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I think its pretty safe to say juggs are unhappy


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Aside from all the trolls saying that they play juggs and that we are getting buffed....



The good changes are...meh at best. The bad changes (Crash, 30% damage smash being moved to shared tree so marauders can take our best dps spec and do it better, etc) make me wonder.....why?



Really, what were they thinking? I was a bit ticked at first, but now after a week to think about it...i am just dumbfounded to what made them think this was a necessary change. To top it all off, no matter how we feel about it, we cannot get any response from them after asking for explanations. I really enjoyed this character this way it is as rage spec. Now....i dunno whats the point if they are gonna keep crippling classes.


What are your thoughts fellow juggs? Is the new hybrid spec gonna be the only saving grace? Is rerolling the best option? I dont care about not being FoTM....but i would like to at least be somewhat on par. Right now i think we are just fine compared to the other classes...some even say we need damage buffs but i don't. Now they just decided to fix something that was not broken.









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Aside from all the trolls saying that they play juggs and that we are getting buffed....



The good changes are...meh at best. The bad changes (Crash, 30% damage smash being moved to shared tree so marauders can take our best dps spec and do it better, etc) make me wonder.....why?



Really, what were they thinking? I was a bit ticked at first, but now after a week to think about it...i am just dumbfounded to what made them think this was a necessary change. To top it all off, no matter how we feel about it, we cannot get any response from them after asking for explanations. I really enjoyed this character this way it is as rage spec. Now....i dunno whats the point if they are gonna keep crippling classes.


What are your thoughts fellow juggs? Is the new hybrid spec gonna be the only saving grace? Is rerolling the best option? I dont care about not being FoTM....but i would like to at least be somewhat on par. Right now i think we are just fine compared to the other classes...some even say we need damage buffs but i don't. Now they just decided to fix something that was not broken.










The stun being attached to the Force Charge and the change to Thrown Gauntlet are absolutely terrible and are the biggest pvp nerfs to this class.

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Every AC other than Marauder/Sentinel are unhappy.


Marauder/Sentinel forums are filled with:


OMG I can't believe it YES!


They are making us better, I dominated before now I will be a GOD!


Every post is like that but the rest of the forums are all angry.

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im very unhappy with the patch, i consider myself a very good jugg player and with that i thought the class was WEAKER then most other classes especially to powertechs.. thats not to say i dont dominate in warzones but going to back to what i was saying, im amazed that they decided to nerf us in such a way and then to go to marauder forums and see they are not getting nerfed at all but getting BUFFED are u kidding me bioware? REALLY? REALLY?
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im assassin and im not unhappy with 1.2. i also have a jugg tho but i just never play him.


Assassin/Shadow & Mara/Sent got a decent patch in 1.2 (either buffed or left alone).


Juggernaut not so much, especially for some specs.




I can't really follow Bioware's thinking, although I doubt they'll change much as they never did when running Warhammer Online - what went to Public Test went Live almost no matter what. :(

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Aside from all the trolls saying that they play juggs and that we are getting buffed....



The good changes are...meh at best. The bad changes (Crash, 30% damage smash being moved to shared tree so marauders can take our best dps spec and do it better, etc) make me wonder.....why?



Really, what were they thinking? I was a bit ticked at first, but now after a week to think about it...i am just dumbfounded to what made them think this was a necessary change. To top it all off, no matter how we feel about it, we cannot get any response from them after asking for explanations. I really enjoyed this character this way it is as rage spec. Now....i dunno whats the point if they are gonna keep crippling classes.


What are your thoughts fellow juggs? Is the new hybrid spec gonna be the only saving grace? Is rerolling the best option? I dont care about not being FoTM....but i would like to at least be somewhat on par. Right now i think we are just fine compared to the other classes...some even say we need damage buffs but i don't. Now they just decided to fix something that was not broken.










I'm of the opinion the trolls are the one saying everything is terrible.


The next patch is fixing the Rage tree for it to flow better and is buffing threat and dps for Immortals aswell as damage. The vengence tree is getting a buff aswell with extra rage generation and a buff to ravage that makes it useful.


The only problem i see is that the new stun on charge is gonna trigger resolve earlier, but that will affect every class and not just ours. Did i mention we get a new defensive cooldown aswell?



So, tell me again who is trolling? Cause i dont see it the way you do.



Now if you ask me, are marauders OP? Yes, they definitly are. Incredible burst damage and some really annoying defensive cooldowns that last waaay too long (in particular the one that reduces all damage by like 99%).

Edited by Nemmar
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by removing force alacrity, rage will flow even worse then it already does.


nuff said.


I agree, sometimes I don't live 9 seconds for the second smash. Adding 3 seconds will create a lot of issues for me. I already barely win some 1v1 fights....


If we got the 99% damage reduction, I'd feel much better. We need a middle defensive help that doesn't cost rage.

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by removing force alacrity, rage will flow even worse then it already does.


nuff said.


They reduced the cooldown for the slowing dot i dont recall the name, so its absolutely the same.


Vicious slash will have a chance to refund the rage wich makes it alot more viable.


L2Read all the patch notes and not go on dumb rage at the first sign of something you dont like.


Seriosuly, half of you dont even read the patch notes and come here to QQ. All thats gonna do i make Bioware less likely to fix something that actually needs fixing.

Edited by Nemmar
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I think it's pretty safe to say that bad Juggernauts, and ones who don't actually know how the class works (see: bad Juggernauts), are the ones who are unhappy.


The good Juggernauts/Guardians that I know are ok with the patch notes, sans Crash. That one does need to go, as it serves no good purpose, and one really bad one.



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They reduced the cooldown for the slowing dot i dont recall the name, so its absolutely the same.


Vicious slash will have a chance to refund the rage wich makes it alot more viable.


L2Read all the patch notes and not go on dumb rage at the first sign of something you dont like.


Seriosuly, half of you dont even read the patch notes and come here to QQ. All thats gonna do i make Bioware less likely to fix something that actually needs fixing.


so what about smash and force scream our 2 main ability's?

vicious slash is and will be poop unless it becomes a force attack with 100% chance on crit to refund rage.

Edited by Notannos
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I rolled a Jugg specifically for the rage tree and that it was a better aoe class than marauders; so I always have to deal with the fact that I will be at 5% less effective at my spec because the class I rolled. For me, that is a tough pill to swallow.


I have little interest in tanking, but the 2 dps trees called to me. I find it frustrating that the best way to improve my Rage class, is not to learn it, or gear up properly, but reroll.


You can say I am qq'ing and you are right but the fact is any class would be upset if their premier pvp tree was not only nerfed but given to another class and buffed for them.

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It still blows my mind that in all of the immortal tree the only threat buff they gave us was to our 31 point talent. I mean, it seems like every two days some new 50 would come to these forums and ask 'Why can't I hold aggro on more than 1 mob?' Few ppl were complaining about our single target threat, thats what taunt is for. And that buff to crushing blow is tailor-made for single target threat. However, it has always been group threat where jugs stunk, and that looks to have gotten a bit worse with the nerfs to smash.


I'm not furious enough to quit, but when the word on the street was that jugs were supposed to get buffed in this patch I really don't consider what we got as a buff. We got a 2 second stun to charge, a self-heal that consumes rage and drops threat (which seems completely backwards btw). If I'm getting hit in PvP threat doesnt matter, and if i'm getting hit in PvE its because I'm tanking, so if anything I want more threat.


So yeah, overall 1.2 is pretty bleh for jugs...especially with all the hype that we were supposedly getting buffed.

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Lets not forget they raised our AoE taunt to a 45 sec recast, the one advantage in aggro we had over the other two tanks. Since taunts in this game give you a +30% threat over the highest on the hate list, -even if that person is you-, more taunts is always better taunts. The fact it's also our AoE taunt meants we'll have an even tougher time doing things like holding 8 dogs in EV while they are AoE'd down.


Thanks BW! Glad you're making the worst tank slightly worse, and not addressing any of the inheirent flaws in the class. Kudos!

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They reduced the cooldown for the slowing dot i dont recall the name, so its absolutely the same.


No reducing the CD on the 31 point talent (force exhaustion) won't stop you waiting on Smash.


Vicious slash will have a chance to refund the rage wich makes it alot more viable.


L2Read all the patch notes and not go on dumb rage at the first sign of something you dont like.


Seriosuly, half of you dont even read the patch notes and come here to QQ. All thats gonna do i make Bioware less likely to fix something that actually needs fixing.


You need to read this.

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I think it's pretty safe to say that bad Juggernauts, and ones who don't actually know how the class works (see: bad Juggernauts), are the ones who are unhappy.


The good Juggernauts/Guardians that I know are ok with the patch notes, sans Crash. That one does need to go, as it serves no good purpose, and one really bad one.





Nonsense, you're going to be worse off as a Rage Jugg whichever way you cut it.


Nerfing the spec and then trying to make people use filler is not a buff, it's still just a nerf.

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Maras are pure dps ac, deal with it, go tank something





Marauders can heal the entire team.


Marauders can put a runspeed / mitigation buff on the entire team.


Marauders can put a damage booster on the entire team.


Marauders can heal debuff.


Marauders have more dps and more anytime burst than Juggernauts.


Marauders have better defensive cooldowns by a friggin country mile than juggernauts.




Juggernauts can guard and / or taunt.


Juggernauts have 5% more mitigation due to heavy armor.

Edited by Vember
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Maras are pure dps ac, deal with it, go tank something


Your argument is invalid. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having heard it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Tanking is LOL in this game (especially PvP) and Juggy tanks are particularly lacking in agro generation. DPS classes should excel at DPS, that's fine...working as intended. But tank classes should have better defense, and they simply don't.

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You think it's safe to say? You THINK? People have been b*tching about this class from the jump. Check the sorc, sin, or BH forums and compare what you see. When I look for BH tips, I hardly see a thread about why BH's are disadvantaged. Every page in the jug forums has one of those. Our supposed defensive advantage is nowhere near substantial enough to make up for our lack of significant or constant dps. Heavy armor is a lie.
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I rolled a Jugg specifically for the rage tree and that it was a better aoe class than marauders; so I always have to deal with the fact that I will be at 5% less effective at my spec because the class I rolled. For me, that is a tough pill to swallow.


I have little interest in tanking, but the 2 dps trees called to me. I find it frustrating that the best way to improve my Rage class, is not to learn it, or gear up properly, but reroll.


You can say I am qq'ing and you are right but the fact is any class would be upset if their premier pvp tree was not only nerfed but given to another class and buffed for them.


IMO any class that chooses to roll dps spec should be just as viable of a choice as any other whether they only have pure dps trees or options for healing or tanking. Period. I see no reason why juggernauts cannot and will not ever be on par with marauders, and peoples arguments that it's a pure dps class so deal with it just baffles me.

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You think it's safe to say? You THINK? People have been b*tching about this class from the jump. Check the sorc, sin, or BH forums and compare what you see. When I look for BH tips, I hardly see a thread about why BH's are disadvantaged. Every page in the jug forums has one of those. Our supposed defensive advantage is nowhere near substantial enough to make up for our lack of significant or constant dps. Heavy armor is a lie.


I think the problem is in January they were saying this:


Bioware quote Posted by: Greg Zoeller (Official Thread)

Hi guys,


There are many different subjects discussed in this thread and I would like to take the opportunity to give you some information on the topics at hand.


First off, we currently have no indication that any class needs a huge buff. Class balance is defined by the interaction between classes and changes we make to one class will, inevitably, move the balance towards or from other classes. Our data and testing currently indicates that the Juggernaut and Guardian AC could use some buffing up in two areas where we see them underperforming against our expectations.


Here are some of the things we're planning to roll out in the short term specifically regarding Sith Warriors and Jedi Knights :


- Mobility/Anti Kiting (PvP) – We agree with the sentiment voiced by the community that some Guardians and Juggernauts have to work harder than other classes to stay within effective combat range, putting them at a disadvantage. We intend to address this in an upcoming patch where, as a first step, Force Push will clear the cooldown of Force Leap, granting for more reliable in combat pursuit capabilities to the Advanced Class. Further changes will be made if necessary.

- DPS spec survivability (PvP and PvE) – The DPS specs on Guardian and Juggernaut are performing to our expectations when it comes to the ability to create damage, especially of the burst variety. However their survivability is lagging behind our expectations, especially in the later game, and we are going to start addressing that particular issue in an upcoming patch.



And yet in 1.2 there are doing nothing like that really, just nerfing.

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