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SWTOR's in your MMO stealing your subs


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This game will only bring in single players and fans, there is no mmo, in this game. would i go back to wow, I dont wont too, but each time i log in swtor, I think what, paying for this.


This is an (mo, a good, very good single player. with mulit on top. With 8 vs 8, and still get frame drops. :(


This is not an mmo, If we all think it is, we all doomed for real mmo's


Will this game last yes, need to sort server out fast tho, 4 weeks after 1.2, And fix sli with aa


if they dont, it will die fast. Has it been worth the money for me, £100 yes and no, most bugy mo ever played.


played WOW aion rift and swtor.

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Enthusiastic, yellow coloured optimism aside....;)


SWTOR is not a "WoW Killer". It's a different type of game in the end. It's essentially a single player story driven experience within a shared environment, and will keep the people that enjoy that. For the rest of us, it's a nice diversion. I am only halfway to my first 50, but I already know that the game is not going to keep me. That's ok, for now it's fun. It is neither original enough, nor has solid enough systems, deep enough gameplay, nor has smooth enough playability to challenge for the crown of "The Next Big Thing".


The main thing going for SWTOR is the Star Wars IP and experience. First time through, most things are cool. However, at level 25 I'm already burned out on long voice-overs, tedious re-statement of mission goals, and convoluted stories. In MMO's you make your own stories as you play - the best MMOs that is. BW tried to change that and did a reasonable job. But as I said, it's a particular type of game experience, and one not everyone is going to like enough to stick with.


MMOs that endure have deep, elegant, robust systems, and don't get in the way of players playing. They offer challenge, and reward - giddying levels of it when they get it right - and a believable context within which that all plays out. And they create and inspire community based around the gameplay. SWTOR undermines a lot of this by its core mechanic, and once *most* people get to the end of it, that will be that.


If you choose to emphasize the single player aspect, you reap the inevitable result of that - a much shorter experience.

Edited by kmontyw
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This game will never reach the numbers WoW did.


"This game will never reach the numbers Everquest did" - Quote by a member of the forums on wow forums...


Yah..we all saw how that went. :rolleyes:


People said nobody would ever dethrone the Roman Empire...


People said nobody would ever defeat the Persian Empire...


People said nobody would ever snap victory from within the jaws of defeat...


and you know what? People said there would NEVER EVER be a force as powerful as Everquest in the mmo world. Everquest was "the thing" to be forever and this "new thing" World of Warcraft was being made by a company who has never been in mmo world before and they would fail.


Now...they have 10 mill subscribers and at their peak had 12.5 million. It was a company who made their FIRST mmo also. Just like BioWare...WoW didn't even have ANY innovations in it besides being one of the first good 3d looking, vibrant colored mmos out there that was for casual people, families, people young and old, and all around a good time. So they must have done something right to cater to all those people.


I do not like WoW. I did play it for a long time, and have some good memories. Since then I have moved on to bigger and better mmos. SWTOR is made by BioWare..which is amazing in storytelling, plot lines, twists, and voiced over content with casual gamers in mind and is a company where they don't really try to make the game all about the "endgame"... To BioWare, it is more about the journey, the adventure, the story, the immersion you get while playing their games. They have now brought that into the mmo world.


Right now..and this point in time, BioWare is being more succesful by FAR with their first mmo than Blizzard EVER was for the first point in their first mmo. Blizzard took ONE YEAR to get to 1 million people then it just slowly went along like a giant tortoise and came out with expansions that added more and more and fixed bugs. People came back, the word got out and BOOM.


That is exactly what will happen with SWTOR even more so than World of Warcraft. It is even a BIGGER tortoise because it has more content at launch and the content updates are bigger, as big as some expansions in some mmos, and BioWare will NOT DISAPPOINT in making this game better and better as time goes on. If you think a content update has this much...I'll tell ya this...YOU JUST WAIT UNTIL THAT FIRST EXPANSION HITS.


Leveling experience that lasts the whole game beats endgame everytime. THATS why BioWare will be successful in the mmorpg world.

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People said nobody would ever defeat the Persian Empire...

Ah yes...Alexander ^^ Im a big fan so couldnt resist responding.

The roman empire pretty much was its own worst enemy but your point is still valid :D



On topic: I enjoyed watching the vid but there really isnt much to discuss. SWTOR took subs from WoW but we dont know how many exactly but that they did is obvious. It is unlikely that a game that has the same genre as many other games will become as big as WoW but still...we will see.

Edited by Gokkus
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It's simple. This is the first mmo since WoW..that has the potential, that has the stuff, that has the right ip, that has the developer to go after that crown, whether it takes one year or two years and Blizzard is seeing that potential in SWTOR because they KNOW BioWare aren't crappy developers and know they won't let this game go to waste.


Maybe we should all come back in one or two years then when they have sorted all the FPS,Bugs,Bugs in Endgame


BioWare is just going to keep adding more story, more decisions, more planets, more things to do, more raids, more gear, things to keep people happy all while having their amazing thing NOBODY ELSE HAS which is full voiced content which is the icing on the cake :)


With the release of 1.2 that will bring it up to where is should have been at release


Admit it...you know swtor will be the next king of the mmo world. lol at all those who think it won't be. It's not going to die..it's not dead, not even close. So just stop it. Yes it appears that way because there are a lot of servers and this game is HUGE.


There are a lot of servers and most are Empty


Blizzard knows TOR is a threat..they can't keep going "oh..it won't do anything to our game at all." BS. TOR is just the better game.


Can't argue with that


Endgame experience can only last so long while a leveling experience (like in TOR) stays with you as you level from 1 to 50.


Leveling experience and journey > endgame. It's the ADVENTURE that stays with the gamer..not the endgame. THATS why people are sticking with TOR. There's something new in it, something fresh, something bold. STORY


Please tell me what is "New" in this game apart from the Voice acting that gets boring once you have done it? Once you have completed the story everything is the same.

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I like to take a more levelheaded take on things.


SWTOR will have a nice healthy audience for years to come

So will RIFT

So Will WoW

So will GW2


None of these games will kill the other; you won't see SWTOR go F2P any time soon simply because the subscriber base will be too large and EA refuses to go F2P on their MMO's that have .5% of the subscriber base TOR currently has.


SWTOR will end up being the MMO for people who like story over Raiding; GW2 will attract a lot of Facebook gamers RIFT and WoW will be for Raiders. everyone will have their game everyone will be happy or as happy as they can be.


Anything else is rubbish and nonsense.

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Please tell me what is "New" in this game apart from the Voice acting that gets boring once you have done it? Once you have completed the story everything is the same.


Crew Skills




Different choices DO reflect who you are in the story later on and what npcs you get to talk to


More than one planet




You can choose to go solo OR group up.


BioWare NEVER said they were going to drastically change anything. They simply said they are bringing story with full voice over to the genre and that is EXACTLY WHAT THEY DID. Don't even try and twist their words into them saying this game was going to be a virtual reality helmet and you were going to be running around in 3d environments raised on a hover platform so nobody could disturb you while you were gaming and have better than EVE online space combat. Don't even....


It's not too much of a change, but it's just enough.



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I think wow has peaked and it'll continue to bleed subs irregardless of whether SWTOR survives or succeeds.


Mostly this.


I also don't think WoW would have "Peaked" had they continued to let their A team run it and or continued to invest resources in the game.

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Well I will never cancel my WoW account, I will never cancel my Rift account, and hell I even have an STO account though its FTP, but guess what... I cancelled this account to SWToR. Rift is the best there is at the moment and still going strong.
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I played wow since the release and for 6 years and I love it, I really do. But I had to cancel my sub a year ago due to the game requiring way more time than I had.


Not liking SWtOR a lot but I went back to WoW with the scroll of resurrection thing and I saw it looks so old now, that I can't possibly play it anymore, at least until some major graphic patch hits.


Of course WoW will die when its time comes but it's undeniable that SWTOR won't be the killer. First off it'll never go above 3 mil subs, even if things go right. If I know Blizzard well enough, WoW's killer will be another Blizzard game.

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Mostly this.


I also don't think WoW would have "Peaked" had they continued to let their A team run it and or continued to invest resources in the game.

I stopped right after I bought cataclysm. After they rewamped all the areas I remembered so fondly, I kind of lost my attachment to the game and just stopped giving a damn about my characters.


I tried to resurrect six months later, but I had lost touch with the game and didn't even leave Orgrimmar before I logged off.

Edited by TOURDallas
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I stopped right after I bought cataclysm. After they rewamped all the areas I remembered so fondly, I kind of lost my attachment to the game and just stopped giving a damn about my characters.


I tried to resurrect six months later, but I had lost touch with the game and didn't even leave Orgrimmar before I logged off.


Thats kind of funny, because one of the reasons I left is because the game is no longer the game I used to love. Tarren mill, destroyed. Like cmon.

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It's simple. This is the first mmo since WoW..that has the potential, that has the stuff, that has the right ip, that has the developer to go after that crown, whether it takes one year or two years and Blizzard is seeing that potential in SWTOR because they KNOW BioWare aren't crappy developers and know they won't let this game go to waste.


BioWare is just going to keep adding more story, more decisions, more planets, more things to do, more raids, more gear, things to keep people happy all while having their amazing thing NOBODY ELSE HAS which is full voiced content which is the icing on the cake :)


Admit it...you know swtor will be the next king of the mmo world. lol at all those who think it won't be. It's not going to die..it's not dead, not even close. So just stop it. Yes it appears that way because there are a lot of servers and this game is HUGE.


Blizzard knows TOR is a threat..they can't keep going "oh..it won't do anything to our game at all." BS. TOR is just the better game.


Endgame experience can only last so long while a leveling experience (like in TOR) stays with you as you level from 1 to 50.


Leveling experience and journey > endgame. It's the ADVENTURE that stays with the gamer..not the endgame. THATS why people are sticking with TOR. There's something new in it, something fresh, something bold. STORY


You do need to keep something in mind, though. Blizzard is running with their own IP. This gives them the advantage.


While using the Star Wars IP is a sound strategy for short term things (such as single-player games) when it comes to MMOs, it is going to work against them to some degress.


Every story development from patches to expansions will have to meet with Lucasarts approval. If at some point Lucasarts gets angry at Bioware about something, even totally unrelated to TOR, you could see it go to the point that no matter what Bioware puts in front of Lucasarts for added content, it gets denied. They are also beholden to Lucasarts for licensing fees, which LA could just has happily keep jacking up the price on and cutting in to development funds if they so desire to.


Add in that Electronic Arts who have a habit of wrecking things.


While TOR certainly has potential, it has just as much potential of turning in to wreck.

Edited by Bluerodian
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While using the Star Wars IP is a sound strategy for short term things (such as single-player games) when it comes to MMOs, it is going to work against them to some degress.


I am a bit concerned about this as well, particularly as I was never much of a Star Wars fan to begin with. Star Wars has a lot of "rules" associated with it; the longer I play the more I realize just how restricted BW is regarding it's storytelling and such.

Edited by grania
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I am a bit concerned about this as well, particularly as I was never much of a Star Wars fan to begin with. Star Wars has a lot of "rules" associated with it; the longer I play the more I realize just how restricted BW is regarding it's storytelling and such.


BW can run free when it does it's Dragon Age and Mass Effect MMOs... ;)


Star Wars' rules are actually one of it's strengths.

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