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Legacy race unlock is implemented poorly(constructive)


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First off let me preface that the idea of more race class combinations is a good thing. But there is an inherit flaw in the way race unlock works.


According to the video you can unlock races for classes IF YOU HAVE A CLASS WITH THE RACE ALREADY AT 50. That is the flaw for a two main reasons.



1: Many people make alts to be different. They have played one thing and want something different. Forcing a person to play one race on another character they may not care about is not a good way to get them to play that race on the character they do care about.


2: It punishes people who made common race choices like human, cyborg, and zabrak. Currently people may have a lvl 50 character with a common race and will have no meaningful race unlock because this system was not in. It means being forced into leveling yet another 50 to even get a race unlock first




For some it will be fantastic. For others, including myself, it will mean nothing. I played my Zabrak Sith Warrior to 50 with no regrets while waiting for this fabled unlock to try and play a Twi'lek Bounty Hunter. Now that is not even possible without first playing a class I do not care about as a Twi'lek.





I propose allowing more ways to unlock races than already having played one. Even if it's more difficult or costs more at least people won't be forced to preplay a race.

Edited by VoidSpectre
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Your first point has some merit, but your second point is inherently flawed because you fail to bring up that race unlocks include customization options locked to faction.


For example, you played a zabrak to 50. Sith zabrak have options that Republic zabrak do not. You will now have access to all of the customization options regardless of the zabrak's faction.


Want to play a red-skinned Republic zabrak? Now you can. Or how about the Republic-style cyborg options on your Sith cyborg? Now an option, provided you play a cyborg to 50.

Edited by Dezzi
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Purchasable race unlocks for all races except humans cost 1.5 million credits (humans cost 500k), and require Legacy Level 5.




If you've got a toon at 50, this is probably a cakewalk. :)


(Note that this is an alternate method to the "level toon to 50 to unlock its race".)

Edited by Jenovan
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Purchasable race unlocks for all races except humans cost 1.5 million credits (humans cost 500k), and require Legacy Level 5.




If you've got a toon at 50, this is probably a cakewalk. :)


(Note that this is an alternate method to the "level toon to 50 to unlock its race".)


thank goodness.


1.5mil seems pretty intense/high but doable at least.

Edited by VoidSpectre
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Your first point has some merit, but your second point is inherently flawed because you fail to bring up that race unlocks include customization options locked to faction.


For example, you played a zabrak to 50. Sith zabrak have options that Republic zabrak do not. You will now have access to all of the customization options regardless of the zabrak's faction.


Want to play a red-skinned Republic zabrak? Now you can. Or how about the Republic-style cyborg options on your Sith cyborg? Now an option, provided you play a cyborg to 50.


Not to mention, now people would be able to make Cyborg Jedi which they couldn't before. Cyborg weren't available to every Class like the Human and Zabrak Species. And even then, with the Zabrak you had Republic Appearance Options and Imperial Appearance Options

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1.5 mil is doable in 2 weeks *just* from dailies, a lot easier if you pvp and even more easier if you do space as well. If there is a specific species you want to unlock as soon as legacy hits, there is plenty of time to get the cash or, if you have spare time in your hands, to level a species just for that reason.


It really sickens me when every single thing that requires even a hint of effort is a game breaking problem these days.

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1.5 mil is doable in 2 weeks *just* from dailies, a lot easier if you pvp and even more easier if you do space as well. If there is a specific species you want to unlock as soon as legacy hits, there is plenty of time to get the cash or, if you have spare time in your hands, to level a species just for that reason.


It really sickens me when every single thing that requires even a hint of effort is a game breaking problem these days.


you obviously didn't read much. i didn't know about the 1.5mil since it says nothing about that in the video.


but good job on the whiner crackdown bud. keep up the good work. /sarcasm

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you obviously didn't read much. i didn't know about the 1.5mil since it says nothing about that in the video.


but good job on the whiner crackdown bud. keep up the good work. /sarcasm


And how exactly am I supposed to gauge how much easily available information you've bothered to acquire?


Oh, and thanks. I try my best but there's just so damn many of you.

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True. Which is why I think the race unlock is basically implemented as a money sink, and I rather suspect that the VAST majority of intentional unlocks will be done by purchase, not by leveling a character to 50.


(and by intentional unlocks, I mean unlocking a particular race because you want to use that race to create a certain character. I expect there will be a LOT of "unintentional" unlocks, since people will obviously be hitting lvl 50 with characters all the time. I just don't think many people will actually make use of that race they've unlocked)


Basically, I'm saying the "hitting lvl 50" unlock option is pointless. (except for humans... for which I'm thankful, as my only lvl 50 *is* a human)


Other than humans, there would be very little functional change for most peoples lives if they simply removed that method of unlocking, and made it purchase only.


The only people that would be upset, I guess, would be those that are intending to make a legacy of all sith or something like that where the parental relationships and everything would make sense, since they are the same race.

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It really sickens me when every single thing that requires even a hint of effort is a game breaking problem these days.

I don't mind working for something, its just that why should I have to work for something other people are getting for free randomly?

Give us an unlock token so we can get what we want.

I already put the effort of getting to 50 in, I wouldn't have made a human if I know it was related to race unlocks.


1.5 mil is doable in 2 weeks *just* from dailies, a lot easier if you pvp and even more easier if you do space as well. If there is a specific species you want to unlock as soon as legacy hits, there is plenty of time to get the cash or, if you have spare time in your hands, to level a species just for that reason.

Are you kidding? Just two weeks? I could have got a character to 30 in that time! So if you went to a store and had your $50 for a sweater, and they give you a blue one. What you want a red one? Just work an extra two weeks.

That sounds fair to you, right?

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Are you kidding? Just two weeks? I could have got a character to 30 in that time! So if you went to a store and had your $50 for a sweater, and they give you a blue one. What you want a red one? Just work an extra two weeks.

That sounds fair to you, right?



If it takes you 2 weeks to make 1.5 million doing dailies then you are doing it wrong. you can make 300-500k a day doing dailies depending on how many you do.

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First off let me preface that the idea of more race class combinations is a good thing. But there is an inherit flaw in the way race unlock works.


According to the video you can unlock races for classes IF YOU HAVE A CLASS WITH THE RACE ALREADY AT 50. That is the flaw for a two main reasons.



1: Many people make alts to be different. They have played one thing and want something different. Forcing a person to play one race on another character they may not care about is not a good way to get them to play that race on the character they do care about.


2: It punishes people who made common race choices like human, cyborg, and zabrak. Currently people may have a lvl 50 character with a common race and will have no meaningful race unlock because this system was not in. It means being forced into leveling yet another 50 to even get a race unlock first




For some it will be fantastic. For others, including myself, it will mean nothing. I played my Zabrak Sith Warrior to 50 with no regrets while waiting for this fabled unlock to try and play a Twi'lek Bounty Hunter. Now that is not even possible without first playing a class I do not care about as a Twi'lek.





I propose allowing more ways to unlock races than already having played one. Even if it's more difficult or costs more at least people won't be forced to preplay a race.


I think it should just be based on legacy level. I'm leveling all classes sorta simultaneously so all 8 character slots will reach 50 at around the same time. In otherwords, lvl 50 race unlock is completely useless to me because I don't play 1 story at a time. They realy take linear to a whole new level.

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I think it should just be based on legacy level. I'm leveling all classes sorta simultaneously so all 8 character slots will reach 50 at around the same time. In otherwords, lvl 50 race unlock is completely useless to me because I don't play 1 story at a time. They realy take linear to a whole new level.

Wow, I think that is a rare play style.

So you do the same world 8 times in a row? o_O

I would have quite after doing republic Taris 8 times XD

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If it takes you 2 weeks to make 1.5 million doing dailies then you are doing it wrong. you can make 300-500k a day doing dailies depending on how many you do.

I'm sure I could do it in one day if I played 24 hours on 6 different characters with slicing.

The point is I don't think I should have to if I have a character or more at 50 and I want to unlock a race different than what I played already. If I have a character at 50 I think I should have a 100% chance to get something want, if other people do.


If I just started the game now, I wouldn't mind so much. I still think a LOT of people don't want to play the same race again after they just got one to 50. I understand the whole family thing. But that shouldn't be forced upon us. You can create a legacy with NO blood relations. I plan to have a few. And I better be able to have a human and a cyborg be blood relations :mad:

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Purchasable race unlocks for all races except humans cost 1.5 million credits (humans cost 500k), and require Legacy Level 5.




If you've got a toon at 50, this is probably a cakewalk. :)


(Note that this is an alternate method to the "level toon to 50 to unlock its race".)

Um, wait. Why are Humans and Cyborgs even on that chart? Unless there have been new classes added there are no classes that those species cannot play. I can see Zabrak being there. They should be the cheapest since they only unlock faction specific features. But Humans and Cyborgs should not even be on that list. Don't let them trick you into paying for unlocks that you don't need to.



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Um, wait. Why are Humans and Cyborgs even on that chart? Unless there have been new classes added there are no classes that those species cannot play. I can see Zabrak being there. They should be the cheapest since they only unlock faction specific features. But Humans and Cyborgs should not even be on that list. Don't let them trick you into paying for unlocks that you don't need to.



Human unlocks give you a presence boost. The only actual game mechanic benefit.

Cyborg unlocks all the different cybernetic cosmetic options on both sides for any class.

Edited by Evgen
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I'm sure I could do it in one day if I played 24 hours on 6 different characters with slicing.

The point is I don't think I should have to if I have a character or more at 50 and I want to unlock a race different than what I played already. If I have a character at 50 I think I should have a 100% chance to get something want, if other people do.


If I just started the game now, I wouldn't mind so much. I still think a LOT of people don't want to play the same race again after they just got one to 50. I understand the whole family thing. But that shouldn't be forced upon us. You can create a legacy with NO blood relations. I plan to have a few. And I better be able to have a human and a cyborg be blood relations :mad:


level the race you want to 50 and use it across all class combinations OR get to the required legacy level and buy the race you want for whichever class you want. it's the same for everyone and no one has an advantage. all you have to do is work for it like everyone else. i don't see a problem here.

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I guess what I fail to understand (at the OP) is how come you expect so much from something that the company is giving you that they didn't have to in the first place?


How about BW just doesn't give legacy experience and if you want to roll another character using a race your stuck in what that race can do?


Sheesh, this generation of "I want my candy now" is out of control.:cool:

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This is not a good alternate solution. Expecting a person who just wants to play alts to grind millions of credits is not realistic.


it's completely realistic because you are choosing a race/class combo not normally offered. you have to WORK for something that is out of the norm, why is this such a hard concept to understand. it's rewarding the player for either leveling a specific race to cap or rewarding the player for going out and making the credits for something they want.


jeez you people act like making 1.5 mil credits is hard in this game.

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