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Offical PT Pyro unsub thread


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I play a Vanguard and the changes do not seem so dramatic to me.

Of course the 6 sec cooldown that most Vanguards/Powertechs dread could have been a bit lower, but I think that we as a class will manage.


I was playing a 21/2/18 build and I have to say that it was very powerful because of the good survivability and the nice burst and good dps due to the constant procs of HiB and Stockstrikes.


My suggestion is: go to the test servers and play around with the new tree, adapt and practice the new rotations :)

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I pulled aggro on Jarg and sorno nightmare while being guarded, twice in the same fight (after a sorc pull.)


I've also sat through the first phase of soa without a single PPA proc, this should help balance that out, though I'm not sure whether it should be 4.5 or 6 seconds (as with the global 4.5 will be six anyway right?

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Eh, I was feeling pretty bored already. My favorite character is being nerfed to hell - I might spend some time on one of my alts, but yeah, this is probably gonna push me closer to unsub. More than the nerf is the snotty attitude by the devs. I.e. GZ saying, "Hey! Stop talking about our patch notes! We made other secret changes! Test them before you talk crap! Oh, btw, no you can't character copy over to the test server. Nyah, nyah, boo, boo, stick your head in doo doo!" Okay, okay, so it's not a direct quote...


nerfed to hell?


wheat from chaff, good riddance :)

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Someone get this baby a bottle. They did not gut the class you just now Have to do a rotation instead of ion pulse spam with a stock strike. Yes it is great to get 3 or 4 in a row every now an than but we have all been there were your waiting for a proc only to run out of ammo. If you think this is a nerf than you obviously suck at this game an I am glad to see you go. This game has to many babys people need to suck it up an adapt.


Whether it is warranted or not is beside the point. But is it a nerf? you bet every once of your immaturity it is. And if you cant see that it is a nerf then maybe you're the one that doesnt know much about the game.

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Im not sure of this :\ Yea sure.. a lucky crit string and we destroy people, but marauders right now*** destroy people reliably and effectively. We all signed up for the RNG when we took Pyrotech, It sucks most of the time (I get 1, maybe 2 procs per fight) and at times it is awesome, and then other times it sucks.


People have an inherent bias against people killing them, just because he owned you doesn't mean he does it 100% of the time (not even close more like 1.15%). While you cant say the same about say marauders, they have their super survival, super dps, and stealth! But only one gap closer.. Our weakness and strength was RNG now its only our weakness :(


But stop the sad talk... I'll probably respec AP (if the changes dont change) and then reroll merc after I get disappointed...


Just because Maraurders destory people doesn't mean another class has to also. Both could use nerfs in 1vs1 situations. And I had pretty much no idea on the RNG factor of the PT when I picked it, so that takes that arguement out of the equation.


What I do know, is I went into HM EV the other night, and went up against quite a few skilled players with full pve gear. I was running almost 500 expertise and still managed to kill my marauder first. Pyro pve is one of the highest, our burst is one of the highest, and with RNG... eh... well the nerf isn't even that much tbh.

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I think all the people that are complaining about nerfs and saying they are gonna quit...


... have never played a Lock, Pally, or Druid in WoW.


I really hope they quit. It will remove the dross from the gold!


And I really love when they complain about their dps being cut... How do they know? What addon are they using to tell them this?

Edited by Dchsknight
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This nerf is far more dramatic than people are acknowledging. We have only a few viable abilities to work with as is and this nerf limits it even more. The fact that we are given an ICD and we're still MASSIVELY RNG BASED is so stupid it hurts. They need to nerf pyrotechs, we do absurd burst if we're lucky. But WE NEED RELIABLE DAMAGE. We don't get that with this, literally we're the same but with an ICD. They've nerfed our top end dramatically, but they did not buff our low end. :confused: I think I'm going to enjoy firing rapid shots every other ability so I don't overheat. Brilliant Bioware. :rolleyes: You've killed me for PvE by not actually stabilizing our damage.
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LMAO sooooo much rage over a class nerf. This must be some of yalls first mmo to play, this happens in most games. The game launches, then after a few months of gathering data the devs begin to make changes to the classes to balance them. A lot of times the changes dont work out as planned, then they begin to make further changes to fix the problem. NO game is perfect at launch, hell look at the run wow has had, and they are still implementing class changes trying to balance the numbers.


Eat the nerf, try a new spec, learn a new rotation are your options other than ragequiting, I promise you that pyro pt's will still be seen in warzones, and I bet they will still be killing people if played correctly. Whats going to be funny is if it truly is such a dramatic nerf to where the spec isnt playable and the numbers show it, and bioware buffs the class later on, you will probably see all these crying people back here posting about how pt's are going to be god's now.


And for those of you thinking youll move on to another game and it will be perfect, you are sadly mistaken. As I said its the same deal with most mmo's, ppl were doing it with wow, preaching about this game, now ppl are doing it with this game preaching about gw2. So whats going to happen when they nerf your class on gw2?

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It is the fact that the entire spec revolves around one ability and the fact that the ability is free of heat. Thats what the big deal is. If you do not understand what a huge nerf it is then you dont know how this class operates in pvp. Burst kills. Period. This is a huge nerf to our burst dps.


On a side note. Do forum mods not ban for trolling anymore ? Or do they not do that when it is an opinion they disagree with ?

Edited by lnsidious
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If you rely so much on the Particle-thingy, maybe it was about time ;)


lol, you obviously have no idea what the talent does, and why we rely on it so much.


Hint: It's not the damage you're QQ'ing about that we're concerned about.

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It is the fact that the entire spec revolves around one ability and the fact that the ability is free of heat. Thats what the big deal is. If you do not understand what a huge nerf it is then you dont know how this class operates in pvp. Burst kills. Period. This is a huge nerf to our burst dps.


On a side note. Do forum mods not ban for trolling anymore ? Or do they not do that when it is an opinion they disagree with ?


Sir, i am not trolling. Nerfs are an every day part of life. Nerfs happen because something happened that the devs did not expect. It either is to strong or it is not what they intended with the spec /class. You really have to be adaptable. Classes will be constantly evolving. You can not expect them to stay the same all the time. It is not gonna happen. YOU ranting and complaining about wont change the fact that something is happening with the tree that the people who own the rights to this game dont like. Those people don't include you.


You pay to play their game. If you are so ridgid with what you want then MMO's are not for you.


And seriously, if you react like this to a small nerf to one single facet of class, you have never played WoW as a lock, Pally, or druid. You have not felt the full wrath of the nerf bat. You have felt a small tickle of many beatings to come.


If you cant stand the heat and adapt, get out of the furnace....

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Sir, i am not trolling. Nerfs are an every day part of life. Nerfs happen because something happened that the devs did not expect. It either is to strong or it is not what they intended with the spec /class. You really have to be adaptable. Classes will be constantly evolving. You can not expect them to stay the same all the time. It is not gonna happen. YOU ranting and complaining about wont change the fact that something is happening with the tree that the people who own the rights to this game dont like. Those people don't include you.


You pay to play their game. If you are so ridgid with what you want then MMO's are not for you.


And seriously, if you react like this to a small nerf to one single facet of class, you have never played WoW as a lock, Pally, or druid. You have not felt the full wrath of the nerf bat. You have felt a small tickle of many beatings to come.


If you cant stand the heat and adapt, get out of the furnace....


What are you even on about...?


Are you saying that if a change doesn't seem to do what it was intended to do, no one should say anything about it?


Because that would be silly.


Unsubbing is a bit drastic at this juncture, but there's nothing wrong w/ being upset about a nerf. No one wants to be the guy getting nerfed, but I'm pretty sure most PTs agree that back-to-back procs were out of control.


It may be hard for you to understand this, but it looks like the nerf will effect our resource management, so we are speaking up to have the change looked at a bit closer.


If it's found that it doesn't screw up our heat management, I'm sure everyone will be thrilled and go on about their day. At this point, w/out being able to copy a lv50 to the PTS and see for ourselves, we're left w/ hearsay and the very scant amount of information coming from PTS PTs.

Edited by Varicite
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why are you crying? they just nerfed combat medic and bodyguard to the ground



our one good thing was long term healing, and now we cant do that




your favorite spec is slightly weaker (after being able to do massive damage)




My favorite spec just got destryoed, the only thing we were good at is now gone (long term healing)


I completley disagree with most fo the nerfs and buffs in 1.2, and even slightly agree with you on why are we nerfed but marauders get buffed, but you are overacting, people have far worse off than you.

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why are you crying? they just nerfed combat medic and bodyguard to the ground



our one good thing was long term healing, and now we cant do that




your favorite spec is slightly weaker (after being able to do massive damage)




My favorite spec just got destryoed, the only thing we were good at is now gone (long term healing)


I completley disagree with most fo the nerfs and buffs in 1.2, and even slightly agree with you on why are we nerfed but marauders get buffed, but you are overacting, people have far worse off than you.


As I understand it, the nerf effects your heat management the most, and that's why you're here crying about being "nerfed into the ground".


It's just ironic, because that's actually exactly the same nerf that we received, but worded in a different way.


So you're here basically saying "I can't believe you guys are crying about this when the exact same thing happened to me and I'm crying about it."

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Marauders and Sentinels aren't really getting buffed to be fair. The only change you can call a real buff is the change to Seeping Wound/Inflammation which will cause Rupture/Cauterize to snare for 50% movement speed instead of 30. The rest are just fixes really that should have been in the game from the start. Some nerfs also but they were sort of needed.
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Marauders and Sentinels aren't really getting buffed to be fair. The only change you can call a real buff is the change to Seeping Wound/Inflammation which will cause Rupture/Cauterize to snare for 50% movement speed instead of 30. The rest are just fixes really that should have been in the game from the start. Some nerfs also but they were sort of needed.


Have you not looked at the new Rage tree? <.<


Or the fact that Carnage just picked up fast Predation, and that Carnage AND Rage can pick up the faster fury talent now?


I'm definitely not complaining about it, but Maras were most certainly buffed this patch. Fortunately, so was their counterclass, Snipers.

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What are you even on about...?


Are you saying that if a change doesn't seem to do what it was intended to do, no one should say anything about it?


Because that would be silly.


Unsubbing is a bit drastic at this juncture, but there's nothing wrong w/ being upset about a nerf. No one wants to be the guy getting nerfed, but I'm pretty sure most PTs agree that back-to-back procs were out of control.


It may be hard for you to understand this, but it looks like the nerf will effect our resource management, so we are speaking up to have the change looked at a bit closer.


If it's found that it doesn't screw up our heat management, I'm sure everyone will be thrilled and go on about their day. At this point, w/out being able to copy a lv50 to the PTS and see for ourselves, we're left w/ hearsay and the very scant amount of information coming from PTS PTs.


^ This. Although, the facts show that it WILL destroy our resource pool. Which is why we're very adament aobut having it re-evaluated.

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I'm not sure I get the point here. Yes, its a nerf but dear God, we, if played properly, were crushing people left and right. I just hit BM yesterday and with Cent/Champ gear, people ran and hid from me in Warzones and I was always top 3 in damage, minimum. I just bought my first piece of BM gear.


Certainly, I don't like nerfs but this isn't unreasonable and besides that, how often are you proccing off FB anyhow? The few times you get really lucky are now gone. Big bleeping deal. I venture to guess I'll still be lighting chumps up left and right.


All that being said, with this nerf incoming, there are some other balances that should be implemented. Maurauders 'u can't touch this' garbage needs an adjustment. If you have 10% health, no healer in sight and are running the Huttball...and I have everything loaded up and locked on, I ought to be able to bleeping kill you. Mauraders are the new pallys (oh noes, referencing that 'other' game!)


And sorcs.


But sht sky is not falling.


EDIT: Granted, this is a purely PvP POV. I PvE as an Assassin tank and only want to raid one character at a time. Take it with a grain of salt. Heat is much less an issue in PvP because the action is fast and furious. You're either dead or running around looking for a new target alot of the time and it drops on its own. I can see the PvE ramifications when you don't get that bonus heat dump.


Suggestion: make the proc exist off FB/RP except it the proc vents a little heat on its own....Reasonable compromise?

Edited by Horacio
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I'm not sure I get the point here. Yes, its a nerf but dear God, we, if played properly, were crushing people left and right. I just hit BM yesterday and with Cent/Champ gear, people ran and hid from me in Warzones and I was always top 3 in damage, minimum. I just bought my first piece of BM gear.


Certainly, I don't like nerfs but this isn't unreasonable and besides that, how often are you proccing off FB anyhow? The few times you get really lucky are now gone. Big bleeping deal. I venture to guess I'll still be lighting chumps up left and right.


All that being said, with this nerf incoming, there are some other balances that should be implemented. Maurauders 'u can't touch this' garbage needs an adjustment. If you have 10% health, no healer in sight and are running the Huttball...and I have everything loaded up and locked on, I ought to be able to bleeping kill you. Mauraders are the new pallys (oh noes, referencing that 'other' game!)


And sorcs.


But sht sky is not falling.


If you'll kindly read this: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=370674

and see that our complaint is not the nerf to damage, but a slaughtering of the spec via cutting it's resources by about 50% allowing for only auto attack spam inbetween procs.

Edited by Theology
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