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How many of us will be retiring our Jugg after 2.1??


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Not leaving mine. Really wish we could put up a wall of shame for everyone that leaves the class, so when they get fixed we can just kind of shun them. Honestly though my only real complaint about 1.2 is my lack of being able to properly test the changes. Since we can't transfer toons only thing most of us can do is theorize, and hope the people who did get their 50's in and are testing are not morons and know how to play all the specs.
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Not leaving mine. Really wish we could put up a wall of shame for everyone that leaves the class, so when they get fixed we can just kind of shun them. Honestly though my only real complaint about 1.2 is my lack of being able to properly test the changes. Since we can't transfer toons only thing most of us can do is theorize, and hope the people who did get their 50's in and are testing are not morons and know how to play all the specs.


This is the fix, dontcha know...


I started a marauder last night. Put me on your list.

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Playing mine further in PvP. For PvE I level my Assassin twink to 50. Til then my Sorcerer is my "new" main.


It's for sure not the last balancing patch, but I like to use my play time efficiently. Not waiting another half year for another half arsed patch.

Edited by Midichlorien
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Not leaving mine, but I already have both a jugg and marauder.



Whatever changes get made, I love self healing :) I hope they adjust the jugg self healing to not be so detrimental to our resource generation before they patch it in.

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After 2.1? That's a long way off, so I really can't answer that right now.


After 1.2? No.


I don't require crutches, so when they get kicked out from under me, I just keep going. Others faceplant, and crawl over to the next set that looks like it will carry them.



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After 2.1? That's a long way off, so I really can't answer that right now.


After 1.2? No.


I don't require crutches, so when they get kicked out from under me, I just keep going. Others faceplant, and crawl over to the next set that looks like it will carry them.



I like your outlook.

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I'd imagine it'll be the last balancing patch for a long time, 6 months maybe a year.


That's a long time to play a class when a Marauder will just be much better at the roles you're trying to fill (barring Tanking). :(







I don't know what I'll do, but the honestly sensible thing for any DPS Jugg or Guard to do as things stand (with 1.2) is to level up a Mara or Sent for that role instead.


Vengeance already Out dpses Rage in PvE, PvP its a never ending debate really just depends on the player behind the keyboard. Vengeance isn't getting nerfed, sure you'll have to have a new build, but it's not really getting nerfed, smash isn't a key dps ability for us so decimate getting dropped 10% won't actually affect us much. We're already competitive dps and nothing changing that in 1.2.


Sure Rage Jugs may be taking a hit, I guess that means you all will have to learn to play Veng or relearn Rage to make it work, it might actually require some skill now. (I'm kidding don't get your panties in a wad.)

Edited by WarSiren
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Vengeance already Out dpses Rage in PvE, PvP its a never ending debate really just depends on the player behind the keyboard. Vengeance isn't getting nerfed, sure you'll have to have a new build, but it's not really getting nerfed, smash isn't a key dps ability for us so decimate getting dropped 10% won't actually affect us much. We're already competitive dps and nothing changing that in 1.2.


Sure Rage Jugs may be taking a hit, I guess that means you all will have to learn to play Veng or relearn Rage to make it work, it might actually require some skill now. (I'm kidding don't get your panties in a wad.)


Veng isn't being hit as hard, certainly, but it's not going to compete with Marauder specs in a similar role.


The problem with Rage after it is nerfed is that Rage Marauders will do more DPS, have better Rage gen, have more surviability and more/better utility (Rage Juggs are already one of the squishiest classes in the game and a rage starving heal isn't going to change that).


Which begs the question of why then is there a Rage Jugg at all?


Why not have an AoE tank spec instead or something?


You can't "play" your way out of that, and "lol just play a Veng/Imortal Jugg kek!!!111" isn't a viable answer either, you'll just be better off playing a Rage Mara.

Edited by Goretzu
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you sure you can do that as vengeance bro?


the 10% reduced dmg on smash isnt the biggest problem of the rage nerf, it's the force alacrity nerf.


That screen shot isn't anything to brag about you were clearly playing against a bad team, notice how you only died once, and none of them have kills over 15, I'm absolutely certain against a bad team with a pocket healer I can reach those numbers too, so why don't you post numbers against a good team, because you know come rated PvP you'll never see scenario's like what you posted.. well unless it's just a really bad team.


Seriously though that screen shot is just as bad as BMs posting their biggest hits against under 50 players before they separated them.

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That screen shot isn't anything to brag about you were clearly playing against a bad team, notice how you only died once, and none of them have kills over 15, I'm absolutely certain against a bad team with a pocket healer I can reach those numbers too, so why don't you post numbers against a good team, because you know come rated PvP you'll never see scenario's like what you posted.. well unless it's just a really bad team.


Seriously though that screen shot is just as bad as BMs posting their biggest hits against under 50 players before they separated them.


note the n2 on the list, he was vengeance in full BM and he was playing against the same team.


also vs a good premade i can still make the same numbers if the match is as long as this one.


so why dont you make a screenie of a long voidstar match with your dmg as vengeance and post it here.


till then, pls su bout shizzel yu know nuthing about.

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Veng isn't being hit as hard, certainly, but it's not going to compete with Marauder specs in a similar role.




Why not have an AoE tank spec instead or something?


another snip.


We have an AoE tank spec - it's called Immortal, and it works really well once people realize that this isn't WoW, and stop looking for their Thunderclap, Shockwave, Swipe, Death & Decay, and Hammer buttons that effortlessly hold Threat for you.


Works very well, indeed - especially if you don't have short-bus dps with you.


In my opinion, we actually have a better AoE tanking package than the other tanks do, ours just requires a bit more skill, and awareness, to maximize.


I have a 50 Shadow tank as well...in terms of tanking, there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that I can do on my Shadow, that I cannot also do on my Juggernaut.


I'm not the best player (neither PvE, nor PvP), but I am a beast on my Juggernaut, and I will still be a beast after 1.2. I won't be retiring her any time soon.



Edited by lordofdamornin
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Not a chance! Been wanting to play a jugg as soon as they announced the class!

Juggs have been a sweet class to play in 1.1 for PvP, i remeber all the QQ this class got at launch and people stuck at it then and there are some really good juggernauts in the community. Sure the changes look bad on paper, but the people who are'nt fotm players will stick with the class and im sure itll still be a joy to play.


This defensive cooldown could really be a game changes (I hope).

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Why not have an AoE tank spec instead or something?



Yes you can change from the obsolete Rage Jugg to a tank specced Jugg, but it's not the same thing at all - and why shouldn't Juggs have competative DPS specs? :confused:


And if you do that well frankly a Tankassin is still probably the better option.



So the choice for Juggs in 1.2 seems to be play a sub par class or roll a Marauder or Assassin...... not a great set of choices really, is it.

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I am very happy to see all the positive attitudes here. its such a change for these forums.


Me too! Unfortunately a complainer/troll/negative attitude born every minute.


Anyway, I'm sticking with my Jugg. We've gone too far and I suspect that Bioware will add more to her story as time goes on.



Yeah, my jugg is fun... :D

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