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Feedback request from James Ohlen: PvP


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Limit the max number of any given class that can be on the same side in the same WZ.


A Huttball game isn't fun when it is against 7 Sorcs. (full resolve giving immunity to roots would be a close second)

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That's why I said PVP server.


If you are on a PVP server, you should expect PVP to be a factor in everything.


If you don't, the PVE servers are ---------> over there.


I agree with you completely. But here is why i am here as a pve player in a pvp thread.

All to often in these games changes made on one server type gets put on both server types.

Youll notice that the only real coding difference from pvp server to pve server is the pvp flagging. My fear is that all these demands for faction bufs attachable main cities and hubs planet control and all of the other stuff if put in game will happen on pve servers also.

Surely people can see how that happening would be of a major concern for a pve server player.

IF BW came out and said they can do these things with out having them happen on the pve servers i would back all of yall's request. Yall did pick pvp servers for a reason and i support yall getting all the pvp you want.


But the facts ATM do not reflect that they can do such a thing. Even clearly pvp adjustments to classes are done on both pve and pvp servers. Unless BW says other wise i have to assume that any major changing effecting the worlds will happen on both server types.

This is one of the reasons i pushed for pure pve server type during beta with no response from bw.

If some of the changes i see being request here hit pve servers they will no longer be pve servers. They will just be pvp lite servers.

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One of the reasons I quit Wow was that with every new "season" for the first few weeks any and every casual player would be steamrolled by anybody that simply had more time to grind the new set. So if you could only play 1 hour a day and someone could play 20-30 hours a week, then by week 2 or 3 that someone would demolish you simply because he had the new gear and you didn't, making skill mostly irrelevant. That also included any powerful new items from PvE, especially items with powerful procs. So in that respect, I would like that NOT to be the case in SWTOR, ie I do not want every new patch to feel like a race to get the new set otherwise I will be a free kill for geared players for weeks to come.


Ways of doing that would be to have some sort of stats cap (regardless of your gear) that increases gradually every week, starting with the release of a new set of gear. So for example, your main stat can be maximum X for week 1 of patch 1.2, X + Y for week two, X+ Z for week 3 and so on until your max stats can be the ones provided by the full new sets and items. Obviously, the caps should be different between normal and rated warzones while the rate could be full top-set from previous patch plus 1 or 2 new items per week.



EDIT: as a general, single change I would say please try to differentiate your pvp model from the one that exists in WoW and try to move towards other ideas from games like GW2 where competition is not dictated by gear but by skill, while also incorporating a system where persistent wining (say total wins per WZ per server for every week) gives either non-combat related buffs or options for the next week for the wining faction that are separate per WZ (ie Civil War gives more resources, Voidstar allows special crafting etc etc). Or maybe try something original :-). Just no WoW model please.

Edited by Pourekos
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Release the numbers!


I don't want to just be able to parse my information on myself. I want Baseball level statistical information at my finger tips in game about everyone who chooses to buy into "hardcore" pvp mode. I want a spreadsheet/analysis environment capable of real time analysis, built into swtor to handle the mountains of data I can then trawl through; the likes of which would make EvE Online users jealous.


I understand what your intent was/is with the combat log situation but just no....


You can't fight human nature on the Internet. Might as well declare war on the Internet's Freudian Id. Just please.


Release the numbers!

Edited by RodneyMmKay
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voilà apres quelque doute sur certain bg et certain perso en pvp j'ai lancer des recherche et a ma grande surprise il existe déjà un grand notre de Cheat Swtor et biowar et une politique assez flou le dessus.. Donc ce post et la non pour vous aider a triché mais bien pour éclairé certain joueur et savoir détecté un hack pour le signaler, car biowar sera obliger de prendre de grande mesure contre ses délinquant de swtor. je ne vous conseiller vraiment pas de les acquérir sous peine d'ici peut yaura de lourde sanction je j'espere.. donc si vous tomber sur un joueur de vous avez des doute c'est notre devoir des les signaler..


​exemple de ce qu'on trouve trés facilement:





C'Est un message d'information


je n'incite


pas les joueurs a le faire !!!!




SWTOR Hack BOT (Starwars the old Republic) : Un BOT pour farmer, un BOT pour PVP et un BOT pour passer ses Level..






Ce BOT n’est pas 1 BOT mais 3 en 1 !


En effet suivant ce que vous cochez comme option, il réagira différemment suivant la situation.


Un sert donc de BOT pour :


- Le Farming : Tuer tout ce qui se trouve autour de lui et ramasser les Loot


- Le PVP : Placer le sur le champs de bataille et il attaquera automatiquement toutes factions adverses se rapprochant de lui.


- Le Leveling : Comme pour le farming mais il se dirigera en priorité sur les mobs suivants son level.




Monter votre personnage est trop long?

Vous voulez gagnez des points PVP facilement sans vous fatiguer?


Nous avons le cheat pour vous !


Ce bot est capable d’xp votre personnage sans vous. Partez au travail tranquille et lorsque vous reviendrez votre avatar aura pris quelques niveaux !

Il est aussi capable de se battre à votre place dans les champs de bataille, histoire de vous ramener quelques points d’honneur pour votre set pvp !


Plusieurs combinaisons sont possibles, exemple : activer le BOT Leveling + BOT Farming


Interface simple et intuitive pour paramétrer comme il faut votre robot :






Et bien d'autre encore...

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Sorry, but two things for me :


- Targeting player is really difficult and bad, you need to fix it quickely (sorry for that, but in Wow it's much better)


- Real RvR objectives, on each planets, not only ilum, and generate a real galactic civil war.

Just an example :


On Voss, i imagine a new starport to take for each factions.

I imagine this starport with a couple of vulnerability hours, and we need to slice a terminal to control this one, or activate some turrets.

If a faction control this starport it can directly lands on the planet, and the other one need to land on the orbital station. The winning faction obtain an experience buff or better loots, or a special world boss to slain, or gain some new crafting plans...possibilities are huge.

We can imagine this for each planets, like tatooine and a real city to own, a climatic objective on Hoth (the faction who own hoth is not disturbed by the cold, the other have some troubles)...

And put new weekly PvP objectives, to ensure that players will fight for these planets.


Ps : sorry for my english, i'm a french player :p

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Dirty Kick can now be used while moving.

Players can now "Crouch" (but not roll into cover) while immobilized.

Smugglers can no longer be pushed out of cover via the "cover integrity" mechanic, which has been removed from the game.




Due to changes to the Scoundrel skill trees, Scoundrels have had their skill points refunded.

Back Blast now deals approximately 5% more damage.

Diagnostic Scan's tooltip now displays the full amount healed over its duration.

Shoot First now has a 7.5-second cooldown and deals approximately 10% more damage.

Tranquilizer now gives an appropriate error message if used on Droids.

Upper Hand no longer triggers a "grunt" sound effect when it occurs.




Brawler's Grit is now a 2-point skill.

Flanking is a new 1-point skill located in Tier 3 of the skill tree. It reduces the Energy cost of Back Blast by 5.

K.O. no longer experiences a delay in its knockdown effect and is now a 1-point skill.

Sawed Off now increases the damage dealt by Back Blast. It is now located in Tier 5 of the skill tree and requires Flanking.

Sucker Punch now costs 10 Energy (down from 15).

Turn the Tables has been redesigned and is now a 2-point skill. It no longer increases damage dealt to bleeding targets, but increases the Energy gained by Pugnacity and the damage dealt by Sucker Punch and Flying Fists.

Underdog no longer increases Energy gained by Pugnacity. This effect is now part of Turn the Tables.


Dirty Fighting (Scoundrel)

Hemorrhaging Blast no longer has an Energy cost.

Holdout Defense now increases Blaster Whip damage by 4% per point.



That is a fair change!!!!

Edited by Ohitei
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Stop trying to balance the game with a machete.

Fix resolve.

Turn Ilum and other world pvp zones into classic frontiers.

Don't repeat mistakes made in warhammer and other mmo's.

Stop making armor so damn ugly.

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I stopped PVP since almost single handedly opening all doors in Voidstar and receiving nothing for it.


I really would like to have it matter if I play to win. So please reduce awards for killing and add more awards for winning in all PvP areas.

Edited by Cpt_Solo
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Ok i think i agree that CC / knock backs / roots are many but for some ACs are the only defence (snipers)... It a very sensitive think to tamper with them.


WZ idea... Bar Brawl

with breakable items, any size of teams but close quarter. option atacks to be unarmed range attacks to be thrown objects

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