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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Amount of Shadows/Assassins in WZs now


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Thank You so much.... So many people ignore this fact. We are STILL the Squishiest of the Tanks in the game. So Bioware decided to give us better DPS to make up for that.


Basically with a Tankassin or Shadow Equivalent It's easy to some up why they are so great.


If you bring a Tank Specced PT you get a Tank, A Tank Specced Jugg- Another Tank, but if you bring a Tankassin- you get 3/4 of a Tank and an extra 1/4 DPS. Simple as that, and only people who play tanks or Tankassins understand that.


Exactly why assassins are a master of none and have utility!


Only wz they excel is hutball period!



You have 2 choices 1 is a shadow/assassin.


You a want dps choices are sentinel smuggler or infil shadow? Which do you take?


You want a tank choices are guardian, vanguard, tank assassin? Which do you take?


You want a hmm not sure were to place balance tree shadows cause they aren't great totally not optimal at all! People usually play that tree just for a change of pace but it isn't good at all just fun but definitely not optimal.



So if you know what your doing and are building a optimal team for PvE and pvp what do you take first from those choices? If you choice the shadow then you aren't building a optimal team unless its based solely on huttball!

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thats the larges amount of self perpetuating bs i have ever heard .. OK look Its clear just play a wz dev .. the assassins are no ear near close to the shadow equivilant.. the assin gets in trouble .. almost dead .. boom steah poof gone go heal rela quick bam back tobeing un stun-able no knock back works and no slow .. now you gave them bursts of speed and the ability to do major dps .. yeah okies why don't you just call the game Starwars the Imperial domination.. I have many chars up to 50 few in Full tier 3 pvp gear .. Assasins hybrid build ie tanks in dps gear .. are broken clearly .. end of discussion there ask anyone thats on the republic side whom has to face a mostly sorc and assassin teams .. that's prity much all you get in pvp on my server. So you self serving Imps can now tell me what a QQ whiner i am and how i don't know what I'm talking about .. but let me tell you this .. your only calling foul because your not fighting it .. when the rebs stop doing pvp all together and you have to face yourselves in nothing but endless hut ball you will feel the sting of being so lame.


Bioware Please do something to this broken class. I am aware you have done much to try to keep it balanced and fair .. And i know that the pvp community is doing there best to break the classes ... but the consistent bs that that class can pull off is so ridiculous that ppl have up[ and quit the game or quit pvping all together ron my server .. Im not gona rat them out as to what server but i will say that if this continues to be a problem then well the republic side will be a ghost town quick.


You all asked for input back on what you should look into to fix or make the game better this is one of the many .. but a big one for now.

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thats the larges amount of self perpetuating bs i have ever heard .. OK look Its clear just play a wz dev .. the assassins are no ear near close to the shadow equivilant.. the assin gets in trouble .. almost dead .. boom steah poof gone go heal rela quick bam back tobeing un stun-able no knock back works and no slow .. now you gave them bursts of speed and the ability to do major dps .. yeah okies why don't you just call the game Starwars the Imperial domination.. I have many chars up to 50 few in Full tier 3 pvp gear .. Assasins hybrid build ie tanks in dps gear .. are broken clearly .. end of discussion there ask anyone thats on the republic side whom has to face a mostly sorc and assassin teams .. that's prity much all you get in pvp on my server. So you self serving Imps can now tell me what a QQ whiner i am and how i don't know what I'm talking about .. but let me tell you this .. your only calling foul because your not fighting it .. when the rebs stop doing pvp all together and you have to face yourselves in nothing but endless hut ball you will feel the sting of being so lame.


Bioware Please do something to this broken class. I am aware you have done much to try to keep it balanced and fair .. And i know that the pvp community is doing there best to break the classes ... but the consistent bs that that class can pull off is so ridiculous that ppl have up[ and quit the game or quit pvping all together ron my server .. Im not gona rat them out as to what server but i will say that if this continues to be a problem then well the republic side will be a ghost town quick.


You all asked for input back on what you should look into to fix or make the game better this is one of the many .. but a big one for now.


May the derp be with you.

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thats the larges amount of self perpetuating bs i have ever heard .. OK look Its clear just play a wz dev .. the assassins are no ear near close to the shadow equivilant.. the assin gets in trouble .. almost dead .. boom steah poof gone go heal rela quick bam back tobeing un stun-able no knock back works and no slow .. now you gave them bursts of speed and the ability to do major dps .. yeah okies why don't you just call the game Starwars the Imperial domination.. I have many chars up to 50 few in Full tier 3 pvp gear .. Assasins hybrid build ie tanks in dps gear .. are broken clearly .. end of discussion there ask anyone thats on the republic side whom has to face a mostly sorc and assassin teams .. that's prity much all you get in pvp on my server. So you self serving Imps can now tell me what a QQ whiner i am and how i don't know what I'm talking about .. but let me tell you this .. your only calling foul because your not fighting it .. when the rebs stop doing pvp all together and you have to face yourselves in nothing but endless hut ball you will feel the sting of being so lame.


Bioware Please do something to this broken class. I am aware you have done much to try to keep it balanced and fair .. And i know that the pvp community is doing there best to break the classes ... but the consistent bs that that class can pull off is so ridiculous that ppl have up[ and quit the game or quit pvping all together ron my server .. Im not gona rat them out as to what server but i will say that if this continues to be a problem then well the republic side will be a ghost town quick.


You all asked for input back on what you should look into to fix or make the game better this is one of the many .. but a big one for now.



Excuse me could u put that stuff down please sin = shadow /thread roflmao

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Really just tank spec Shadow/Assassins that are OP. The damage spec ones are squishy as hell. Why would you play a squishy spec when you can go tank and put out just as much damage?


You can't put out "as much damage". That is a lie.


If you think tank spec is OP, you are a horribad. Good players have no issues beating tank-spec on any class.

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Force Shroud is basically as good as immunity to damage. It'll get you out alive from getting grappled into a row of 20 guys in Ilum.


force shoud is just time I spend recovering my cells and whacking assassins with hammer shots weapon damage

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Well there is a reason an Assassin has won the server wide dueling tournament on Jung-Ma every single week.


Well seeing how this is a game with team oriented pvp being the focus, an MMO and having healers, who really cares who is good in a 1v1 situation.


All I see in Warzones now are Marauders, no Sentinels, just Marauders. I had a warzone where I literally got leaped on by 6 Marauders at once.


Shadows have no damage immunity, if you're referring to "force cloak" or whatever it's called, that's just a staple rogue ability for clean vanishes and a nice defensive CD.

Edited by KhealThar
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You can't put out "as much damage". That is a lie.


If you think tank spec is OP, you are a horribad. Good players have no issues beating tank-spec on any class.


If you think tank spec assassins aren't OP then you're horribad. Good players actually play the game rather than troll the forums. They also contribute to the discussion at hand.

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If you think tank spec assassins aren't OP then you're horribad. Good players actually play the game rather than troll the forums. They also contribute to the discussion at hand.


Explain to me how tank spec assassins/Shadows are overpowered please? Or are you one of those kids who just cry on the forums about everything that kills them in a warzone?


I'm looking forward to your intelligent reply on reasons why Shadows are overpowered.

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Well there is a reason an Assassin has won the server wide dueling tournament on Jung-Ma every single week.


Does it involve him doing the vanish, mind trap, out of combat seethe heal business? That's pretty impractical most of the time in warzones, where opponents stay in combat an extra 60 seconds because someone sneezed 40 meters away (thus no mind trap after vanish)

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Explain to me how tank spec assassins/Shadows are overpowered please? Or are you one of those kids who just cry on the forums about everything that kills them in a warzone?


I'm looking forward to your intelligent reply on reasons why Shadows are overpowered.


As opposed to the kid who just calls everyone cry babies... and then cries about it? Give me an intelligent response first and I might be inclined to intelligently respond later. Until then, scroll up and read all the other posts on the subject.

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What I do have a problem with is all the cheating going on in PvP atm. I believe that may be the reason why you are seeing so many of Sorc, Sage, Assassin, and Shadow classes in PvP. Because they can get away with speed hacks all the more. "What...I...that wasn't a speed hack, that's Force Speed. Yeah, I swear!"


Notice a sage/sorc that doesn't use speed burst but is moving around like they have a permanent sent/mara speed burst. Speed Hack. They think they are clever because they only use their speed burst in stealth so it isn't obvious. But when you frap a game and see a sorc stealth at the beginning of the bridge and start capping door under 2.5 seconds, gotcha. 8 seconds for sent/mara with speed burst.


Cheaters are going to cheat. Or as Imperial players tell me, it is RP.

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