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It's East/West. . .NOT Left/Right. . .NOT Grass/Snow


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If you've played the map more than 2 times you will be able to quickly comprehend which side is grass and which side is snow, much better chance than all of your teammates actually being able to know their east from their west. Edited by Zataos
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If you've played the map more than 2 times you will be able to quickly comprehend which side is grass and which side is snow, much better chance than all of your teammates actually being able to know their east from their west.


If you went to school as a child and took a geography class, you know east and west before you bought this game.


is it really that hard? wow . . .

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I have had many, MANY matches where some people insisted that left/right is based on the spawn, and others insisted it's based on the map.


Both groups insisted it was obvious, both groups insisted it was stupid or weird to assume the other was true.


All you're proving is that you're one of two idiotic sides you don't understand that other people see things differently.


Well it's simple, anyone who doesn't think it's from the spawn is wrong and stupid. If you're looking at the map, use cardinal directions. If you're looking in front of you, use relative directions. Left and right are relative directions, and anyone who isn't using them as such is wrong, and stupid.


Additionally, I've discovered perhaps 2 or 3 people who acted the "it's left/right on the map!" way, compared to the other hundreds or so who understood left/right on Voidstar (because Republic doesn't have to deal with this idiocy on Alderaan).


Perhaps you could explain. I like learning.


You suggested using the names like "Generator" but then in the same breath admitted you can't remember what they are.


If someone said "Inc Generator" you'd open the map and waste time looking. Which is exactly the same thing you'd do if someone said "Inc East" and you had to check.


Thus your suggestion was immediately undermined by your own words, but you didn't seem to realize this. That's why it was funny.


In voidstar, you do 2 rounds, one starting from the north of the first room, one from the south.


So by your definition, for half the match east is left, the other half west is left.....yay for using conflicting location definitions!


They're not conflicting, considering they're ALWAYS FROM THE SPAWN. I'll repeat:


Left and right are relative directions, and anyone who isn't using them as such is wrong, and stupid.


You are suggesting that they are not relative directions.


And what if you're in the middle while fighting, get spun around a few times, and as a result can't instantly figure out where your spawn point is because both sides look the same and nobody is coming out of the respawn?


You really don't know by a simple glance around you where you are? In Voidstar there's two sides, so if it's not the one you're on, it's the other. On Alderaan, even if you control both sides, it's either the turret you're at or the other one. And if you're in the spawn, then follow the directions!


This isn't hard people. You're intentionally making it difficult rather than just following directions in the game.

Edited by EternalFinality
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I was in a Aldaraan a few weeks ago and the "ops leader" decided it was time to educate folks on the whole east west thing. Half way through getting our butts destroyed someone told him to shut the heck up and started calling it out by left right. We won after that.


Personally I am tri-directional and able to adapt on the move to whatever is called out but most folks if you say east or west they have to open map and figure out east west in case the map has changed and sometimes that lil bit of time taken to do that means the world in controlling a point.


It always just seems to work better since "most" folks will base left right on where they land, either in aldaraan or void star. Some folks are not able to do this.


This subject pops up every so often and just not sure why people want to educate folks when its currently working fine, if you are having issues with left right not working your either in a group of folks who prolly dont know up or down either or your in a group of east west folks who dont understand left right.



this post illustrates whats wrong with america in addition to whats wrong with the player base. You just advocated for letting ignorant idiots remain ignorant because its easier.


This is a bad idea from the outset as it creates a group of players that we all have to deal with who dont know *** they are talking about and are 100% sure that what they are saying is not only correct but better then any other ideas out there.


The maps IN REAL LIFE use east/west, if you are somehow saying that a skill that people use IN REAL LIFE is too hard for gamers to understand and use then I dont know what to tell you other then life is going to get much much harder and worse for you, then you'll die.

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They're not conflicting, considering they're ALWAYS FROM THE SPAWN. I'll repeat:


Left and right are relative directions, and anyone who isn't using them as such is wrong, and stupid.




This. Left/Right is always relative to your spawn. No one on my server is ever confused by this.


You can use East/West if you really want to. You can use Grass/Snow in Civil War if you really want to.


But if you can't understand what Left/Right means, you are horribly stupid.

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Just to clarify the Left/Right for Civil War. it is Left/Right on the UI window in the top right of your screen.


I personally use East/West, but its not hard to memorize if Snow = East = Right, Grass = West = Left.

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left or right is always based of the map not anyones personal direction...



people use east/west or right /left and NO ONE gets confused on Veela server rep side...doesnt even matter if its void star every body knows where they are going..American and French Canadian...

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Just to clarify the Left/Right for Civil War. it is Left/Right on the UI window in the top right of your screen.


I personally use East/West, but its not hard to memorize if Snow = East = Right, Grass = West = Left.


It's left or right from where you respawn. If they say "help left" YOU TAKE THE LEFT SPEEDER.


If you're on the ground and they say help left, you help on the side turret that your team controls. If you control both sides, fall down onto the ground because there's obviously no way you'll ever figure it out.

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Aside from the fact that yet another of these threads is total fail... The OP needs to get a clue.


They are all effective, if you can't understand them all then that is your fail. I prefer left/right and grass/snow, but that's doesn't mean if someone calls west I can't figure it out. Just not.as intuitive since I don't know the map orientations, being that I never use it.

Edited by MartyrLXXVII
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It's left or right from where you respawn. If they say "help left" YOU TAKE THE LEFT SPEEDER.


If you're on the ground and they say help left, you help on the side turret that your team controls. If you control both sides, fall down onto the ground because there's obviously no way you'll ever figure it out.


Just to let you now, the UI is in relation to your spawn.... think before you speak.

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In start of voidstar i prefer left/right/middle.For good player party you dont need too ask for help..when you capture switch..run too other side left or right depend whitch switch is captured..and fight...kill all enemy..run too other side..kill all enemy..repeat..or die fast..or live long and prosper..


Pypo/sith marauder

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Well it's simple, anyone who doesn't think it's from the spawn is wrong and stupid. If you're looking at the map, use cardinal directions. If you're looking in front of you, use relative directions. Left and right are relative directions, and anyone who isn't using them as such is wrong, and stupid.


Additionally, I've discovered perhaps 2 or 3 people who acted the "it's left/right on the map!" way, compared to the other hundreds or so who understood left/right on Voidstar (because Republic doesn't have to deal with this idiocy on Alderaan).




You suggested using the names like "Generator" but then in the same breath admitted you can't remember what they are.


If someone said "Inc Generator" you'd open the map and waste time looking. Which is exactly the same thing you'd do if someone said "Inc East" and you had to check.


Thus your suggestion was immediately undermined by your own words, but you didn't seem to realize this. That's why it was funny.


Opening the map is quick and takes a second, finding out which perspective who is calling when after being turned around a lot takes finding points of reference, which takes longer.


Why do you act like opening the map is a waste of time when it's the single fastest option available?

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East west left or right should always go off your map not your spawn.


At different spawn points in voidstar you are facing south and north from a map orientation, so at theses points if taken from a spawn point orientation at one point left is west at another left is east. This can be confusing, especially if players are using different ways of working out directions.


Use the map, it doesn't matter where you spawn west/left is always the same.:eek:


You do not need to open the map, your mini-map is always on show.

Edited by ycephyre
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Bioware should learn from Arathi Basin and give each side more distinguishing characteristics. Grass/Snow works for Alderaan but Voidstar really should have the sides in each section highlighted a different color. Make one door red and the other blue and then keep it consistent through the map. Simple palate change would make the game that much more enjoyable, especially when playing with PuGs and without vent.
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Bioware should learn from Arathi Basin and give each side more distinguishing characteristics. Grass/Snow works for Alderaan but Voidstar really should have the sides in each section highlighted a different color. Make one door red and the other blue and then keep it consistent through the map. Simple palate change would make the game that much more enjoyable, especially when playing with PuGs and without vent.


I agree with this.

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Snow and Grass work great in Civil War, regardless of the directions you are facing.


Left and Right work great for Voidstar when referencing from your spawn point, regardless if you are attacking or defending.

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Snow and Grass work great in Civil War, regardless of the directions you are facing.


Left and Right work great for Voidstar when referencing from your spawn point, regardless if you are attacking or defending.


Uhh, no. This is where most of the problems are. Even with the game announcing which doors are west and east any time a bomb is planted ever, people have trouble finding what's where.

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I get so tired of having to 'guess' at what teammates are trying to communicate in a warzone.


Half the time people mean the 'left side' of the map when they say 'left' and half the time they mean 'left out of the gate'. It really is becoming to be an issue.


When protecting middle, I shouldn't have to memorize which side is snow and which side is grass, and I shouldn't have to walk from one side to another(front/back) to check while I'm guarding mid.


Come on people, East and West(map directions) is not that hard to learn, it's like your left and right hand, just make a correlation.


All variations are acceptable and make sense to me.

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