if they are bugging you. My friend and I travel around and do just about every quest together and i've meet plenty of people along the way of whom i'm doing the same with.


"The community is ****."

Your one of the many people not helping that at all.


Also just to end this whole debate, those of you who have or have used an xbox 360 will understand this. Remember when it started? Remember when online games were nothing but mad **** talk between players and a bunch of bs'ing and muting them only worked for one round of the game? Remember that? Well look now who do you talk to now, why is in-game chat so quiet? NO ONE WANTS TO TALK TO EACH OTHER IN SOCIETY BECAUSE EVERYONE IS A-HOLES! And those who do end up talking to each other usally end up being cool with each other.



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I have been trying to create Community as much as possible. To do that I:


Say something in General Chat that hopefully spurs conversation: "Did anyone watch the new Community/Modern Family/ Hunger Games movie?"


Usually that doesnt work, but every once in a while.


When I sign on, I ALWAYS ALWAYS set an LFG Comment. I use it all the time, though sadly too few people do, including the ones that are looking for groups.


Weekdays its hard to get a group, even when I try to bug ingame friends or guild members.


Try to be helpful in Chat. I told everyone I could that the 40 minute balloon was coming on Tatooine for the Datacron because everyone can use it.


No one came...


Joined a Guild with some nice players, and try to get groups going around the same level.


People miss chat conversations because they are busy with questing or whatnot.



I played 2 other MMOs before, and I have always had friends that started up with me and I quested with. This is the first MMO that I am going solo and I have tried to do as many Heroics and FPs as possible.


I am on a Standard Server PVE and the Community has been... ok. There are times that it is terrible and too quiet on Tatooine.


Server Merges might help this the most though.

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There's no reason to socialize in this game. Sadly, not that you need one but a lot of people are not the type to just press ENTER and start yapping about random stuff.


No one is dependant to each other aside from a few key situation... heroics, flashpoints and operations. Aside from that, everything else is single player oriented.


I hate to play the compare game but back in a game like SWG.


I became friend with a Local tailor living a few kilometers away. Since I was such a generous buyer, she introduced me to a weapons crafter who eventually ask me for some help against an imperial guild harassing his city... Becoming friends with the mayor of his city, my guild's city and his made an event. The prize required a serious group of crafters and raiders to get lots of kraith tissue and ..... I could go on for 10 pages.



in SWTOR... Not a fraction of that exist here. Ranked PVP will bring a few groups together but we will mostly be elites versus elites and the rest.


If I do quit this game it will be because of the poorly integrated social aspect.

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TOR simply has no content that promotes interaction, community, socialization.


Its been called a Massively Single Player Role Playing Game and for me thats BANG ON THE MONEY when discribing TOR.


Great Single player game with limited multiplayer content.




Can't really phrase it any better.

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For one thing, people need to stop trolling new players on the station. Many times when a new player asks a question, it will be followed up by a number of sarcastic responses. If someone is trying to find something on the station, I will invite them to a group, say 'come to me,', buff them, then head on my way. Once in a while I feel like chilling, so I'll ask them if they have any questions and play tech support for them.


You need to make the community what you want it to be. If you want people to be rude, then troll, if you want a more positive community, then help other people out.

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Your correct.



I warned EA RPG division of this in beta and presented a number of concepts to address these issues but other then the form letter feedback of "were working on it" when the threads got to huge to ignore, nothing has been done to address the community and what not.


Much of the problem is actually Vent and other chat programs.


In beta we were not allowed to use them (and I beleive most didnt because of it) and you actually saw very lively and entertaining and interactive communities forming on a daily bases.


But once the game went live and the initial 3 weeks of newb questions wore off, it was dead silence out there (Ive tried 3 different servers myself (1 imp and 2 republic) and all are the same way. I even know personally players that close the chat box right off and only chat via voice to guild.


Its a real issue with modern day MMORPGs.

NOT a WOW problem though as in Rift, there was a active community when chasing RIFTs and other general activities that allowed players to interact with those outside their guilds.


DAoC (pre RAs) community was amazing because of realm defences when defending against Hib or Mid Relic attacks. The entire Albion realm on server came togather and we communicated via general chat.


TOR simply has no content that promotes interaction, community, socialization.


Its been called a Massively Single Player Role Playing Game and for me thats BANG ON THE MONEY when discribing TOR.


Great Single player game with limited multiplayer content.


And Patch 1.2 does nothing to fix any of this. If anything Patch 1.2 enhances and propells the individualism and solo concept even more.


But lets be honest, its to late to add now anyways. TOR could have been THE MMORPG of 2012 and for years to come. Instead it needs to settle with being a great single player RPG with a small amount of multiplayer content.


And no, GW2 isnt going to be the saving grace of the MMORPG genre (for those that feel the need to advertise that "game" in every thread that points out TOR issues).


MMORPG genre is stagnant right now till some big thinkers come along.But with the industry as a whole not hiring or rewarding idea people, expect more of the same for the next while.


PS: Guilds actually hold much of the blame to this. Back in the day Guilds were about community and socialization. Now a days they about Raiding, PVP, numbers. They have lost all aspects of community and socialization and this "find a good guild" is a myth.


But a guild is just a clique anyways. When players speak of community and society and interaction they are typically looking for the server, not 10-20 people only.


When someone tells me to find a good guild, that just tells me the person doesnt understand the problem being spoken about.


And again, guilds today typically use voice chat contained to their guild, which enhances the lack of communication and socialization for the entire community.


Then games start adding guild only content and guild only rewards and suddenly the game is rewarding anti social and anti community behavior and practices.



Guilds are definately not the answer but they might very well be part of the problem now a days.

I think you and the OP have a similar understanding to me. agree totally.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe the problem here is that 90% of the player base has already played another MMO's. And it's a problem because of this:


People got used to MMO.


And that's all. At least for me. Let me explain. First, when i contacted an MMO (wich was "Fung Wan Online, wich later got named "Whatever Riders") i got incredibly excited by the fact of BEING ABLE TO BE RECOGNISED. It was utter cool to see "XNamez" pwn a whole clan by himself, or a clan being able to pwn 2 or 3 at the same time.


It was that feel of -Im going to be the baddest ****** in this hood!. Later, ofc, the dissapointment come when realising that you couldn't. But, in the meantime, you could put an effort to try and be at least as ****** as possible. It was new. Not owning ppl at "Counter Strike", not winning flawlessly a game of "Age Of Conquerors". It was forging your legend, and seeing things that surprise you in every single step.


Sadly. the years passed, and MMO's evolutioned into something "default".


Dont happenz to you guys (everyone that played one or more MMO's before) that nothing is new?. I mean, the skills for an instance:


Whatever Shot: Costs X Resource, Deals X DMG and roots your target in place.


Things like that automaticlly triggers something in your "Gamer Brain" that says: PVP Snare. You dont care about ir being a shot, a throw, a hurl, whatever. You just classify it into a PVP Snare.


Nothing surprises me as "Fung WAN" did in its days. The greatest feel of "newness" i felt was when first playing WOW. It had lotsa things to do, lotsa places to go, a freshly new way of moving, attacking (ok, not that new, but hella fluid), a new way of doing and delivering quests, a HUGE lore, lotsa ppl playing, a new perspective of "Trading Skills"... . Well, a lot.


What happens to me now, in this days before quitting WOW, is that im "tired" of MMO's. When i first catch TOR i thought: -Hell, a Star Wars WOW. I do like Star Wars a lot, so why not triying?.


Liked a lot the way the quests were presented, a TITANIC work of dubbing... it had that feel of newness wich i didnt find in any other MMO to the date. I mean, c'mon, an MMO with blaster, lazers, grenades, the force, not a single Fireball or Frostbolt... it had to work! it had to be cool. And it is.


BUT, the great problem came after a few lvls, where you were more or less tired of questing alone and bored, that you wanted to instajump to lvl 50 and do the endgame content.


Happened to me, i power-lvld myself to 50 with a Juggernaut. Guess what i did after?. Powerleveling an Agent to 50. And then? Quit.




The problem aint with the community in first place, its with the game itself. Like someone said before, QUEST TRACKER screwed most of doubts when questing. No need to read (or hear) the quest to know what it ts about, and more importantly, no need of questioning anyone about it.


Ol'MMO's gamers got straight to the point (wich is lvling) wich didnt help also. Problem? Ppl rushed to 50 to suddenly crash with the fact that you had nothing to do.


Where is the need of questioning anyone when there's no questions to make?

Where is the need of keep playing when there's no more game to play?

Where's the need of having a server full o'ppl, when you do not need them (when in a guild ofc)?

Where is the need of gearing epiclly, when there's no epic content to face?


Sad reality is that every "Experienced MMO'er" finds that most things in this game is already chewed and digested. No sense of "Being Lost", no sense of going forward (and having to find the way to).


People got already tired of "playing". Seems that BW "forgot" about the games having to be FUN. When not 50, your duty aint having fun, it's just leveling, When 50 is... well, gear up? get your trading skills to max? making credits? maximize whatever you want to maximize?.


Bioware failed to make a "Game" instead making a "Star Wars ambiented Mouse wheel" to keep us running , playing and more important, spending money.


There is community just because there is no need to. Really. The only "Common" activity you can do in TOR is... well, chatting. OFC you can look for a HM Black Talon or grind Valor... but all of that feels... well, old.


I do not feel encouraged to play when hitting 50, thus, not encouraged to socialise, not encouraged to gather ppl for a purpose. No server events, not a "Mega Evil Baddie" to kill, no ultrasecret godly weapon to get, no fantastic mounts to get, no ranked arenas, no way of getting known in the server besides your ubber gear.


Surely there zillions of ideas to get this game to the top as:

Private Stores, planet conquering, spaceship customization, spaceship races, ubber top secret skills to get doing god knows how many guild-jinvolving quests, credit involved minigames and the option to play them with other people (like a card game where you can set stakes), faction creation (to conquer actual real game places to forbid other players to buy-quest-gather things in there), not fearing to promote players above others thru deeds (for an instance, a player lider of faction being stronger than normal... way stronger. Why not?), multiplayer spaceship battles...


CMON BIOWARE you already got a huge sandbox, fill it with golden sand, and, on top of that, make ppl want to communicate with other, be able to recognise others for other things than gear...


My 2 cents.


P.D: Excuse poor English, learned it thru playing games and watching films in English, so excuse me again.


Edited by Natheedo
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Everything you stated is "wrong" with SWToR. Is the reasons I left WoW. I want to play a game not listen to or argue with trolls that find more fun in spam and trolling then playing the game.



THis post is rly your issue with ToR?



just go back to WoW and enjoy your fanboies playing pandabear pokemon. And talking crap all day.

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Darthwalt your post goes for me?. I eddited it anyway. You'll see that right now i like more TOR than WOW a zillion times.


1: Screw Kung Fu pandas

2: Not a WOW fanboy, just pointing experiences.

3: I EAGER to see this game succeeding. 4 Real.


Edited: And if posting your oppinion about the game state, the community state, and comparing it to other "succesful" games is trolling, that sums pretty much the trollish state of community, of people who waits to see the word "WOW" in a post to say:




Nuff said.

Edited by Natheedo
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This game was my first MMO.... so I have no frame of reference..


Problem #1 I see with TOR isn't the game- it's the players. There is a lot of selfish behavior going around in HM's that needs to come to a stop. Because it makes the group content unenjoyable. Healers seem to be one of the most common specs- but healers for HM are a rarity- and it's because healing for the wrong group just isn't any fun.


Problem #2 people seem to be trying to pigeon hole this game into the "holy trinity" of tnaks healers and DPS's. When HM are actually possible wihtout it. Sure you need someone who can at least sort of tank. And someone that can at least sort of heal - but hybrid specs are actaully quite possible in this game. And enrage timers can easily be beaten by groups with more than 1 healer.


Problem #3 the gear gap for fresh 50's is too large, and the stat gap between your firs tset of raid gear and the BiS gear is WAY too large. This has made players too gear greedy, and too focused on getting to the endgame gear.


Problem #4 the venders in the game establish maximum prices that can be charged for crafted goods - but the cost of lowbie mats is determined soley by how many 50's are willing to spam crew missions for mats. Gathering skill level ought to unlock a different set of missions for lowbie mats that have higher costs- but yield much higher quantities of mats. So that 50's can easily market lowbie crafted goods, without having to deal with dozens of mission reports. Most 50's won't bother because of the hassle. Inflation


This is one of my pet hates in manu MMOs'. Often, classes CAN be played in many different ways. But often, if you dont play it the "right" way, you get blocked from group work.


case in point, Sorcerers make fantastic DPS's, but people only want them to heal, nothing more. I dont want to heal, i dont mind doing a bit, but thats not the be all and end all of it. And i get frustrated when people expect me to change gear and talent specs so i get the "privalage" of joining their group



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Well I have seen some chatting in the general chat on coruscant and dromund kaas on the server I am on.(Jung Ma) I have been in some conversations to. Though that doesn't happen to often. Well atleast when I am on.
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