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BW, you absolutely must roll back the zero credits for WZs nerf


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Obviously the motivation for this change would be that currently the incoming and outgoing credits are not balanced. While worrying about that is all fine and good, I'm not sure this particular change is the way to do it. At least they should limit this to level 50s since presumably that is the group that is generating most of the credits. Also taking something out completely instead of adjusting everything slightly is rarely a good idea.


Actually, at the Guild Summit they said net incomes of PvErs and PvPrs were roughly equal. While PvE has greater expenses, this is balanced by its greater gross income.


As for PvP, 5K credits a win and 2-3K for a loss is hardly a fortune maker. A single level 50 green grade drop amounts to a bit over 1/5 of a win's credits, not to mention whatever gray drops and pure credits you get from mobs anyways.


You can do an Ilum PvE daily, gather a couple chests, get a couple green drops, and with the turn in reward and selling gray items; walk away with 20k credits for 15 minutes of minimal effort. While in PvP you can afk(minimal effort), but that will probably result in your team losing, further resulting in your gaining 3k credits for 10 minutes of minimal effort.


The current system is fine, and I honestly see no reason to change it.

Edited by CauldronBorn
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I think the biggest problem is that BW do not play their own game. If they did many nerfs wouldn't happen because of bads QQ on forum. We wouldn't get as many ugly designs on endgear stuff, because the devs would make something they wouldn't mind to wear themself.

And they would understand that it is nothing wrong with the money making up to lvl 50, it is then we have nothing to spend it on. Forcing PVPers to PVE up to lvl 50 will not fix that problem.


Start 2 play BW

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I don't really see any reason why they should change this, but at the same time boo freaking hoo. Go do a few quests or space missions every so often and get some money. Big *********** deal.


I do not WANT to do space missions or any other PVE, I do not enjoy it in the slightest. And it IS a big deal when a game tries to force you to participate in a part of the game you do not like (and which, especially after 1.2, you are not geared for) just in order to be able to do the stuff you DO like.


For me, whether this actually goes live or not no longer matters. It's pretty much the last straw. The fact they'd even CONSIDER doing this was enough for me to press the cancel button. It shows a deep disrespect and lack of understanding of a large part of the player base.

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I don't really see any reason why they should change this, but at the same time boo freaking hoo. Go do a few quests or space missions every so often and get some money. Big *********** deal.


This game caters to the casual player, why should PVP players be treated any differently? To suggest that I must make more game time to allocate funds in order to engage in the activity that I prefer is ignorance on your part: Bad business on BioWare's.


Now, were players that prefer PVE content no longer able to earn credits for completing missions, space missions, Hard Modes, or Operations after 1.2 and had to rely on PVP War Zones to acquire credits to pay for PVE items and activities there would be just as much furor (if not more).


Rightfully so; as customers we should not have to engage in one particular activity in order to participate or remain competitive in another- that is not only stupid, it is bad business.


Your trite suggestion, complete with saucy attitude, is found wanting. It doesn't fly as a solution to the issue, and it wouldn't fly were the roles reversed. Why don't you go back to "Operations and Flashpoints" section, its <---- that way.

Edited by Gonewild
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Yeah! This is a great idea BW! Now there will be even fewer crafting materials on the GTN because PvPers won't want to spend hours running around your ginormously useless planets farming credits to pay for their companion gathering quests.


Instead of doing this you should have spent time writing a script that automatically abandons any quest that will take me more than 2 minutes of travelling time so I don't have to do it.

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everyone claims they are a pvper and that this is horrible for pvpers, thats not true at all. Anyone who is against this change is just incapable of seeing past their nose. What this change does is force people to pve on planets that have decent geography, and small/large open areas. This means that instead of looking for people to fight in open world on ilum which was a terrible place, we now get to look for people to fight on belsavis/corellia in the pve areas because THERE WILL ACTUALLY BE PEOPLE IN THEM.


This change is opening up a whole new aspect of open world pvp and all you noobs cant seem to look past the money you dont use that you get for an activity that doesnt require it.


This is a good change, you just need to open your eyes and see what it is really doing and not what you think it might be doing.

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GZ stealth responded on the test server's thread about the same issue:






We've changed the way rewards are given in Warzones (rewards are now based on participation - if you idle, you get nothing), and this has resulted in you seeing some odd values on PTS.


The current credit and XP numbers you are seeing are temporary. In a future patch to PTS, you will provide the necessary data for the system to allocate proper rewards.


Sorry for the confusion here, but it's the nature of the test server to sometimes receive incomplete systems. If we intended the current behavior to be final, you would have seen a patch note explaining this change.


TL;DR: Don't worry too much. You're looking at temporary data. Credit and XP rewards for Warzones, while changed to take participation into account, are not significantly changed from the numbers you've seen before. We expect some changes (as you are more likely to lose games early in your career, so we want to compensate for that), but nothing is finalized yet.


Don't doubt for an instant that the outcry of foul in this thread and the other didn't have a hand in this address and correction. There were a lot of pissed customers.

Edited by Gonewild
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Thanks for posting that. That had me very worried. I love the PVP in this game, but I will not PVE. I'm already a little sad that I can't level alts effectively solely through PVP and class quest, I would have been crushed if the only way I make credits was gone.


I already feel forced to PVE for the mods/enhancements in PVE gear since the BM ones suck... please... don't make me do more PVE if I don't wanna!

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everyone claims they are a pvper and that this is horrible for pvpers, thats not true at all. Anyone who is against this change is just incapable of seeing past their nose. What this change does is force people to pve on planets that have decent geography, and small/large open areas. This means that instead of looking for people to fight in open world on ilum which was a terrible place, we now get to look for people to fight on belsavis/corellia in the pve areas because THERE WILL ACTUALLY BE PEOPLE IN THEM.


This change is opening up a whole new aspect of open world pvp and all you noobs cant seem to look past the money you dont use that you get for an activity that doesnt require it.


This is a good change, you just need to open your eyes and see what it is really doing and not what you think it might be doing.


No, this is not a fix to promote world pvp. World PVP is dead- its a dead horse. Stop beating it. The Hero engine cannot support open world PVP. Stop beating the dead horse.


Perhaps players may get more PVP action at the 10-49 level though I doubt it will promote some sort of renaissance world PVP. Few of the worlds' design even promote world PVP because they were not designed with factional conflict in mind. Further your assertion does not even take into account level 50s and the worlds available (or unavailable) to them to PVE grind...in an attempt to find open world PVP?




If you do not fathom how absurd that sounds, you're probably not a player that engages in PVP. Nor are you keeping up on the developers' admonition that open world PVP failed, and it is on the back burner for a complete overhaul. Guess what those same developers told players was the solution in the meantime:


War Zone PVP.

Edited by Gonewild
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GZ stealth responded on the test server's thread about the same issue:






Don't doubt for an instant that the outcry of foul in this thread and the other didn't have a hand in this address and correction. There were a lot of pissed customers.


Ha, looks like they're just covering their asses now. But how much do you want to bet it goes through as-is anyways? I don't think they've EVER fixed something that people discovered on the PTR before it went live.


Certainly not the terrible seizure-inducing UI GCD change.

Edited by EternalFinality
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Ha, looks like they're just covering their asses now. But how much do you want to bet it goes through as-is anyways? I don't think they've EVER fixed something that people discovered on the PTR before it went live.


Certainly not the terrible seizure-inducing UI GCD change.


You have a valid point. If this change were to hit live servers, I would quit. As much as I enjoy PVP, I do not enjoy PVE. I do not want to grind through PVE in order to remain competitive in PVP- nor should any other player. As a reversal, I wouldn't expect a player that prefers PVE to engage in PVP in order to remain competitive in the portion of the game they prefer.


More disheartening news from the test server front: Medpacs can now only be used once per fight.

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everyone claims they are a pvper and that this is horrible for pvpers, thats not true at all. Anyone who is against this change is just incapable of seeing past their nose. What this change does is force people to pve on planets that have decent geography, and small/large open areas. This means that instead of looking for people to fight in open world on ilum which was a terrible place, we now get to look for people to fight on belsavis/corellia in the pve areas because THERE WILL ACTUALLY BE PEOPLE IN THEM.


This change is opening up a whole new aspect of open world pvp and all you noobs cant seem to look past the money you dont use that you get for an activity that doesnt require it.


This is a good change, you just need to open your eyes and see what it is really doing and not what you think it might be doing.


You don't play the game much do you?

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