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  1. communication is the most important aspect of PvP. Sadly, being able to communicate effectively means being a competent enough player to see things coming, such as calling out incs as soon as they are visible to the towers. The one thing i see a great lack of in warzones is situational awareness, people tunnel visioning on a kill or a DPS rotation and losing touch with what is going on in the general vicinity. Far too many times I've seen a single competent healer keep everyone's attention as a stealth caps right behind them (because i do it) and I find it hard to comprehend. . .
  2. If you went to school as a child and took a geography class, you know east and west before you bought this game. is it really that hard? wow . . .
  3. then pubs need to change their vocabulary when they roll a sith alt, b/c it's annoying as F
  4. In voidstar, you do 2 rounds, one starting from the north of the first room, one from the south. So by your definition, for half the match east is left, the other half west is left.....yay for using conflicting location definitions! As an imp, in civil war, left on the minimap is what most ******* call right, and right on the minimap is called left? how dumb....how very very dumb Learn the compass and start using non-conflicting terms for locations so as to AVOID CONFUSION! Not for your own benefit, but for your team. This game takes communication and coordination, so it's only intelligent to be as clear and concise as possible when asking for something. Seeing as how many people get annoyed or confused about the ambiguous nature of left and right, it's good TEAM PLAY to use BETTER terms. Stop being selfish by trying to justify being lazy
  5. even my premade, in voice chat, refuse to use east/west....i find it incredibly annoying as "left" and "right" change depending on the direction you're looking at. East and West are something you learn as children, is it really that hard to use them? I don't understand =(
  6. there are only 4 healing medals. . . now, if he WAS healing the team, he gets 10kills, 25kills medals from the DPS he heals, that's 6. If he snags a killing blow, that's 7. So by your own description, he wasn't just "sitting in a corner healing only himself". Now, if he was the only one guarding a node, and to pass the time he was buffing his healing meters...that's perfectly fine, he's still defending (i.e. - playing as part of the team)
  7. i lewled. But seriously, why is this even an issue? WoW dumbed down PvP when they took out marking. A good match is better when you can assign targets (for chain CC, DPS, etc)
  8. Are they? *shrug* I just hear it a lot from sorcs...the whole light armor thing usually makes them QQ about ranged physical damage
  9. Healers get focused. It's how it works. When i heal, i expect it from any competent ops leader (on both sides) because it helps get the not-so-goods to focus on healers that they would otherwise ignore. It's a double edged sword, better get used to it
  10. When im healing and get a merc spamming their one button DPS rotation on me, I do this: interrupt, wait till they cast it again, stun, wait till they start casting again, knockback, wait till they start casting again, interrupt, run away. Practice shutting their cast bar down, you'll be pleasantly surprised. Edit: and don't fall for bait casts, know the spell by name.
  11. Ozith

    Funnest PvP ability?

    Force Sprint....other then when i get a warrior leap right when i press it and watch it get wasted due to root. Run away from melee, run behind a pillar, shield + sprint through a huttball fire, run the ball, etc. Just too much utility in a burst of speed. A close second: extricate (friendly pull)
  12. The damage reduction and bonus damage from expertise is far greater benefit. Sure, you might glass cannon in full rakata, but you will die. Half of PvP is survivability.
  13. It's the nature of MMO's to take content from where it's successful. The same formula has been in use since the first big MMO's, because that's what makes money and keeps players around. Just look at all the people whining about no dual spec, no guild banks, no <insert something every MMO has>. They get used to a game, and when they move, they are actually ANGRY that it isn't there. Then they QQ more. Since this is an MMO the devs listen to the community, and the community wants what it's used to, ie - everything from WoW or <insert popular MMO here>. So yes, new MMO, new story, but if every new MMO out there just listens to what the community wants, then YES, it will be a carbon copy of all the other popular MMOs....they are popular for a reason.
  14. I don't understand the mentality of people who want everything perfectly fair, all the time, no matter what. "if they have better gear then me, then nerf them to the same stats." Seriously? What would be the point of good gear if everyone got a complementary nerf bat attack every time they que'd. From that line of thought, why even have gear with stats? Just have a set of stats for every class and spec, and that's what they get. No progression or better gear....just looks and needless grinding.
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